《Reborn - The Jade Phoenix Saga, Book 1 (A Cultivation LitRPG Series)》Chapter 82 - Final Welcoming
Yu found her friends outside and said, “Let’s have lunch and talk on the way.”
Yu told them that for some reason beyond her understanding, the old woman took a liking to her. Maybe she looked like a granddaughter or something. Either way, she was able to get more time and a few more skills. She said she picked out one support, one offensive, and one defensive skill. Li unsurprisingly chose an Air Affinity movement skill. Lu picked out a support skill to help her with calming wildlife; she was Wood Affinity. Gui Ai also picked out a support skill but didn’t want to talk about what it was while blushing brightly. She was so shy the girls just let it go.
The second half of the day was free time to use the scrolls, absorb what the skills did and possibly practice some. The four girls learned the skills and Yu was about to go start practicing what she could but the twins convinced her to hang out with them in their suite while their annoying suitemate was not around. Bai got so much attention he might have had something of a small overload leading him to spin in circles repeatedly until he collapsed and all the girls collapsed in giggles after. Just as they were recovering, the four of them heard the trio’s suitemate enter.
They all turned to look at the blue-haired boy who smirked at them and said, “You were pretty clumsy and foolish at the mission center this morning, little girl. You might consider growing up before trying it here at a place for older kids and adults. Too bad about your punishment.”
He started to walk to his room when Yu asked in a polite tone, “Hey Bao Qing, do you like it here?”
He stopped and looked at her. “In the sect? Quite. It is exactly where someone like me should be, unlike a child.”
In the same tone, she corrected his misinterpretation. “No no. What I mean is, do you like it here in this suite?”
He looked baffled and said, “I don’t know. I figure the girls will warm up to me at some point. I’m quite handsome after all. Or I can just make them miserable until they give in.”
Yu immediately put her hand over Jao Li’s mouth and said, still politely, “I wonder if you would be interested in sharing a suite with three boys who are more your style.”
He blinked at her and then grinned evilly, “Did they put you into a suite with three boys?”
“They did. Would you like to swap?” Yu unashamedly confirmed, hoping she wasn’t blushing.
He grinned like the panther who was about to pounce on a rabbit. “Oh? You want to swap? Then I’ll sell you my room.”
Yu did not flinch from his leer. “How much?” She would be willing to spend a little silver on this. It would make her life better too after all.
He said, “A kiss!” Behind her she heard a gasp, a swear, and a slam of something.
Yu blinked at him. “Wait. What?”
“A full kiss. Mouth on mouth.”
“Are you insane?” Yu’s polite tone was gone then.
“Not with you. You’re a child. With one of them. If you don’t want to then we’re done,” and he marched into his room.
Yu shook her head, sighed and looked at her friends. “Boys are so gross.”
Jao Lu giggled, Jao Li nodded and Gui Ai blushed.
Li said, “It was a good try at least.”
Yu grabbed Bai’s basket and stood up. “Sorry. I need to go practice my new skills and think,” and then she left their suite. She needed to find somewhere private. Tomorrow was when they were supposed to be introduced to their training centers, classrooms, arenas, and such so she has no idea where to go. She could practice her new defensive skill in her room at least, or the suite if no one else was home.
She headed down the stairs - the girls were on floor 49 and her 43 - and found the boys chatting it up in her suite. They silenced when she entered and followed her with their heads as she waved and walked into her room without saying a word.
She laid the basket down, put Bai on her rock-hard bed, sat on the small floor rug she brought from home (which was more comfortable), and cycled for nearly an hour to refocus. Bao Qing’s statement seemed to have bothered Yu more than she thought it would, although she didn’t understand why. After the cultivation, she started running Qi through her channels and practiced Earthen Armor, which only required 1 meridian but could use as many as 5.
On the morning of the final day of their Welcoming, Yu was sitting with the girls over a mandatory breakfast in a much better mood having achieved a barely acceptable level of understanding of her new defensive skill the prior night. Her swords still cut her skin but the force required was substantially higher than without it and she was able to maintain it for nearly ten straight minutes. Yu was far from moving past novice, meaning it was still inefficient, slow and only a little effective, but she had definitely made progress.
Surprising everyone, Sect Vice Leader Long Mingchen stood atop the teacher table by the door and got everyone's attention. “Good morning disciples. This is your final day of Welcoming. By the time you return to your quarters, your schedule should be delivered. If you do not receive it come see me, I will be here for a few hours during and after dinner tonight. Today is the day you learn a few crucial things. First, your tour will include the training areas, the classroom areas, the profession areas, and finally the battle arena. But I’ll come back to that.” He crossed his arms and took a breath.
