《Once More》Chapter 18 - Meeting a Duke
Karr survived. It's a bit surprising really but I guess Pink took my previous admonishment seriously and properly controlled her descent. Bit of a pity really, I've no fondness for that particular human. Other than that though things have been going splendidly. Or at least as well as could be expected. It took a few more moments after Pink's arrival to convince the human's of our peaceful intentions but they've been more or less convinced.
I say that, but what really happened is Captain Nox decided he wanted no more to do with this and went to report the situation to his superiors so they could decide what to do with us. Which is pretty much the best possible outcome I could envision when initiating this little drama. Because it's obvious the human's need help. They seem to be in the midst of perpetual conscription, they have an armed extra-judicial force just running roughshod over their lands, the primary concern of pretty much every human I've met so far has been combat with the unbound, in short they should be open to negotiations with foreign powers with regards to resolving their little problem. But while the humans work all that out for themselves we're left to wait in this courtyard, surrounded by no less than a hundred human soldiers and a dozen human mages. All the other humans have left or been shooed away – even that red haired woman who I saw on the roof has disappeared.
I've been standing beside the fountain, arms crossed, trying to channel some of that aura of a Demon Lord I used to slip into so easily in my youth – it's all in the posture – have to convey a perfect balance of arrogance and supreme competence with your stance. Beside me Pink sits on a bench in front of the fountain. Sulking. Sad she didn't get to massacre all the humans, didn't even get to loose her fiery spears – I made her dismiss them – and her discontent is obvious to see. While I understand her disappointment I think it's important we coordinate a bit before meeting the human lord.
“I found the relic you mentioned Pink, it's not the one you're searching for though.”
“Disappointing, but not unexpected.” She sighs and looks up at me. “My investigations of the adventurers were similarly disappointing – it seems the humans have no method of destroying the Unbound Cores, instead they rely on some sealing magic gifted to them by the Celestials.” Her pretty lips curl into a sneer at that.
“Indeed, I expected as much. You only need look around us to see that the human conception of 'magical might' is somewhat …unambitious.” I let my eyes roam over the assembled human mages as I speak, I doubt they would be a match for Pink even if she didn't draw on our bond. “But that is not in itself a bad thing. It is no doubt a contributing factor in the seemingly dire straits the humans are in – something we can use to our advantage.”
Pink's frown only deepens at my words. “Is there any meaning to such an advantage mistress? I'd intended a peaceful approach while working under the assumption the humans might be somewhat useful – or threatening. As it is, are you not just debasing yourself needlessly by this continued association?”
Pink makes no effort to lower her voice and our human watchers are frowning at her words – not that I can reprimand her I suppose, I'm not making any particular effort to keep our conversation private either.
“I don't think so Pink – but it is your plan, you may do as you like. The actions I took here were only intended to further your previously stated goals, I hope you'll consider that before discarding my efforts out of hand.” I fix her with a light glare at those words. But she waves me off.
“More like you didn't care enough to keep up your concealment mistress. But I take your meaning. I'll be sure not to squander anything.” Her face is thoughtful – readjusting her plan. “If nothing else the humans will be of more use alive then dead when we find Xeven's Relic – they might even know where it is if we just ask politely.”
I keep my serene rulers smile plastered on my face at her words, concealing my slight inner turmoil. She's not wrong after all. When speaking of an item whose only function is reducing large quantities of thinking beings to mindless thralls that innately channel demonic energy – its usefulness is quite limited in the absence of said thinking beings. Humans and beastkin being the only candidates we've seen thus far on Suprema – a surprising dearth of orcs, goblins, and the like – makes for a certain intrinsic value.
“They might. If they like you enough they might even be willing to tell you where it is. And it's my personal feeling that there might be value in explaining to the humans the circumstances they face, it might reduce the chances of future unfortunate incidents. I doubt the world can sustain further dramatic reductions in the populations of its races after all.”
