《The Principles of Magic》Chapter 8 - The squares of Astr~
Here is chapter 8 everyone! Fuwaa it was hard to write. I won't write to much here, however there will be a footnote that I'd like you all to read if possible. Also (if it works) there should be an image in a hyperlink where its appropriate (Its not a virus don't worry). Its a map of Astr. Don't laugh at my paint skills. They're out of this world, you're just jelly.
The day of departure had finally come.
Eran woke early, like he usually does, and was greeted with the scene of a sleeping woman.
Gently bending over her, Eran gave her a light kiss on the cheek which made Cassidy smile and stir in her sleep.
After having a quick bath, Eran packed up the remaining clothes and various items he had in his room, other than the traveling clothes he was wearing when arriving in Eion.
With another smile at his sleeping woman, Eran placed his bags in the centre of the room and made way to the door to head downstairs for breakfast.
He noticed downstairs that barely any of the other tenants had arisen, but Calina was wide awake and taking part in a rather large roasted Pig.
“Good morning” she said to him as she noticed him enter the room.
Eran smiled and nodded in reply.
“I wasn’t sure if you had made plans, but I booked a seat on the passageway to Astr for this afternoon.” Calina told him with her trademark grin.
Eran thanked her and told her that he hadn’t made plans yet.
It was about halfway through breakfast that Cassidy had made her way downstairs.
As usual, her disdain for mornings was apparent to all as she barely had her eyes open as she walked into the room.
Barely making out the figure of Eran sitting in a chair, Cassidy moved over to him sluggishly, wrapped her arms around him from behind and kissed the side of his neck.
This elicited some whistles from the few tenants now eating.
“A very good morning” was all Calina said as she winked at Eran, her mirth completely shown on her face.
Seeming to sober up from the noise around her, Cassidy looked up, still embracing Eran to see everyone in the room grinning at her, including her mother.
“Ah!” she shouted as she jumped backwards.
Everyone in the room, including Eran, laughed and smiled.
Blushing furiously from embarrassment, Cassidy sat next to Eran and silently took a plate of food.
“Well…” Calina started, “Does this mean I can expect a son in law?” she said barely holding back her ever present grin.
“M-m-mom it’s not like that! Muooh~” Cassidy replied whilst pouting at Eran.
Unsure of why he was in trouble Eran merely answered for her.
“I won’t deny what you suspect happened last night. Neither will I deny that I have feelings for your daughter. However I cannot marry her… yet. I’m still 16, I don’t know about this lands traditions and laws regarding marriage, but in my… land, you cannot marry until you’re of 18 years.” Eran said to Calina, his gaze never wandering.
“If this land has customs for purity before marriage, I offer my sincerest apologies and completely offer myself to deal with however you wish… but, should our feelings remain true when I turn eighteen. I will be more than happy to marry Cass” at this point he turned to face Cassidy, “In a heartbeat.”
Seeing the exchange the room once again broke out in coos and whistles.
Once quieting down, Calina looked at Eran much the same way he had at her.
“There are no such customs nor traditions regulating sex. At least until married that is. However, I don’t plan on letting any man have his way with my daughter, even one as handsome as you, and just throw her aside.”
“I would never do that. You must know this by now.” He replied to her.
Throughout the entire conversation Cassidy’s tension and excitement continually grew. Talk of both love and marriage sent her head far into the clouds.
“Well, time will tell how this turns out. Do you still plan on leaving for Astr?” Calina asked him, seemingly dropping a bomb.
Cassidy immediately tensed up and Eran couldn’t help but feel like she was breaking his hand after she grabbed it under the table.
“I do.” He stated. “From the maps I have seen in the Library, Astr isn’t that far from here, though I wouldn’t ask Cassidy to travel the distance for me, nor will I ask her to leave you. However I will only be studying for a year, at the end of which, I will be close to turning 18.”
“So you’ll come back and marry her, should she still be willing?” she asked him.
“I suppose that is my plan…yes.”
“Well then, for now you have my blessing… Dear me, I’ve just realised we put on this whole act in front of the customers.” Calina said in an exaggerated tone, pretending to be embarrassed.