“Now, onto a few crucial rules. Every disciple in this sect is expected to grow and provide service. Our sect is partially funded by the work our disciples do and you are rewarded with access to materials, knowledge, training, and opportunities. It is a fair exchange. This means everyone is expected to contribute to this exchange. I am sure you have repeatedly heard phrases such as ‘If you are still here’ during your introduction to the sect. This is what we are referring to. If you do not grow in strength, if you do not earn sufficient contribution points, if you do things that stop others from doing these things outside of the rules, you will be expelled.” Muttering voices fill the dining hall.
The vice leader continued, likely expecting that. “So what are the specifics you ask? Here they are: First, every single one of you is expected to open at least three meridians per month. Second, all outer sect disciples must earn and pay to the sect at least 1,000 contribution points per month. For you new disciples, you get two months for the first 1,000. After that, you are required to provide this fee through service. Third, in cultivation you must reach the Qi Gathering stage within five years. Fourth, you may not stay an outer sect disciple for more than seven years. At the seven-year point, you will either become an inner sect disciple or you will leave. The rulebook and your classes will discuss the process for that. And finally, you must compete with your fellow outer sect disciples. Anyone below rank 20,000 by the end of the first six months and every six-month cycle after will automatically be expelled.” Throughout his list the room had been buzzing, but that last one caused something of an uproar. “Silence!” he bellowed. The room fell to a hush and he proceeded to explain. “There are exceptions to this. If you are a healer, you have a different sort of ranking. If you are a Spiritualist and solely craft, you will have a different ranking. Only Spiritualists are exempt, even if you craft.” More complaining ensues. “With rare exception, cultivators are combatants. Do not presume you will be able to hide away without fighting, in this sect or in your life. You will not!”
Then his face gained an ear-to-ear smile and he held his hands out wide again. “And so, we are going to kick off this cycle’s first opportunity to earn points.” Whispered exclamations sounded throughout the large room. This time he waited for it to die down. It did so quickly when everyone realized he was waiting for them. “Your last stop today will be the outer sect arena. It is there the new cycle’s accepted have a chance to show their prowess. You are going to be allowed to compete with each other in the sparring circle. Points will be awarded for those who compete, win or lose. 100 points for a willing and full-fledged combat. Another 100 points for the winner. The rules will be explained there. I will tell you this though.” He paused to build the suspense. “Every year students gamble points or other privileges on these bouts. When they are officially agreed to via the badges, the wagers cannot be reversed. If you agree, be prepared to win or lose and accept the outcome.” The whole place was filled with the whispers of people talking and thinking about bets. Li was bouncing in her seat and silently clapping. Her sister was shaking her head. Gui Ai just looked scared.
“There is a new twist this year, however. For the first time - in my memory at least - the sect leader himself decided to get involved in the outer sect disciple kickoff sparring. Perhaps because his first and only personal disciple is among you.” Outbursts abounded as everyone was looking everywhere. Yu blushed but hopefully nobody would see that in the confusion. “No, I will not say who. Our sect leader has provided the following changes: One. Anyone who fights five fights in a row and wins five in a row will earn an extra 1,000 points on top of the normal points and be paid for the first three months’ fees - or four in your cases. That is a total of 4,000 points for winning five in a row. Second, anyone who is challenged must accept unless they have already been forced to accept a challenge or has fought five contests, which is the maximum no matter what. This does not apply to healers or Spiritualists who can decline as they like. Third, anyone who loses three battles in a row will be expelled. And finally. . .” He looked around and pulled in everyone’s attention before finishing his declaration. “Anyone who challenges the sect leader’s personal disciple and wins will receive 10,000 points.” Boom! The place nearly exploded from the noise. Li had grabbed Yu’s robe and was yanking it repeatedly screaming about how they have to find out who it is. Yu, on the other hand, wanted to know what in the nine hells that man thought he was doing. “However!” The vice leader yelled over the crowd and everyone calmed after hearing those words. Everyone wanted to know the caveat. They were not left waiting. “Anyone who loses to his disciple must give their first 1,000 points to the disciple rather than give them to the sect. That means your first two months requirement will be 2,000 points.” Yu wanted to go hide in a corner. Why did he do this to her? Sure, her identity wasn’t going to stay a secret for long, especially given the public entrance, but at least she would have had a little time to get situated.