Pink nods reluctantly at that. “There is undoubtedly merit in that mistress, if only to stop the wretches from spreading idiotic misinformation and laying blame at your fe- *cough* -at the feet of the Demon Goddess. Convincing them might be difficult though…” She trails off thoughtfully.
“Not really Pink. There is an extremely simple method of demonstrating the problem to even someone with no ability to sense mana at all. I'll show you when we have a free moment. For now I'd just like to confirm, it's my strong suspicion that the human Lord will at least agree to meet with us, so have a strategy readied for that eventuality.”
Pink nods slowly, falling into a state of silent consideration.
While Pink hammers that out, I work on a little project of my own, ripping a cobblestone from the street and etching a simple Rune into it with my finger. The humans look uncomfortable at that but seem to have received orders not to disturb or interfere with us – so the reaction is limited to some odd looks. The menial labor helps distract me from my thoughts, allowing me to sink back into my usual state of uncaring bliss.
I've been feeling overly invested recently, these interactions with the humans have been reminding me of a distant past – stimulating my instinct for conquest. A neighbor so thoroughly invested in an unwinnable war is the best kind of ally for a Demon Lord on the warpath – people in that situation will promise anything in exchange for the slightest hope of a light at the end of a tunnel. Makes them the easiest targets, aid them, give them hope, hit them hard and fast and fold them into your own nation – use their resources unrestrainedly and win their war at whatever cost before pressing ever onward. Very Demon Lord-like thoughts floating around in my head basically, for the first time in a very long time, not really what I want at all.
Because the world has changed. I am a relic of a distant past, the methods learned in my youth will not serve me here. I do not want such things cluttering my mind. Which is why I'm grateful for my little cobblestone distraction, the end result a little 4x4 inch stone, a rune meaning fire carved expertly into its surface. I smile down at it, wishing idly I had a cat here too – that little beast was an equally excellent distraction and I forgot to even look for a shop where I might acquire one. Hopefully we'll have time to do that once we get things wrapped up with this cities Lord.
By the time I feel comfortably returned to my usual state of detached serenity the human returns. Captain Nox and a dozen armored men march into the courtyard, these new arrivals dressed a bit differently – their armor is painted red and bears various decorative touches, unlike the dull gray color of the rest of their forces, some sort of ceremonial unit maybe – coming to a stop before Pink and I.
“Lord Clearwater has agreed to a meeting with the Demon Lord Alexandria, provided the topic of discussion is the aforementioned 'mutual enemies' and further provided that the Demon Lord Alexandria agrees she and all of her subordinates will cease all hostile actions against Shadfer and her citizenry; this ceasefire to remain in effect for one full lunar cycle starting from today, The Fifth Day of Aroach.” Nox forces that entire speech out in a single breath, taking a deep breath with relief at its completion.
Pink looks ready to respond but I cut in. “How long is a lunar cycle?” I ask.
Nox squints at me suspiciously before replying. “Thirty-six days. Do you not track the moon where you come from?”
Huh, thirty-six days? If I were demanding a ceasefire I would want some more substantial amount of time. Not that it really matters one way or the other, it's not like such a verbal contract is binding in any way – maybe the Lord is aware of that and that's why he only asked for such a paltry amount …? Noticing me deep in thought Pink takes over the conversation.
“The moon is not generally visible on Artas human, so no we do not track it. That said your terms are acceptable – but if I may amend my own? My name is Pink – Chosen of the ...Demon Lord – and I act with her full authority and am currently in charge of our operations here on Suprema, thus I will handle all further communication with you humans. This will be the most beneficial arrangement for all involved parties.” She levels a challenging glare as she finishes.
Nox looks at me – confused – for confirmation. To which I return a regal nod.
“That is acceptable.” He turns away – addressing one of our silent watchers. “Lieutenant, after we've left have these men returned to their posts. Excepting the special units of course – I trust you know what to do with them?”
“Yes sir!” The armored man shouts in reply.
“Good.” Then to us. “If you two will follow us we've been tasked with escorting you to the Lord's Manor.” Nox gestures around at the humans in red armor.
