《Once More》Chapter 9 - Dissension
We're flying again, though our pace is significantly reduced – the toll not eating takes on Pink is evidently rather high. She's able to continue, using my mana to support herself, but we will have to find proper food at some point it seems – her body is not properly adapted to survive off only mana. Well you can't expect much of an infant I suppose. I'm not sure exactly how old she is but if she's even reached the full physical maturity most succubi grow into at around two hundred years I'd be surprised. Even if she can't properly process the mana – it will be enough to keep her alive more or less indefinitely, the only question is how much of that indefinitely she'll be able to move about and do useful things. One we shouldn't have to find the answer too – once we spot some sort of edible wildlife. Sadly the only wildlife we've yet encountered – those turtles – were quite tainted by the corruption, which sort of calls that 'edible' qualifier into question and Pink decided she'd rather be safe than sorry.
Even if I say we're moving slowly, we're still making good time compared to most forms of travel and we've already arrived at the other side of the mountain range the “Gates of Alexandria” was guarding. Flying through the mountain pass was easy enough – nothing has challenged us since the turtles, even they only became hostile when we landed amongst them and began flashily casting magic. In short our travel is uneventful, Pink has eased her pace to the point that her flight looks like she's little more than leaning into the wind – a stark contrast to her previous near-horizontal method of travel. Slowing to match this new speed was actually a bit difficult for me – a certain amount of speed is necessary to maintain flight unless you want to rely entirely on magical power, which is wasteful and also hard work comparatively. Not something I'm willing to do. Just when things seemed hopeless I was inspired by our previous battle and I compromised by conjuring a cloud, lying back on it, and floating along behind Pink.
It was a bit more work initially – creating the Rune Formation to bind the magical cloud properly but my little trick with the floating island was inspired and I was able to use that as a basis – and now I can just ride along to wherever Pink leads. The only drawback is the cloud will dissipate if I'm not in direct physical contact, due to the limitations of using water vapor as a medium for magic.
What happened to all those corrupted crystal hearts? Well they presented an interesting conundrum. You see while I proved that I was able to destroy them, the cost was such that I was hesitant to try to destroy so many. Using Soulfire to destroy such a large quantity would undoubtedly deal some – probably high and possibly irreversible – degree of damage to me. So that method's out. My spells for directly damaging them seemed insufficient, though perhaps it's too early to really conclude that – if I tried a bit harder I might be able to come up with something. So that method is also out. After that my options become less and less attractive – I could try to weave some sort of hex or curse or something like that, magic that can attack the core of somethings being might be more effective. But honestly ritual magic like that is a lot of work – both conceiving of it in the first place and actually applying it – and I'm terribly out of practice. Its been a long time I met a problem I couldn't overcome with brute force after all.
So I just opened my dimensional storage, a large extra-dimensional space I accessed in my youth when I was learning Space-Time magic, and chucked the crystal hearts inside. My storage capacity is massive, tied up with my overall mana capacity, so it was easy. Since the current plan calls to go meet with the various denizens of Suprema, I decided to just delay final judgment on the crystal hearts and hope that the humans or the doves have developed some method of destroying the corruption. I mean surely this is a problem they are working on as well right? An excellent solution that involves saving the problem for later with high hopes for just handing it off entirely – makes me smile just thinking about it. It is slightly concerning to have to lug around a big pile of corruption like this but extra-dimensional storage is actually probably the best place for it – after outright destruction of course. Keeping it off the physical plane entirely is more effective than any sealing magic. Probably. So long as I remember not to try to store anything else in there.
Floating through the sky, lying on a cloud – another annoyance is making itself known. Usually I would might take a moment like this to rest but it is sadly impossible. This whole continent thrums with the unpleasant power of corrupted beings – I can feel it on my skin, like the wretched things are reaching out to touch me. Apparently being inside my throne room – or perhaps inside that seal – was insulating me from the effect to some degree. Now exposed to this unrelenting and frankly revolting sensation I decide to strike up a conversation with Pink to distract myself. We've learned some things so maybe the plan can be revised.
“Pink.” I call out to her.
“Yes mistress?” Her reply is immediate and I can picture her body tensing up just from the sound of her voice.
“Relax” I murmur lazily “we're going to be traveling together for quite a while yet so please try to work on … whatever that is … being so stiff all the time…”
“Apologies, mistress, I will endeavor to do so.” Her voice is somehow even more tense the second time.
“Well whatever, do as you like” That has been my mantra regarding servants since time immemorial – no need to force a change now “What did you learn in those …ruins?”
“Mistress I can only lower my head and beg your forgiveness for my incompetence, I was so distracted by my battle with the monster, I learned very little of the fate of the city before it was reclaimed by the desert.” Her voice was choked with emotion “I wasted the opportunity you so generously provided me, a thousand deaths would not be sufficient to atone-”
“Haah… calm down Pink. I just told you to relax. I'm not particularly surprised. And at any rate I wasn't entirely idle, I took the time to look around a bit while you played with that turtle and I think I learned all we really needed to know. The city was ravaged by 'Spiritual Artillery' are you familiar with what that is?”
