《Dragon Knight Prophecy》2-1 New Chapter one rework.
Gersius smiled as he opened his eyes to see the silver-blue curtain of Lilly's hair in his face. They lay on their side with her back to his chest in the darkness of the room. He had his arm curled tightly around her waist, pinning her to him. She was trapped until he decided to release her, and he did not feel like doing so for a long time.
His mind was a jumble of feelings and emotions as he considered the blue dragon that slept in his arms. She struggled to call him her husband and blushed whenever somebody referred to her as his wife.
He took a deep breath, his chest rising and causing her to rise with it as he closed his eyes. In his mind, he saw a stony valley with a stream of crystal clear water passing over polished rocks. A great scaled arm of blue rested by the shore of the stream, and the vision came closer to the water.
It was Lilly's dream, and she was back in her valley taking a drink from the stream. Many things had changed now that the bind was stronger, and they quickly discovered they could read each other thoughts. However, it only seemed to work when they were close. If they got too far apart, all they could feel was strong emotion. But, if they were close enough to touch, they could look into each other's minds. Nothing was a secret from one another, and when one of them dreamed the other could easily see it.
He hoped she would repeat the dream from yesterday. He remembered holding her in the still of the morning and prying into her dream to find her flying! It was amazing to see the world from her perspective. Soaring through clouds and looking down on the world that suddenly seemed distant and small. The moment was beautiful, but he spoiled the dream when he felt her sheer joy. To see just how much flying meant to her made his heart ache. She would never know this joy again, and he was the reason why. She felt his pain over he bind, and the dream ended as she woke up.
Even thinking about it now caused a reaction in his heart. He quickly put the feeling
away, not wishing to wake her a second time. He focused on right now and smiled as his beautiful dragon sat beside a stream playing with the water.
As the morning drew on the dream faded and two eyes as beautiful as sapphires opened. He felt a sudden surge in happiness as Lilly became aware she was trapped by his arm.
“You like being trapped?” he asked.
“I like being yours,” she replied.
“Can you read my mind?” he asked.
She smiled and looked into his mind and then gasped loudly.
“You want to do that now?” she whispered.
“Why not? You're in my arms already,” he replied.
“We mated last night! And the night before! And the night before that!” she replied.
“Are you my wife?” he asked her.
She nodded her head. “I am your wife.”
“Will you share your love with me?” he asked.
She struggled to reply as her breath became rapid and heavy.
“I will never deny you my love,” she replied.
With a smile, he lifted his arm and reached between their bodies. This caused her to flinch and curl up as he sought the entrance of her love. He closed his eyes and
let out a gentle sigh as he guided himself into her body. In the still darkness of the morning, he made love to her. He held her with a firm arm, keeping her trapped as they became one.
The passion that radiated from her was intoxicating. The bind caused him to feel both his and her bodies response to their lovemaking. The first time it happened had taken him by surprise. He was not prepared for the overwhelming mixing of their sensations. It was difficult to experience
and even harder to endure as she let go to the passion.
He felt her move as she folded her arms up and grabbed at the arm that held her tight. With a long groan, she surrendered to his efforts and was swept away in a sensation she still didn't believe was possible.
She was so overcome the first time they made love she cried afterward. He held her tightly, stroking her hair soothingly as he explained it was supposed to feel that way. She denied that anything could feel that way and gently curled into his chest as he rocked her.
She was better about it this time. She stretched out, trembling against his chest as her body struggled to endure his touch. He felt her relief when he reached his breaking point and cupped her hands over her mouth to stifle her cry when his body gave her its reward.
His arm remained around her waist, trapping her to him, his prisoner of love.
He felt a measure of embarrassment from her and looked into her thoughts. She was thinking about being a dragon, a dragon who had shamefully mated four times. What dragon in history has ever mated more than twice?
He laughed, and she looked back into his mind to understand what he was laughing about.
“You think that’s funny?” she asked.
"Lilly, you are much more than a dragon. You do not need to feel embarrassed for sharing your love with me," he replied.
She stretched out in his arm and let out a deep sigh.
"I know, but I always believed mating was a chore a female only did when the calling came. Something she dreaded doing and only did once. I have spent the past five hundred years dreading my calling coming on me."
“And now you are frequently mating,” he added.
"Four times in three days!" she said loudly. She put a hand over her eyes in embarrassment. "What would my mother think?"
“If I had had my way we would have mated four times the first day,” he replied.
He felt a flood of confused thoughts followed by such a deep embarrassment that he started to laugh again.
“It isn’t funny!” she stammered.
"Lilly, I love you. I have loved you for a long time, and I want to share that love with you. This is the most intimate way humans can express the love they feel. There is nothing wrong with wanting to share love like this."
“I am still a dragon,” she replied with another sigh. “I know your words are true, but I can't help but feel my nature deep inside. I fear that I may one day forget who I am and see myself only as the human Lilly.”
“I will always remind you of who you are Azurastra,” he whispered in his ear. “I will never let you forget that you are a dragon.”