Pink gives him a demure nod. So easy. I send Pink a meaningful look as we move to the center of the little group of humans, ready to be escorted. See, no need for skulking and hiding I try to covey that with my gaze but Pink just rolls her eyes.
We only walk a short distance before being ushered into a large carriage that's being drawn by four legged animals that look a bit like veniks, “horses” our escort informs me – sensing the curiosity in my gaze. Inside the carriage we are alone but for Captain Nox, the other human's taking up the position of an honor guard all around the carriage.
While we're riding I give Pink the little Rune stone I created, informing her of how it might be used in the coming meeting. She nods to show her understanding but after a moment of consideration asks me a question.
“Mistress, while the humans may have what we seek – they will likely want something in exchange.” She frowns. “Since we are currently setting aside more violent methods, how might we entice them?”
But I just yawn and ignore her, pointedly looking out the window of the carriage. That sort of thing is your job Pink! She seems to remember that fact and her questioning stops. Good. If you're going to be my servant this much is the very minimum requirement you know?
I watch with a bit of interest as we ride through the city, the surrounding humans parting respectfully to allow our passage. I even see a few other carriages, hastily pulled to the side of the road to make way for us – truly this is how it should be when I deign to grace a city with my presence! The last time I did this Amy prepared a magnificent spectacle to announce my arrival, involving twenty of her greatest spell casters and three dragons …that was a long time ago. My heart fills with a sort of wistfulness at the memory. My current procession is kind of pathetic by comparison is it not?
Pink is looking at me with concern.
“Is something the matter mistress?” She's grown uncomfortably perceptive hasn't she?
“Nothing you need concern yourself with Pink. A bit of idle reminiscence. Just focus on doing your part, understood?”
She looks a bit hurt, but she nods.
Like that, we passed through the city of humans, through a second massive gate, and were deposited in front of a large building, made from wood and stone and a hint of magic, it towers over most every building we've seen so far. A massive mansion painted white, the home of the Lord of …this city, whose name I've sadly forgotten.
Captain Nox escorted us as far as the front door, where we were greeted by an elderly human in a smart black suit and a younger woman in a black dress and a white apron. These two take over escort duties, leading me and Pink into the mansion, through huge and winding corridors – the whole building speaking to a subdued sort of wealth. There are no gaudy statues like that one at the fountain, no gold trim, or eye-catching lace curtains, the furniture is all solid and functional – but at the same time obviously expensive.
The way the mansion is decorated speaks of a man who must buy only the best by necessity – honor and position demanding it. I can sympathize – I've never cared much for the trinkets and baubles thought to be the trappings of a Lord.
That impression does not falter when we are finally introduced to the Lord himself.
“Through this door, the master will receive you.” The old butler reports calmly before throwing the door wide and leading us inside.
It is a circular room – dominated by a large wooden table, polished until it gleamed – around which were a number of comfortable looking wooden chairs. Spread wide over the table was a map, of Suprema – or maybe just this corner of it – presumably, the room was otherwise undecorated. The hardwood floor and unblemished wooden walls spoke volumes. Nothing extraneous, this is a place for business to be conducted and concluded. The only exception to the overall spartan style is a large throne-like chair that sits at the head of the table, occupied by a grim faced human.
The man in the throne is one of the older humans I've seen, his hair a salt and pepper color. Despite that he is powerfully built, surprisingly, some degree of magical reinforcement has gone into his physique. His clothes are similar to the finery I saw adoring the humans out on the street, but less pompous, a subdued gray cloak over fine leather boots and some soft and glossy black pants and matching shirt. He wears no jewelry, save a signet ring on his left hand. His cool gray eyes follow us as we enter the room.
Aside the man in the chair and the servants accompanying us, there are two other humans present, a thin and wiry man in the same blue robes I've already seen a few times today sitting at the throne's right hand, and a familiar fair skinned and red-haired woman wearing clothes of light cotton – a shirt, pants, and a red vest – leaning on one of the chairs half-way down the table. All three of these humans had mana signatures that put them in the 'slightly notable' category – probably this was a significant gathering of magical power for them; which makes sense, a Lord must be powerful after all.
