《Dig a Little Deeper》24 How to Run a Dungeon
“That done, on to meditation so I can get the third floor finished.” Arizo could tell the core was frustrated.
“Be careful,” Arizo warned, “Remember your mind is your body in this life.”
Arizo could feel the core’s attention leaving the core room. Less than a minute later that attention was back and there was agony coming from the core in waves.
“What happened?!” Arizo cried. “Are we under attack?!”
“Please……” It begged and her heart almost stopped.
“Please... lower... your……... voice….” The vibrant voice of the core was weak and strained. It sounded like it was coming from a distance. Arizo wanted to know what had happened but all she could do was put her hands to her mouth in shock and horror.
“No… attack… will explain… must rest……” The core’s voice faded.
Fear gripped Arizo as the light in the core dimmed. Tears stung her eyes as she thought the core’s light would fade completely and it would shatter. She didn’t want to watch her friend die, but there was nothing she could do.
She laid a hand on the dim, quiet core planning to stay. If she left before the dungeon collapsed then she could survive and go back to teaching. But these days had been the happiest of her life and she was going to stay right here and die with her best friend. Tears leaked from her eyes as she said silent goodbyes to all the other fairies.
After over a minute she paused in her grief and blinked open her eyes.
The core was still warm. In the center there was still a weak glow. They weren’t dying.
Arizo shouted in jubilation. The core lived!! She lived!! Arizo zoomed around the room, burning off her relief.
Soon that passed as well and worry took the place of both strong emotions. Whatever had happened weakened her friend and caused her to go dormant. She didn’t know how long the core would be in this state recovering. However she knew it was her duty to keep the dungeon safe and functioning until the core recovered.
This had happened in the past to other cores. Usually as result of a mental attack or of a core being taken from its dungeon. It could be days before the core was able to talk to her and she expected at least a week before it would have the mana to start working again. Until then the dungeon was hers.
Anxiety and self doubt tried to choke her but she wouldn’t let it.
“Una.” She called to the lead kobold.
“Yes mistress?” She had been practicing her sword thrusts but stopped to give Arizo her full attention.
“The core has been weakened and I will be running the dungeon until it recovers. I want you to come to the core room as our defender.”
For the first time in her life Una knew what fear was. Her Creator was in danger. While she knew if the Creator died so would all those in the dungeon, the fear was of the Creator being hurt. Creator was so very kind and generous. Though she had known nothing before being made by the Creator she somehow knew that other kobolds were not so well thought of or cared for as her clan in this dungeon. They would die for the Creator but not just because it was why they were created, but because it loved each of them.
“What has happened?” Una asked as she ran to the door for the second floor.
“I do not know. She was going to meditate on the design for the 3rd floor but then she came out of it weak. Before she fell unconscious she said there was no attack.”
“We will protect Them.” Una declared as she ran through the halls of the 2nd floor.
The core hadn’t put a door that took you close to the end of 2nd floor, only the one that opened into the resting room at the end of the 1st floor. Additionally the door straight to the 3rd floor had no option to go back up to the 2nd floor.
Knowing the correct path to take and having all the traps inactivated made the journey easier but every moment felt far too long to Una.
By the time she entered the core room she was panting. Looking at the dim core made the room and the dungeon feel lifeless. Una sent a prayer to Death that it would look after the Creator and return them to good health.
“Thank you.” Arizo was relieved when Una arrived. “While I don’t doubt the stone guard I trust a being that can think for herself more.”
“I will do my best to uphold that faith.” Una approached the core but was blocked by the barrier Yenstar had placed.
The fairy gave her a small smile. “That should keep out most anything but I don’t want our lives in the hands of an outsiders creation if I can help it.”
“How can you pass through this?” She questioned laying a clawed hand on the barrier.
“I’m not from this plane. As far as we know nothing can hurt a dungeon fairy other than the core itself. That unfortunately works both ways. While I can sit or lay on some objects I can’t eat or drink. Neither can I fight for our home.”
Una stepped closer and petted Arizo’s hair. “Do not worry mistress. I am sure the Creator wouldn’t have it any other way. We can be respawned, but there is only one of you.”
Arizo nodded but that wasn’t a comfort.
The rest of the night passed uneasily. Una felt restless so went to speak with the Titan Rat Snake. He was also worried about the core. They discussed how he could use the room to his advantage and strategies Una could try with the kobolds when the core recovered.
Not needing to sleep was never more of a burden than tonight.