She nodded her head gently as he lifted his arm to rub her side.
"Are you hungry at all?" he asked. She never felt hungry, except for the occasional desire to sleep with her coins. She even brought them to bed once, and he tried to sleep alongside her with them. It was the most uncomfortable night of his life.
“I could eat something I guess,” she replied.
“You do not feel hungry to me,” he said.
“I suppose I never do. I only eat because your human food is so good. I don’t think I have felt hungry since the bandits on the road.”
“Please tell me your still not full from that?” he said.
Lilly shrugged. “I can’t help it. It’s how dragons are. We don’t eat much.”
“I suppose that is a good thing,” he said. “If you needed to eat a realistic amount to maintain your weight you would probably have emptied all of Eastgate of food by now.”
“You don’t feel hungry either,” she said.
He realized she was right. He had scarcely eaten in the last few days. His mind was on her and her alone, and all other considerations seemed trivial. Still, he should feel hungry by now?
“We should get out of bed,” he said, rubbing her waist and enjoying the smoothness of her skin.
“I think you should put your arm back and hold me forever,” she replied as she wiggled to press into him.
“The others will wonder what we are doing in here,” he said. “They will think that all you do is mate all day.”
Lilly's eyes went wide, and she dashed out of bed.
“We need to get up!” she said.
He laughed as he climbed out after her his eyes looking at her beautiful form.
"I can feel that from here!" she said. "You've had enough of me for now."
"I will never have enough of you," he replied as he looked through his clothing. He only had one change of pants and shirt of his own. The temple found him some additional clothing that didn't quite fit to pad out what he owned. He decided to go with comfortable over clean as a thought came to his mind.
“I wonder if we could sneak out to buy some clothing,” he said.
Lilly looked up from where she was shaking out her green and brown dress.
“Out into the city?” she asked.
"Yes. I would like to buy pants that fit."
“I don’t know. That didn’t go well last time,” she replied.
He understood her concern. The temple was still on high alert from the occurrence in the market. People were allowed into the worship hall again, but all the doors deeper into the temple were guarded. A permanent watch of a dozen men and women stood at the temple gates.
“It would be different with me,” he said. “No man would approach you if you were on my arm.”
He felt her worry over the bind as he pulled his pants on.
“I promise it will be fine,” he said.
"If you're sure," she began timidly. "Could I get something too?"
“You want more clothing?” he asked.
She nodded gently. “Could I get another dress?”
"I will get you whatever dress you desire. My gold was in my pack so, I can afford to buy you another," he said. "Of course, there is always the gold in your pack.”
He felt such a wave of shock over the bind he had to smile.
“NO!” she cried. “I would rather keep the gold!”
“So spending my gold is fine?” he laughed.
“I would rather go naked than spend my gold!” she said as she moved to stand between him and her pack.
He smiled at the sudden dragon-like display. This was the woman who was afraid she would forget she was a dragon, he mused.
“I can read that thought!” she hissed.
He decided to play with her now that she was so defensive.
"You know if you don't mind going naked, you could sell your dresses and add the gold to your pack," he suggested.
Lilly's eyes went glossy a moment, and she stood motionless. He could feel her thoughts as she weighed the idea of selling the dresses for gold. He almost burst out laughing as she wondered if anybody would notice she was naked.
“You are not going naked,” he laughed. “Come, it is time to get dressed.”
He helped her get dressed and took a nibble at her neck and made her cry out.
“Stop!” she laughed. “You humans are terrible!”
“Do you want me to brush your hair?" he asked as she laced her dress.
"Thayle likes to do it," she said.
“I do not mind brushing my wife’s hair,” he said.
He felt her flair with emotion at being called his wife, and she had to look away.
“It means a lot to Thayle,” Lilly said. “You should go out my husb-”
He smiled at her stumble. She was trying hard to fill the role she found herself in, but still struggled to call him husband.
“You do not have to say that,” he said.
She closed her eyes and focused.
“You're my husband,” she said. “Now get out before they think what you said they would think!”
He nodded and went out into the hall beyond. The morning light was crawling down the crevice wall and bathed the space in soft light. The tables already held bowls of fruits and pitchers of water. Tavis and Ayawa were standing beside the table at the railing while Thayle sat in a chair nearby.
“Oh look who it is,” Ayawa said as he walked up. “I am surprised you can stand.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?” he asked.
Thayle giggled, and Tavis smiled beneath his hat.
“You know these rooms aren't soundproof?” Ayawa asked.
Gersius suddenly understood what she was referring to and was grateful Lilly wasn’t with him to hear it.
“I will tell her to lower her voice,” he said, not sure what else he could say.
“And where is our little songbird?” Thayle asked.
“Probably exhausted and passed out on the bed,” Ayawa said.
Gersius shot her a glare, and Ayawa smiled and looked away.
"She is in the room, getting ready. I believe she was hoping you would brush her hair," he said.
"I would love to," Thayle said with a smile as she got up.
He gave her a moment to walk away before turning back to Tavis and Ayawa.