“Please have a seat Lady Alexandria, Lady Pink.” The man on the throne speaks clearly and with no apparent hostility. A good sign perhaps. No overt annoyance, no particular servility – a bearing befitting a ruler meeting an unknown power. Abiding his words I step forward and take the seat directly opposite the thin man – allowing Pink the spot directly across from the lord.
“My name is Duke Tefran Clearwater, with me – Octavio Dorn – a wizard of some renown and longtime adviser to my family.” The wizard straightens and preens in his chair at his introduction. Running a hand through his thin brown hair and adjusting his glasses with a self satisfied smile.
“And this is Chelsea Kine – a Tarisian ambassador to the Imperium – she feels that Tarisia deserves inclusion in any talks regarding our 'mutual enemies' and I am hard pressed to deny her, unless the two of you object?” The smiling redhead – who isn't even sitting in her chair – sends hopefully questioning looks first to me, then to Pink.
“Tarisia is another nation of humans, yes? If that is the case I have no objection.” Pink responds.
“Good. Excellent. Then, before we begin, do the two of you require any refreshment? My staff is at your disposal so long as you are guests in my home.” The servants – who had retreated to the edges of the room – perk up a bit at this.
Only to be disappointed when Pink says: “No that will not be necessary. As you've been informed this is the Demon K-”
“Demon Lord.” I interject lazily. At my words all three of the humans eyes sharpen, the smile on the wizard's face faltering, the ambassador straightening her posture a bit, the duke casting an appraising gaze in my direction.
“Such a powerfully magical voice, even when suppressed – I see now why you use an intermediary for speech.” The duke comments, drawing his own ridiculous conclusions. By way of response I just rest my head on my palm and give the man my practiced half-smile, let him make of it what he will.
“Yes, as you've no doubt all been informed my mistress is very powerful.” Pink retakes control of the conversation. “And I, Pink, am her eyes and ears here in Suprema – spearheading our efforts.”
At this the humans all refocus their attention on Pink. “These 'efforts'... could you clarify what exactly that refers to?” The duke asks.
Pink's smile deepens until it's almost lewd to look at, she leans forward over the table, staring down the humans. And while the wizards face flushes slightly, the duke is unfazed. “Well, I believe everyone in this room is familiar with our 'mutual enemies' – call them corrupted or Unbound, the title matters not – and it can be said that they are our business, the focus of our efforts.”
“You waste no time.” Duke Clearwater murmurs.
“My mistress has hopes for a swift resolution to this problem facing us all, there is no need to mince words.”
“Hah! A swift resolution? You speak of a problem that has plagued humanity for generations! Your words sound increasingly like nonsense. What cause have we to entertain you 'demons' and your delusions?” The irate looking wizard cuts in, seemingly unable to help himself in his fury. “In the first place are demons not evil creatures? By all accounts responsible for the problems you claim to want to solve?”
Pink leans back, her smile unfaltering, simply sending a questioning gaze to Duke Clearwater – an unspoken query.
“Enough Octavio.” He sends the wizard a withering glare, causing the robed man to deflate – sinking back into his chair. “But my wizard raises a pertinent point, as you may or may not be aware the common folk lay the existence of the Unbound at the feet of a supposed 'Demon God'. Do you two self-proclaimed demons have any insight into that matter?”
“Hmm. 'The common folk' is it? Does that mean you do not believe that tripe? Lord Clearwater?” Pink's eyes bore into the man.
He merely shrugs in response. “In truth, Lady Pink, it has never been something I've given much thought. The war against The Encroachment is unending, a war my family has fought for generations.” His gaze sweeps the map on the table before us. “The celestials tell a pretty tale of a coming conclusion, that will wrap all of our worries and troubles up in a neat little bow – beat The Encroachment back in one fell swoop, with the fall of a fairy tale villain. Such fairy tales are not bad things – they give people hope – but if there is one lesson House Clearwater has learned from hundreds of years of war it's that there are rarely such simple solutions.
