《No Respawn》ARC 1: Chapter 3: To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapter 3: To Kill a Mockingbird
As Eric and I took watch, we found ourselves bored. We did what we can to cure our boredom. We talked about video games, movies and I even asked him to tell me what happened in Legendary Moonlight Sculptor movie since there’s no chance I could watch it.
I really wished I was there to watch it. I couldn’t put all the blame to Dianne though. I was also at fault. I actually forgot that the release of the movie was last week and the final showing was last night. After a long story of Lee Hyun’s badassery, Eric and I were back to square one.Boredom will be the death of us.
“So what’s the plan?” Eric asked.
“It’s not really a detailed plan and don’t expect me to do all the thinking.”
“Sure but seriously, what is it?”
“Camp Aguinaldo…”
“Oh…” Eric frowned.
“Oh? What?”
“I was actually thinking of the same thing. I just thought you had a better plan. I was going to suggest it, you know.”
He seemed to be disappointed with the simplicity of my plan. I would be too but it’s not like I experience monster apocalypse since the day I was born. I may be smart but I’m no expert in survival.
“So you think going to Camp Aguinaldo is a good idea?” Eric asked.
“The truth is I’m not sure…” I responded. “I’ve never been inside the place but I’ve seen it along EDSA [1].”
“Are there any more military base near QC [2]?”
“Hmmm, there’s Camp Atienza in Libis and Fort Bonifacio in Taguig. Camp Crame is another option but it’s a police headquarters.”
“Why not go in Camp Atienza? It’s nearer, right?”
“Camp Aguinaldo is just a few kilometres from Camp Atienza and it happened that I know someone inside Camp Aguinaldo.“
“And that someone is?” Eric’s eyebrows rose.
“You’ll know when we get there but that guy is someone I want to punch in the face.”
“Oh. That guy…” Eric nodded as we turned our heads to look at Dianne. “I see…”
In apocalypse movies, going to a military base seems to be a bad idea. This is bullshit. Some shithead writers thought it was clever to go in a shopping mall. A shopping mall would not be feasible even in a zombie apocalypse. Yes, you got food, clothing, shelter and other provisions but how can you defend the place? I’ve never seen a shopping mall with walls or stationed with battle hardened veteran soldiers.
Most people, in real world that is, would think that evacuating in a military base is a good idea and they’re right. It’s common sense. Never underestimate military for handling such situations.
Shopping malls? Hahaha… It’s just a pathetic excuse for a plot to avoid clichés.
Good job, dickhead! By using movies as reference, you thought you were so smart, aren’t you? Pffft…
Anyway, for being such a smartass, the SYSTEM rewarded you with the following:
+1 Wisdom
+1 Intelligence
+20 MP
I mentally facepalmed myself as I read the message. He likes mocking me and I couldn’t do anything about it. Well, at least I got a reward for being mocked.
“The question is: How do we go there?” Eric asked.
“We walk, of course…” I said. “Or run depending on the situation but we would have to travel along EDSA on foot and perhaps, take stops here and there to replenish our supplies and of course, for rest.”
“Looks like we have no choice then. Are you sure about the plan?”
“Yup…” Not really. I used to ride a bus and I knew a couple of landmarks to know where I was so I wouldn’t be lost but now, it’s different. I didn’t memorize the whole EDSA but I think we can manage. Like Eric said, we didn’t have much of a choice.
After Eric and I discussed the rest of the plan, I looked at my watch and saw that it was only 10 p.m..I stared at it counting every second. I wish I have a book right now. If boredom had HP, I would have killed it by now.
“Your watch is still working?” Eric asked.
“Yeah, it’s an automatic watch.” I said as I showed him my watch.
“But I thought the SYSTEM said that all electrical devices wouldn’t work?”
“I don’t know but it seems that the SYSTEM doesn’t consider automatic watch as an electrical device. It doesn’t run on battery. All I have to do is move my wrist and it works.”
“That watch is priceless since there are no more clocks working and most of it runs on electricity.”
“I know but I don’t think the SYSTEM is perfect. It has flaws and I think there are more things that are still working other than automatic watches.”
SYSTEM Update: Patch 1.01
-All automatic wrist watches will no longer work.
Thank you for pointing it out, Miguel. Believe me, you have my sincerest thanks.