“I hope you two are enjoying yourselves,” he said.
“Clearly you are,” Ayawa replied.
Gersius shook his head.
“We are both very happy for you, Gersius,” Tavis said. “You deserve a love like hers.”
Ayawa nodded in agreement. “I know I have been critical of it in the past, but I am glad she is your wife.”
Gersius closed his eyes and nodded. The love of a woman was one of the two great dreams of his life. Having a family with that woman was the other.
“So what are your plans today?” Tavis asked.
Ayawa went to make another joke, but Gersius shook his head at her, and she smiled and kept quiet.
“I was thinking of sneaking out into the city with Lilly,” he said.
“What?” Ayawa quipped. “You show your fool face in the city, and they will find you for sure.”
“What would you want to go out into the city for?” Tavis asked.
“I need clothes,” he said. “I only had three changes with me. Lilly shredded one, I lost one when I was tortured, and the one I am in now will wear out.”
“Didn’t the temple donate some clothes to you?” Tavis asked.
“He looks silly in those,” Ayawa said. “His shoulders are too broad to wear that one shirt.”
“I like the red and orange one,” Tavis said.
“He can’t even lace the front closed,” Ayawa said.
“Well then he has to go out,” Tavis replied. “And that is a huge risk.”
Ayawa scowled as she pondered it.
Gersius smiled as a silvery voice echoed in his head.
“Are you talking to Ayawa?” Lilly asked.
“I am,” he replied silently.
“Could you ask her to braid my hair?”
He nodded and looked at the two by the railing.
“What are you smiling about?” Ayawa asked.
“Lilly would like to know if you will braid her hair again,” he said.
Ayawa glanced at Tavis and let out a huff. “I can’t believe you hear that dragon in your head. I would go insane if I heard Tavis all day.”
Tavis smiled and pinched her side. “I would sing songs in my head so you could enjoy them.”
“You could always bind each other,” Gersius said. “It is a wonderful experience.”
“Not a chance!” Ayawa snapped. “We don’t even know our true names.”
“Such a pity, I would enjoy having you bound,” Tavis teased.
“You're going to enjoy a split lip!” she barked back at him.
"So will you braid her hair?" he asked.
Ayawa huffed and folded her arms. “Tell her to come out here.”
He closed his eyes and relayed the message and felt Lilly’s happiness.
She came out in her green and tan dress with Thayle in tow. Her hair was freshly brushed and hung straight down her back in a soft blue cascade. Ayawa had her sit in a chair by the corner of the table while she went to work.
“How do you want this braided?” Ayawa asked.
“Do you have a braid that says I belong to someone?” Lilly asked.
Ayawa glanced up at Gersius, who smiled back.
“If that is what you want. I will let people know you belong to this fool,” Ayawa stammered.
Gersius sat at the table and pondered the notion of eating when Thayle sat beside him. She was in a simple black dress with a ruffled skirt. The top was black as well with golden leaves embroidered in. It covered her shoulders but left her arms bare. Her raven hair framed her face, and her pale skin made her lips, which she had taken the time to paint a vibrant red, stand out.
He felt a swell of emotion when he looked at her. She was as beautiful as Lilly, and she had worked so hard to bring them together. He owed her a debt he could never repay, though in his heart he wanted to try.
“So Lilly tells me you need more clothes,” she said.
“I was toying with the idea of sneaking into the city,” he said.
Thayle nodded. “I suppose that’s to be expected. That red and orange shirt looks silly on you.”
“Thank you all for telling me after I wore it all day,” he said.
Thayle smiled and then looked serious as she took a breath.
“I can ask Prime Arlin, but he may be hesitant after what happened with Lilly.” She was silent a moment as she pondered it more. “And if your seen our hiding spot will be forfeit.”
“I was hoping you could help me with that,” he said.
Thayle looked at him. “Help you how?”
“You disguised Lilly, can you do so for me?” he asked.
Thayle smiled. “I might be able to arrange a little help in concealing who you are. Lilly said you wanted her to come with?”
He nodded. “I want to get her a dress. She needs more than one traveling outfit.”
“But you're not traveling?” Thayle said.
He sighed and motioned with his head as he got up.
He led Thayle down the hall to the basin, hoping to find privacy from Lilly's prying curiosity. They had played with the bind over the last few days, and he knew the limits of their range. From here, she would be able to feel his emotions, but not read his thoughts.
“I can not hide here forever,” he said. “The time has come for me to decided what the next step is.”
Thayle nodded her head.
“I wonder if your order could provide me with some maps? I need any information I can get about the mountains, particularly to the north.”
“We have a library and a repository for documents and maps. I will ask the caretaker to dig up anything that might help,” she said.
He nodded and ran his fingers through his hair nervously.
“Your aura looks tense, Gersius. What are you planning?”
"Thayle, I have to go to Calathen. I am here because of a vow I made to save the people. I can not turn away from this. Now that I have Lilly, I can complete the prophecy, and save them."
Thayle shook her head. "How will you reach the city? Your order will kill you on sight."