The men on The Line can comfort themselves as they go to sleep with dreams of a Hero striking down a God and bringing an end to their struggles. But a ruler cannot afford such fancy. Not when there are rations to procure, wages to pay, a generation of warriors to raise – all on top of the demands of ruling over a domain. Taxes to collect, bureaucrats to hire and fire, a million tiny tasks that each cry out for my attention. It's not a role that inspires much belief in fairy tales. Not when each year the ledgers that balance the living and dying of my people paint a picture just a little more grim.”
I can feel myself sympathizing with this Duke Clearwater as he speaks. Leadership is a truly arduous task. Something much better pushed off onto a capable subordinate, if at all possible. The dark rings under the human's eyes attest to that fact. It must be near impossible to sleep with that kind of stress weighing down on you – I shudder at the thought. Pink on the other hand just looks pensive.
“Well Ser Duke, I think you will find that if you and yours had more seriously investigated the cause of your 'Unbound' you might have saved yourself and your people some hardship.” Pink's voice is amused, her reply provocative. Another hardship of rulership – being forced to deal with impertinent ambassadors without overt shows of strength or force – my sympathies Duke Clearwater...
“Mayhap that is so.” The duke; however, is cool in the face of impudence. “Since you are being so forward allow me to be so as well. When two tenth circle mages descend on my city – existences with a value I don't think you fully grasp – I am put in a position where I must lend an ear, at the very least. If word reached the Emporer that I was anything less than hospitable to such personages without a full grasp of their allegiances – specifically if those allegiances could be swayed to the Imperium and directed against The Encroachment – well, suffice to say he would not be very happy with me.
But that is the extent of my interest in you. 'Can you be useful in the war against The Encroachment?' And if you cannot even abide by the most basic rules of etiquette on a first meeting – it casts serious doubts in my mind about your ability to function in any sort of cooperational relationship.”
“Fair enough Ser Duke.” Pink's smile is catlike. “I hope you'll forgive any minor lapses in manners, this is an issue near to my heart – evokes a certain emotional response, you understand? But before we can continue, I must make sure you understand the cause of this 'Encroachment'.”
“Ridiculous…” Octavio mutters – barely audible. “Now the demon will spin a tale.”
“That would be valuable information. If you can actually provide it.” The duke steeples his fingers and stares at Pink – waiting for her to continue.
Pink nimbly produces the rune I carved for her earlier, displaying it to the assembled humans. Resulting in a slight narrowing of the eyes, a sudden wide-eyed wariness, and a species of naked curiosity.
“This is a rune. The word carved on it means fire. Are you all aware of how Rune magic functions?” Pink lays the rune gently on the table as she speaks.
“Clearly a dangerous weapon brought into the Duke's inner sanctum under a flag of truce – this is exactly the kind of duplicity I warned you of Tefran!” The wizard blurts out excitedly.
“Be silent Octavio, you're embarrassing yourself. For two tenth circle mages such duplicity is wholly unnecessary.” The duke cuts him off with an even fiercer glare than before.
“Rune magic – produces consistent effects?” A high and amused voice joins the conversation, the Tarisian ambassador making herself heard for the first time.
“Correct.” Pink says, ignoring the byplay between the duke and his wizard. “So, for the purposes of demonstrating the issue at hand, can one of you activate this rune with unaspected magical power?”
“This! This is exactly what I was WARNING of! No more obvious trap could poss-”
“Must you? Human?” I speak, my voice level yet overpowering the sounds of the hysterical human. Tilting my head and allowing the wizard to meet my eyes momentarily, a bit of my fraying patience conveyed – if his immediate silence is anything to judge by. Holding his eyes for a moment – until I'm sure he is quite done and I deign to release him. By plopping my head down and laying my cheek against the cool wooden table.
Keeping up a cool and dignified appearance is just too much work when you have to do more than sit – imposingly – on a throne. Fortunately along with a constant projection of dignity and grace – I find overwhelming power also elicits respect from the insects around me. Either is fine.
