《The Nebula (dropped)》Volume 2 Chapter 7 Top Five Interview
Getting home with a killer headache after meeting my “Idol” i quickly jumped into my capsule but just briefly to give out orders. I quickly called my men on the planet and had them start upgrading the software of the laser and shield drones so they can be easily controlled by a single person. I also ordered them to start making patrols around the base. Because of the message release its now a known fact that players can own planets.
Up to now there hasn't been any talk of it so its very possible Dark Gamers haven't done it or the message still might have appeared. Put simply, i probably just cause all the power hungry players in the milky way galaxy to wake up.
Another thing the happened, though this was while i was offline, was that Captain Walls sent a team of robotic researchers and software programmers down to the planet so my orders to upgrade will go faster after they arrive.
Once all things were taken care up i logged off and got some genuine rest which i have put off for far too long playing for such long periods of time. Dropping into bed was the same as hitting a switch and the lights went out, i dropped into bed around 6 pm and when i woke up it was around 7:30 am. Dad was shaking me awake.
Dad: get ready son you're going on TV, get ready because we need to be there by noon.
Noah: ...its not like its far...also isn't Wilson already here to pick us up.
Wilson: you have good intuition Noah.
Noah: dad only gets this excited when someone he gets so see someone he is friendly with.
Wilson, though a pro butler, still had a sense of humor since he smiled at my reply.
Wilson: yes i guess that is true since you see his other side while there is no one around. You should get ready soon.
Noah: sure.
I swung my sleep heavy body off my bed and dragged myself to the bathroom and jumped into the shower. Its so good to let warm water wash off the fatigue you have when you wake up. Getting out of the shower i could see the clothes my dad had prepared for me. A green button up socal shirt with a pair of jeans had been placed on top of the toilet waiting for me.
Dressed and ready i head downstairs and find both men talking about their younger days when they played Second Life. Besides dad, Wilson was also a rare individual player that Malcolm entrusted with the secrets of puppet making. Of the hundreds of thousands of players that became puppeteers only about 10 became true Magus Puppeteers who need how to make their own puppets, there are many more NPC that know it though. The secrets were hidden really well and to keep the players and guilds from researching captured puppets they set up self destruct spells inside the puppets to blow the core up.
As i walk in they stop talking and look my way.
Noah: i'm ready to go to the torture show.
Dad: heh, just make sure you dont say that on the show.
A small grin appeared on my face as we left the house and got in the car. The drive was much quicker since it was inside the city, only about 20 minutes. The TV station was a huge compound near the edge of the city. There were various buildings for different programs. After getting permission to enter we went to the one that had the big letters VR TV on the front.
Noah: we are going to be on VR TV
Wilson: yes, its the biggest show on virtual reality. Master doesn't like to work small, if he does an interview he does one and be done with it so he doesn't work with small broadcasters, though gamers can get a lot of money off those by selling their video feed to them.
Noah: i think dad makes a lot of many like that selling training guild videos.
Dad: yep, a very profitable business.
As we talk about the TV station Wilson parks in a reserved spot near the door and we finally exit. I stretch a bit before following the two inside. We were given guest passes after we entered and Wilson led us through many corridors until we stopped at a door far inside the station.
Inside was Malcolm drinking a cup of coffee while reading today's paper, there were 4 other people who were sitting quietly. There was a heavy tension in the room so i guessed something must have happened here before we arrived.
As we enter Malcolm looks up and with a real smile he puts down the cup and paper.
Malcolm: ah you're finally here, i was getting worried.
Noah: no need to, i doubt Wilson would allow me to be.
He nods a few times.
Malcolm: very true, even when i late he doesn't give me mercy and I'm suppose to be the boss in the relationship
Wilson: sir my job is to manage your house, your time and your safety. I can do the first and last without you but since i also manage your time i also need to manage you so you don't get lazy.
