《The Nebula (dropped)》Prologue The Nebula (proofread)


(A.N. this is the same world as The Puppeteer so it’s possible that Malcolm may appear as in this time he is now vice president next to his father who is CEO)


??? : Virtual Reality has been around for over 20 years now, it was a system pioneered by the famous Virtual Works lead by Jonas Brim. The first success was its first game Second Life which was a fantasy medieval period game. Following the success, games began appearing in a mass of many different genres from alien invasion to zombie apocalypse. With the success the capsules also evolved to help with areas not related to entertainment. Schools started using it to increase daily hours without wasting more time of the kids, the military could train their soldiers in real life combat without killing them, and even wars were handled in VR to lower the casualty rate.

Now the only frontier humans haven’t been able to go into has finally opened up. Yes people, Virtual Works are releasing the first Space game ever. This game is unlike the others, here magic is ZERO, yep folks, here you will be fighting with your own skills with a gun and piloting. With us today is the vice President Malcolm Brim.

A man in a tux comes out; he looks like he is in his mid-forties, has black, with a spot of grey, hair, an average build and has an air of noble gentleman. He comes out waving and then shakes the hand of the host.

Malcolm: Good afternoon everyone.

Host: Good to see you again, it’s been years since you came here, I think it was before you joined the company and was playing your father’s game and released that insane job.

Malcolm: Haha yes those were great times but I think we should leave those for another time.


Host: Yes let’s first talk about the new game, so tell us a few details.

Malcolm: Ok. Well, first off the game is obviously more in a futuristic period, no magic this time, it’s set around 500 years from now and is possibly the largest game in history because it actually takes the real universe into prospective.

Host: So you’re saying that it’s the real universe we will play in?

Malcolm: Yes, but the realism will lower as we get further from earth, since we don’t know exactly how it is on those planets, at best we can only pinpoint the suns’ location from here and let the AI do the rest. This game will feature many races but we will be able to play only with the most humanoid ones, anything to outward isn’t playable because of the diet and different mentality may cause real life problems.

Host: I’m sure it’s been on everyone’s mind but how or where do we start the game?

Malcolm: The game has three factions that we can join at the start, the Terran Federation, the Dominion and the Liberation. The Liberation is a neutral faction for those who want don’t want to be tied down by oppressive government; they are kind of like renegades. The Dominion is a union of Human and other races that want total control of the galaxy for evil, in the opposite side is the Terran Federation, but both have an oppressive government wanting total control. The Terrans can also be thought of as capitalist government that wants money over all and will oppresses others for it. Players begin in mining stations within the boundaries of the union they choose.

Host: Why mining stations, is it safer?

Malcolm: No, actually it’s more dangerous there than normal because they have the weakest single-man ships and are the best place to train capable fighters, those who can’t pilot their own ships can join together with others as mechanics and such and work together to overcome those odds. This brings us to the job systems. At the start of the game you can choose from a few sets of skills such as mechanic skills or fighter skills, please remember that they are skills not jobs. It’s very possible that you get skills you can’t use due to lack of real life skills.


Host: Similar to someone getting a pilot skill to pilot a ship and not having the coordination to do so.

Malcolm: Exactly, you can get a job like pirate which is a combat job and still have mechanic skills.

Host: So jobs aren’t everything in the game.

Malcolm: Jobs are like a position since this game is made with modern ideas in mind, unless you’re doing things solo you will get a job which is similar to military ranking.

Host: Ok, now about those ships that players get at the start, does everyone gets one or only certain players?

Malcolm: No, everyone gets one; the ones that survive the best and keep their ship intact will be able to stay a pilot. The ships they get at the start is an old rusty mining ship with one gun slot and three equipment slots, one of those already has the mining drill and other one has a basic storage, they have no weapons at the start.

Host: So this is a dog eat dog game.

Malcolm: Exactly, as such we have placed the obvious restriction of 18+ since children would not be able to pilot a spaceship.

Host: One last question before we go, it’s about the mining, is this to give players something to do or a way to test players?

Malcolm smiles and thinks for a few moments.

Malcolm: Both, we put it like this to see how good someone is and if they can figure out the ins and outs of the game.

Host: Well, with that we are out of time, thank you for coming here and speaking to us about the new game. Remember everyone, The Nebula goes live in one month.

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