"I have a plan, but I do not want to talk about it now. I need the maps to be sure I am making the right decision."
She nodded. “Does Lilly know?”
“Not yet,” he said as he ran his fingers through his hair again. “I do not want to say anything until I am sure.”
“I understand,” she said. “I will go see about getting you out into the city and ask about the maps.”
She turned, but he called after her.
“Thayle,” he said, and she paused to look at him. “Thank you. Thank you for everything. I wish there was some way I could show you just how grateful to you I am.”
She smiled back at him. “I can see it in your light, Gersius. You have no need to say the words.”
She bowed slightly and walked off to speak to Prime Arlin.
He rejoined Lilly and Ayawa and smiled to see Lilly’s hair woven into a series of braids on the right side of her head.
“These are ropes of ownership. You always walk to his left, so the ropes face him,” Ayawa said. “This signals that he is the one you are tied to.”
Lilly looked up at him and smiled as Ayawa tied another rope.
Tavis tapped him on the shoulder and whispered in his ear.
“You don’t need a bind to see how much she loves you,” he said.
Gersius smiled. It was true, Lilly's love was obvious to anyone who looked.
When the braiding was done, all of Lilly's hair was fed over in ropes to the right side of her head. There one braid tied them all together, and they ran together down her shoulder.
“That looks very good on you,” he said.
“I know, I can feel your pleasure for it,” she replied. “Do you really think I should braid my hair all the time?”
He laughed as she read his thoughts.
“That thought reading is disturbing,” Ayawa said. “And if you want your hair braided daily you're going to have to teach your husband how to do it.”
Lilly giggled and stood up.
“What did you and Thayle talk about?” she asked.
"I spoke to her about going into the city," he said.
“I did too,” Lilly replied. “She was concerned about us being seen.”
“I asked her to disguise us like they did for you,” he said.
“You’re sure you want to go out into the city?” she asked.
“Would you like me to buy you a new dress?”
She smiled as she blushed.
“Then I am sure,” he said.
“You are taking a risk,” Ayawa said.
Gersius looked at her.
“I need more clothes, and so does Lilly.”
“Why can’t they bring a seamstress into the temple?” Ayawa asked.
“If we are not allowed to go into the city, I will ask about that,” he said.
Lilly took his hand and stood to his left, so her braids were facing him.
“She didn’t need that braid to tell people she belonged to you,” Ayawa scoffed.
He smiled and led Lilly away, taking her down the hall to the basin where he had just spoken to Thayle.
“So why are we hiding down here?” Lilly asked.
“So I can steal more kisses,” he said.
She blushed and looked away.
“You enjoy kissing, don't you?” he asked.
She sighed. “Gersius, I have discovered a whole new world of things I enjoy. I feel guilty sometimes over how much I enjoy your touch.”
“You use to yell at me for trying to touch you,” he teased.
“You had just bound me!” Lilly scolded. “I was afraid!”
“I tried to tell you it was just to provide you comfort,” he said.
“Oh, really?” she said. “So you had no desire to hold my hand because you were attracted to me?”
He smiled and didn’t reply.
“Gersius!” she snapped. “You’re terrible!”
He turned her to face him and held her arms. "I saw you more like a young woman new to the human way of life. I felt more like a father showing a daughter the world."
“I am not a child!” she quipped.
“I know. You made that painfully clear. I felt bad about how I treated you there. I was not in my best mind, and I kept seeing you in the wrong way.”
“You did tell me that,” she admitted. “I was very hard on you as well. I was angry that you were taking me away from my home.” She sighed and looked away as he held her. “The truth is I had no reason to go home. There is nothing there for me anymore.”
“Lilly, you don't need a hoard to call that valley your home. It is a beautiful place, and so long as you are there, it is magical.”
She smiled and twisted in his arms.
“You make me blush,” she said. “Why did you fall in love with me?”
“Why did I fall in love with the most beautiful woman I have ever known? The woman who risked her life to save mine twice? The woman who tried to comfort me when I was going through the pain of losing my faith? The woman who put a token of her love on me and followed it to me?”
He felt her emotions begin to swirl, and he smiled.
“You are my very heart, Lilly. I love you because you are a beautiful woman and a glorious dragon.”
“You don’t dislike the dragon?” she asked.
“No,” he said. “Why would you even think that? I love your dragon form. I have never seen anything so wondrous in my life.”
She danced in his arms and glanced down the hall to see if anyone was watching before she leaned over and gave him a quick kiss.
He pulled her close and hugged her as he took a deep breath. He could not believe how many things had gone wrong since he left Calathen. He could also not believe how grateful he was that they had. If it led to Lilly being in his arms, he would do it all again.
They lingered at the end of the hall, talking and sharing kisses until a voice startled them.
“I see the love birds are doing well,” Thayle laughed.
Lilly practically jumped out of his arms and straightened her dress quickly.
He laughed and turned to face Thayle with a smile.
“I took care of those tasks,” Thayle said. “Prime Arlin is very concerned about letting you go outside the temple, but he understands the need. I have arranged some women to help make you both a little less obvious.”
