《Spectral Regalia》Chapter 6 Of One's Potential.
R&R please to help me improve ^^. if you see any mistake's or story loophole's let me know please
Avrin was dreaming of something he considered personal. But, because it was his first time sleeping in this world, he could only consider such a dream as irritating.
"Avrin..." a voice called out, but he didn’t respond, as he was still in a daze. He then heard it again. "Avrin...General Avrin, sir. Are you awake?" Avrin was seated behind a sturdy oak desk in a reasonably sized office room with a single window. It didn’t have much other than the essentials one might think were important for the military. Gazing blankly Avrin shook his head as he gazed at the man in uniform in front of him.
On the right side of his jacket, he had several medals, but it looked like nothing compared to Avrin, who had medals on both left and right sides of his uniform. "Uhh, I’m fine." He shook his head slightly and blinked. "Something feels off. Was I day dreaming?" he mumbled to himself, before the man responded in a worried tone.
"Sir, are you ok? You don’t seem all that well." Avrin gazed at him with an emotionless look. He was often known as the scary general to those who didn’t know him well, but to his subordinates he was a respectful man who provided for his troops.
"No, I’m fine. I just feel out of place." Avrin looked at his desk and, seeing several papers, his eyes widened at the man’s next words.
"That’s because you are out of place sir. You did kill millions after all." Avrin raised his head and gazed at the man that would be known as his right hand. His name was Captain Fredrick Page, also the man who helped rat Avrin out in hopes of taking his position. "What did you say?" Avrin responded calmly, but he had an aggressive look in his eyes.
Fredrick grinned as his face darkened. He took a step back before the doors of Avrin’s office burst open, revealing an empty black space that Fredrick vanished into. Avrin stood up to ready himself, but the door seemed to get closer before it engulfed him in an empty darkness that felt like it was crushing him "W-what is this shit?!"
The sounds of people moaning in sorrow and pain, as well as the screams of women and children who Avrin felt no longer lived, haunted him. That was until Avrin fell onto a solid surface his eyes shut. Then he opened them slowly in horror. Around him was a limitless amount of charred corpses and dismembered bodies, as well as burning ruins of a city.
It made him want to puke. Not even he could withstand such horror or senseless murder. That was until he realized something by looking up at the dark sky lit faintly by the roaring flames engulfing the area. "Those moons....Cryos I and Cryos II....that means this planet...”
He quickly stood up in horror as the planet’s identity was none other than Votera Prime - the planet Avrin condemned for a purge of millions. He hunched over as he began to puke violently, then stopped at the feeling of something grabbing his ankle. He looked down to see a small female child with her arms missing. She cried out to him in a miserable, fearful voice.
"Mummy! Where’s my mummy?" Avrin's face turned from horror to stunned shock as he gazed at the child. Although she was burned and was missing a limb she indeed had the signs of Ziox virus. This didn’t deter Avrin. He fell to his knees and embraced the child in a tight hug as the girl continued to cry.
"Forgive me! I took all that you cared for away....I’m sorry!" Avrin spoke in a near crying tone. The ground slowly shook as the corpses of the dead began to make their way towards Avrin and the child. Avrin looked up to see them approach and let out a pained gasped as he stood up. He felt a sharp pain in his chest and slowly turned to see the source. It was a black dagger-like blade and attached to its hilt was the remaining hand of the child.
What shocked him more was the expression she gave. One of evil and vengeance for his blood, as she gave a wide grin, mouth open to reveal sharp razor-like teeth that were definitely no longer human. Her eyes deformed slightly as she began to melt, while the corpses latched onto Avrin's limbs.
"Hell....is this hell?" Avrin called out. As the dagger remained in his heart, it began to glow. His chest also glowed as it formed a hole inside of his body. It was as if it had devoured the left side of his chest. He felt a surge of pain and weakness that preceded a strong pull from where his left side used to be. It seemed a metallic dark ball had formed and it was sucking everything inside of it as if wanting to devour all. Avrin slowly felt its pull. Then he smiled.
I guess it’s my fate after all. Who else would have such a black enough core as to kill so many innocent lives?" In a single second, Avrin was covered by the living corpses that seemed to also be pulled in by the metallic sphere's intense gravitational pull before an explosion of darkness occurred from inside the mountain of corpses.
At that moment, Avrin quickly woke up panting and sweating all over. He quickly looked around while his body shook nervously, but it was eerily quiet with nothing but the fire he had created, the dim moonlight outside, the howling of some sort of wolf-like creature, and insects outside. Avrin gazed at his hands as he placed them on his face feeling only his uniquely shaped eyes.
"A dream...yes a dream...it couldn’t be anything else. A shitty nightmare." Avrin was annoyed that he had dreamt up such a thing. Maybe it was god’s way of telling him to never forget his past and that he was still being punished in some way for his murder of millions. While thinking of it, Avrin sighed and rubbed his face with a nearby cloth-like towel he had newly formed to wipe the sweat off his face.
