《Dig a Little Deeper》10 Dungeon Bound
The town of Hoggle was mostly built on stilts above the swamp. Though there was one side of the town that was anchored on the dryer land at the edge of the swamp. The creatures that called this town home were even less familiar looking than the mongrels from Riverside.
Feta looked over them not sure what to call the people that looked like fish or frogs had just grown human like arms and started walking around. She did see a rare lizardfolk and one kenku.
Yenturis did his best not to stare or look slack jawed at these beings. While he was an adult and an adventurer he’d never left his home country before. His only clue that these creatures were truly odd was the wide eyes of the much more experienced sisters.
“Come on let’s get lunch!” Olive cheered all but skipping her way to the front of the group. Some of the residents looked at her and rolled their eyes, or gave fond smiles. So they likely knew the exuberant teen.
“You wouldn’t be hungry if you hadn’t dragged us away from breakfast.” Myra complained but jogged ahead to join her friend.
Tuck chuckled. “Most of the dishes here are fish or mushroom based. I hope that’s ok with you.” He told the newcomers
“That’s fine.” Mika replied. She was curious about the creatures as well.
When they entered town the mongrel group split off from them.
Once they had gotten some food from a stall and were seated at an outdoor table Feta couldn’t help but ask. “What are these people?”
Myra chuckled. “The 2 fish looking people are the Murloc and the Gogglers. Murloc have a fin on top of their head and Gogglers don’t. The frog looking people are Bullywugs. The ones that look human but with odd colored and textured skin are hags. There are green hags, sea hags and night hags that live in the swamp though more in Jahester then here in Hoggle. Several lizardfolk and a rare kenku like yourselves.”
“You might also see a swamp thing.” Olive added. “They look like a person covered in moss but they are just a giant bunch of moss come to life.”
Tuck shook his head. “Most swamp things stay out in the swamp. It’s rare to see them in one of the towns.”
“Not sure that I have to say this but if you see any type of slime or jelly kill it.” Myra added looking grossed out.
Feta chuckled. “No need to worry about that.”
“What does a slime look like?” Yenturis asked
“A large wad of mucus.” Hamish disgustedly replied.
Olive smiled at him. “If you want I can take you ooze hunting after we find the dungeon. They sometimes have neat things inside them.”
“Only if you agree to do our laundry after.” Tuck countered.
“Never mind.” Olive retracted. That caused the others to laugh.
Conversation flowed around the group as the avians got to know the teens better.
“All volunteers please come to town center!” A loud call was heard across the market where they had been eating.
“Looks like it’s time.” Myra replied standing and gathering their trash to dispose of.
As the teens said there were 5 other groups. But they noticed a cloaked man and young tigerling standing nearby as well.
“Should we ask them to join us?” Olive asked the others. With the 3 avians theirs was one of the largest groups.
A few nods and the hyper girl moved over to the pair.
“Hello sir. You don’t look like you are from here. You want to join our group? We have some adventures from Nostalli with us already.”
He blinked at the teen. She had to be 15 or 17 at the most. He shook his head. “Sure kid. I’m Yenstar and this is my ward Le’Ly.” Over the past day he’d resigned himself to keeping the girl. Though he had to sell the mare in Aglooe. She wouldn’t set hoof in the swamp.
Le’Ly waved at the teen and looked at the others in the group. Hamish’s naga tail and Yenturis’ large wings got most of her stares.
Before proper introductions could be made Ashanna stood and called them to attention.
“First of all thank you for coming so quickly. As you all know and likely fear this dungeon will bring outsiders to our home.” She, and several others looked over to their group. “We know this forest better than anyone. Finding this dungeon quickly will give us control and command over what is done with it.” There were cheers. Ashanna raised her hand for quiet. “Though we can’t ban all outsiders we can limit how much they can build and control. Orym of Riverside will take charge of the dungeon and deal with the outside governments.” Another cheer mostly from the amphibious races.
Once they calmed she continued. “I have more good news. I have seen this dungeon’s mouth. It is not in the ruins.” This got the loudest cheer from the crowd. The teens were whooping along with everyone else. “I cannot say where exactly it is but it lays closer to the Stampeding River than to the road from Adortin to Riverside.” There were mummers and nods at that news. Whispers of what they could expect and would need for that area of the woods. “We will be searching quadrants 4, 5, 9,10,14, 15, 19, 20, 24, 25, 29 and 30. Each team will choose 2 adjoining areas. It is Riverside’s turn to choose first.”
“We want 29 and 30.” Dun called out.
The lizard woman standing by Ashanna wrote it down. “ Aglooe is next.”
“4 and 5.” A Bullywug replied.
“15 and 20.” The only other kenku called.
“10 and 9 will be where WE find the dungeon.” A Murloc hissed at the team from Aglooe.
Ashanna shook her head. “Poe”
“We will take 25 and 24” a goblin replied.
“That leaves 14 and 19 to Adortin.”
“I was hoping for 15 and 14.” Olive pouted.
“Do any of you have a map so the 5 of us know where the heck we’re going?” Yenstar grumped.
The teens looked at each other.
“No but we can get one.” Myra offered.
“Not likely to find one here in Hoggle. It would be best to head to Jahesteri. Get what we need, and start fresh in the morning.” Hamish countered.