“Thank you, priestess,” Gersius said with a nod.
Thayle smiled and reached out with both hands taking one of each of theirs and pulling them away. “Come on they should be ready soon.”
Gersius felt a tumble of emotions as he looked down at his hand. He was surprised at his reaction but equally so he as surprised by the sudden flood of similar feelings from Lilly. He looked over at Lilly who in turn looked over at him with wide eyes.
“Why do you feel so excited to be holding her hand?” Lilly asked silently over the bind.
“Why do you?” Gersius returned.
He saw his words hit her and cause her to stumble a little.
"Are you alright, sweetheart?" Thayle asked as she led them down the hall.
He was suddenly awash in sensation from Lilly as her heart reacted to being called sweetheart.
“Lilly!” he sent over the bind. “Do you love Thayle?”
He saw her head dip, and she looked away from him. He could feel shock, worry, embarrassment, and fear mixing with the feelings of love that he wasn't sure were for him.
“Can we talk about this later?” she sent back.
"We are definitely talking about this later," he replied. He saw her twitch and felt her emotions fall into turmoil.
Thayle led them out into the temple and down a hall to the same room Lilly had visited before.
The only woman in the room was Casandra standing there in a cream dress with yellow diamonds on her coat. She had her brown hair tied back and looked every bit the village woman.
Lilly waved to the woman as she came in, causing her to smile and deepen the creases of age on her face.
“I see you didn’t learn your lesson the last time,” the woman said.
Lilly walked right to the chair in the middle of the room and sat down as the older woman smiled.
“I see why you suggested a hat,” Casandra said as she looked at the braids. “I also see she belongs to someone.” She looked up and stared at Gersius. “A good choice too.”
Lilly smiled wider as Thayle shook her head.
Casandra went to a table on the back wall. There was a collection of hats on the table, and she sorted through them looking for one to hid Lilly's hair.
“You should cut her hair. It would make this easier,” Casandra said.
“No!’ all three of the others said in unison.
Casandra looked back at them and smirked as she settled on a green hat with a wide wavy brim. It had a dash of white feathers woven into one side and a single red flower in the center.
“Let’s see if we can hide this bunch of ropes where no one will see it,” she said as she began to tuck Lilly’s hair into the hat.
Gersius stood beside Thayle as they watched the woman work. Lilly smiled the whole time as her hair was piled and pinned to the top of her head, and then the hat was firmly sat in place.
Casandra walked around her and adjusted the fit a few times.
“There, no one will see her hair color unless they stand right beside her,” she said.
Lilly reached up to feel the hat and smiled.
“Can I see it?” she asked.
Thayle stepped to the wall and picked up the mirror so Lilly could see her reflection.
Gersius could feel her excitement as she turned her head one way, and then the other smiling as if life was nothing but joy.
“I like it!” she said excitedly.
“Good, now let’s get the man in the chair. He will be harder,” Casandra said.
Lilly bounced up and stepped aside as Gersius sat down.
“You are sure you want this one?” Casandra asked Thayle as she held up a long black wig.”
“I am sure,” Thayle said.
Casandra shrugged and set the wig on his head.
“Thankfully he has short hair,” the woman said as she straightened the set and pined it in place.
Lilly and Thayle smiled at him as Casandra stepped away, revealing a man with long black hair that rolled just over his shoulders. He looked strong and rugged like a man of the wild with eyes of pure brown.
Casandra walked over to stand behind them and smiled herself.
“Why have you not told him to grow long hair?” the woman said. “He looks like a barbarian king with it.”
“What are you talking about?” Gersius asked.
Thayle held up the mirror so he could look, and all three women giggled at him.
He touched it and turned his head slowly as he took in the look.
“Keep your claws deep into him,” Casandra whispered to Lilly. “Or I will snatch him from you.”
Thayle balked at the woman's remarks, but Casandra only smiled and stepped back.
“Shall we go and make the same mistake twice?” Casandra asked.
Thayle led the way with with the others in tow as they made their way to the courtyard. All four of them dressed in plain clothes with the woman all in dresses and Gersius in his worn shirt and pants.
Lilly clung to him, holding his hand and pointing out shops as they passed. She told him all about the things she had seen and done the last time she was out.
“That man there has bells,” Lilly said. “Thayle said we could put the chimes in our garden.”
Eventually, they arrived at a shop where Gersius could get some proper clothes fitted. He went inside with Lilly while the two priestesses stood watch outside.
“So this is the man she belongs to,” Casandra said with a smile.
“I told you her heart was taken,” Thayle said. “The dance of light between them is amazing.”
“His light is stronger than any man I have ever seen,” Casandra said. “But hers comes away like waves in the ocean and crashes on him like he was a rock on the beach.”
Thayle smiled and nodded. “I have never seen a love so strong.”
Casandra smirked at her. “So what are you going to do about it?”
Thayle was silent a moment and then glanced at the woman.
“Let’s not play the same games we did last time,” Casandra said. “We both know what I see.”