While Arizo had more control over the dungeon while the core was unwell she couldn’t change anything. Her mana pool was also much smaller which was another limit that worried her. Even closing all the doors had taken 1/4 of her mana. All night her mind had been split between watching the core and the entrance.
As the nightly fog began to recede one of the spearmen called out.
“Mistress, there are shapes moving in the fog. They are standing like the humanoid party.”
Arizo’s heart sieved. She wasn’t ready for an adventuring party. Surely it was too soon for Olive and the others to be back. ‘What if it’s not them?’ She thought, ‘What if someone heard and is coming to take the core. Or coming to loot and the core hasn’t set anything to automatically respawn. Why would they? I never told them it was an option. Because it takes away from the base mana pool and pouring all the mana into expanding was more important. We were doing fine, we didn’t need atomizing. Now we need it and dont have it.’
“HEY!” Una shouted, waving a clawed hand in front of her face. “What is going on? You just started panicking.”
“I….” She shook herself from head to toe, “Sorry, I forgot you can’t hear anything.”
“Something is coming?” She asked, though by the set of her jaw she already knew the answer.
Arizo nodded. “Let me try to share the visual with you.”
The image was weak and even more blurry than when the core tried to look outside. They could still see 6 large shapes almost at the entrance. There were 3 slightly smaller ones and a dozen that were half that size.
The image cut off with Arizo panting. “I don’t have the mana for this.” She huffed. “Or the skill”
“We will handle this.” Una assured her. “Pull the spears back and have them on either side of the hall ready for an ambush. Saw is to use her daggers on the little ones while axe focuses on the biggest and shovel helps spears where needed.”
Arizo nodded and relayed the instructions. Una gripped her sword. She wanted to be up there in the thick of it but knew her place was as the last line of defense. She was the only being the Creator had named that meant they trusted her the most. She looked at the fairy who was slowly recovering mana. The second most.
“They have crossed into the dungeon and I can get a better look at them.”
“Don’t waste your mana trying to show me just describe them.”
With a nod she did so, her eyes taking on a far off look. “The large ones are bugbears. 7ft tall, covered in wiry fur and carrying large branches as clubs. They are slow and not very bright, but they have terrible tempers.”
“Have shovel wack one and see if he can ram it into the wall or another invader.”
Arizo did so. She giggled as it worked better than planned.
Shovel smacked one of the bugbears in the face. It shouted in rage and went to chase him. The small and light kobold vaulted over a nearby goblin but the raging bugbear tripped instead. As it fell it squished one of the hobgoblins and another gobin and its club skidded across the room.
Axe took advantage of the downed prey and chopped deep into the exposed neck, killing the bugbear.
“So what are the other 2 types of invaders?” Una asked
“The 6ft ones are hobgoblins. Slightly smarter and usually the leaders of the tribe. The smallest and most cowardly are goblins. They are a bit shorter than kobolds but like you have wicked sharp teeth and nails. They tend to make up the bulk of goblin tribes as they multiply quickly.”
“How many have we felled so far?”
“2 of the 6 bugbears are dead. 5 goblins and 1hobgoblin.”
Una hummed. “Focus on the hobgoblins and the bugbears. If the goblins are cowards they should flee.”
It wasn’t long before Arizo’s face fell. “Another bugbear was slain but only the dagger wielder and one spearman are alive. I doubt these creatures would let them live if they retreat.”
“Have them retreat to the bat chamber.” Una replied sadly. Though she knew they would return it hurt to see her kinsmen killed.
Arizo noded. “They will have to cross the traps themselves. I don’t have the control to stop them.”
“Have more faith in us. Now how many foes are left?”
“3 bugbears, 1 hobgoblin and 4 goblins.”
“Can you have the…. What does the Creator call the statue with the scythe?” She changed her question.
“The Ferryman.”
“Can you have the Ferryman attack?”
“Yes, I will have him activate if they enter his room. I can’t give complex commands to the constructs like the core. They aren’t my creations.” She let out a frustrated shriek. “It’s hard to explain. I am the dungeon fairy so I have a connection to everything here but it is through the core and with the core dormant I have even less control than usual. Things like you, the snakes and the mimics have minds and can listen to me. Constructs and structures like doors and traps don’t and it’s hard to make them do anything.” She sounded extremely frustrated.
Una laid a hand on her back. “There is no need for feeling useless or frustrated. It is what it is. We can only work with what we have. And what we have is a great and dangerous home that was built for our protection. Have faith and keep trying. Now where are they?”