“What the fuck?” Eric cursed as he read the blue screen. “Did God hear us?”
I felt the veins popped in my head when I saw the message. I wanted to curse loudly at God but FUCK ME AND SHOVE A HORSE COCK IN MY ASS.
Oi, don’t You smite me I didn’t curse You; I cursed myself, mind You. There, I even used proper capitalization to address the Almighty Lord our God. By the way, You’re welcome, God! You’re very very welcome!
I’d appreciate it if not for the sarcasm. Don’t worry I won’t smite you.
Hehehehe… You should see the look on your face. It’s funny.
From now on, sarcasms are allowed. That is just between you and me though. *Wink*
My blood was boiling with rage. Any minute now and steam would come out of my ears and nose.
“He also mentioned your name.” Eric said.
“Yeah...” I responded.
As the time passed, I calmed myself down and Eric seemed to be yawning every thirty seconds. Yes, every thirty seconds. I know since I’ve counted. There’s nothing else to do.
“We’ve been here for hours and I’m already sleepy.” Eric said.
“Then go to sleep. I’ll be fine by myself. I’ll stay and keep watch.”
“Okay…” Eric didn’t even ask if I was sure. He stood up from his chair and went to bed.
After a few minutes of being alone, I realized that I forgot to test my new skill [Heal]. The problem was how? The only way to test it is to wound myself then use [Heal]. I didn’t want to use the dagger we looted from the goblin since its rusted so I took a candle and went to the kitchen.
After I found a knife, I opened the refrigerator to look for something to eat. I know that it’s bad manners to open other people’s fridge but I was hungry and I needed to test something in inventory. Since earlier, I wondered if inventory could preserve food.
After I ate a cold slice of pizza in the fridge, I took another slice and store in my inventory. I’ll leave it there for a while and we’ll see if the pizza would still be cold and good.
I went back to my seat near the window. I opened my Skill screen and checked the description of [Heal].
Heal [Active] Lvl 1 Beginner
Effect: Heals wounds and other types of injury such as, but not limited to, broken bones. HP restored depends on how much MP is applied and amount of WIS;
[Heal] cannot be used to cure diseases. Each level of [Heal] will increase HP restoration by 0.05 per 1 SP consumption.
HP restoration to MP cost ratio: 0.70:1
So with my current MP of 330, I can heal a total of 231 HP. Not bad since it was almost as twice as my maximum HP. As I held the kitchen knife ready to inflict a wound on my arm, I heard a voice.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
I turned my eyes to see where the voice came. It was Claire and she looked furious.
“Look, it’s not…” Claire rushed and took the knife in my hand. “…what you think.”
I admit. Every time I’m doing something stupid, Claire would be there to see it. And when she glares at me, I’d become stupider. This is why I hate beautiful women. Especially if it’s Claire.
“We’re all in this situation together, Miguel.” Claire folded her arms and stared down on me. “Killing yourself is not an answer. We’re here for you. If you need someone to talk with, I’m here…”
“Chill out, Claire…” I interrupted. “I’m not trying to kill myself. I was just about to test my skill [Heal] and the only way to test it is to use it on a wound. So give me back the knife.”
Claire dropped the sharp glare as she sat on a chair. Her eyes turned to an ‘I’ll be watching you’ stare which was more terrifying. She handed back the knife and folded her arms.
“Why are you still here?” I asked.
“Go ahead… I’ll watch.” She said without changing her expression.
Arrghh… It’s irritating. If not for her crowd control skill [Charm], I’d be saying ‘adios hija de puta’ while giving her a finger.
I held the knife and made a small cut on my hand.
-1 HP
The cut I made was so small that I didn’t even feel the knife not until it bled anyway. I put the knife on my lap and my right hand over the wound. I concentrated and thought of the skill [Heal].
As my right hand glowed with warm green light, I felt that my body was warm like something flowing inside my body and no, it wasn’t the feeling of horniness with Claire but it was something that I couldn’t explain. When I looked at the wound, it’s already healed. I didn’t see how it healed since I was so focused on the warm feeling.
+1 HP
-5 HP
“Ahh…” I cut myself again and this time the wound was much larger.
The blood flowed slowly from the wound. I watched the wound closed rapidly as I used the skill.