Words of a true butler. Most of them just kiss their bosses asses but the head butler and maid are people who have enough authority to make their own bosses work properly.
While we were talking the four other people were just staring with their mouths gaping open. My best guess was that they tried to talk with him but were completely cut off.
There were 2 boy and 2 girls. one boy had dark brown shaggy hair, he was about 175, no very muscular and wore glasses. The other was a dark blond with a prince look somewhat longish hair, looks like he worked out since he had some muscle but it wasn't at the level of martial artist like myself, both boys wore jeans and a social shirt you would use to go to visit or job interview. The first girl had waist length red hair, pale skin and lots of freckles, she was about 170 cm and was wearing a full length light green dress. The other had black hair, waist length, she had equally black eyes, had pale skin and work a knee length black skirt and dark blue shirt.
They stared at us with complex expressions trying to understand the difference. Dad noticed their expressions and turned towards them.
Dad: so your the other players that Malcolm considers to be in the current top five.
red head: yes but their are only four
Noah: im number 5
Malcolm: no noah your number 1.
The eyes of the four instantly fixed themselves on me hearing that. I sighed and held my massaged my forehead to relieve the raising headache.
Before the talk could continue some women walked in with a large cart with many kinds of food. Everyone in the room had eyes glued on them since everyone got here so early no one seemed to have eaten anything except Wilson and Malcolm.
Everyone attached to plates taking their own along with a cup of coke. The cart was quickly cleared of all traces of food while all five players plus my dad sat down with satisfied looks.
Noah: man its been a long time since i had quality food.
Dad: what about my cooking?
Noah: ...i say around 2nd rate cant compare to moms ever.
my words shot out like an arrow piercing him which made him gloom but made a grin appear on my face.
Noah: ”Ah revenge for forcing me into this show and embarrassing me in front of Sophia yesterday, is so sweet” So when do we go on the show.
Malcolm: around noon.
i look at the clock which showed 10:10 am.
Brown hair boy: what do we do until then.
Malcolm: follow me.
Malcolm led all of us out of the room and into the next room to the left of the room we were in. Inside were some computers
Malcolm: each computer has been updated with all the video feed you have ever since you started playing, you will be asked questions by the audience and the host himself. you will also be allowed to show video feed from your capsules so i would suggest making important parts, especially you Noah.
I nod and we all go to a computer, they had names on it so once we sat in our appropriate seat we began to work.
i for one separated any event that would be considered unique like my first encounter with the golem and reavers, hitting the sweet spot of the asteroid, gaining the mission to go down to the planet, fighting the mini bosses as well as the main boss in space and then the capture of the base. I finished up with the mega worm jumping out of the ground going after the players and then the geyser shooting out by that time it was 11:50 pm but we continued until we were called by a staff member.
We were led to the side of the stage where Malcolm was already waiting. The show was already running for a while and the man was showing a video of some space battle between NPC that had been seen by a player. It was like a scene out of a star wars movie. Several gigantic war ships blasting each other trying to destroy the shields around them while hundreds of thousands small fighters ship fight a war around the mega sized ships. Before we could see anymore the footage went black and the host said that the player had been shot and they escaped after that.
He then went on to say that at the current moment no a single player has faced death yet and the method that is used for reviving a player is still unknown, but it is speculated that cloning is used but since no one has died the penalties are also unknown.
Host: Now people we are going to what you have all been waiting for. Allow me to present you the vice president of Virtual Works, Malcolm Brim.
Malcolm: *sigh* here we go, wish me lucky.
He said that quietly towards me and dad and puts on his buisness smile before walking out.
Dad: that man has faced this stage so many times that he is almost a regular here, he knows about half the staff that has worked here more than 10 years.
Noah: you're the same dad, until The Nebula you also did a lot of this stuff.
Dad: not like him though.
On stage the crowd were clapping at the arrival of an idol to many kids who have heard stories of him. The older crowd also looked at him with respect.
