《Spirit of the Gamer》5: Beating Wood


“So, while I try and think of the pros and cons of throwing myself into a Dungeon with no skills or combat experience, can you give me a little background on these things? I thought Dungeons were hard to sustain?” I asked as I retreated back towards the edge of the woods. The shadows of the trees shifting as the orange light of dusk set behind me.

Rushing in with no plan and no general ability to fight back was... well, not my first idea of a good time.

System lacks power to correct and maintain Dungeons with User as a power source. However, theze zones of Malice had been sitting for years, infusing the local area. It is far easier to manipulate the Malice into a useable zone that sits in the realm between worlds. The Malice will be caught between trying to turn into a Hollow, move on, and trying to disperse back into nature. Since the Malice itself isn’t a person but merely countless echoes of human suffering... it can do none of those things. It creates a tangled knot in reality which can be interacted with.

I frowned at it.

“Is this going to cause problems for people If I don’t get to them fast enough?” I pressed, the last thing I wanted was to be a thing that drew attention and be known as the guy that ‘let monsters out of their box’. I would just leave Karakura now before I drew that attention. The box before me shimmered.

No. The System is merely designed to let you create and enter these zones but the portal won’t activate until you enter them. It is important that you are ready before entering as escaping is not as easy. The System would highly prefer it if the User... took a few hours to get a handle on a weapon or develop a useable skill.

Was that... concern?

Also look down.

I blinked and did so. I stared at the pebble I nearly kicked into the underbrush.

The System finds your annoyance amusing and enjoys distracting you from the terrible situation you are in. System is not here to be your enemy.

I gave the screen a long look before I nodded.

“Thank you,” I said quietly and the screen blinked.

Please don’t die, User.

“Can you call me Russ? User sounds impersonal for two beings going to spend a lot of time together.

Please do not die... Russ.

The box vanished and I was left alone in the fading sunlight with a slight feeling of warmth in my chest. I sort had an imaginary friend if nothing else. I mean, it was sad but I would take it over being by myself. I picked up my new pebble and placed inside my Inventory.

I looked around and had to decide what the plan was. I needed to arm myself and that was going to be interesting due to the fact I needed to semi-settle on a single weapon as best as I could to get the most out of my power this early.

So, I could rush back and maybe try and be super weird customer, stealing a few bats or hammers but the time I had to get back in town proper would me alone at night. I knew Hollows were active at whatever time but...

Night always seemed worse in the show.


Then there was issue of upkeep. I could use a bat but if it got damaged by whatever was inside then I would down a bat and have to use my fists. Unarmed was an option but I didn’t like my chances until I could get a feel for my foes.

Besides, to my fists and any weapon? Hollows were known to shoot fire, spit acid, supersonic scream, tongue wiggle exploding leeches, use little girls to lure me to my death, and in general... I couldn’t yet see them.

So if the Malice Zone held Hollows, I had to either hope I got converted to Spirit form or hope I got Spirit skills pretty damn fast. So I needed non-valuable, easy to replace weapons that I could lose and not want to cry. I looked around and saw a dilapted sign for the ‘Quiet Mesa Hospital’. I walked over and looked at the lone rusty rod holding the sign up.


Rusty thin pipe. Grade G-1

A thing that might give you tetanus but might be worth a few wacks.

Grade? I blinked at that before doing my best to yank the pole out. It was stuck with some serious grip but I grunted and pulled it out. It stumbled back before I regained my footing. I held the pole, covered in one end with dirt and torn grass. I gave it a swing and it didn’t feel too bad. It was longer than I thought.

Less like a club and more like a short spear with the spiked point at the end.

Skill gained from making use of leftover material as usable equipment! Salvage Lv 1 gained!

Salvage Lv 1: Increase the odds that you can find a usable item from destroyed equipment, foes, and environment in better condition. Physical skill.

I could see it now. Clubbing hollows with steel pipes, wrenches, and broken mops I found in a pinch. I snorted and walked back to the forested area for privacy. The crinkling of leaves and the mourning moan of the wind were my company tonight it seemed.

I eyed a tree and shrugged.

I swung and hit the tree. The pole bounces and the vibration shook right up my arm, nearly making me drop the weapon. I shook my hand and tried for a more glancing blow at the tip than a full whack. I sent a splinter or two flying which oddly gave me motivation to try sharp jabs and a dramatic flourish and nearly smacking myself on the nose.

I held back a small chuckle at the near miss. I keep at the tree, my mind wandering as I tried to get used to the sensations of actually hitting things. The steel rod would be like a staff if I guessed right.

The thick branches around me had potential for wooden versions of easily taping one end into a spear. The earliest weapon of man had a lot of uses and was rather easy to supply myself up with. Without the Gamer Power, they would do me a fat load of good but hopefully soon I could-

I stopped as I was given a notification.

Combat Rod proficiency gained!

Combat Rod Proficiency Lv 1: Rods offer the ability to crack skulls. Use this ability with great relish. Increases skill with this weapon and every 10 levels grants 2 Physical stat.