This earned her a few laughs and the room returned from the serious atmosphere to that of joy.
As the morning turned to afternoon, Cassidy and Eran were walking towards a tall building near the middle of the town.
“I won’t go any further… I don’t really want to see you leave” she said to him after stopping.
“Of course…” he replied to her.
They embraced and held a long kiss for several minutes.
As they finally parted, Cassidy had placed something in Erans hand. He opened his hand and saw a small smooth blue stone.
“It’s a Com stone, you can use it to talk to anyone else who has one. All you have to do is think of me while holding it and I’ll be able to talk to you, kay?” she said almost tearing up.
‘God this girl is cute’ Eran thought to himself as he once again grabbed her close.
After parting ways, rather tearfully, Eran was now making his way to the top of the tower like building. At the very top was a door guarded by two men.
“Papers please” the smaller of the two said whilst holding out his hand.
“One flight to Astr… Seat 13B… Everything is in order Mr… Eran? Please board and take your seat” the man said whilst handing the ticket and papers. Eran never did tell Calina his full name, so it wasn’t surprising that she used his first when purchasing the tickets.
Eran thanked the two and carried his luggage past the doors.
On the other side was a sight he will never forget.
Resting in a gap between the two sides of a platform, was a giant Manta-Ray like creature.
Just like the Aquatic Manta-Rays of Earth, this creature had dark blue coloured skin on top and plain white on its underbelly. But unlike the creatures of Earth, this Ray was easily the size of a large bus, its wings spanning some thirty metres.
Stuck on the back of the large Manta-Ray was a massive saddle that had many people sitting in it. Looking at it reminded Eran of an amusement ride back on Earth.
He had expected instant teleportation… or a carriage… or basically anything other than this.
Almost laughing at the situation Eran crossed the threshold between the platform and his ride.
Reading the numbers down the sides of the chairs, Eran soon found his seat in the 13th row.
Sitting in a nearby seat which must have been 13A was a blonde haired boy. He looked around Erans age and was wearing rather flashy clothes.
Almost as soon as Eran had packed away his luggage under his seat, and sat down, the Large Manta-Ray started to glow a soft grey color and in the breadth of a moment, took off into the sky.
Eran was flying.
Shocked to his bones, he couldn’t help but yell out, losing his usual composure and looked over the sides to see the ground quickly disappearing from view.
Whilst absorbed in the scenery, the boy sitting next to Eran started to laugh and looked at him.
“Is it your first time on a Mana-Ray?” he asked him with a grin.
Eran nodded back with an equally large grin and continued to look at the now very close, soaring clouds.
“I remember my first time, it probably looked a lot like that” he said once again laughing.
“My names Yulian by the way, Yulian Arnelle. May I know yours?” the boy asked him.
“My names Eran, Mag-…” Eran cut off his sentence and started to look a little forlorn. He no longer knew whether he should use that name. He’ll probably never see them again, the Magia’s that is, and the name only brings up bad memories.
“My name is Eran Magi” he replied back to the boy with a grin. He’d decided that instead of using the Magia’s name in this new world, he’d use his ancestor and idol, Merwin Magi’s last name instead.
“Well Eran, I’m heading to Astr to study at the University!” Yulian told him.
“I am too! What are you planning to study?” Eran asked him, hoping he may be able to find more information about the University.
“I’ll be taking swordplay and poetry classes” Yulian replied.
Eran asked him why he chose those two courses to follow and Yulian replied with great passion.
“The blade of a sword is poetry itself! Think of all the lives it takes, all the people it saves! The stories it could tell, definitely poetry!” he preached.
Eran, somewhat, understood what Yulian meant. But he still labelled him as a Sword Fanatic.
“What about you?” Yulian asked him.
“I’m not quite sure yet, I’ll probably end up taking any Magical courses available, and maybe some history classes” Eran replied whilst thinking about it.
As soon as Eran replied, Yulian gave him a strong look, if one didn’t know any better they’d think Eran had suddenly become a leper. But almost as soon as the look came, it soon passed.
Giving Erans reply of Magic and History a bit of a harrumph, Yulian spent the rest of the trip talking about the minute details of a sword, and the differences between a longsword and a broadsword.