Host: its good to see you again after these 2 and a half weeks since the release of The Nebula
(i re read the whole story to check this out so yes its this time in game it has passed 2 months and 2 weeks)
Malcolm: its great to be here and along with the five players that the company considers the top five at the moment.
Host: thats i cant wait to see them as well and what they have done in the universe. On that note please help me welcome our top five; Noah Collins, Phillip Huffen, Matthew Cross, Julie White and Elizabeth Johns.
As the names were called we each came out, Phillip was the brown haired guy while Matthew was the blond, Julie was the redhead and Elizabeth was the black hair girl.
Host: so these are the current top, I can definitely tell, each of you seem to have some level of real world charisma that can be felt.
He looks down at the papers in front of him and reads a bit.
Host: ok then lets begin with Julie, well first your in game name and which planet you're near.
Julie: My game name is Violet and i am in the station around the planet Undine.
Host: from the name it seems like a water filled planet.
She nods
Julie: its covered in around 90% of ice and frozen solid, its the fourth planet of the solar system. I’m currently setting up a base on the small area near the equator where there is no ice.
Host: do you have plan to terraform it?
Julie: maybe, though i’m having trouble working the hard grounds and setting up a base there my first priority is to establish a livable area.
Host: besides the cold is there any other dangers.
Julie: none the planet is deserted and frozen.
Host: i see well then on to Matthew.
The blonde sits up a little straighter hearing his name.
Host: like with her, name and planet?
Matthew: names Ray Cross, planet I was on I left already.
Host: how so?
Matthew: I was given a mission to find an anomaly and encountered an old Cargo ship, after mining a bit me and my crew was able to convert it into a combat worth ship and the warp drive helped us get out of that place.
Host: so where are you aiming for?
Matthew: i'm in the terran federation so I want to head for the capital, the planet I started on is halfway to the frontier so im slowly heading that way to join the federation army.
Host: oh the subject of anomaly what did you find Julie, I heard most of the first flyers in the many stations within the three great factions got a mission to find one.
Julie: I found a gunship, it still had its engine but the rest was stripped clean.
I look towards dad who i could see at the corner of my eye and see him sulking a bit.
Noah: ”poor guy someone got the same thing but in better condition, must be karma at work”
Host: ok then, Elizabeth, your turn.
Elizabeth: my name is my own and i would like to keep my location to myself.
The host just shrugs it off.
Host: have you already go to the planet surface.
Elizabeth: my planet is a desert planet, for now i haven't gone because there is nothing that guarantees there is anything valuable nor has there been any hints that there is a base down there.
Host: so your just mining? What was your anomaly?
Elizabeth: i am just mining because i found a more advanced mining ship with a laser drill instead of the regular drill ships.
Both me and Julie prick up when we hear that piece of valuable info.
Noah: ”so laser drills are real then, not a bad pay for coming here”
Elizabeth: im currently trying to organize a mining company with the other crews under me.
Host: so your going for the miner enterprise route?
Elizabeth: yes.
Host: interesting, there are few that go to such lengths, most would quit at the first change. Ok Phillip your turn.
Phillip: yes sir, my name is Void Ghoul, I left the planet already when a merchant ship appeared at my station and my anomaly was a freighter, the merchant ship is currently stationed around Kelha II and has stayed their for a while because of the activities going on down on the planet .
Host: do you have much information about what is going on.
Phillip: no, though everyone in the ship was told to sign a contract to keep us from talking about some tech that was being researched.
Host: do you know what it is?
He nods
Phillip: But I won't say.
The host nods a few times and finally turns towards me.
Host: alright your last Noah.
Noah: i used my own name and i'm currently in Kelha II station.
As soon as i say that, Phillip looks towards me intensely
Noah: i haven't met Phillip but i am the cause for the delayed departure of the merchant ship.
Host: and the tech?
Noah: sorry i made a contract with them so they wouldn't talk so neither will I.
I made sure the cut the questions by the root.