I grinned, the sheer pleasure of seeing visible growth before my very eyes was making me want to be wood all night! I gave it another few smacks of my rod and found there was... tiny little things like the grip of my thumb and maybe a better twist to my back I could do to get more out of my swings.

It wasn’t an information dump or magical form correction that I suspected. It was like I could understand the weapon in a slightly better light. Knowing how the wide swings and quick jabs would let me more dangerous to approach than myself rushing at a foe.

I gave a full impact swing and the tree actually shook leaves falling as they were dislodged.

Active Skill gained! Power Swing!

Power Swing Lv 1: Use a blunt weapon with your energy to create a strong attack! Cost 2 Energy! Energy skill.

Energy bar unlocked!

Current ENE: 25 (5x Energy Stat)

I had... a damn supernatural ability now. Sure it was ‘hit harder’ but in most fights... that was the key to winning! Without a foe to damage. The difference between normal attacks and my Power Swings would be hard to gauge but the chunk torn of the tree bark gave me hope that it was quite significant.

I should do a little bit more training but I already kinda saw a flaw in my current build. I had no range. If I ran into anything that was faster and had range? I would need to rely on it being stupid and I didn’t like counting on potential enemies do work in my favour.

I need range and I decided to brainstorm while I continued to beat the crap out of this poor tree.

Forgive me, oh tree. Your pain could save the world, or at least, my life!


I sat down, the moon above barely more than a wicked smiling crescent. I felt sweat and tree bark covering my body as I finally just took a moment to relax. I patted the fallen tree next to me.

Combat Rod Proficiency Lv 5!

Physical Exercise lv 5! You gain 1 Physical stat from the skill!

Hard work has given you 2 Physical Stats!

I enjoyed my solid 8 physical stats. I would enjoy it alot more if I had a bse to compare it too but I was pretty sure the fact I could now hit falling leaves which general good accuracy without hitting myself showed just how far four levels could go.

I was a bit worried at how slow my Stat was levelling on its own but with the general skills and levelling up rewards, along with quest rewards... stats weren’t in short supply so I should be happy with the freebies if I got them.

I looked my other stats over. I knew now that Energy was normal magic arts along with what I was thinking was every martial art and potential living energy combined. Chi, Chakra, Ki, and so on.

So the fact I had five in energy meant I should have access to the arts as well as Spiritual arts. The Mental stat was iffy but maybe Psychic abilities along with general mental defences? So many questions and the System seemed to be napping as she hadn’t replied to me.

I needed to close my range weakness, or make it as small as possible. Range weapons all carried the same issue of ammunition or throwing my weapons. Not really viable for a long term fight.

But I had these magical stats so I should be able to do something, right?

“Fireball!” I commanded, trying to see if I could feel anything magic happen. Nothing happened.


“Flame on!”


I wiggled my finger before shaking my rod furiously in the dark forest in frustration. I was glad for my new thermal clothes. The area was warm in general but a brisk wind blew through the trees and the quietness made my skin crawl.

I closed my eyes. Magic wasn’t as easy as just wanting it. So I tried to imagine fire... the crackling of wood breaking under its might... the waves of scorching air hitting my face... the last memories of my home on fire as the smoke and heat consumed me.

“Ignite!” I ordered.

A flash of light made me snap my eyes open in hope. I nearly shrieked and caused a forest fire as I began to chuck my rod away as it was now covered completely in a wreath of fire.

By infusing your experience of fire into your weapon, you have created the ‘Flamebrand’ skill!

Flamebrand Lv 1: Coat hand held weapon in a weak burst of fire, doing extra elemental damage on impact! Cost 3 Energy and sustain costs 1 Energy every 10 seconds. Energy skill.

I stared as the fire moved like a ghostly aura over my weapon, the heat pleasant but as I prodded a leaf on the ground, it blackened and shrivelled up over a few seconds.

Then I got a second notification.

Fire Affinity gained!

Fire Affinity Lv 1: Increase control and mastery over fire based magic and energy skills. Every 5 levels increases Energy by 1!

I tried flicking the rod or doing my impression of Ichigo’s beam blade. Swing it overhead with both hands.

The fire stubbornly clinged to the rod. I grunted and found shutting the skill of was already easily known to me. I guessed the System must have made sure I knew how to turn these things off. It felt like sucking warm tea back in through my hand and my body glowing warm before returning to normal.

Fire Mana?

Interesting but even with my new affinity and experience...

I couldn’t make a fireball.

“Must be the low Energy stat. If I got it higher I bet manipulating things would be a lot easier,” I mused. I paused and thought I saw another perfect pebble, interrupting my thoughts. I bent down and picked it up.

I scowled as I saw it was flat on the bottom. I channeled my frustrations into the stone and threw it. I felt a tug on my energy and the rock glowed like a little ball of blue and smashed into a tree, taking a bit of bark off.

“Excuse me?” I said dumbly.

Skill created! Inferior Pebble Discard!

Inferior Pebble Discard Lv 1: Throw these worthless rocks at foes to show your love for only the purest of pebbles! Cost 1 Energy. Energy based.

I stared at the screen then closed my eyes to count to ten.

I just weaponized my collection quest.

That can’t be good for the universe.


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