“'Spiritual Artillery'… as in – massed holy magical bombardment carried out by Celestials?”
“Correct, probably not less than a full Chorus of doves, just judging by the extent of the damage – pretty much every building I saw was covered in those tell-tale grooves formed when a dove just let's the magic loose and it splashes all over and around the target.”
“…for a full Chorus to be able to bombard The Gates of Alexandria… they would have to march an army directly through Lord Xeven's territory. How could such a thing…?” Pink's voice trails off in thought.
“I don't think it really matters how. Demonic politics are a volatile thing, it's not surprising Artas might find itself vulnerable to foreign incursion from time to time. Whatever happened is clearly ancient history, not really relevant to our current considerations.” Ancient history I was alive during and probably asleep for I think a bit guiltily.
“Then you think the Celestials are responsible? For wiping out demonkind? Is that the take-away?” Pink asks, her voice strangely flat.
“Well for wiping out that city at least. It's still a bit premature to lay all of this at the feet of the doves. It wouldn't be necessary for them to commit to wiping out every demon on the continent to get the result we're seeing I don't think. Even if they only hit a few big population centers and killed the Demon King, it might leave enough of a void for the monsters on Artas and the inevitable civil wars that would follow to do the rest.” I say distractedly, watching the clouds float by above me. Demon's have always been that kind of race after all, they burn so hot – but so brief.
A moment of silence follows and then a shadow appears over me. Tilting my head back I can see Pink has planted herself directly in front of my cloud and is now flying backwards – peering down at my face. She hasn't dropped our speed any so it's fine … but what is she doing?
“Goddess, because what we have is fundamentally a problem of balance – as I understand things – could we not simply exterminate the Celestials to achieve our aim? It is the bed they have made should we not force them to lie in it?” Her face was set grimly as she watched me for my response.
“This is a bit different from what you were saying when we set out Pink.” I prod gently.
“I did not have a clear grasp of the situation at that time Goddess. I have since revised my opinion.”
“…you still do not have a clear grasp of the situation Pink. Nor do I for that matter. We haven't even left Artas. But to answer your question, no, I do not think 'exterminating' the Celestials is a particularly viable solution. For practical reasons if nothing else – we are but two need I remind you? And my passion for the Blood Cycle has all but flown. And there may yet be more of our brethren across the sea.” Saying so I return my attention to the clouds – slightly regretting starting this conversation.
That's when I feel a weight on my hips. Looking down, Pink is straddling my waist – I feel her tail wrapping around my thigh. Having her perfect hourglass form suddenly appear on top of me renders me momentarily speechless. Once upon a time it might have aroused something like lust to have a succubus suddenly straddle my hips and lean forward until our faces are close enough to kiss; but all I feel is bewilderment. How long has it been since anyone dared to touch me like this? Well there was that time right after Pink woke up I guess… but this is clearly different. More aggressive. Someone needs to teach this succubus a bit about respect and propriety clearly.
“Goddess, I believe if the full situation was understood it would not be impossible to rouse others to our cause – certainly if any demons have fled to Suprema they would flock to you. But. But. More importantly. Isn't it intolerable? Goddess? For those winged wretches to come into your home and trample all the things that belong to you? For them to escape untroubled? Must we show them mercy? I understand – better than anyone – the kindness in your heart, but for wretches like that– All they deserve is death.
You need only say the word Goddess. I will start anew the Cycle – alone if I have to – until every last wretched bit of feathered scum is ground into dust.”
Pink is ranting. Her breasts heave alluringly with each angry statement. I can barely hear her words I'm so distracted – not by her body but by her proximity. No one touches me. No one dares. To invade my personal space – uninvited – is to invite immediate uncompromising death, such it has been ever since I took my place on the throne. Even before actually, how could any Demon Lord tolerate such flagrant disrespect and remain a Demon Lord? So while Pink is atop me venting her hatred for the doves – making it worse really, coming at me with such naked hostility – I am concentrating entirely on suppressing the overwhelming urge to destroy her, damn the consequences, for this disrespect.
Nowadays I have little use for dignity and no use at all for the perceptions other people have of me, even moreso when 'other people' is comprised of a single succubus. It's not dignified to float around half asleep behind my servant on a cloud obviously – but it is an indignity I have chosen to bear. What is currently happening; however, is not something I have chosen but rather something that was forced on me. A subtle but important distinction. And people do not force anything on Alexandria. That the succubus believes this is survivable behavior shows a staggering lack of respect, I am incredulous. It also demonstrates a that there is some flaw in the functionality of our bond. As a creature bound to me by my power – she should be fundamentally incapable of raising a hand against me. Perhaps straddling my hips like a lover doesn't count as opening hostilities? Or maybe I just half-assed it when I was applying the blessing? ...that's what it is isn't it? And she's still ranting.