After further whispering of people deciding whether to take the best, the vice leader concluded with one last note. “I will end with this final note before you learn about classes and training. In this case only, the sect leader’s disciple is permitted to offer clemency of any or all of the points if he or she so chooses. The sect leader asked me to say these final words and then you are free to go.” He cleared his throat and stated loudly, “Everything in this sect must be earned.” Then he got down and left the building.
The place exploded in conversation. “Oh, gods! Who do you think it is? I need to find out. Those points would be huuuuuuuuge.” Yu smiled at her and said, “You know, according to the rulebook, points can be gifted up to 500 per month, although they can’t go to the monthly fee. If you win 10,000 you’ll share with your sister and friends, right?” Yu elbowed her and she spluttered. “Of course. I’ll lend you all points if you need them. But first I have to find him. It's definitely a boy since the sect master is a man.”
Yu looked at Lu who rolled her eyes. Then Yu put her arm around Gui Ai and said, “Are you ok?” The girl was shivering and shook her head. “Are you afraid someone will challenge you?” She nodded. Lu and even Li were looking on in sympathy. Why was this girl a cultivator? She was far too timid for such a violent life. “It’s ok, Gui Ai. We’ll all sit in front of you so nobody can see you if possible. And if we can’t and you do get challenged, just accept and resign the loss right away. You can only be forced to accept once.” She leaned her head on Yu’s shoulder. Poor thing.
Yu said, “Alright ladies, we need to head to the tour before we get left behind. I really want to learn about classrooms, training rooms and profession areas.” Li sighed and acquiesced to letting go of her search for the gold mine of a mystery disciple.
The four girls learned that training rooms were actually divided into two groups, breakthrough rooms and training rooms. Both were generally easy to come by because there were literally thousands. The problem was they cost points based on the quality and responsibilities of the user - and of course the nicer the room, the fewer available.
For the breakthrough rooms, the cheapest costing 5 points was a private room three paces square made of dirt and stone and held a basin of water and nothing else. And the user was responsible for cleaning and restoring it or risk losing points as compensation. The most expensive costing 100 points was a full-fledged suite with a bath, shower, food preparation area and was assigned a servant of some sort. That was for a single day of use and there were very limited numbers and so required reservations in advance. And payment in advance too. With no refunds under any circumstances.
Yu was wondering about how she would deal with meridian cleansing; a private room with running water was the answer. Moreover, it was running water with temperature control! That would be amazing. She couldn’t wait to learn enchanting so she could bring those enchantments to her father’s palace.
Anyway, the regular training rooms also varied based on how much damage they could withstand, how many dummies were provided, how interactive the targets were, etc. It could get pretty advanced. Once again, it was rented on a daily basis but at a cost of 300 points for the most expensive. The cheapest was actually free, but could only be used every third day to make sure they were not hogged indefinitely. The most expensive offered an illusory space that sounded similar to the one she experienced with Ren.
The lessons, when they started, would be broken first into informational lessons that would be held in the library. Not the Skills Library, the Informational Library, similar to what Yu had back home but a thousand times larger. The other type of classes were affinity-based classes and took place on the various mountains around the volcano’s edge. The content of these was not discussed except by those who attended.
The only information they gained about professions was their locations for when they eventually chose one. Each of the professions’ locations was based upon the affinities. Alchemy for example was primarily housed in the Wood Mountain with a satellite teaching area in the Fire Mountain. Blacksmithing was the same except with Metal being the primary. Gui Ai learned that Qi calligraphy was housed primarily on the main Light Affinity island, or Light City as it was called, with satellite locations at the other two. For Lu, animal care was held on the main center island in the three pet areas. Li was unimpressed with all the choices, saying, “What is wind good for in professions except sailing?” Their home city was a port for a massive lake where sailing and fishing were the primary professions. Yu did not have an answer to Li’s question; maybe they would learn in the mandatory classes about the topic. While on the subject of mandatory classes, all of the professions required information classes as a companion to the hands-on for a period of time depending on the student’s performance. Only at the end of the tour had Yu found that enchanting was held in the Enchanter’s Hall on the center island, and was the only profession with a single specific location for both teaching and production. It had to do with the formations in the building and the way Qi flowed or some such thing. Hopefully she’d learn the details.
None of them was interested in cooking, weaving, leatherworking, smithing, etc etc etc. Perhaps Li would end up on the same path as Yu’s father and not take on any profession in life. She could simply fight for a living. Speaking of fighting, they had finally arrived at the arena.
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