Arizo sighed and smiled at Una. She had been taught that kobolds were weak, sly, useful but ultimately dimwitted creatures. How anyone could think that of the brave and wise Una she didn’t know. But she was glad she’d called the kobold down here. If nothing else she kept Arizo calm.
Arizo chuckled. “One of the bugbears is in the gross trap.” Una smirked. “A goblin is tangled in the vine trap and has been left by the others. And they are all wading through the poisonous plants in the last trap.”
“Hopefully they are not immune to the stinging and burning plants.”
“It looks like the bugbears’ fur is giving some advantage but the eyes of the other are getting red and they are scratching.” She paused. “They are all through. “ A grin took over her face. “They are fighting. One of the bugbears wants to turn back and says this is suicide. That the power in this cave is evil. The hobgoblin argues that they will rule the whole forest if they can get the power and control it.”
She burst out laughing.
“What?” Una asked with a smile. Infighting was good for them.
“The other bugbear just sneezed and covered the hobgoblin in goo.” She was on the floor laughing at whatever she saw.
Una shook her head. At least the tension was leaving Arizo. There were still several enemies but they were widdling them down.
Arizo paused and looked thoughtful. “The one in the gross trap has gotten out. It’s leaving.”
“They said the others abandoned it. Now they aren’t clan anymore.”
“No honor in this group.” Una replied. She was a bit offended that any clan would leave members behind.
She nodded. “The argueing bugbear is leaving too. But there is still 1 bugbear, the hobgoblin and 3 goblins. Though the goblins look nervous and ready to bolt.”
“Good. The Creator made this first level favor teamwork. That’s one of the reasons the other team had little trouble. They planned and worked as one. I doubt you’ll need to do anything with the Ferryman. There is no way they will figure out the puzzle.”
Arizo nodded. “They are moving toward the garden anyway.”
The little fairy flinched at the roar of pain from the bugbear who, ignoring the vines, stepped onto the plate in the second half of the trap. It had 4 inch iron spikes driven up through the bottom of its foot. It fell back onto the floor crying and screaming in pain as blood ran from the punctures.
That roar was more than enough to send the goblins fleeing as if Onaxy, goddess of torment, were on their heels. They dived headlong into the plant trap uncaring for the damage they were doing so long as they got away from the, now sobbing, creature behind them. As they exited the other side they no longer seemed content on escape but on ensuring one of the others was in the back. They kicked and tripped each other on purpose to get out first.
Shaking her head Arizo focused back on the last pair of invaders. The hobgoblin was dead, killed by the bugbear. Looking over the scene it seemed like the hobgoblin tried to force it to cross again and it attacked in rage, pain and fear. Looking at the 7ft sobbing furball I felt bad for it.
“What should we do?” She asked Una after explaining what had happened.
“Send the 2 remaining kobolds to help and offer them shelter. I am sure the Creator will be pleased with minions that don’t rely on their mana and can scout farther than us.”
She nodded. “The only problem is I can’t make a contract with them.”
“Why not? Why not make them your minions?”
Arizo looked at the kobold as if she had grown an extra head. She had never heard of a fairy having their own monsters. Didn’t even know if it was possible. But it should solve the problem with a language barrier between the goblin’s Under and the kobolds Draconic.
Burning with curiosity, Arizo reached out with her power to the trapped goblin who was shivering in fear. She made contact and Una was right.
A popup appeared.
Form a contract
Her heart almost stopped at the second option. Her mind shook with memories of her first and only other core. How it had kept her caged, attacked her mind, the way it brushed against her body…..
Arizo’s eyes refocused. Her face stung slightly.
“Where did you go?” Una asked. Worry creased her scaled face.
“A dark place in my mind.” She replied solemnly. Una couldn't inflict actual damage but could cause low level pain. Another tactic… ‘NO!!’ she shouted internally. ‘He can’t harm me ever again and everyone here would die in my defense. Stop thinking of it!’
With that mental slap she turned back and gave Una a sad smile. “It is the past and we need to focus right now.”
Her draconic eyes narrowed and she let out a soft warning hiss. “I will allow it for now. The Creator will wish to know someone or something has harmed you.” Her irritation passed and she laid a clawed hand on Arizo’s shoulder, ignoring the small finch. “I also wish to know.” she said softly. “So that I may rip out their entrails and bleed them slowly so that they beg for the embrace of our patron Death.” She straightened up and looked at her claws. “The only fate suitable for one that would harm those I hold dear.”