“I can’t believe that little crone stabbed me.” Avrin chuckled quietly as he tried to cheer himself up with a cruel joke. Then he stretched and went over to eat some ration's which consisted of a sort of dried beef jerky that had a spicy scent and water. He was glad his dream wasn’t real. He was mainly disappointed that he couldn’t determine reality from a dream. He would have to try harder next time.
Avrin began to tinker around with his ability, as he had gotten some fair rest and felt energized. It seemed like there was one moon for this planet. If it was in his universe it would be considered a jewel in the universe. Earth-like planets with one moon were incredibly rare and usually reserved for high ranked officials.
Avrin began to create his first trap using his ability. He had decided to call this skill of his 'Dark Manifestation', as he figured people on this planet tended to name their own skills, he thought it would be weird if people had seen it only to find out he didn’t know what it was called. It may seem suspicious. He began to create a sort of landmine known as PermaFrost.
In his universe, this was an illegal item was used during WWIV, a little low tech, but it would get the job done. The permafrost mine would use Basic Liquid Nitrogen and inject Special Particles that were kept in a sort of glass cylinder inside the mine. By doing so, the liquid nitrogens make up would change in a near instant and create a giant icicle over the top that would usually engulf the leg of the poor sap that had the unlucky event of stepping on it.
This usually resulted in an intense pain, as the ice would usually pierce through the body and into the blood and arteries due to the effect of the particles speeding things up and changing its makeup by doing so. If one didn’t die from the pain or a clot, it would usually need to be amputated straight away as there was little to no chance of successfully restoring the leg. Its violent nature caused it to be outlawed greatly, but bandits tend to use it to protect their hideouts.
Avrin was careful to look around while carrying four of these ten-inch spherical disks in his hands. He formed a small hand shovel in his right hand to dig with and felt proud of himself for the fact that he seemed to get used to his basic ability and was now able to freely make simple objects. Of course, the mine's themselves took five minutes each to create. It seemed objects requiring a sort of energy used a bit more mana to make, as he felt the atmosphere around him turn a little thinner. It was a weird, Deja vu feeling. He contemplated if it was indeed mana, but just decided to go along with it. He would have to investigate further.
He began to dig the ground up quietly and placed a mine inside before moving along to the next one. He made sure to mark them in a way that he would know something was there just in case he forgot its location. He grinned to himself as he remembered the creature that attacked him. "This will teach that wild bastard who’s boss. I wonder if I can eat it."
Avrin contemplated changing his diet to eat creatures on the new planet. It was a unique opportunity to experience a different variety of tastes. Before he went off, he spotted what looked like a donkey faced rabbit approaching. He tilted his head and it gazed at him and made one of the weirdest sounds he had ever heard.
"Arurrrr....arurrrrrrrr." Avrin felt a little disgusted at this pitiful creature and just shook his head. Then he saw it get closer. He blinked and quickly spoke. "Don’t go there!!!" Of course, for a creature that didn’t understand language, especially language from a different universe, it was no use. The poor, pitiful creature stepped on one of the mines and in a near instant turned into a beautiful shiny icicle. It seemed its small body let the large icicle-like spike engulf it completely in a state of freeze. But Avrin knew the creature was indeed dead.
"These creatures are quite dumb. Poor things organs must be in shambles." The icicle, prior to engulfing the rabbit, made a large ‘ching’-like sound that echoed around. In the near distance, a roar echoed that made Avrin turn from admiring the frozen rabbit. It was a familiar sound. "Don’t tell me..." In the near distance. A large sound was heard, as if a creature was charging towards his direction. The trees shook and birds flew away as the creature approached.
"I’m sure it’s that thing lion thing!” Avrin's thoughts were put to rest as the creature burst out of the tree line and onto the ground ten meters from him, but eight meters from the nearest mine. It was a Hecate gorilla." Avrin blinked as he stood still and thought to himself, these things may not seem as bulky as the lion, but they sure as hell have good agility.
Avrin grinned, as he wanted to test his mines out on something large. So he opened his hand and formed a spike ball that was showing itself after the dark matter had dusted itself off. He was careful to not injure himself with it. He threw it at the creature, which responded by trying to back hand it away, but not before the spikes penetrated its skin and, with a larger roar then before, it gave a maddened look as its red blood began to seep down its arm.
"Dumb gorilla, you should be more careful next time." Avrin began to chuckle and, as if the gorilla could tell he was laughing at it, it began an intense charge.
"Oh crap." Avrin quickly backed away as it seemed to cover a few meter's in a near couple of seconds. As Avrin was turned away from it he heard the same ca ching sound the permafrost mine let out before it took the rabbit by surprise. It made him turn around for a glimpse only to see the gorilla’s right foot was completely covered in the ice-like spike. Avrin smirked at the creature and began to tease it again before forming more steel spike balls.
He began to throw more at it and, surprisingly, his body showed more superhuman-like prowess, as his average throws seemed to be like that of an incredibly well-trained fast baller for baseball. The creature was covering itself with its arms and the spikes got stuck in its forearms. Blood began to slide down its fur, covering it in a crimson red which made Avrin somewhat pity the creature.
