《Spirit of the Gamer》8: It's not a tumah!


3X Tadcells have been eliminated! 6 EXP gained!

I eyed the horrible mush the things turned into. My pebbles somewhere in the bubbling piles. I was not going fishing for them. But that was the beauty of tiny little rocks. I could find them almost anywhere. Their disposability only added to their charm in that sense.

Inventory: 74 pebbles (1 stack)

I was rocked and loaded. I decided to move on along the second floor before the newly named Tadcells brought more of the hungry horde to me. I knew I had to find either more gems or the beast in charge.

While I was okay in a decent fight so far... I was lacking in proper area damage which meant groups were my biggest foes right now. I’d rather take out the single boss than face 10 Tadcells at this point. I turned down the hall and found it led to a nurses station where shadows lingered.

I risked nothing and threw a flaming pebble. The shadows under behind the desk moved and I blanched at the 'roided Tadcell that appeared, angered by the fire I threw.

Empowered Tadcell: Monster. G-2

This Tadcell seems to have devoured something to improve itself above its peers.

Oh great, the demon viruses were getting swole. The fact it was still considered a G-2 gave me hope. But if the values were split even more, I had a feeling this beastie would be a micro rank above the rest.

It charged and I saw the clumsy handlegs were split into more tiny hands, giving the creature a far more balanced lope towards me. I turned and ran, waving my flaming rod as a ward. It stopped me from getting jumped on as the creature seemed to wary to get close to the flames it seemed.

It moved quickly to the side and crawled along the ceiling, leaving cracks behind as its tiny hands dragged it forward. I swiped and jabbed but the damn thing used its damn mutant hands to swing and move out of the way, causing chunks of the ceiling to rain down, filling the hall with dust.

It stung my eyes and I backed off, firing flaming pebbles at the ceiling. The impacts sounded solid and not the burning squish I was hoping for. The thing dove for me just as my Danger Senses went wild. I brought my now normal steel pole up as I couldn’t enchant more than one weapon at a time with Flamebrand.

The thing slid on and screeched, showering me in silver ichor with streaks of blue flowing through the liquid as it soaked into my face and hair. I ignited the pole and the screeching went almost painful before it collapsed like a burnt marshmallow off my pole, landing in a heavy thump.

I stood there for a long time, feeling things slip through my hair and clothes to the ground.

Empowered Tadcell defeated! 4 EXP!

I forced a whimper back as the scene clinging to me was too terrible to bear. I made sure my eyes were clear and spat a few times to make sure I wasn’t tasting anything. The System would tell him if the liquid was dangerous in a few seconds but he felt fine...

Mental strain acquired! Minor Shock! You are currently a little numb. Will wear off shortly.

Well, never mind.

I was about to find a closet to hide in to have a breakdown in when I saw the corpse below me shift and crumple slightly as a yellow crystal grew from its body like a flower. It was a skill gem!


Or some sort of gem. I grabbed it and slipped into back down the stairs for some cover.

I was beginning to feel the trembles in my finger and knew my shock was going away. It kinda sucked at times not having a magical trauma repressor. Gamer’s Mind might not be causing funky emotional problems but it did mean I had to learn to deal with this.

“O-Observe,” I asked and the window appeared.

Budding Yellow Item Gem: Rank G-1

Create a random item within a chosen field category. Example: Medicine, metal, food, and so on. Item will be the same value as gem.

“Hogyoku,” I said and a window appeared.

Gem is of inferior rank to the requested item. Please try again.

“Figures,” I sighed. The window shifted.

Reality is what you make of it but do expect some effort in shaping it, please.

Well, a gacha crystal for anything I needed. Oh boy, this was going to play havoc on my slight gambling addiction to these kinda things. But I knew had to be a little logical.

What did I need to survive this place? I messed around with it for a few minutes, keeping my danger senses on alert as I tried things. I soon learned that the item gems had some restrictions, at least at this level.

I couldn’t make skill books or red gems. The System did hint, however, that such a thing may not be impossible with higher yellow gems but usually, it is unwise to waste on gem for another unless an emergency. A Reaper’s sword was too high ranked as was a mod soul. I wasn’t expecting them to be available but if I got lucky I wasn’t gonna turn down a magical girl in sword form or an ally with supernatural powers. Anything magical or enchanted seemed to be too high grade as well.

No flaming sword of justice just yet sadly. Though, I could get a rusty sword and just light it on fire myself. I pondered the question for some time. I had weapons, some magic, a decent range for now... what I was really lacking was protection and healing.

So I had to think of item wise if I wanted crappy armor or a crappy one time heal? Avoid damage or heal the damage? Naturally, the armour would help me avoid instant death and have more than one use hopefully.

The healing would be no good if I got smashed to pieces before I needed it.

“Combat Protection,” I intoned. A message appeared.

Would you like to create a random item to assist in protection in battle?

I confirmed it and the gem shattered in my hands, reforming in a stretching light...

I was soon holding a small round wooden shield with a chip taken out one side like a slice missing form a pizza.

Small Wooden Chipped Buckler: Shield. G-1

A small arm shield that can be used to deflect and redirect incoming attacks. May break if overused.

“I want a refund!” I said instantly.

No refunds.

“But I wanted armor,” I whined.

Russ should have said ‘armor’ or ‘chest armor’. System.inc is not responsible for Russ’ bad life choices.

I eyed the shield and slipped it on. It felt a bit awkward with the combat rod but I couldn’t exactly wish it away and hoped I got something else now.

I trotted off down pass the nurses station and felt the excitement grew once again. Despite being covered in virus blood and getting a shield... I was eager to find more crystals! I spotted a space on the floor where the crystal must have formed, a hidden space where the nurse might keep snacks or things from patients or bosses.