Arizo blushed a bright pink. Her wings fluttering. Warmth spread through her chest. It was a bloody and violent sentiment but that made it feel all the more sincere from someone with dragon heritage.
“Thank you. I too would defend you should anything threaten to permanently kill you.”
“Unnecessary, but thank you.”
Arizo smiled, she could tell Una was blushing. Mood lifted, she turned her attention back to the now quietly sobbing pair. Touching the goblin first she selected ‘Form a Contract’ and another box opened. This one asked for the terms of the contract. Pondering for a moment she offered the goblin shelter and safety in exchange for defending the dungeon and scouting when needed. It would answer to her, Una or the core.
The little thing stopped crying and looked to the ceiling. “Great power want this one?”
“My name is Arizo and the answer is yes.”
A wide grin showing off dirty needle teeth. The goblin accepted the contract. Arizo could feel the bond form. She had a sense of where the goblin was, its thoughts, feelings and needs. She also now knew it was a male.
“I am sending help to free you. Then they will take you to their home to rest. Once you have recovered we can find you a home.” She didn’t tell him about the core or its current weakness. While she had a bond with him she still didn’t trust him as much as the core’s creations. “I am going to make the same offer to the remaining bugbear.”
“Gurg like flowers. Others laugh at Gurg. Give Gurg flowers, he do anything lady ask.”
“Thank you. What is your name?”
“This one?” He replied in shock. “This one no name. Too young, die easy. Clan not waste name.”
Even being able to understand his words didn’t make him eloquent. The clan obviously saw goblins as fodder that didn’t live long enough to name. Maybe things would change when he had time to grow. She wondered what potential he had if given the opportunity.
Putting that though aside. She turned to the bugbear. His foot had stopped bleeding but he was curled into a ball and radiating misery.
She offered the same contract as with the goblin.
“Grug killed Nitter. All Grug do is kill and fight and bad. You not want Grug, nice place not need Grug. Not fast as lizards or smart. Not ever be hob.” He sobbed. His speech was still awful but it was more ordered than the goblin.
“We want you here Grug.” Arizo replied with kindness and sympathy. “The little gobin said you like flowers.” Grug curled tighter, likely waiting for ridicule or a hit. “IF you can be brave, grab the vines and swing over the spikes. Then go through the door.”
She could feel the misery still coming off the poor thing but he did as she instructed. He swung hard enough that he almost hit the wall. Watching the big guys face when he finally opened the door made her heart sing. Joy now radiated where misery had been. He limped around lightly touching the plants with his beefy fingers.
“Will you stay here?” Arizo offered again
The smile he gave as he accepted would probably terrify anyone else with his odd face and massive teeth.
Now that they were part of the dungeon the dead invaders began to vanish. As Arizo was telling UNa what happened they both noticed the room grow brighter.
The core was back to half its usual brightness. Arizo danced about in the air. “The mana and experience must have boosted the core. If we have another battle like that it should recover in no time!”
Una smiled and touched the barrier that blocked her from the core. “Good. Have you sent the others to greet and heal our new allies.”
Arizo nodded. “The one with the daggers is cutting the goblin free while the spearman is going to offer the bugbear some food.”
“Which spear?” Una asked
“What?” She replied blinking.
“Which spear, left or right?” Her tone sounded like she was talking to a child
“How do you tell the difference?”
“Their spine pattern is different. That is how you differentiate all kobolds. How do you tell us apart?”
She looked down and blushed. “By your weapons.”
She huffed. “Can you show me him?”
A small image of Right appeared before her. “That is Right. When Left respawns you can see the differences. Look at his spine and saw’s.”
Looking at them closely she could now tell that all the spine ridges were not perfectly straight, evenly spaced or the exact same height. They looked more like teeth on a key. Each one is slightly different. Knowing this she turned back to Una. “Why do you call her Saw not Dagger?”
“Saw is the tool the Creator first gave her. It is who she is. The daggers are only to keep her safe.”
Arizo nodded. She wondered if the core knew about that. She’d share the information anyway just to be sure. If the core called them wrong it would probably devastated these loyal creatures.
“We should rest. Who knows what will come next. When I was gone for a few days we were attacked multiple times.”
“We won then and will do so again. From now until the end of time we will win. This core will never know defeat or have a threat reach it. This barrier will never be tested.” Una declared. Her voice was so confident Arizo could almost feel her willing the words to be true.
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