“They are just grateful,” Thayle said.
“Are they now?” Casandra said. “Is this perhaps why you requested only one escort, and you insisted it should be me?”
Thayle was silent.
"You didn't want anyone else to see. You knew I would understand," Casandra said.
Thayle lowered her head and nodded.
A hand came to Thayle’s shoulder. "I was wrong about you. I told you that you were strong enough to do what needed doing. You are the strongest woman I have ever known, but even as we stand here talking we both see the light that is flowing to you."
“They are bound to each other. Their love is more than just emotion. They share one soul.”
“And that soul loves you,” Casandra said.
“This is just gratitude for what I did for them. You have seen it before. It will fade quickly. Gratitude never lasts.”
Casandra laughed with a snort. “Maybe, or maybe you should look for a second wedding dress.”
Thayle twitched in shock and Casandra just laughed. They turned to the window and looking into the shop.
Inside Gersius was posed, measured, and measured again.
Lilly sat in a chair nearby, watching him as the man in the shop wrote down the numbers. Gersius then spent a few moments picking out materials and discussing options before the man nodded and they left.
“But you didn’t get anything?” Lilly said.
“He is going to make them now,” Gersius said. “We will come back later and pick them up. While we wait, we will get you a new dress.”
Lilly bounced on his arm and smiled, pressing her hat into his head as she hugged into him.
“Young love,” Casandra said with a snicker.
Thayle walked beside her and joined her in the laugh.
They went into a seamstress, and Lilly was swept away by a wall of fabrics. She ran her hands over them and pinched them between fingers as she marveled at the colors.
The women of the shop had to pry her away from the wall to being her measurements. Now it was Lilly's turn to pose and twirl as the numbers were recorded. She, however, had to remain in the shop as additional measurements were needed as the women worked.
Thayle helped Lilly pick out a brown material for the dress and a lighter smooth cream material for the top. Casandra suggested a trim of bright yellow, and it was added to the list.
They all sat in the shop as two women worked to piece the dress together, sewing diligently and testing the fit over and over.
Gersius sat in a chair and watched the entire display. Every time Thayle touched Lilly, he felt Lilly’s heart flare up with emotion. He wondered how long Lilly had felt this way about her. The two women walked and talked like sisters and played with one another frequently. His mind started to wonder when a voice disturbed him.
“So you are the man she would destroy the city to protect,” Casandra said as she walked over to stand beside him.
Gersius looked up at the older woman and met her smile.
"That is a good look on you. If only I were younger," she said while looking at his hair.
“Age is no barrier to love. A woman with a good heart is beautiful beyond her years,” he said.
“Oh!' Casandra laughed. “Don't tempt me. You have enough women in your life as it is.”
Gersius wasn't sure what that comment meant precisely.
“So you went out with her before?”
“Oh yes,” Casandra said as she looked over at Thayle and Lilly as the two looked at a green fabric. “I will never forget that voice.”
Gersius nodded. “It can be frightening.”
“It chills the blood,” Casandra said.
“Hmm,” Gersius said with a smirk.
“Did I amuse you?” Casandra said.
Gersius nodded at Lilly. “She is an ice dragon. She can do far more than chill blood.”
“Oh,” Casandra said. “You have warmed the heart of a dragon of ice. You are a rare man.”
“I was only trying to complete my mission. She was terribly hurt because of it,” he said.
“And you feel responsible,” she said.
“I am responsible,” he replied. “I will never forgive myself.”
She smiled and nodded. “Men like to carry the blame. They never seem to see that the strongest loves are born out of pain. They always want love to form like a delicate flower growing in fertile soil. They never stop to think that you have to kill all the weeds first.”
Gersius looked at her with a confused look.
“I can see your mind working away at that. Just ask yourself this, what needed to die, so your soil was ready for its flower?” She smiled and walked away, leaving him confused as her words echoed in his head.
He tried to sort the meaning out as he thought of what had happened. What part of him needed to die to ready him for Lilly? He struggled for only a moment more before putting the thought aside. He went back to studying Lilly and Thayle as they talked by the wall. He had so many questions now, and he looked forward to asking them.
The rest of the day was uneventful. Lilly tried on her finished dress and spun in front of another mirror. He smiled as he felt her joy surging through his mind. They paid for the outfit and some additional underclothes and went back to the tailor's shop.
The tailor had two sets of pants and three shirts ready for him. Gersius tried them on and tested the sleeves. He had insisted on all of them being long-sleeved to help keep the armor off his skin. Two of them were an off white, and one was blue. They all had a split the neck that could be tied together with laces.
Lilly smiled when she saw the color, and he heard her in his mind.
“You picked that because of me, didn't you?”
“I did. I happen to like blue now,” he replied.
She smiled as he moved on to the pants.
They were all simple linen pants designed for hard work. They were rugged, easy to clean, and easy to mend. Thayle had asked why he hadn't chosen anything more dressy. He explained that he needed clothing he could march in. She understood the meaning and let the question die.