The gorilla continued to approach before its lower right hand had hit a mine. It was able to barely drag along one icicle spike as it was a one meter in height with a ten inch diameter – just like the mine’s disk shape. The ice spike pierced the creatures arm and it screeched violently, struggling to retreat.
The smell of blood was somewhat thick as Avrin sniffed a little. It seemed his sense of smell was enhanced. Avrin put the thought aside as he watched the gorilla scurry away into the bushes. Avrin went back into his shelter and began to think to himself.
If it wasn’t for those mines I probably wouldn’t have made it back there. I need something to protect myself with. He began to wonder regarding the applications of dark matter, but decided to go with his priorities. For instance, what happens if he tries to focus dark matter over an already made object?
He found a large rock that seemed perfect for experimenting on. He approached it casually and knelt down beside it then moved his right hand a few inches above it. He began to focus in his hand. As if feeling a static in his body, the rock began to give a faint glow before black lines of what seemed to be energy emitted from it as bits and pieces of the rock broke off and turned into nothingness while its direction was Avrin's hand. He continued this for a few more seconds before the rock had a large chunk of itself missing. Avrin felt somewhat replenished. He was a little hungry and thirsty before trying this experiment but it seemed both his hunger and thirst were quenched well.
I see. So, if what I felt and saw is correct, I can deconstruct matter and take it into myself. It also appears that I can use this as a sort of way to feed myself." Avrin was beginning to cherish this ability more and more, but he decided to focus on manipulating his ability for a more combat purpose.
He approached a small clearing in the shelter and sat down in a cross leg position, willing his ability to form something that could be used as an attack. To his surprise, it felt easy and fluid as a pulsing purple sphere formed in his hand. It was around eight inches in all directions and was pressing against his finger almost like a balloon. It also had jet black edges that seemed to glow with static. Avrin felt a slight pull towards it. He wondered what sort of thing it could be.
He aimed it towards the exit of the cave and focused it into the darkness outside. As if willed by its creator, the sphere fired off like a bullet, stretching slightly before shooting off and giving a ghostly sound. Then it smacked into a large tree outside and left a large black scorch mark and a purple discoloration that began to make the area where the tree was hit turn into dust and vanish. The tree’s weight was unable to hold itself, as half of it had been eaten away, and it tumbled over, making a large snapping sound as it hit the ground. The process seemed identical to how Avrin's created objects dark shelling would disappear off.
Avrin, of course, could not see this process, as he didn’t bother going outside to check. At least he knew he could throw something at an enemy that wasn’t a spike ball. “I wonder..." He began to experiment more and tried to form another weapon. It slowly took shape and a long sword the same colour pattern as the 'void bolt' eventually appeared. Avrin checked its edges. They seemed sharp, but gave a dangerous feeling. He swung it around a few times. It gave a lighter ghostly sound than his void bolt.
"Well it looks good and feels as if I’m not holding anything. But how does it fair against something solid" Avrin, without hesitation slashed it across the shelter wall. The tip of the blade skimmed it as if slicing through butter, leaving a five inch deep gash that spread a little disintegrating some of the surrounding rock.
Avrin grinned menacingly, as he had many theories to test. What if he channelled his ability into his own limbs? It was risky but he decided to sacrifice his pinkie for the sake of his own experiment.
He closed his left hand, brandished his weapon in his right, and raised his pinky upward. As he began to feel for his own body and feel for the energy in his chest, he willed it towards his left pinky. To his surprise it responded kindly as his pinky turned a metallic purple before being engulfed in a faint black aura. He wondered what sort of things it could be used for, but just like the blade he approached the shelter wall and pressed up against it gently. It was as if he felt nothing there. In fact, he would say the wall felt more like paper, so he decided to try something similar to the sword.
He quickly smashed his pinky towards the wall in a sort of slashing motion. To his surprise the effect was similar to the sword, but it sacrificed slashing power and left a one inch gash. However, it also spread more of the black aura that began to disintegrate the surrounding wall. "Incredible! It seems I can enhance myself. Well I would have to test how far it can go, but it’s confirmed at least. I’ll have to be careful not to use the inside of the cave as a test area for weaponry. It would be just my luck if it caved in on me.”
Avrin watched the black aura disintegrate the wall as if eating it. Finally, it dissipated completely, as if it had been melted by a sort of acid.
"That must be the dark matter waste that god was talking about. I’ll have to be careful with how I use my ability. It may have negative side effects for this environment. For now though, I’ll need more mines." Avrin walked off to a small corner and began to create more Permafrost mines. It took two for the gorilla to scurry off, so more were needed before he could decide to attack anything with his abilities still in their infant state. As he was focusing on the creation of the mine, he pondered softly as to not interrupt its creation too much. "Void bolt, Void blade, and Dark Augmentation. I guess that will do for now." He grinned proudly to himself.
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