《Andur's Oneshot collection》~1. Inferno~
“It's said that the Inferno of Orwen was the underlying cause of the Great War. Without Orwen, the empire was too weakened to oppose its enemies.”
***Orwen, the magical city***
“Come on. Grunt a little. I don't like it if you take it in silence. And wriggle your butt. It's as if I am doing a corpse.”
I do as ordered, figuring that it will be over faster that way. It's not like I am able to disobey his commands anyway. Nemus holds me down at my neck, pressing my face onto the cold stone table. His other hand is bending my arm back behind my back, pinning me down. His brutal attention doesn't even get me off as he slides in and out of me again and again. It just hurts. I feel the vile rising up my throat, but I hold back.
“Yes! That's it.” He increases his efforts, tightening his grip. In the fits of passion, he shows his true nature and turns into nothing more than a panting, grunting animal. At last, he pushes deep inside me, releasing his vile seed. He tightens his grip to hold me still and almost dislocates my arm in doing so.
“Phew! You are still the best bitch. Not even my wife can compete with you. Too bad that you are barren. I would love it to have a few children with your blood. You've a huge magical talent inside you. Our children would be magnificent.” He steps away and pulls up his trousers.
I get back to my feet and push down my skirt. Tonight I'll have to drink a lot of gurza root to kill off anything that might grow inside me. I just hope that he never realizes that I am always buying a lot more of that ingredient than he actually uses for his experiments.
And hopefully he'll never phrase his wish for children as an order. I touch the slave collar around my neck and shudder at the thought. Today he came too close in doing so. I wouldn't be able to take preventive measures if he made it a direct order.
Nemus throws a pouch with gold at me and I catch it. Then he turns to leave the room. “Go and buy everything we need for a weather ritual. The city's agricultural minister wants that it rains tonight. Don't use the money for anything else.”
The magical chains around my mind tighten and I feel the compelling need to do as I was told.
I hold the pouch in my trembling hands and leave the room through the servant’s entrance. Once outside, I follow the narrow staircase down the wizard’s tower. On my way, I encounter one of the other slaves. It’s the redhead. I don’t have a name for her. She is a slave since she was born.
Like me.
With empty eyes she sweeps the staircase, going through the motions like a robot. I’ve a silent suspicion that the mind behind those brown eyes is gone since a long time ago. Unlike me, she never had the advantage of an education. Or knew any other life. For her, there is only the golden slave collar around her neck and following orders. Those are the two constants she will ever know.
I highly doubt that she would be able to survive, even if the slave collar is taken off.
I press past her and stop in the kitchen. Nemus ordered me to get ingredients, but he never said that I couldn’t take five minutes to treat myself. I take one of the gurza roots from my stash and throw it into a cup. Then I head to the stove and pour some boiling water into the cup. The servants always keep hot water ready.
The cook is a fat, old man, but he is also a slave. So he doesn’t oppose my infiltration of his kitchen. Nobody ever told him to keep others out.
Seeing that I used some of the water, he stops cutting vegetables and heads over to refill the keg. I step aside, so that I am not in the way. After a minute I down the contents of the cup in one go. I have to do it while it is still hot enough to almost burn my throat. My tongue feels singed, but I did this often enough to know that it only feels as if I’ve burned myself.
It’s better this way because it numbs my sense of taste. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to drink the bitter chemicals inside the gurza root. I’ve tried several times, but the taste caused me to vomit, making the entire exercise pointless. This way I can at least keep it down.
Feeling a little safer, I head further down the tower until I reach the ground floor. There I equip myself with a heavy cloak. Nemus likes his female slaves to run around topless and with pierced nipples. He even chose golden chains especially for me. But there is no way that I go out on the street like this.
If I could, I would also hide my head inside the hood. But the slave collar has to be visible. As much as I abhor it, it’s my best protection on the streets. Nobody would attack a slave with a golden collar. The gold is a symbol of high status. As the city’s weather-mage and a member of the city council, Nemus has enough power to send a little army after anyone who damages his property.
Having made sure that the collar is visible, I head out of the tower and onto the street.
Behind the high wall that’s surrounding the tower, I hear the delighted screams of the three little brats. They are probably torturing their nurse with their spoiled behaviour. Nemus already tried to make me the nurse of his brats. It would’ve been easier for him to have a quickie. To my luck his wife was totally against having me anywhere near her children.