When the man was paid, they exited the shop and went directly to the temple with Lilly hanging on his left arm the whole way.
There was an air of relief when they made it inside free from any incident. They went back to the little room where the hat and the hair were removed.
Both Lilly and Thayle let out a 'booo' when the hair came off, and Casandra chuckled again.
Once again, Thayle took them both by the hand and led them back to the hall with Lilly smiling and glancing at him as they both felt each other's reaction to her touch. He was grateful when they were inside, and he sent a message to Lilly. She nodded and went down the hall to the very last room far away from the others.
He spoke to the others as she walked away and then moved to go after her.
Ayawa and Tavis looked at him funny as he got up to follow her a moment behind. Tavis questioned the sudden departure with a jabbing quip.
Gersius used the excuse that they needed more privacy as the reason why they were moving down. In truth, he wanted to make sure nobody heard what they were about to say. Tavis and Ayawa laughed and teased him about teaching her to be quieter.
He shut the door to the last room on the hall and leaned against it for support. After a deep breath, he turned around and looked at Lilly.
“Tell me the truth,” he said. “What do you feel for Thayle?”
She sat on a bed nervously twisting a foot on the floor.
“I don't know,” she said. “She has always been so kind to us. She helped me understand what it is I'm feeling, and she has cared for me as much as you have.”
He closed his eyes and nodded. He should have expected as much. Lilly may understand the feelings she has as love, but she had no idea what the rules were. He took a moment to clear his thoughts both to center himself and because he knew she as reading them.
“Would you say you feel as strongly about her as you do me?” he asked.
Lilly looked around the room and chewed on her lower lip.
“It's not the same,” she said. “I can't live without you, Gersius. I don't understand why I feel this way about you, but I do. With Thayle it's different. I just want her. I want to hold her and kiss her. I want to share my love with her.”
He went to argue with her and tell her she couldn't feel that way, but then he considered himself. He thought of how he felt when Thayle took his hand. He shook his head as he remembered what just looking at her made him think. He knew in his heart what the truth was.
“I feel the same way,” he said.
Lilly looked up with wide eyes and mouth agape.
“You do?”
He ran his fingers through his hair and sat on the bed across from her looking into her eyes.
“Lilly, I need to tell you something.”
She nodded and stared back at him.
“When we first came here. I was sure you were never going to love me. I had lost all hope in my mission, my faith, and that I would ever know your love.”
She remained silent as he spoke.
“I thought about giving up and going east to find my parents. They could help me establish a farm, and I could settle down and have a family. I was sure you hated me, and I was hurting. I asked Thayle to go with me and hinted that she would make a good wife.”
Lilly nodded as he told her. “What did she say?”
He shook his head. “She said no. She told me I couldn’t run from my duty or you. She made me promise not to think about it for a few days while she worked to put us back together.”
Lilly was quite a moment, and then she leaned over and put a hand on his knee.
“Do you love her too?”
He nodded his head. “After what she has done for us. All the love we share is because of her. How can I not love her?”
Lilly smiled. “I feel the same way. What do we do?”
“We are already married, Lilly. There is nothing we can do.”
Lilly leaned over a little more to look deeply into his eyes.
“We can’t love her too?”
He took a moment to sort his thoughts and make sure what he had to say was clear.
“Most people marry as a man and a woman. A few men have more than one wife, but only a very few.”
“How many more?” Lilly asked.
Gersius shook his head. “A noble Lord might have two or three. A king five or six. I suppose a great and powerful man might have more.”
“Are you not a great man?” Lilly asked.
“All I ever wanted was one wife,” he said. “I never dreamed I would fall in love again, and never in my wildest dreams did I believe I would love two of the greatest women in the land.”
Lilly smiled. “You didn't answer my question. Is the dragon knight not great enough a man to have two wives?”
“I do not want to harm you,” he whispered back. “My love is for you. I will never betray that.”
“I am not asking you to betray me,” Lilly replied. “I am asking you to love the woman I love.”
“You would be alright with Thayle in my arms?” he asked.
“Ha!” Lilly laughed. “Only if you are alright with her being in mine!”
He looked away a moment and then looked back at her.
“How many more will there be?” he asked.
“More what?’ Lilly replied.
“More people you fall in love with?” he asked. “I am open to Thayle only because we both met her and fell in love with her together. But, Lilly, you can not love whoever you want. You have to keep control over who you share your love with.”
She nodded. “I don’t pretend to understand how your relationships work. We don’t have such things as dragons, but I will do as you ask. I will trust you to guide me in this and show me the way. But I can’t lie to you, Gersius. I want her, and you want her too. I promise to keep my love for you and her alone.
“What if she doesn’t love us?” he asked.
She smiled and giggled. “I think Thayle is keeping a secret.”
“You think she loves us?” he asked.
“She is strange with me sometimes,” Lilly said. “Sometimes, when we are alone, and I tease her, she suddenly makes an excuse and leaves.”
