《Spectral Regalia》Chapter 9 Sylph & Nemean
Chapter 9 here ^^. how about this guys if i make it into the top #50 1 week from now il release 2 extra chapter's for one release date :D! so please dont forget to rate! other then that enjoy ch 9
It only took a few hours this time for Avrin to wake up, the reason most likely being he was excited to progress. It seemed he was slowly becoming accustomed to this body, as well as the abilities. He woke up and ate a few rations that he hadn’t had the chance to touch. It would be waste to just absorb his food and let it rot. He also began a series of exercises, ranging from push-ups to sit-ups. He even formed a railing bar and stuck it into the ceiling of the shelter so he could do chin-ups.
It wasn’t good if one got lazy due to their own blessed abilities. You could only get the best out of your body and your genius once you combined it with hard work. This personal philosophy worked for him in his old universe, so he decided to adopt it again and embrace it as his way of life. After a good solid hour of working out he had built up a sweat.
He gazed at his clothes only to see that they had become quite dirty. He frowned, as he felt like it was just like the time he had been imprisoned with a lack of hygiene. So he decided to do away with them, even though they were made by god. He felt little attachment to them. He began to try something new.
Placing his dirtied white shirt on a flat stone with little bumps, he began to focus his aura around it. It began to engulf the object until it was completely covered. Its colour turned purple. Instead of absorbing it, though, he tried something he just thought of on the spot. This idea was changing an already made object into something else.
He slowly began to think of a differently shaped piece of clothing, something that would fit in this world obviously they weren’t modern and, considering its one of fantasy, he figured something from a fantasy video game would do. But also something that would hide his appearance and help him blend in.
It took a good half an hour before Avrin finally managed to succeed. Unfortunately, something that required more detail needed a better trained mind to completely get it right. But thankfully, he managed to lessen the aura that coloured the shirt so that he could see how it was turning out. After getting the right size, determined by sight, he finished with a purple and black undershirt and a deep black leather cloak to go over it.
With some brown straps across the chest and shoulder area, he also attached a hood to the back of it and made sure it would be long enough to cover his hair and face correctly. The cloak also had a long wrap and could cover the body completely, like a cape. It would prove useful later on when running away, if trouble was met.
Avrin continued on with the rest of his clothing until his entire set was finished. That being said, he was still dirty and didn’t have the confidence to clean himself with his ability, so he decided to continue outside naked for the moment while carrying a sack containing his clothing. As he stepped outside, eating some jerky he gazed at the cat-like creature that seemed to be sleeping before it raised its head to gaze at the naked Avrin, a little confused, but still worried. After all, he was the man that killed both the Hecates and the Nemeans.
"I’ll be back for you later. I have a lot of fun things in store." He chuckled while walking off, as if the Nemean he captured understood his words, it growled like it was trying to form some sort of resistance.
Avrin’s destination was the lake he had arrived during his first time on Seleria. He intended to wash up there. And it didn’t take long, as he had figured where it was to begin with. That, and he augmented his right eye. He figured that a small augmentation would prove useful as well as easier. It seemed augmenting himself didn’t damage or injure him in any way, only cause a slight distorted feeling that he was slowly becoming accustomed to.
So, with one eye with normal vision and the other seeing the mana of other living creatures, he made his way towards the pristine lake. It seemed the predators around him were purposely avoiding him. "Word goes around quick even if it’s the law of nature. The top predator is always known by others." He spoke quietly to himself before gazing around the lake. Then, he widened his eyes in a deep state of surprise as he spotted humanoid life forms across the other side of this gigantic lake.
There were around 17 of them. He couldn’t see them exactly but he knew they were humanoid. "Humans?" Avrin took a chance and decided to augment his right eye even further. The patterned pupil dilated in on itself until it gave a needle like sharpness and he was able to see their auras as if they were as bright as a light and could see much further as if the people were right in front of him. "What the hell....those are…"
The creatures Avrin had spotted were quite unique. They had athletic builds, were somewhat as tall as or even taller than normal humans, and they had long hair and pointed ears like Avrin. He recalled his experience with fantasy creatures. In his universe the way of the so called "otaku" would prove priceless as there was no doubt that these creatures were the Sylph race's Elves.
It didn’t take a moment longer for a small winged creature half the size of the elves to point in the direction of Avrin. It had a different sort of mana flow. The elves had a blue aura with green hues. The fairy-like creature gave a white aura with purple star-like hues.