I think she even wanted me executed for looking better than her. But Nemus didn’t want to lose his sexdoll, so he banished me back to the hidden passages of his servants. There, his wife wouldn’t see me and he could still order me to serve him when he felt like it.
I turn around and head down the street, towards the market. It’s just a short distance, but I already know that it’ll be late evening when I return. The shop vendors aren’t exactly eager to serve the slaves quickly.
Slaves have time. They’ll wait and be there, even if it takes half an hour until all the other customers are served. They will not change their minds and search for another shop.
On my way, I survey the street and notice the happy faces and playing children. This is Orwen, the city of mages. The Empire’s most powerful city. An economical wonder that’s holding the Allied Lands and the Murian Sociocracy at bay. With this city as a choke-hold to the biggest pass in the Trestian mountain range, the Empire doesn’t have to worry about its enemies on the other side of the mountains.
And all this power is built on the shoulders of those who hide themselves in grey robes, with pretty collars around their necks. We are slaves not just of the body, but also of the mind.
When one of the free people looks my way, I quickly avert my eyes. I am just another slave. Nobody has to pay me any attention. Quickening my steps, I seek to arrive quickly at the first vendor. Once there, I step in line with a few other slaves.
None of us have something like a shopping list. We have to remember everything we want to buy, because it is a rare slave who can read. Nobody ever bothered to teach me more than I had to know. I was born and they put the collar onto me, because my mother was a slave. And the one who impregnated her didn't bother to claim me as his offspring.
Sometimes those with magical powers are happy to have powerful heirs. But it's equally helpful to have an untrained mage as assistance. Someone who can be used as a magical battery.
When it's my turn, I rattle down a list of ingredients and hand the vendor his money. Nemus has a running contract with this vendor. It saves him some coin. When the vendor returns I've only eyes for the goods. A shudder of satisfaction runs down my spine when I receive them.
That's the other side of the slave collar. It doesn't just punish, but also rewards the wearer. This can become an addiction. I've seen slaves who were freed of their collars, but put them back on of their own accord. This is the most important argument in favour of the current system.
The current masters are saying that those who become addicted to the collar don't deserve otherwise. It doesn't matter that nobody ever wanted to take it off after wearing one for an extensive amount of time. Not even former masters.
I could simply reach up and open the collar now, just to have my head blown off. It's not like the designers of the collar didn't consider that there might be some strong willed individuals who might resist the collar's temptations.
Instead of giving in to the impulse, I head on to the next vendor. Someday I'll do just that. But only once I lose all hope of freedom. I may do it in front of a large crowd, screaming some defiant words. Just to show them that their system isn't perfect.
It's late evening when I return to Nemus's tower. Just as I anticipated. Orwen's streets are clean and well lighted by magelights, even at this hour. The basket with the ingredients became heavy after hours of waiting, so I feel glad when I return home.
Home? How sick. I have to remind myself not to think of this place as my home. It’s a prison. Otherwise I might as well give up and accept my fate.
Back at the servant's entrance, I press my hand to the door and it opens. The enchantment on it recognizes me as a member of the household. Once inside, I hurry up the staircase to the summoning chamber. Nemus is surely already waiting for me. Today were no stars in the night sky, which means that it is clouded. Perfect weather to force a little rain.
I burst into the summoning chamber, feeling a rush of excitement over fulfilling my master's orders.
But Nemus isn't alone. Two men in black clothes are facing him and the large window is broken. Did they climb up the tower and invade through the balcony?
My hesitation and my noisy entrance cause a chain reaction of events.
The trespasser who is closer to me whirls around and his short sword flashes towards my throat. Had I not worn the collar, he would've taken my head in one clean swipe.
The blade hits the collar with the heavy, clear sound of metal on metal. It slides off and cuts into my throat. I drop the basket and gasp in pain. The impact alone felt as if it could've broken my neck.
Stumbling backwards, I fall.
Nemus uses the distraction to throw a spell at the man who was facing him. The assassin screams in pain when the curse hits him. The one who attacked me returns his attention to Nemus and charges, just to take a fireball straight to the chest. The miniature explosion opens him up and splatters blood all over the place. It goes without a question that he drops like a felled tree. Nobody has his heart gorged out and keeps walking.
