《Once More》Chapter 14 - Infiltration
Evading detection as we fly across this patch of Suprema is a trivial matter of flying high enough to be mistaken for birds from the ground. Which is good because in this area humans are numerous. We've already passed three more of the little 'villages' like the one we visited before and the road we're following – that connects those villages – is positively bustling with activity. Humans walking along it with only the clothes on their back, humans riding four legged creatures, humans riding in carts dragged by four legged creatures, armored humans marching from place to place in – comparatively – well disciplined formations. We passed over a large building – surrounded by a wall – from which those latter armored humans amassed in great numbers – before setting out to march to and fro. Pink assured me she doubted the 'guild' we were searching for would be found in a such a place and I accepted her judgment and we continued on.
It was quite something actually – just flying overhead – I've seen more humans than I've ever seen demons amassed in my castle. I knew, intellectually, that demons were the significantly less numerous race – but seeing it first hand is …interesting. At least this journey is not boring – with the feeling of corruption vaguely clawing at me I feel no interest in sleeping – so it's good there are other things with which to amuse myself. Pink and I are currently stopped – still hovering far off the ground – looking down at the first human city we've came across. It's on another scale entirely compared to the villages along the road. Surrounded by a high stone wall it contains hundreds of buildings and from above I can see countless humans milling about within.
At my side Pink is casting her magic again, preparing herself for our infiltration, as I watch the familiar pulse of mana shoots out. As the magic returns Pink stiffens her eyes widening.
“Mistress. There is a Holy Relic within that city.” Her look of surprise is gone, her face cracked into a wide smile. “I knew this plan was a good one! I couldn't sense it on the road – some type of enchantment on the walls? – but this is proof the humans covet our treasures, even today. Finding Xeven's relic shouldn't be too difficult – if the humans have it stashed somewhere.”
“Perhaps.” I can't muster much enthusiasm at the prospect. But Pink has enthusiasm enough for both of us.
“We must infiltrate this city.” Her tail waving behind her in her excitement. “It should be easy, I doubt any human could penetrate a glamour cast by you or I. And once within we can search out the relic – with luck there will be one of those 'guilds' down there as well!”
She turned a broad smile on me. “Let's go mistress!”
And she's off, flying down – toward a copse of trees some hundred yards distant from the city gates – her form blurring with concealment magic as she goes. Throttling the rising urge to kill the presumptuous creature I follow, for her to set off without waiting even for acknowledgment… But I have entrusted this task to her – I should simply watch on with a smile no matter how she goes about accomplishing it. So lazily I pull above the trees fold my wings and release my flight magic – plummeting down to the ground below in a matter of seconds. Landing – as always – heavily on the ground before looking up and around at the shadowy grove. Pink is there – her transformation nearly complete, her skin pale and human-looking, her pupils rounding out while the iris turns brown, wings all but disappeared. Looking at her is – annoying – because it's as if there are two of her, the pink Pink I know and love, overlaid by the pasty pale hornless and wingless Pink. My magical perceptions are too good to be fooled by a deception of this level unfortunately, so I'm left feeling as if I'm seeing double when I look at her.
With a sigh I retract my wings and horns – not bothering with a glamour but just physically pulling them inside my body. It's a slightly uncomfortable feeling – but having borne the feeling of being amidst a massive quantity of corruption for so long it's nothing by comparison. I do some rapid mental arithmetic, deciding if bearing this discomfort is worth the benefits, and then reluctantly concluding it is after a half second. Thus prepared I face Pink, with my vague half-smile, cultivated after years of sitting on the throne – a smile that subordinates tend to interpret based on their own desires, despite there being no particular feeling behind it.
“Excellent mistress. But there is one thing…” Trailing off Pink looks meaningfully at my head – or above my head actually. “I believe that due to your circlet – which bears some resemblance to the halo's of high ranking Celestials – we have been mistaken for Celestials twice now.” Pink's voice is gentle and inquiring.
“It matters not what others think of me Pink.” I say.
“Yes I agree mistress, but it is also a clearly magical item – wheras by comparison none of the rest of our clothing is – and having observed the humans thus far I have seen very little overt magic…” She trails off again, leaving the rest to my imagination.
“Pink. Could it be? You wish to remove my crown?” I look at her – forcing an expression of incredulity to hide the smoldering rage slowly roaring to life. The circlet is a precious thing, a gift I received long ago, its value far outstrips any succubus.