Host: ok then lets see same questions as before, what is your anomaly?
Noah: i encountered a derelict carrier ship.
Another wave of murmurs started as i talked.
Host: and the situation on the planet?
Noah: The planet is a desert planet and the base was already established when i got there but was in critical state but has been repaired since the planet has very little oxygen but thankfully there is underground water so I have begun terraforming the planet.
Host: any kind of special technology besides the one mentioned before with the contract.
Noah: yes we use Dome shields to make an isolated atmosphere for the base.
This finished the package and many people started asking questions and yelling to be heard. Soon more security were called to stand between the crowd and the stage.
Host: *sigh* wow we really have this kind of reaction.
He said in a small voice away from the mic just loud enough for us at the front to hear.
Host: You sure lucked out when you reached got there with so much technology.
Noah: ya lucked out but the balance for all the tech isn't so lucky.
The host looked confused before Malcolm pulled out the pen drive I used to store my videos.
Malcolm: here we have separated video feed for each person to show their experiences so show them what you mean Noah.
We plugged the pen drive into the computer and soon the screen appeared. I choose the video where I first encountered the golem.
My crew and I were already cautious after we felt the vibrations coming from the corridor. As the video ran the crowd stared at it intensely. Soon the bulky body of the human golem appeared and everyone stared wide eyed towards them. The video stops and turns to the images of the space fights as my crew pushes into the asteroid field.
Soon large hoards appear and die and then the new types appear. Jumping ahead appeared the mini (?) bosses and finally the main boss though we took care of them in relative ease thanks to my caution and preparation. The entire crowd sat there slack jawed as they watched.
Host: ...i-i can see now why the papers say you are considered the first place player.
Noah: thats not all there is, there is one more piece of footage that needs to be seen its when a ship tries to leave the planet surface.
This video was from 1st POV, i was looking up at the Dingy and fighters that left towards space when the ground started shaking and soon the mega worm shot out towards them. Much larger than the first one as it continued to stretch up until it finally stopped and fell back down causing a huge earthquake before digging its way back underground after getting out of its daze.
There was not a single sound coming from anyone, only Malcolm and dad were the only ones that weren't surprised at the fact of such a huge monstrosity appearing.
Noah: as you can see, for all the tech I get I have to live in a planet with a creature of that size. It doesn't attack when you go down near the planet but it will attack when you try leaving.
You might think i'm giving too much info but i'm showing this to discourage some power hungry idiots that think they can take me down there, this will keep most newbies away for the time being since only my crew currently has the only tech to leave alive without having a heart attack every time. Just looking at the faces of the crowd already told me that at least 90% of them never want to come near the planet until the golem are all dead.
Host: um...one last question. do they have a weakness.
I grin
Noah: water, they are dirt and rocks, so water makes them fall apart.
With that I sealed the deal, a desert planet with no water on the surface will only have the most adventurous or the most stupid coming. Im sure the miners on Kelha II station will soon go down as well, now having info on what lives there they can prepare. I'm sure there will be those who will come down.
After that the video feed from the others were also shown until the end of the show. The current time 3 pm the show ranked the highest also has a monstrous chunk of time when ever something like this happens. As Wilson drives us home i was grinning as i lean back.
Dad: you seem happy, didnt you release too much info about the planet?
Noah: nope, all i showed them was that a powerful creature lived on a planet were his weakness is sparse. I did not show them any tech or any of that so we still have the element of surprise if someone tries to attack for the ownership of the planet and the golems will also weed out the weaklings and damage the strong so our enemies are a natural defence system. But dad when we log in i really need those drones upgraded and new ones built we need to be a force to be reckon with. Oh and have Gunner set up shop to stock up on rockets for the rocket launchers we can use those as ground support.
The best part about living with a crew mate is that you can relay messages really quickly. Getting home we wash up, eat and jump into the capsules finally returning to our favorite place, Virtual Reality.
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