《Whispers of A Dead Empire》Chapter 22


I stared at my medium as I attempted to manipulate the soul that lay within. It was an absurdly laborious task that felt like I was trying to drag a weight through two meters of mud. I could feel it shifting under my will, but it was a tough nut to crack. My intent was simple. I wanted to create a weapon to cut my personal defense budget down a bit and roll it to other things in my domain.

But maybe I was thinking too big, I just unlocked this skill, so I won’t be able to do anything fancy with it just yet. I glanced at my hand and imagined rearranging the soul and extending it out past my fingertips, and taking the shape of a claw. I felt the soul stir in my hand, and I redoubled my efforts. The power encased within my medium spun faster, and small glints of silver light extended from my metallic fingertips.

I felt pressure build behind my eyes as I tried to direct the tendrils of energy that slowly emerged. The pressure became unbearable as the claws emerged and took shape. Just a little longer, Calixa, you can do this. I tried to pep myself up as the pressure tried to escape the confines of my head. But just as I was about to collapse, I felt something break my mind, and a wave of relief rushed over me.

The pressure in my head vanished, and I felt the power emanating from the tips of my fingers harden. I took a moment to close my bleary eyes and try to compose myself. That was tough, and I wasn’t too keen on attempting it again. Why did I decide that this was a good idea?

I swallowed the cool air, thankful that it was helping take the edge off of the burn that was slowly building in my chest. I opened my eyes and glanced at the incessant blinking from a notification on my screen.

You have unlocked a soul forged weapon template.

Current templates:

Soul claw

I brought my hand back and looked over the new weapon that I made. The claws extended from my fingertips to roughly five inches out. Each one was about as thick as my finger and was white laced with dark purple undertones that brought the overall brightness down a few tones. Power radiated from the claws and filled the air with an almost unperceivable hum.

I moved each finger and each claw independently of the other in a rippling motion. Oh, I like this: It felt kind of sexy and dangerous. I gave it a few test swings, and I could hear the claws cut through the air as they traveled through it. Nice, now I needed to see if I could create other weapons.

I dismissed the claws, and the energy flooding out from my fingertips quickly reversed. It was like watching water run down a hill, and once it reached the tips of my fingers, it vanished. I gave my fingers a quick test move and realized how weird they felt. I could feel it, but it felt detached in a way. It was as if I stuck them under a barrier and looked at them from behind a screen. How very odd, I mused to myself as I stared at them a little longer.


I clenched my fist and pulled it back down, and quickly glanced over my new character sheet. I had another skill I wanted to try. Soul shot, I think, was its name, and when I unlocked it, the system only gave me the vaguest hints on how to use it. I raised my hand and pointed it at a distant crumbling wall I had yet to consume. I concentrated energy in the center with my palm facing outwards like a favorite character from a certain comic book. I could feel it gathering and my hand quickly heated. That same strange mixture of colors appeared in a small ball that grew in the palm of my outstretched hand, basking a small radius around me in a silvery hue.

Once I felt like I was reaching my maximum, I pushed outwards, and the ball of energy shot out and rushed forward at blistering speeds and impacted the wall sizzling away instantaneously, leaving a scorched mark. A small wave of exhaustion washed over me, and I glanced at my resource bar. That one move used a fair portion of my soul resource, and it looked like it regenerated slowly. I’m going to have to work on it if I want to use it more.

Not an unpleasant mixture of skills; I would have to practice so I can get better with them. I would also have to level them out if I wanted more use. But these two were more than enough for now. My next course of action would be to create more complex weapons with soul manifestation. While the claws were nice, I wanted to create a sword, maybe even see if I could create a bow and use soul shot as arrows. Oh, the possibilities are almost endless. I glanced around the area I was standing in and thought over what had to be done next. Creating that wall used up a fair portion of my resources, and I still had to redo the outpost.

If this small outpost would cost this much to build, I was a bit terrified to build a royal capital. That was going to cost a fortune, and I lacked any resources to do so. Maybe I would have to play my hand soon and see if I can find a proxy to help me get material. Because that would be the only way that I can think of, other than killing a massive amount of adventures and using their essence to scratch make it. Which I feel would be inefficient. Trying to balance this all was difficult so far. I’m just glad that I didn’t have to factor in food, or morale, or anything like that. The mere thought gave me a tension headache.

I brought my map up and looked over the outpost. The walls were just about finished forming, and I could move onto the interior of the outpost. If I could, I’ll stick with leaving portions destroyed. That way, I can skimp on materials and still make them look somewhat good. Oh well, I should head further in and see what I can do. I placed my hand on Alessia’s shoulder and teleported further into the outpost.