Eran however was deep within the recesses of his mind, busy remembering and fantasising about his unforgettable night with Cassidy.
After a couple hours flying a small dot was visible on the horizon.
The further and further the Ray flew, the larger the dot grew.
Eventually the dot had grown so large that nothing else could be seen for miles and miles.
The city of Astr was a breath taking sight. Huge didn’t even cover it.
As Eran flew over a massive river, which must have been the Flumine, all he could see was city.
Even though they were still a few minutes away from the city itself, Eran could make out that there were all sorts of different types of buildings present in the city walls.
“None of the buildings are run down, why is that?” Eran asked Yulian.
“Although there are still a few homeless people and orphans, there is no slum in Astr, despite its size.” He told Eran with a grin.
“It’s because there haven’t been any wars in a long time, and Astr has a steady flow of both trade and export… it’s a very wealthy city.”
“One of its best too, is that there is no slavery.”
Seeing Erans curious expression Yulian elaborated.
“You see one of the previous kings married a beautiful Beast Woman. When she arrived at the city from her home country, she was horrified to find those of her kind enslaved and sold as both manual labourers and sex slaves. Her loving husband the King Immediately abolished slavery in every form, and cut down all those who practiced it, in hopes of pleasing her.”
“Although having a King that was so heavily affected by his Queen was questionable, and he himself wasn’t all that popular, the kingdom truly become a gem because of his reign.”
“I thought you hated history, why do you know so much” Eran asked him whilst laughing.
“The reason I hate History my dear fellow, is because my parents forced me to learn all of it since birth.” He said whilst scowling.
As their conversation continued, the Mana-Ray started to lower in descent, towards a tower like building much like the one in Beaufort, only larger in comparison.
“Well, I have business to attend to my friend.” Yulian told him as they were exiting the tower.
“You said you were new to Astr right? Well, if you’re heading to the University you’ll need to go to the Wisdom Square” he explained.
“Wisdom Square, where and what is that?” Eran asked him, confusion clearly shown on his face.
“Ahh… fine, I have time.” Yulian says whilst leading him to a nearby bench.
Sitting down on the bench, underneath a rather beautiful green Oak tree, Yulian started to give Eran the lay of the land.
“The entire city is split into 6 Squares, the Wisdom Square is where the University of Astr, as well as housing is located. The Strength
Square is where the military and guard quarters are situated. The Market Square is obviously where the market is and the Canal Square, which takes up the centre of the city, is used for trade and export. The Event Square which is the most popular of all, is where entertainment such as ordained fights in the Coliseum take place. It’s also where the majority of the shops, cafes, restaurants and theatres are… Very nice place to take a date I might add” Yulian gave Eran a wink before continuing.
“Finally there is the Royal Square, it houses the Citadel where the King and the Royal family live, and has several mansions and villas where the majority of the Cabinet and Nobility live.”
“Even though there is somewhat segregation of the classes as only Nobility and government officials are allowed to live in the Royal Square, the king is still pretty good natured about equality and allows free movement between every square. Though there is more security in the Royal Square… Obviously” Yulian finishes saying. He then pulls out a small sheet of paper which had a design on it.
“This is a map I got from the Flight Tower just before, you can have it I guess” he said with a smile, handing it to Eran.
“Thanks Yulian, I’m sorry for holding you from your business.” Eran says with a somewhat half assed smile.
“Yeah right” Yulian says whilst rolling his eyes. He waves good bye and quickly disappears into the crowd.
Eran assumed he was either off to meet a beautiful girl, or to meet a beautiful sword. Both made sense when talking about Yulian.
Although they had only known each other for a short time, some five hours, the two got along immensely well and Yulian had told him much of himself.
He was born to a Middle Upper Ranked Family that have for many generations been a part of the Astrian Nobility. He grew up in the Arnelle Manor in Alpha Beta and as a present for his 16th birthday was allowed to move to the Capitol to study away from home.
He’d said it was an unmatched blessing, because his parents were very strict and often doted on him much to his chagrin.
Eran studied the map given to him and notes that to get to the Wisdom Square he’d have to cross the Market Square.