“No mistress. It's fine, we'll just bear the consequences whatever they may be.” Her reply is rapid – sensing something dangerous maybe. Centering myself I stamp out the remaining anger, before nodding.
“Then lead on Pink.”
And now we're waiting. I'd noticed it from the air but there was something of a queue in front of the city – a mass of stalled wagons and human beings, apparently all awaiting a chance to go inside the city. A queue Pink and I have joined, obediently awaiting our turn to enter. This city must have some import, for so many to be waiting to get inside and if it is home to one of the so-called “Holy Relics” of my people, so waiting to enter is …acceptable. If not enjoyable. At first it was slightly amusing, standing here among the humans. Staring them down one at a time and noting their interesting features. Men with long noses, or especially tall builds, or particularly ridiculous facial hair – there is no end of oddities to witness. The humans would occasionally notice my scrutiny – but none made any move to greet or speak to me – content to flush red and break eye contact mostly; though Pink standing nearby fingering her sword – glamoured to look like a thin bladed rapier – might have had something to do with that.
Most of the people in this line are armed to some degree, though calling them warriors might be stretching the term a bit. I can sense almost no magical reinforcement at all, no evidence of body reinforcement or the marks of the endless training required to become a formidable warrior in the absence of those other things. They are just men with slightly strong bodies and a myriad of crude weapons. There a few who aren't armed but they are all obviously merchants, laborers or – mages. Human mages exist it seems, though the feeling of their mana is so weak I stood staring at a young man for a solid minute – trying to suss out whether he was emitting the mana or if it was just background noise. Until his companion nudged the mages shoulder, pointed at me and said:
“She wants you.” With a crude smile.
Remembering my training with Pink I ignored that and resolved not to gape so openly at the humans henceforth – even if the humans don't seem willing to extend me the same courtesy, their eyes tracking me from all angles it feels like. Instead I move to stand silently behind Pink, closing my eyes and folding my arms, studiously ignoring our surroundings. Like this we pass the time, two tireless demons slowly shuffling forward in a queue line for humans – it's slightly absurd on reflection – we should have just flown over the wall. But maybe Pink's plan calls for interaction with the gate guards or something.
“First time in Shadfer? The lone voice breaks the small bubble of silence that has formed around us for some reason. My eyes are closed but I can sense the speaker is the young man who has been in front of us in the queue since we arrived. In front of me Pink shifts on her feet, preparing to respond in some way when a second voice cuts in.
“Come on Marc, there's being brave and then there just asking to be mercilessly slaughtered.” The second voice is light, amused.
“Lay off Dane.” The first voice replies. “I'm sure the lovely young ladies would not be so cruel. Besides I would be remiss in my duty as an adventurer if I did not inquire into the well being of pretty women I meet on the road.”
“We're at the gates to the city though Marc, I can't imagine there to be any danger here.” The second voice is flat. And I internally shake my head at the foolish humans lack of imagination.
“All the more reason to be extra sure then Dane, the job isn't over until your safely behind the city wall – can't relax our vigilance just because the end is in sight!” The first speaker sounds quite amused, slightly jubilant even.
“Ah, yes that's correct. It is our first time coming to this city.” Pink's voice cuts between them, her tone light with affected nervousness.
“Mhm. Mhm.” The first voice is now grunting in his enthusiasm. “I figured as much – I wouldn't forget seeing two women as beautiful as you. So I thought to myself: 'Those two must be travelers!' But – seriously – are you two alright? It's rare to see two young women traveling unescorted. Makes a man a bit worried.” I can hear the smile in the man's voice as he say's that last – both serious in his concern but also prepared to laugh it off.
“Oh you needn't worry on our account sir.” There is a matching smile in Pink's voice as she replies. “I'm quite capable in my own right. We do have a slight problem though, and while I hate to ask anything of a stranger – well we are far from home, maybe you would be willing to help us?”
“Marc.” The second man cuts in again – this time his tone a flat warning.
“Ahh you really have no faith in me you know that Dane? Don't worry I won't commit to anything impossible.” His next words are directed at Pink. “But I'm always willing to at least hear a pretty girl out.”
“Well you see, the two of us have traveled quite a distance to be here – and on the road we met with the Unbound – having dispatched them we're now somewhat troubled as to what to do with their crystal hearts. But I had heard there was a guild that managed such things.”
