《Awaken Online》Update - 11/24/16


Hey guys!

I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still alive and kicking. I've been working steadily on AO2 and have finished a first draft. It's currently clocking in at approximately 160K words (not short). I expect it will be around 600 pages in print. I'm currently in the process of editing and beta reading and I'm looking at a release date early next year.

I've decided to go ahead and release directly to Amazon with the second book. I know it's a pain to wait a little longer, but this is much more efficient for me. I end up duplicating a lot of work to make the chapters ready to post here and in the finished version. With my already demanding day job, anything that saves me time on writing is a plus!

Assuming I don't screw something up, I'm planning to release AO2 in ebook/print/audio simultaneously. There are apparently a ton of people that prefer audiobooks! I also anticipate that AO2 will be available on Kindle Unlimited.

In the meantime, If you want to check out my new website, it's available here. I just launched the site and am doing a raffle of up to 10 audiobooks for AO1 (redeemable through the U.S. or U.K. Audible) for people who subscribe to my newsletter. That may also be the best way to keep in touch with my progress on AO2 and I'll probably send out additional teaser chapters closer to the release date!

For those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you have a happy turkey day!

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