Walking through the vast city, Eran came to appreciate the scents and sounds of bustling life.
He soon found himself in front of a very comfortable looking Inn called ‘The Bedry’.
Eran found the Innkeeper, who was a middle aged man, and booked himself a room for a week.
Finally after unpacking what little he had in his luggage and locking his room, Eran set off for the University.
It only takes ten minutes of walking for the houses and Inns that were in an abundance, to suddenly give way to a large paved road that had college greens on either side.
The University itself was huge. It easily took up half of the Wisdom Square and had buildings all over the place.
Eran noticed that it was very well maintained, barely a single blemish on the rocks, nor broken branches on the trees. There was also an abundance of students around, either idly chatting or pacing quickly to what one would assume was classes.
After about an hour of walking around, taking in the sights, Eran found the Information Centre and walked up to the receptionist.
“Hello, my name is Eran Magi, I’d like to apply for classes, if at all possible” he said politely.
As what Eran felt was becoming increasingly more frequent, the woman looked up from her work, and found herself blushing when taking in the sight of him.
“I-I’m sorry sir, you will have to wait two days until the Monthly Enrolment Day. If you’re still interested you will have to bring all the appropriate sums on the day, including any documents.” She told him.
“B-but if you need a status card… which were meant to be ordered at least two weeks in advance… you can pay a fee of 7 gold, allowing for express fees, which you can pick up from here on the day.” She said with a beaming smile.
Eran thought she was cute, but nowhere near the adorableness of his Cassidy. Or was it that he was just biased?
“Thank you, I’d like to purchase my Card now in time for the Enrolment Day please. Also if you wouldn’t mind telling me, what does the day itself entail?” he asked her whilst handing over the required sum.
“Of course sir!” she said with a smile, “On the day, you’ll partake in a test or set of questions that’ll demonstrate your ability in whatever course you wish to take. The University after all is designed for continuing learning, not starting it.” She said looking thoughtful.
“That sounds reasonable, I don’t suppose there is a pamphlet or itinerary I could have that lists available courses and their descriptions?” he asked.
The receptionist nodded and after a minute of searching handed him a rather thick pamphlet titled The University of Astr.
Content with what he had done, Eran thanked the woman and made his way back to the Inn.
Sitting in his room, Eran decided to read over the pamphlet and prepare the best that he could, over the next few days for his upcoming trials.
This is the basic layout of the Capitol City of Astr. I'll post a comment later that gives an in depth description of each square and its strategic placement.
Just to clarify, Magia is read as (Maj-eye-a) and likewise Magi (Maj-eye) not 'Maggy" or "Magee" like some people have said previously lol.
Okay so the reason I wanted to put this footnote is to make something abundantly clear. Eran didn't jump into this. He had given it a lot of though both the night during and day after. He has immense feelings for Cassidy, I hope I got that across. And even though he said the reason he wouldn't marry he is he wants to wait till he's 18 is partially true, its also because he wants to learn more and see more of the world before he commits. Though he definitely will be. Cassidy too is neither a slut nor irrational. She loves him just as much as he does and she is all for the marriage, not because of insidious or perverted reasons but just because she wants him.
P.S. I bet you laughed at my Paint Skills didn't you. How dare you.
~Chapter 7
~Chapter Guide~
A comprehensive study of the Squares of Astr-
The city of Astr is split into a 6 cell formation. The inner city is a larger square that houses the first 5 squares, namely the Wisdom Square in the North-Western cell, The Event Square in the North-Eastern cell, The Market Square in the South-Western cell and the Strength Square in the South-Eastern cell. The Flumine strait, which is branch of the great Flumine river runs through the very center of Astr and as such the Canal Square rests in the center of all four inner city cells taking up a portion of each. The 6th and final cell is the Royal Square. This square was built first and the others built around it. The Royal square is next to the Flumine strait on the Eastern side, however it is elevated to avoid flooding and unlike the otherwise symmetrical design of the city, the Royal Square sits more southerly towards the Strength square to both lessen the amount of land taken up by the strait and also decrease the distance from the military quarters which are situated in the Strength Square.
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