+5 HP
“Wow!” Claire said as she took my hand and thoroughly inspecting it. “It totally healed!”
I didn’t know why I feel good about Claire holding my hand. She looked excited. It’s actually rare for me to see this look on her as I always saw her as smug, annoyed, and angry whenever we see each other. Not to mention, I saw her face when I was bleeding from the goblin’s dagger. She looked worried (Perhaps the rarest).
We only had a few but notable interactions in the past. Unlike Eric and Dianne, Claire and I were both accountancy students. It was the first day in college and I sat in the back row trying to avoid too much attention. This was the day I first met her. She arrived late on class, like 30 minutes late, so she was reprimanded by our professor on the first day.
All of the seats were taken except the one next to me. When I saw her approach, I felt like time slowed down to a halt just like what I’m experiencing now as she held my hand. Was it love I felt? Love at first sight? Not really. I have a mindset not expect the best out of any situation and it saved me a lot from disappointment. I just admired her beauty that’s all.
All the boys were sneaking glances at her and their eyes were filled with jealousy when they saw me with her. Most girls weren’t interested to talk with me, Claire wasn’t an exception. We stayed silent for the whole day and not caring for each other’s existence.
The next day, she didn’t take the seat next to me which was totally fine with me. Not only she’s pretty but she’s smart too. Claire and I had this competition in academics and I always got the better grades. Although there was one time when she got a higher grade but it was a minor subject.
The competition got fiercer and that was the time when she started sitting next to me. Claire liked to ask questions about the topics she didn’t understand and I, being a good guy and all, explained it to her but not so much to give her advantage over me. I hate losing. Especially to a girl.
In time, we always hanged out together to study especially on exams but actually, I studied with her just to see how much she knew and to learn what I didn’t know. It’s clear that she’s doing the same thing. You know what they say, keep your enemies closer. I try not to take her attitude personally. We treated each other as competitors so it’s all business but there’s absolutely no need to keep her ‘competitive’ attitude every time we meet.
And so began the Miguel-Claire insult wars, we throw each other sarcastic remark. There’s no limit on insults we can use. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. She may be the only one who could beat me at my own game.
I didn’t really hate her. In fact, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed her insults to me as much as I enjoyed throwing insults to her. We never let a day pass by without throwing at least one insult to each other except when we’re studying together because it would just distract us. We’re professionals. Business is business.
Later on, Eric and Dianne started to hang out with her too. Claire would always smile whenever she sees Eric. Obviously, she likes him. It kinda made me jealous as much as I hate to admit. I don’t know why but I think a part of me hoped that she likes me.
Skill level of [Heal] increased by 1
“If you’re going to hold my hand for that long, you should at least buy me a drink.” I said to her as I snapped back to reality. She let go of my hand and her expression turned back to the way it used to be. She didn’t reply. Looks like I won.
I held the knife with its blade pointing downwards as I prepared to stab my hand and make a deeper wound.
“You’d probably want to look away from what I’m about to do…” I said.
“Why? I kinda enjoy it seeing you hurt yourself.” She grinned. “It’s a pity I’m not the one doing it.”
Burn! I couldn’t think of a comeback. I’ll definitely win next time. I let out a deep breath, closed my eyes and plunged the knife into my hand. I saw Claire covered her face with her hands and I think she made a ‘kyaaah!’ sound. So cute.
-10 HP
It sucked. I inspected my hand and the blade got through my hand.
I didn’t see why it shaved off 10 HP considering I only have 120 HP and I only stabbed my hand. I cringed at the idea of being stabbed in the heart or having my throat slashed.
“Aw shit!” I tried to pull the knife but it’s too much. It fucking hurts.
“I never thought you’d really do it! Are you crazy?!” I got to admit. I liked seeing her worried.
I may have a few screws loose in my head for doing it but like I said, being with Claire makes me stupid. Why not take advantage of the situation? I won’t be stupid for long anyway.
I finally pulled the knife from my hand and it bled rapidly. I used [Heal] on the wound and it took a few seconds to heal.
+10 HP
Skill level of [Heal] increased by 1
Hmmm... I’ve only used [Heal] twice and it already increased by 2 levels and according to my calculations my MP should’ve been decreased by 22. To my surprise, I found that it only decreased by 18. Perhaps the other 4 MP regenerated in between [Heal]? I should make more tests and I’d like to see what would happen if my [Heal] reached level 10. Two birds with one stone. I think I can get used to the pain after a few more wounds.