Avrin quickly hid behind a tree and walked off in the bushes, knowing he had been spotted.
"They might take me as a hostile, but I’ll ignore them for now." Avrin continued to walk down the narrow lake's edge before he came across a cut section where it went down a small hill, like a waterfall. He placed his clothes down before carefully approaching it and gazing around. It didn’t seem like anything was near and the elven creatures had actually gotten closer to where he was spotted. It seemed he had got away from this one.
Avrin moved under the cold waterfall as he shivered while washing himself. He felt comfortable enough to form soap with his ability to help better clean himself. He had spent two days in Seleria and it seemed he was getting more accustomed to way of life.
He needed to figure out his intentions, though, and there was a saying that people come up with their best ideas in the shower. But in Avrin’s case, a shower was replaced with a mini waterfall and instead of being at home he was on a different planet, in the wild. The thought almost made him laugh at his misfortune – or was it luck? Either way, he did indeed intend to head back and experiment on that creature. It’s not as if he wanted to torture it.
He indeed wanted to test his ability to see if it could heal wounds or modify them without having to wait until they slowly modified themselves. His augmented eye kept on, he gazed around himself. It seemed the elves were heading this way. He had no intentions of meeting them any time soon, even more so knowing they may be dangerous. It seemed the predators of this forest kept away from them as well, possibly because of that very reason.
Avrin finished and headed over to where his sack of clothing was located before he realised something. He looked at the elven group with his eye and widened it. "Where is it? I can’t see that fairy." He then heard a little scurrying and what sounded like objects being thrown about.
He turned to look at his bag only to see that there in front of him was the fairy he had seen before, halfway inside of his bag and rummaging through it. He had no idea what to do in this situation. Would he let himself get mad and remove the fairy from it? Should he kill it so it wouldn’t alert the others? Or should he run off and hope it didn’t see him? He chose his final plan and that was to bind the fairy or knock it out. Avrin raised his palm toward the creature and spoke out as if acting in a play, it also seemed to help with the ability casting.
"Void wrap." An empty void-like bubble fired towards the fairy and engulfed it in a bubble along with his sack-like bag. The creature was shocked as it popped its head out of the bag and squealed and clawed at the bubble that didn’t budge. Avrin took the clothing the fairy had thrown away and put it on himself.
The fairy looked at him confused. What it saw was a unique elven-like humanoid that couldn’t be called elven, exactly. It worried this fairy. Was he possibly a dark elf, with this dark feeling of magic? But it didn’t seem to hurt her, so it thought maybe it was going to sell her?
Avrin had finally put his clothing on. If one were to look he would appear to look quite handsome and mysterious, but a trained eye could tell he had a menacing feel about him, even if he wasn’t evil at the moment. Avrin clicked his tongue quietly and rubbed his head as he gazed at the creature. The elves were getting much closer and it worried him as he had no intention of confronting them. He decided to leave the bag and the fairy as they were. He sighed as he walked off this way. At least it wouldn’t follow him and it bought him time.
As he got further away the elves saw the fairy banging against the bubble. It didn’t seem like it could break through and the elves themselves were looking at it, frantic to get it out. They began to attack it with their weapons, but it didn’t budge. He took this as a sort of trial for protecting himself in a sense that their weapons would be ineffective against the bubble. What if he used it as a shield? From what Avrin saw, he somewhat felt sorry for the pitiful creature. It made him smile and he raised his hand, his fingertips emitting a faint purple aura before the bubble he could see with his augmented eye burst and the fairy fell on its butt before scurrying into the arms of a child like elf.
He turned away and continued on in the direction of the shelter. "I’ll have to be extra careful from here on out. That fairy has seen me. It will most likely notify the others of me." Avrin planned for the worst. It wasn’t good if one was always positive. Avrin made his way back, dodging the traps he had set. He then looked at the traps with a slight sense of worry. He realised that if they did follow him, they would most certainly fall to this traps and lose a limb or even die. He had killed many and didn’t want to necessarily kill anything that was human, or resembled one, without reason. Then again… he thought carefully to himself.
It can’t be helped. If they come looking for me, it may only mean they intend to be aggressive and capture me after what I did. That fairy has tracking abilities, judging from how it found me from so far away. It’s worrying, but I’ll have to be careful from here on out.