“...you've not heard of the adventurer's guild? You must have traveled from quite far indeed.” His tone is thoughtful. “Could it be you two are Tarisian? Ah – well that's not important is it? To answer your question the Adventures Guild handles the remains of fallen Unbound but only for members. Joining isn't too much trouble if you'll be around for a day or two – your only other option is to just turn them over to the Lord's soldiers, the gate guards for example, and they will handle it. But you won't receive any payment if you do that.
If you've the strength to put down the Unbound the Guild will welcome you with open arms. It's the, uh, sworn duty and all – you know?”
“Wait she's an adventurer?” A third voice cuts in.
“No way.” Chimes a fourth – a bit higher, probably a woman's voice.
“Hey now no need to make a spectacle boys, remember the rules.” The first voice cuts off the babbling.
“I see, thank you. We will visit this Adventurer's Guild.” Pink murmurs her thanks with a slightly final tone – trying to cut the conversation off there.
The first man is persistent though. “Let us guide you – it's no trouble at all, we're heading there anyway – and the city can be a bit of a rough place for a pretty girl.” His tone slightly cajoling.
Pink is silent for a moment, considering. Then with no evident reluctance she agrees. “We would appreciate that, if it's not too much trouble.”
“Of course, of course! It's no trouble at all. Any journey is made a little brighter by the addition of a pretty girl or two.”
At this I open my eyes, judging that I should probably at least see our escorts. A thin sickly looking man, Dane judging by his position relative to where I last heard that voice, holding a large walking stick. A short stocky man with a heavy axe slung across his back. A thin woman with fierce eyes, two daggers at her hips. And there next to Pink is a tall man, dressed in leathers with a breastplate of iron or steel, his eyes are blue and his hair is a sandy brown. Across his back there is a large iron shield and at his hip hangs a sheathed sword. He meets my eyes almost as soon as I open them and a large boyish grin spreads over his face, turned to me his eyes take on a smoldering intensity, and he steps towards me.
“Glad you decided to join us beautiful, your eyes are too pretty for you walk around with them closed all the time, you kno-”
And then Pink is there, between me and the man, her body tense. Cutting off his sudden rapid deluge of words. “My lady, does not speak, I'm afraid.” Her whole body radiating warning.
“Ah well. Excuse me.” The man looks a bit abashed, some of that intensity disappearing. “Sorry. We all have circumstances I suppose. Apologies for my rudeness lady, my name is Marc.” Saying so he gives a sort of salute, curling his hand into a half-fist and banging it against his breastplate. Apparently this is a formal greeting for him – so I flash a lazy smile to show my willingness to forget the little incident.
The tension drains from Pink's body a bit and she dips into a half-bow – well it barely qualifies as such since her eyes never leave the man's face. “My apologies as well sir, this one is called Pink, and she is …my Lady Alexandria.” I continue my lazy smile, mixed feelings going through me. On the one hand giving my name here probably isn't wise – if you take a long enough view – but on the other, how could I bear to be called anything else?
“Pink is it...?” His smile has become slightly strained but he presses on. “A pleasure to meet you both – and look! – it seems to be our turn at last. Let us be free of this wretched line.”
So we follow the group of four humans into the shadow of the massive city gate where another group of humans wearing armor are standing around, watching the people entering the city. In a few places people are stopped and the armored men are talking to them, creating the queue outside I surmise. We almost pass through the gauntlet unscathed but then an armored man appears in front of us, calling our group to a halt.
“Marc. Why is it every time I see you you seem to be smuggling something through my gates? You're supposed to be out there hunting the Unbound – did you decide that kidnapping was more profitable or something?” The guard has the voice of a man who has suffered through a lot of nonsense from people like Marc.
“Ack! You wound me Ser Guardsman, my party simply met some young ladies in need along the road – and have gallantly taken up the task of escorting them.” Marc replies theatrically.
“Is that right …?” The guard turns his eyes to me and Pink, his eyes lingering on my circlet for a brief moment before dropping his focus onto Pink.
“That is correct, ser. My Lady and I have not traveled these lands before – a guide is a most welcome thing.” Pink replies with an elegance befitting the gown she's wearing. But in response the guard's eyes sharpen.
“You two are foreign then? Have you both served your conscription?” The guard asks a question completely out of left field.
“Of course they have Kern, they plan to register with the Adventurer's Guild – everyone knows you need to present your proof of service to do that.” Marc cuts in smoothly. "And at any rate you know me and my party, you know our permissions are in order and we assert that we are escorting these two. So, no problems?"