I knew it. You’re a nutjob. Not only you enjoy being humiliated, you also enjoy physical pain. *Sigh*
For taking pleasure of being in pain, the SYSTEM rewarded you with the following:
Title: Masochist
Effect: +10% Pain tolerance and HP
Skill: Masochism [Passive] Lvl 1 Beginner
Effect: Increases pain tolerance and HP by 1%. Increases by 1% each level.
Current Bonus: 1% pain tolerance and HP
Again, I felt insulted from the skill I gained. At least it’s useful and I gained a Title. I wasn’t proud of it but the bonus looked amazing. Three birds with one stone.
I raised my knife again to inflict more wounds but Claire grabbed my hand and stopped me.
“Are you nuts? You’re going to hurt yourself again...”
“I’m trying to level up [Heal] so we can increase our odds of survival.” I said to her. “Here, you should try and cut me.”
I know it’s odd that I'm giving her a knife but I don’t need weaklings and cowards in my group. If we’re going to survive outside, I need them to have a strong stomach and I don’t want them fidgeting in the middle of a fight. I need to be able to slice a living being without hesitation. Obviously, we don’t have someone or a monster for her to kill or torture but this will have to do. Four birds with one stone.
“Look Claire, you should get used to blood because it’s nasty out there. Not only monsters but also other people.” I said to her in a firm voice.
“Imagine the horrible things they would do to you. Eric and I won’t always be there to protect you. One way or another you will have to do what’s necessary to survive. If you can’t do that, I’m afraid we don’t need weaklings and cowards in our group. You’ll just be a burden for the rest of us.”
Claire grabbed the knife with a look of hesitation. “A-are you sure about this?”
“Yes...” I said as I offered her my arm.
Claire held the knife and made a small cut on my left arm. “D-did it hurt?”
-1 HP
“Not really, the cut was so small. You should try again. It’s not that hard, isn’t it?”
Claire made another cut but it was deeper. “Ahhh...” I yelped in pain.
-4 HP
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
“I told you it’s okay. This is necessary.” I calmed her down as I used [Heal] on my wound. “Again!”
Claire made another cut then I used [Heal]. At first she was fidgety in sight of blood and she hesitated on cutting me more. After 10 more cuts and healing, Claire stopped shaking and it looked like she’s getting used to it. I healed a total of 52 HP and my skill [Heal] levelled up 3 times. [Masochism] levelled up 2 times.
I still have more MP and I felt fine so I told her to do it again but this time, there’s a little trace of hesitation in her eyes. Looks like my plan working as intended.
After a couple more cuts, I suddenly had bad feeling.
I didn’t even need to tell her the word ‘again’ to make the cut but instead I’d tell her to stop before I can even use [Heal].
Afterwards, I told her to cut my arm again and I caught her slightly smiling. Claire seemed to be enjoying it!
After three cuts, I told her to stop and I healed my wounds.
“I gained a new skill and a title.” Claire said as she smiled. “Interesting...”
“What does it say?”
“I got the title Sadist which increases 10% damage and a skill [Sadism] which does the same but it increases 1% damage every level.” Claire said. “It’s cool, right?”
No, not cool! Not cool at all! My plan worked too well! Shit!
“Shall we continue?” She asked.
I gulped. I badly wanted to piss on my pants.
“T-that should be enough for tonight...” I stuttered.
“But you said, this is necessary for our survival and you needed to level [Heal], right?”
Shit. She’s using my own words against me.
“Well, y-yeah but...”
“My skill [Sadism] would level up too. You see? Two birds with one stone!”
I understand her logic but I don’t like it.
“You ready?”
I shook my head.
“Come on, you can heal it anyway!”
Dear God…
What the fuck have I done? *DING*
[1]EDSA stands for Epifanio Delos Santos Avenue in Quezon City
[2] QC stands for Quezon City
Author's Note:
I'm sorry for the delay. I'll release another chapter tomorrow. I will delay Dianne's POV for an indefinite period since it will reveal too much of the plot.
For those of you who will ask: will there be NTR?
NO! I hate NTR.
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