He wondered what that could mean. In his heart, he knew it was useless to deny that he loved Thayle. He also knew that Thayle had already rejected him, but was that to honor Lilly? Now that they were married maybe Thayle would be more willing to talk?
“So should I ask her?” Lilly pressed.
“No!” he said quickly. He paused a moment to clear his thoughts.
“I don't have much experience with relationships, but I have commanded many men, and I have experience with people. She has already turned me down, but she seems to be more open with you. Just keep talking to her. Share your feelings and see if you can get her to open up. If she admits she loves you, then we will know, but you must be very slow and patient with her. Do not try to force this on her or she may run from you.”
“Or she might come to us sooner,” Lilly suggested.
He shook his head. "Lilly, listen to me carefully. If you pressure her into doing this, I will refuse to take her as a wife."
Lilly looked at him with sadness. “But we love her.”
"I know we do, but this cannot be rushed. I will try to give you two as much time as possible to talk. Just play like you normally do and let her express herself. I will be there to guide you if you need help."
“Do we need to do it this way?” she asked.
“We need to be sure she loves us,” he replied. “She cannot love you alone. She has to love us both.”
“What if she tells me she loves me?” Lilly asked.
“Then we give it a little time, and you keep talking to her. When the time is right, you ask her if she loves me.”
“How will I know when the time is right?” Lilly asked.
He shook his head. He had no idea how to answer that. He leaned over and pulled her into a hug. She meant more to him than his own life. He would never risk her love over something like this, but if she loved Thayle too? The question played over and over in his mind, did Thayle love him?
- In Serial1233 Chapters
Necropolis Immortal
A great war raged between cultivators a hundred thousand years ago. Immortals fell by the tens of thousands, the path of cultivation itself was severed, and after the dust settled, tombs forested the world.A hundred thousand years after the last legend faded, Lu Yun, commandant of tomb raiders, descends upon the world. Armed with the Tome of Life and Death, he has some burning questions to answer.……“This isn’t how you raid a tomb!” Lu Yun smirked at the cultivators frantically scurrying about the ancient tomb. “Do you want me to teach you?”…...But ah, can someone teach him how to cure his new body’s erectile dysfunction?Translator's note: Post-apocalyptic Chinese fantasy reigns in Necropolis Immortal!The world, civilization, and cultivation is in tatters while many hands pull many different strings from the shadows. History, the cultivation system, and the kingdom is a mess -- and that's exactly what the enemies want. Everyone seems to have a different understanding of everything in the world, so... best of luck.Necromancy, no filler, and unexplained mysteries of the world arrive with Necropolis Immortal!Starting off with several typical tropes, this novel quickly veers away from the cliche and into the realm of the spookily unexplored. Lu Yun, commandant of the tomb raiders, arrives in a fantastical world of immortals. It’s a realm filled with shiny new toys—ahem, tombs to be explored. What seems like a treasure-hunting jaunt is soon tinged with intrigue. What else does he have to solve other than how to stay alive in half a year’s time? This novel is great for those who like mystery paired with adventure, epic one-liners, and fanciful plot twists all served with a little dash of horror. PS. etvo has a cameo!Hocus Pocus? Weird Names? What is Feng Shui?The World of Necropolis Immortal and the Cultivation System[SPOILERS] TL;DR of the tombs in Necropolis Immortal [SPOILERS]
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Aced: A Slice of Life Tennis LitRPG
High school life isn't easy. It especially isn't easy when you're starting your freshman year at a brand-new school in a brand-new state. As such, Daniel Meadows was doing his best to get his bearings, and just fit in. That is, until he laid eyes on Sophia Hart. In that moment, he made a decision that would change his life forever. To win her over, he made the momentous decision to join the Tennis team, and take up a sport he'd never played before, to impress a girl he'd just met...As if this brilliant life choice wasn't questionable enough, he forgot to look both ways before crossing the street... A run in with an errant truck was inevitable, and now his life just got a little more complicated...how is Dan going to use his newfound powers, and can he reach his lofty (for a freshman I suppose...) goals of winning over Sophia's...heart? *This is a new web serial I am working on. I will be releasing a chapter a day for the next two weeks, and then pulling back my speed a little. To the moon!!!!! bwahaha*
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America's Knight
An anti-matter science experiment goes horribly wrong, sending 21st century American Arthur Collins back to the 12th century, a world of corruption, disease, and sword wielding maniacs otherwise known as Knights. He finds himself alone in a time that doesn’t even speak his language. There are no cars, computers, guns, not even running water. He must use his centuries of advance knowledge to carve out his place and reinvent the wheel so to speak. He introduces accounting, advertising, the assembly line, and even Moonshine and in the process starts the industrial revolution a few centuries ahead of schedule. What will he do with the power that only advanced knowledge brings? Arthur must combat arrogance, greed, and a sex crazed princess in order to save the world from tyranny, ignorance, and the absence of his beloved sport, Football. Can America’s Knight change history or will he be destroyed by it?
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Discordant Sonata
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I'm so so sorry.
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The Cursed Witch Arrives (A Dark Portal Fantasy)
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