“...even if we are currently but two, other races would rally to our banner if we could demonstrate the culpability the Celestial Host. Artas can't be the only place feeling effects of the corruption that we've–”
Her words are cut off as I roll over on my cloud and force her under me, pressing her back into the springy surface. Physically asserting my dominance, I pulse my mana – letting it radiate out from my body – forcing her tail off of me and pressing her whole body down into the cloud. Planting an arm on either side of her head I glare down at her.
Pink's reaction is dramatic. Her face, which had been slightly flushed red with anger, has paled until it's almost white. Her breath is coming in rapid little gasps as she stares back up at me – eyes wide with terror and brimming with tears. Apparently shocked back to some semblance of sense. “...imsorryimsorryimsorry – pleaseforgivemegoddess...” She's chanting nearly inaudibly – so quiet that I think it might not be an intentional verbalization but merely a glimpse at the thoughts currently running through her mind.
“What should we do with you…” I whisper. Feeling honestly a bit conflicted, almost wishing she could give me an answer – so that I wouldn't have to think of one. After all there is probably only one appropriate response, right? Only one thing can be expected in the face of this sort of behavior, no demon could expect anything else - lenience is a weakness no demon abides. Ignoring her babbling during my moment of consideration I settle on a verdict.
“But then I did just tell you to do as you like so let us take this as a learning opportunity” I lean down until our foreheads are almost touching – close enough for a kiss – before continuing “no one touches me. You understand?”
She looks like she wants to nod but with our proximity the motion would bring us into contact, after realizing that she opens her mouth.
“Yes Mistress.” She says, voice trembling with barely concealed terror.
“Good.” I flash her my best predators smile and collapse my body on top of her. I can feel her go rigid, stiff as board beneath me – a suspiciously soft board but still… Deftly, I roll us around and into position until we're spooning on top of the cloud. Exhausted from the flurry of activity I rest my head on her shoulder. She's a bit taller than me – and she has wings! – so it feels a bit awkward but I don't mind it.
“This is me touching you Pink. It's much more acceptable. You understand the distinction?” I murmur almost directly into her ear. Her whole body shivers in response before she says:
“Yes Mistress. I understand.”
“Good. Because it would be a terrible waste to have to destroy you, I've become somewhat fond of you these past few days.”
“I'm grateful for your lenience, mistress, I can only apologize – I was somewhat overwhelmed by … negative feelings for the Celestials.”
She's not facing me so I can't see what sort of face she's making while she offers this up. Angry? Defiant? Contrite? Idly I run my fingers through her hair, gently patting the top of her head smoothing it down … such a terribly soft creature.
“You apologize too easily Pink, you are a demon are you not? Not properly built for groveling and apologizing and especially not built to forgive the crimes of the doves. I understand that much, so I can – perhaps this once – offer a measure of forgiveness but do not expect such lenience always. It can only make you weak.”
Besides she did recently gather a hundred or so of those crystal hearts for me – that could contribute to some form of emotional instability. I don't mind too much, now the heat of the moment has passed, because she is just the right size for me to cling to. It's quite a delectable sensation, holding someone else close, and not one I have indulged in quite some time.
“Do not defy me Pink, stick close and make yourself useful, in that manner you will never require my forgiveness and your life will be long and happy.” Relatively speaking.
“If you will it, I will gladly accompany you mistress.”
Her voice is soft and she isn't looking at me but I think she sounds happy. Heh. Succubi are sly creatures aren't they? But this is annoying. I've created something of a problem for myself haven't I? Now she will surely try to kill me – it's the only proper answer for a foolish master who would let such a slight pass, such an obvious declaration of weakness. I mean, like me, she's a demon. We are not creatures that can be raised into lapdogs, so the only possible response to a foe that rolls over to show its soft underbelly – like say a master who can't even properly administer a swift death when the situation calls for it – is to tear into it with all your strength, rip it apart with your bare hands if necessary. If you can't even do that much can you even call yourself a demon?
And Pink is a demon, one of my Chosen, she should understand better than most the call for brutality – to be forced under someone who would falter in the face of such must be truly intolerable. I know I would find it so, were our positions reversed. It's wholly undemonic. So for now I'll keep her close. Her chances against me as we are now are infinitely close to zero so she will undoubtedly bide her time and sharpen her claws. In the meantime I will have to devise a countermeasure, if I put my mind to it I imagine the task will be trivial. Alternately, maybe I should just kill her now and save myself the trouble? But I think that ultimately it will be less work to simply bind her to me a bit more thoroughly going forward, as opposed to searching out a replacement.
It makes me smile a bit, head still on her shoulder looking out into the horizon, after all this is what a relationship between two demons is supposed to be like. All smiles and soft words – watching eagle eyed for the slightest sign chance to drive home your barely concealed blade. So I'll savor the feeling – at least until I get bored.
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