He continued walking in the clearing as the Nemean gazed at him, even more frightened than before due to his clothed appearance, but it gave only a low growl and backed off as Avrin approached the cage.
"Well now, my dear guest, who was after my death. A no good eye and now a missing arm. Maybe I should help you."
The creature stayed silent as it didn’t understand what he was saying. It only grunted at him and growled some more.
Avrin tilted his head as his hand moved up to rub his own chin. "You’re most likely thinking of ways to get revenge, but I’ll tell you now. There is no longer any way that you will have it. After all, you’re now my pet." Avrin chuckled quietly, as he enjoyed degrading this former hunter. He seemed unlike the calm composed general that was thoughtful but tense in dire situations. He was now more free and intoxicated with his newfound power and possibilities. He gazed at the creatures wound before raising his hand towards it. The creature instantly got in a defensive pose before Avrin's nebula mist seeped through the cage and latched itself onto the creature’s missing arm socket.
The creature grew wild as it moved around, but Avrin made sure to keep it still by willing the nebula mist to be strong and immovable. Thankfully, his ability was stronger than the creature’s physical strength.
Firstly, Avrin began to form the shape of an arm using the creature’s remaining one as inspiration. He was also feeling nervous, as it was his first time attempting something such as regrowing an arm. He pictured the nerves and muscles forming and joining with the creature’s socket and damaged nerves and muscles. He pictured the creature having the ability to freely use its hand like the original. Then, he also decided to modify it a bit as the arm was taking shape. He gave the creature the ability to form that arm into something similar to how his own hand looked when it was augmenting itself.
He figured the new arm would be nowhere near as powerful as his Void Claw, but it would still be significantly better than its counterpart or the creature’s other arm. The creature shrieked in agony as it tried to move. It seemed having something so fine and precise being regrown took a toll on it. A creature so large seemed as if it wanted to cry and rip the new arm out. Avrin had hoped he wouldn’t need to regrow one of his own and experience the same thing.
It took a total of two hours just to regrow the arm. Avrin was feeling distorted, so he used his free hand to absorb the ground below him while channelling the nebula mist to the creature. It was finally down before the mist completely engulfed the arm, forming a large rectangular box. The creature fell to its knees, clearly mentally exhausted from the pain. Avrin somewhat pitied it. It wasn’t like he was doing this out of good will though, it was here for his experimentation.
It was finally completed and Avrin seemed to have absorbed a few feet of the ground to feed himself. It seemed converting something into a different sort of energy took its toll on his body, especially if it was something he wasn’t trained for, but he felt his capacity grow significantly with every use.
The box on the creature’s arm began to disintegrate before revealing the newly formed arm. It was jet black and seemed more alien with the spikes across the muscle as well as the semi-claws on the knuckles and the larger razor claw-like nails before showing the fingertips, which seemed to be able to easily crush a stone.
"Hmm, I must say, for my first time regrowing a limb I did pretty well designing it. Now the real test. Hey you, move it! I want to see if it works." He gestured to the creature, which didn’t respond for a few seconds it looked at him then growled quietly before moving both its hands onto the cages bottom. It blinked before feeling a familiar, yet missed feeling. Its arm had grown back. As it turned to look at it with an eager face it gave a small frown. What had been felt was this monstrosity attached to it.
The creature was not impressed at its sight. It made it look weird and unlike its other kind. It was starting to go crazy as it looked at Avrin, who went quiet. It charged at him and, as Avrin jumped away from the cage, the creature swiped at the steel bars with its new arm. An astonished look crossed its face as the bars effortlessly broke, bended, and snapped apart at its strength. The cage was open and both Avrin and the creature stood quiet.
That was until the creature looked at him then at its arm then at the cage. Avrin looked at the creature then at the cage then back at it. Avrin took a defensive stance immediately as he formed two void bolts, thinking it might attack him, but instead the creature ran off in the direction of the forest. It remembered the ground that turned into ice spikes and jumped up into the air and into the forest avoiding them all.
Avrin clicked his tongue as the bolts were reabsorbed "Tsk. Damn thing got away. I wanted to remake that eye." He sighed before heading back to his shelter. "I’m no longer satisfied here. I know I’m capable of defending myself and I can’t seclude myself here forever – I’m no hermit. I’m sure I will learn more if I explore, not to mention I’m probably no longer safe here since elves and a fairy tracker are around."
"It’s settled. Time to pack up and head out." He gave a smile before heading to manifest some supplies and objects to use.
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