The Tadcell must have just eaten it because it was there.

If I saw a named creature or something with a suffix... I could bet they had gems. I checked each room and found space was hazy. Like the further, I ventured into the hospital and away from the portal to reality, the fuzzing the details got. I watched a thin line between detailed and fuzzy slowly moving like only having one lens in a pair of glasses.

The fuzzy parts came into sharp focus slowly as the unseen line moved down the hall, adding detail as it went.

It was like this place was gaining more mass and solidness as time went on. What that would do if left too long or the effect on reality? I didn’t want to find out. I peered around another corner and saw a pile of Tadcells tearing into each other like animals, fighting over the melted form of a Virus Pile. Their scuffle was making a hell of a lot of noise.

I readied my pebble and caught all three as one burned, igniting the other two in an easy kill.

6 EXP gained!

I tried to suppress a slight disappointment as there were no crystals but I marched on through a large waiting room as I ventured into a massacre. Tadcells were strewn about the room like ragdolls and left bleeding by something large in the center. Chairs were yanked and thrown by the mass of tentacles from the beasts back.

It turned at my entrance and I saw five eyes, two mouths, and a center maw that split down its front to reveal undulating rows of teeth as the inside of the beast held no organs, just more space for food.

The pink skin had odd moles of hair and looked ready to burst as it turned to face me.

“Holy crap,” I said and my stomach almost fled my mouth.

It was the most horrible thing I had ever seen.

Tumor Tremor: Monster. G-3

A malicious creeping growth that is no longer content to wait for years to consume flesh.

I threw a flaming Discard pebble right into that maw and it lit the insides up to show many Tadcells that had dissolved into the inner flesh, becoming one with the creature. Some of them ignited but the Tumor shut its maw and smoke leaked out before it opened again to reveal the fire has been smothered.

It began to drool as it looked at me.

If I ran for the hallway, I was risking a tight space with those three tentacles it had on its back and no way to dodge. I had to use this open space as best I could and not get eaten.

I was sure... I could that.

I threw more flaming pebbles as I ran. I barely glanced at the notifications as I ran.

Small throwing projectiles has reached level 5! This skill will evolve in 5 levels.

Flamebrand has reached level 3! This skill will evolve in 2 levels.

The flaming rocks hit the outside of the beast and it shook off the small weapons as they sizzled with little effect on the thick slimy hide. I moved aside as a chair was flung at me and the thing began to lumber towards me. It was slow but those tentacles whipped out for chairs and those things had a range on them.

I felt a little out of options until I raised my pole and saw my shield. I had an idea. A horrible, terrible idea.

I yanked it off and it ignited in a fire, becoming a sudden fearsome object. I felt my aim adjust and my mind focus right into those eyes.

“Fetch,” I said and flung it. The thing was a disk of sun and heat and it soared like Apollo himself was pulling it. The chip in the shield bite into the mass of eyes and gouged as it churned the flesh like butter, vanishing into the thing where it brain would be.

The thing... paused for a moment as its remaining eyes looked inwards. It began to move forward again until I caught sight some of the innards of its head sticking out and I saw a concentrated mass of Virus Piles. My flaming shield gave off one more spark and the purple fluids trying to escape caught fire. I turned and ran as the thing didn’t even notice the now bubbling Virus Piles in its own head going up.

I was lifted off my feet and carried down the hall as the wave of energy following the massive explosion smacked into my back. I landed in a harsh crumpled pile as the whole creature wailed in the room, slashing wildly in pain until it melted in on itself.

I watched with bleary eyes.

“Did... I kill the boss?” I asked dazed and in pain.

Tumor Tremor kill! 15 EXP

X6 Tadcells killed. 12 EXP

Fire affinity has reached level 3!

Explosion affinity has been created!

Explosion Affinity Lv 1: You don’t want the world to burn. You want it to pop with beauty. And by pop, the system means explode. Increased damage done by explosions.

Domain is still stable. Core Domain Holder still alive! Please do not die, Russ!

“I just struggled against a mini-boss.” I sighed and yanked myself up, making sure my body didn’t have any breaks but besides what felt like burned eyebrows, I felt alright. As I moved back into the waiting room, the far door slowly opened of their own power.

I stared but was shocked to see the center of the room glow as my new bud, Portal, appeared.

Safe haven created! System will do this where possible. You have fought well. Please recover and nourish yourself. System is creating Zone lines to prevent an enemy ambush.

“Thank you,” I said quietly and the portal gurgled and pillow flew out the black space. I caught in surprise.

Portal has been taking things nearby of use. Oddity in its programming but not unwelcome. Also... no thanks are needed. The System would be a poor thing without her User.

I held the pillow as the zone lines removed the enemy corpses and left behind two glinting gems. One red and one blue.

“Her? You’re a girl?” I blinked.

All men name their instruments and expensive things of pride as a ‘her’. I am the best thing you will ever own so I am by default, a she.

I gave her a wry smile.

“At least you are humble,” I joked.

Humble is not a program I posses. Please try a lesser model with self-worth issues.

I eyed my gems, still feeling the relief of being alive.

Budding Red offensive Skill Gem.G-2

Budding Blue Creation Skill Gem. G-1

I hugged my portal pillow and decided a quick little rest would be nice. I picked up my gems and put them into my inventory. I deal with them soon enough. I barely remember munching some breakfast bars, sipping some water and using a spare bottle to clean myself off in a corner.

I felt better. I felt alive.

I felt... my warm pillow as the Portal’s soft hum and red light soothed me into a quick nap.

Sleep well, Russel.

I barely read the words before I passed out in a safe corner.

My first day as a Gamer and I killed demon tumors and viruses. I could hardly wait to see what tomorrow would bring.

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