“Humans I would ask you act with a bit of intelligence, this demonstration is purely for the purposes of illustration – but if you feel it needs to be said, you have my assurances that there will be no danger whatsoever.” Pink splendidly ignores me and presses on.
“Then I'll do it, since Octavio seems so reluctant. He's always been a bit of a coward like that.” Chelsea's voice is nearly laughing as she reaches across the table and pulls the rune in front of her. “This won't destroy the table or anything will it? I'm not sure Tarisia will be willing to pick up the bill for something like that.”
“No, there is no danger.”
“Mmk.” And a feel a wisp of mana moving, a second later the rune glows a soft blue and a small red flame appears over it – about the size of a candle flame.
“As you can see, the effect is small. Due to how Rune Formations function, that rune will only ever produce a flame like that.” Pink points an elegantly manicured finger at the tiny candle flame. “Could you verify that for me?”
“Ah? Sure.” The mana disappears, the reappears, then disappears again, followed by a slightly larger bloom of mana swirling through the room. The candle-like flame disappears and reappears alongside, never wavering in its size or consistency. Of course. That's how Runes work. Is this annoying rapid-fire flickering of mana really necessary to establish that fact I wonder?
“It functions as you described. Confirmed.” The flippant woman says.
“Good. Now, are any of you humans capable of channeling holy energy?” Uncomfortable silence follows Pink's words.
“...Typically such things are kept as a secret – but it is hardly a secret that House Clearwater produces Paladins. I was versed in the use of holy magic from a young age. Why do you want to know?” The duke responds evenly.
“Because for demons channeling holy energy is terribly difficult – I doubt I could manage it honestly – but I need someone to charge the rune with holy energy to really make my point.” Pink says.
“Understood. I will trust this demonstration is going somewhere a little longer.” So saying the duke looks at Chelsea, who dismisses her mana and casually slides the inert rune down the table to him.
The duke looks down at the rune, his eyes narrowing in concentration. He reaches out a hand and traces his finger along the edge of it, his lips moving silently. He does that for a minute or so until I feel that familiar – and unpleasant – prickle of holy energy being used. The rune lights up – white – and the small candle-like flame reappears, its size and shape the same, but now it's white. With my cheek resting on the table my view of that hateful little white flame is unobstructed, at my side Pink tenses, her face darkening. A dark cloud of bloodthirst circling around her. Even though it was her request.
“Pink, calm.” My voice breaks the duke's concentration and the white flame disappears. With it the cloud that had crossed Pink's face is gone like it had never been. She glances down at me and gives a tight nod and smile – assuring me she's fine I assume. The humans have all tensed a bit, even the laughing woman in red has lost her smile – looking at us cautiously.
I yawn. “We are demons you know? A dislike for all things holy runs in our blood. Don't fret about it, it's just something like an allergic reaction.”
Sadly my attempt to dispel their tension seems to fail. The humans still stink of fear. Maybe when you speak with your face pressed against a table in a futile attempt to sleep – your words lose some credibility in the eyes of those around you? Something to reflect on I suppose.
“Ahem. If I may have the rune? I will conclude the demonstration.” Pink proceeds, unperturbed. And Duke Clearwater for his part recovers remarkably well, pushing the rune back across the table to Pink without a word.
“You see humans, our problem stems from an imbalance in the mana of the world – specifically an excess of demonic energy. This excess brought about by a …shall we say 'deficit' …of demons. The result.” She puts her finger on the rune. “A rampant over-saturation of demonic energy that is corrupting the unaspected mana – resulting in the creatures you call 'Unbound' ...among other things I imagine.”
The rune lights up green. And a blast of green fire explodes out of it, a huge cone of fire blasting up towards the ceiling. Before it gets there though, the spell loses cohesion and fizzles, the fire dispersing into nothing as rapidly as it appeared. At the end of Pink's finger sits the rune, split neatly in half – the cobblestone it was carved on unable to bear the strain.
“Demonic energy so thick in the air even the fundamental laws of magic are being bent under its weight.” Pink concludes dispassionately.
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