Once we arrived, I looked around and planned out what I wanted next and what mobs needed to go. “Alessia, gather all the squires and a handful of zombies and skeletons. I want them cross-trained.” She turned her head, and a flicker of light filled her eye, and she gave me a small bow. Ah, she was learning. Good, good. She pivoted and walked off in the other direction, and I turned my attention back to the front of the outpost.


I didn’t really need more squires; I just wanted to build a small honor guard unit. That way, I could move around the domain more freely once it opens up. If I could keep them up to strength, I won’t have to hide away as much unless it’s a threat we can’t fight. Then at least I could get away. If there is anything that working in a restaurant has taught me, it’s that preparation is key to success, and I don’t intend to fail.

Now the pressing question is, What would make the most sense for mob placement here? Maybe a small military detachment was sent here to guard it, along with some key units, that I could write into the lore. So, right off the bat, I would need to create some soldier classed mobs since I wanted some variety. The biggest thing that I was missing was some calvary, but that would come to me later.

Now, I couldn’t just spawn in an army of t1 elites or t2s since that would be costly and would make the area difficult to navigate through. I spawned in seven elite t1 units and then a host of zombies right behind it. Oh, my sweet essence is slowly dwindling. But it was for a good cause. After all, if I did this right, I could go home, possibly anyways.

Once the summoning circles vanished, I stared at the horde of zombies. While I could see what type they were, that was beside the point. Besides, if I wanted to be an Empress, I had to mold myself into the role. Fake it till you make it. “Elites to the front, zombies fall in line behind each elite. Equal amounts to each line.” I yelled out towards them. Oh, how I loved this feeling.

Once the zombies fell into position, I issued forth my next order. “Now, remain in this formation until I return. Elites keep them in line.” I wish the lines they were in were neater, but it was to be expected. They were zombies, after all. I teleported to my office and gathered a bunch of swords. After I finished with this, I needed to sit down and start designing uniforms and other basic gear for them, and I have the steel to spare. Maybe I should have them collect plants, so I can use the fiber to make clothing.

But I will make do with what I have. I collected the swords and spawned them in a crate, and placed them inside. I then spawned in another, and spawned in a few rotting bows, and gathered a few arrows, and placed them into the same crate. Once I gathered everything, I teleported myself and my equipment back topside.

The zombies were still in formation, and the elites were walking around, nudging a few of the ones that were roaming away back into formation. “Fall back into formation.” The zombies froze, and the elites stumbled back to their spots. Once they were ready, I gestured to the crate full of swords. “Elites, take your weapons.” They stumbled forward, and one by one, they reached in and pulled out a sword and fell back in line.

I opened up my menu and summoned several skeletal archers and a host of skeletons behind them. I was thankful that I expanded the outpost out a bit. That way, I could easily mass spawn like this. “Elites, gather your bows and then fall in line with a zombie elite. Skeletons fall in line with the zombies.” As I issued my command, I did one last batch of summoning and created a few more ghost squires and a bunch of basic ghosts.

“Ghost elites, gather your gear, ghost fall in formation.” I glanced at my essence bar and saw that I used up all the essence that I made back from awards. Now I was using dipping into my reserves. As I waited for the undead to fall into formation, I opened up my message function and shot a message for the Captain and Lieutenant to join me. I wanted the biggest players to be here when I did this.

They arrived shortly after I sent the message, and I motioned for the Captain to come to my right and then the lieutenant to my left. “From this moment forth, every undead here in this yard now belongs to the 12th Asterian legion. Your job is to defend this stronghold from any who attempts to enter. Captain Rikard here is your commanding officer, and Lieutenant Flint is his second in command. Obey their orders as if they came from me.” I paused for a moment and looked over the ranks of the undead. Dozens of lifeless eyes bore into me as they absorbed their orders. I didn’t know if this speech was good enough to override their memories, but maybe if they did this enough, I wouldn’t have to worry about having some of them awakening with different memories.

“Zombie elites, every undead behind you falls under your command. You will be their commanding officer. Ensure that they follow your commands. The skeleton elite attached to you will be your second in command. The ghost elite with you are from the Knightly Order of the Blue Rose and answer to Alessia Veers or me. They are attached as auxiliaries as a supporting role. Use them wisely.” I paused again as I thought about my next words. I think that just about covers it. Next on the list is creating equipment for the troops and my bosses.

“Captain, I’m done here. Take over and prepare the stronghold. I’ll finish constructing it. Get this legion trained and ready to go. Anyone who trespasses here is to be executed. That goes for all the undead that exist outside of the walls as well. Naturally, myself, Alessia, and Kharon are excluded from that order.” The towering undead nodded his head, and I opened up my map, for my work was never done.

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