Nemus returns his attention to the first attacker, but he isn't a threat any longer. I am not sure which curse Nemus used, but the man is a twitching and writhing mess with foam in front of his mouth. Something that attacks the nervous system.
The wizard studies the scene with disgust on his face. “Who would be stupid enough to send mundanes to assassinate me!? It's almost an insult!”
I crawl back to my knees and feel for the wound on my throat. In my panic I try to stop the flow of blood. Then I realize that the cut can't be that deep. If the big artery had been cut, I would've lost consciousness in mere seconds.
I was incredibly lucky.
Nemus notices that I am still alive, but he doesn’t even bother to look after the wound. “Get up and inform the other servants. We have to perform the ritual tonight, or the agricultural minister will whine to me all day long.”
He turns around to study the damage which the assassins caused. They trampled over the filigree runes which are embedded in the floor. Nemus always stresses not to step onto them, since he needs them to channel his mana in order to influence the weather.
I stare at his back, then I look at my bloodied hand and flex my fingers to a fist. Strange. There is no compulsion to follow his command. Fingering my neck once more, I realize that the assassin’s short sword bit almost completely through my collar and bent the metal.
He somehow destroyed the collar without triggering the explosion.
Despite the pain, my grin widens and turns feral. I reach into my reservoir of power and send the energy through my body. Nothing happens. My power isn’t drained away or slips out of my grasp! I’ve complete control over my body! For the first time since I was born!
I reach for the assassin’s short sword and get to my feed. It’s a little heavy, but I had a harsh life as a slave. There is no reason that I can’t handle it.
Pointing the weapon at Nemus, I advance. Noticing my approach, he turns around, but it is already too late. All I have to do is to stretch out my arm and the sword sinks into his belly. He stares at me, not believing what I just did.
My smile widens and I shove the sword deeper, until the hilt stops it from sinking in further. Nemus grabs my arm and tries to cast a spell, but the pain makes it impossible for him to concentrate. Just to be sure, I send out my own power to cancel any spell he might attempt. I’ve always been much more powerful than him. That’s why he used me for his weather magic.
I lean in closer and my beautiful voice sounds cheerful for the first time in my entire life. “I always imagined how it would be to do that. Do you know that belly wounds hurt the most and take the longest to cause death? I’ve seen it many times on the market when people wanted to punish their slaves.”
I twist the sword and pull it out. Nemus crumbles to the ground. Writhing in pain. “Y- y- you… don’t have to do this!”
“But I want to!” Angling the sword, I stab his jewels and he howls.
“On further thought… a man might hurt there more than in his belly.” I stab him a few more times to make sure that he knows that his shaft will never rise again. “Ah, but it just feels like this isn’t enough. Punishing just you feels so pitiful. I’ve to take the whole picture into account. This whole city. The whole damned system! But I’ll start small. With this city. And your family will be collateral damage.”
He whimpers and tries to get to his feet, but I slash at his legs. Then I point the tip of the sword at his spine and stab at his neck. His legs immediately go limp. “Haaaarrgh...”
“Don’t be a sissy. This is still going much too fast for you. I actually wish I had the time to heal you up and do it all over again.” I drop the sword and head over to his working table. The same table on which he raped me this morning. I don’t need much for this spell. Just three bowls to gather their blood. Three sacrifices to power the battle magic.
I hum as I work. First I gather the blood of the two assassins, then I slit Nemus’s wrist to gather what’s left in him. He is still whimpering, barely alive. It won’t take much longer now, but I certainly won’t ease his death.
With religious zeal I get to work and use their mixed blood to draw the necessary runes and symbols around the three men. On their skin, on the ground around them, connecting them in one large ritual. One part of the spell seeks out any power that’s within reach. Another ignites the mana in a simple ignition spell. The third keeps repeating the spell formation over and over, casting it on new, random targets, eventually overwhelming their defence.
It’s a rather simple spell. Just three lines of code.
When I return to Nemus, he is still alive to my utter surprise. He coughs up blood, his eyes on the last rune. “It’s wrong. You haven’t set an ending condition.”