Looking slightly overwhelmed by Marc's sudden inexplicible aggression the guards eyes soften before he replies. “Ah of course yer free to go through Marc, and if you're taking those two to the guild I've no further buisness with them. But adventurers? You two? ...really? ...not my business though.” After muttering to himself for a moment the guard dismisses us from his mind shooing us away with a gesture and turning back to the oncoming stream of humanity - we are finally through.
Inside the city is – a city. Cobbled stone streets, mostly wooden buildings though occasionally stone – nothing I hadn't seen from the air. Well one thing is different, before I was looking down at the humans – now a great many of the human's are looking back at me. We've stepped through the gates and followed a road maybe twenty feet into a large open area – some sort of open market or gathering place for humans – and a great many eyes have followed us every step of the way. That familiar feeling of admiring gazes of worms that can't help but stare – I didn't expect such when I walked among the humans, considering I am hiding my true nature – but it seems all lowly creatures of all races feel the need to worship me. Especially the male humans, when they spot me they tend to stare, gazes lingering far past the point of a passing glance – it makes me almost wonder if my or Pink's disguises are failing in some way, but the reactions aren't hostile so it's unlikely. As we follow behind Marc as his fellows I let an imperious smile slip onto my face – basking in the glow of my many admirers, if they start delivering tribute this place will be just like home!
While I entertain idle notions of letting the humans deliver their riches unto me in exchange for lording over them here for a little while, Marc and his group lead us further into the city, through a slightly nicer district with storefronts, inns, and even a stone courtyard with a fountain – deeper into the city until the cobbled stone roads give way to dirt. A poorer district apparently, my admirers here are less numerous sadly. Conversation has petered out almost entirely as we follow behind the adventurers – who skillfully navigate the small and twisting roads with casual ease. Until we reach a second courtyard of sorts – a large gap between the surrounding dirty wooden buildings at any rate.
Most of the surrounding buildings point into this courtyard – the fronts of various businesses, mostly ale-houses and inns if the wooden signboards hanging over the doorways are any indication. Directly across from where we entered though – there are two solid stone buildings. A smithy on the left – the front of the building open showcasing the squat dwarven man inside – working his forge intently. In front of the forge the is a small open area that seems to serve as his storefront – lines of swords, axes, and other weapons on display on a long wooden counter. A half dozen wooden dummies stand around – covered in metal armor that is also for sale presumably. A sleepy looking man sits behind the wooden counter.
The other building is the Adventurer's Guild probably – it's the only structure I've seen in this district that can boast a third story. A solid structure, all stone and sharp edges, it projects an aura of 'readiness' – though ready for what is hard to say – helped by the multitude of heavily armed humans scattered around the courtyard in front of it – some going in or coming out but many just loitering it seems. And these humans are different from the ones I've seen thus far – rougher around the edges maybe – with the way they carry themselves, openly baring weapons and borderline hostile glares. Stepping into the courtyard I'm reminded of the flight from my castle – because there are many eyes on me here too but the feeling behind them is quite different from what I was experiencing earlier – this feeling is more dozens of pairs of searching eyes appraising for the best way to tear me apart.
We've arrived among the adventurers and it seems to be an interesting place. With so many weaklings directing their barely concealed hostility at me – I have to fight to not let the amused smile threatening the corners of my lips gain any ground.
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in 2021 a secret government facility underneath a chemical plant is housing gene 175 aka the evolution gene. when the chemical plant blows up, it unleashes gene 175 upon the world. after laying dormant for a year, gene 175 activates; thus begins the apocalypse. people either evolve to gain power, or they deviate becoming abhorred. ten years into the apocalypse Noah Brookhart, who lost his family, now loses his life. in the ten years he experienced the apocolypse, he never once "awakened" his powers. after dying he wakes up nearly 10 years in the past (about a month after the apocolypse started,) after which, he evolves to stage 2 (which he never managed to do before,) discovering his power. now that he has a new found streangth can he avoid his bleak future?
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The Outliers
This is a tale of gang warfare in a world of fantasy. The city of Vim: a cesspool of crime, poverty, and death is home to over 100 gangs all vying for control of the metropolis. Once such gang are the Outliers, an up and coming group of teenage boys seeking to reach the top. One day they are invited to a gang rally, where they are framed for the assasination of a prominent gang leader. Now they must fight their way through the ghettos of Vim to get back home alive.
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