I giggle and pat his forehead, smearing him with even more blood. “Oh, Nemus. That’s why you never became more than a weather mage. The beautiful thing behind the Inferno spell is that it ignites someone’s mana. And then it jumps to the next person and the next… you get the idea. It’s a magical disease. And as long as there are enough people with the gift, it won’t stop! Orwen is the perfect place for it with so many gifted people in one place. The whole thing might run out of control before anyone can stop it. This world is rather sloppy when it comes to magical defences.”
“Nooo,” He wails.
But I don’t listen. I place both hands on the rune and start feeding it my mana. Let this entire place burn! Let them cry and wail in agony. And if I survive, I’ll punish the rest of the world too. The rune ignites under my fingers, burning my skin. I don’t take my hands away. I’ve to feed everything I have to the spell. Otherwise it’ll take me too.
Slowly the fire spreads and consumes Nemus, then the other bodies. The whole room is ablaze when the fire turns blue and even hotter. And I still keep my hands on the rune, ignoring the sizzling of my flesh.
After a while I notice the blue, roaring flames outside the window. At the edge of unconsciousness I listen to the screams of people as they are taken by the Inferno.
My only response is to smile. “Burn Orwen. Burn.”
- In Serial18 Chapters
Valley of Titans' Tales
In a realm of fantasy, filled with great wonders but also dangers… Its inhabitants are tied in a cruel wheel of destiny, as darkness and corruption prowled the realm since its very beginning; to corrupt and deform them to the point of no return. The Gods and Goddesses’ mortal creations: Humans, High Elves, Amanis, Barakas, Castanics, Elins, and Poporis were blinded by their own nature and desires for centuries. Thus, their short-sighted ideals and racial barriers led to long, constant wars between themselves, destroying all possibilities for peace within the realm. And when they finally realized their tremendous mistakes, they can no longer undo their mistakes, no matter how much they tried, as they slowly fell into the crude gears of destiny. Except, when all hope had been extinguished and all possible solutions were swept away by the hands of darkness… ...An unknown black-haired magician bestowed another chance to this realm overwhelmed by the darkness, by turning back the hands of time. After time rewinded, opportunities revealed themselves now within arm's reach… The next step needed to save the realm was someone to take ahold of those opportunities. But…none remembered even a sliver of the bleak future, mildly drawing near to them like a spider closing in a helpless prey. Will they be able to change the bleak future? Or will history repeat itself again, as if destiny itself is taking charge? Based on the MMORPG The Exiled Realm of Arborea, Valley of Titans Server (TERA). Credits to Vocaloid, LechnerPR and I4MD347H for editing. Thanks a lot! *** *** *** *** Recently, I have joined the 'Pledge' movement, which means: "a concerted effort by the WriTE community to encourage authors to finish their stories, and to discourage authors from leaving their fans hanging." Being this said, I have pledged my Fac-Fiction Novel to the Pledge to communicate to all my readers that I will not abandon my novel till it is done! -If I fail, I will perish in the hands of Velik and Pandora will come for me and consume my soul.- Mech, proud WRiTE Member. Update schedule: Every 15 days.
8 185 - In Serial14 Chapters
Decimation Mortism
17 year old high school kid Barry Allen has a brain that can't shut up. One day his mundane life gets turned around when the world as we know it ends and a new era begins. But in a very cosmic 'merge' or 'die' way. Inter dimensional energies leak causing a rift from which monsters, humans, mutants and the like emerge. Will Barry and his friends adapt to the new meta 'fight tooth and nail to survive'? or Will they succumb to the endless mysteries of the universe? Who is this Trevor guy we keep hearing about? About the Novel Decimation - end of world Mortism - is a concept, where understanding of life is better after experiencing death Fitting title for my story i suppose. I like having quirky titles for my chapters. They may sometimes have spoilers and twists, beware. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About author: I am new to writing stuff in general. I will probably have lots of grammar mistakes since English is not my first language. I am writing as a hobby. I release atleast one chapter a week. I planned volume 1 to be about 60-70 pages in my google doc. Character inspiration from myself. I literally have a brain that does not shut up. I do enjoy a lot of novels here especially : savage divinity and paladian. The cover page is my own design. I am happy with it, but feel free to suggest/show something better. I will try to do an art of my characters, especially Trevor, so you guys can also see what I see. But that will take a while. In the meantime, keep reading!
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