The others nodded in agreement.
“Kids.” Ali called, coming over. “We’re going to head back to Riverside and take the road up to the river. You headed straight in or to Jahesteri first?”
“Jahesteri.” Tuck answered. “We want to get to know our new teammates better and make sure everyone is supplied. They also need a map.”
“Good luck.” She replied giving each teen a hug before joining her waiting group.
Olive smiled and waved after her. “If we don’t find it I hope they do.”
The trip from Hoggle to Jahesteri was even less of a road than coming from Riverside. There were places where there was no path and they had to trust the teens that knew the area, so they didn’t end up in the muck. The sweet smell of rotting plants was even stronger as they left the edges of the marsh.
After a while Tuck decided to break the ice. “So I’m Tuck and this is my twin sister Olive. Hamish and Myra are our good friends and we are all from Adortin.”
“I am Yenturis of Anulli and these are Feta and Mika of Gorger.” He gave the same greeting Olive had received at the inn.
“Le’Ly here is from Tornmer and me….” Yenstar paused, “I’m from a lot of different places. I was born in Pinko but spent most of my life in Grovet. Now I’m just wandering.”
“Are you an adventurer like these 3?” Hamish asked.
“I was about 50 years ago. I then took over running a dungeon town.”
“Why did you leave?” Feta inquired. Being asked to leave could mean something awful happened. Or that he was trying to control or corrupt the dungeon.
Yenstar gave a humorless laugh. “I was replaced by a young fool who’s daddy had money.”
“Ah.” Mika replied. The sisters looked at him in sympathy.
“We’ll tell Kinu when we get back. Who knows what kind of mess it will become with a fool managing it. Rumor has it that’s what caused the wastes to go mad.” Feta added.
“If Aggitash goes mad I hope they sell the area to the elves first.” His tone was hurting and bitter.
The avians joined him in laughing.
“What’s wrong with elves?” Olive asked. “Orym is great.” That was the only elf any of the teens had met.
That caused the sisters and Yenstar to laugh even harder.
“Orym is a nice man.” Feta said once they had calmed. “He is kind, honest and fair. Most elves are not like that. They play mind games, are greedy and fair weather at best.”
Yenstar nodded. “There are a few other elves that can be trusted but most can’t. Most think elves are better than all other races and treat everyone like they are beneath them. In some elven cities there are inns designated for non-elves and only pure elves can own property.”
The teens were looking at them like they had grown extra heads.
Myra finally spoke. “I’ve only dealt with a bit of that from Tornmer. Most treat anyone from this area as lesser. They are the only outsiders we trade with. Other than the mer cities under the bay.”
“There are cities in the bay?” Le’Ly asked wide eyed. The 6 year old knew even less about the world than the isolated teens.
Hamish smiled at the little girl. “Yes there are 4 cities under the bay. Since half of Adortin is underwater we are able to do business with both the land and sea races.”
“Most of our economy comes from trading across the water line.” Myra added. “My bow was made under the bay. It adds wind damage to my shots and allows me to fire into and under water without added drag.”
“So is my spearhead. It’s made of super hard enchanted coral.” Tuck showed her. “That’s why it’s such a bright golden color. The shaft is the spine of a Twig Blight, Olive and I fought last year.”
“That’s a tough battle.” Mika commented. She knew ‘twig’ was a misnomer for the man sized creatures. “Good to know you can all hold your own in a fight.”
“We wouldn’t be on the team if we couldn't.” Tuck replied. “Every teen in Adortin has to do patrols in the forests or the bay. Olive and I are one of the best teams we usually take the deepest and latest partols.” He told them with pride.
“Yep. Hamish does partols mostly on the sea side and has faced monsters in the bay. I do half and half. I’m the weakest member of our group. My friendship with the twins and political place in the village are why I’m here.” Myra added.
“You’re not human are you lass?” Yenstar asked Myra.
“No I’m not. I am a Selkie.” She replied motioning to the dark cape that was over her shoulders and bag.
“Not something I would freely tell others.” Yenstar warned.
“Let someone try to take her coat.” Olive told them with laughter in her eyes.
Myra smiled. “Don’t worry so much. The outsiders might know a few stories of my kind but not the truth. While it is true I can’t go far from my coat, taking it doesn’t magically make me fall in love with you. In fact most that have stolen a Selkie’s coat have been killed by them.”
Yenstar chuckled. “That sounds about right. Nothing to stop you from pretending to be enchanted then slitting their throat.”
“Darn right.” Olive agreed, placing her arm around her friend.
“I’m confused.” Le’Ly stated.
Myra smiled and took the girls hand telling her the myths of the Selkie.
By the time they arrived in Jahesteri the sun was hidden behind Peleter and they had been using torches for the last hour.
“Hamish can you find a good map?” Myra instructed. “Preferably one with the grids we use for searches so they know just where we are going.”
He nodded and slithered off. Yenstar joined him to look at what kind of maps they had to offer.
“Our areas are the closest to the ruins, so Olive, make sure you have as many healing salves and potions as we’ll need.”
Olive gave a salute.
“I’ll join her. I know some healing. Maybe our mixtures differ.” Mika added. The pair headed off.
“Tuck can you head to the general store for any other camping gear we might be low in? I’m going to get a couple more quivers of arrows just to be safe.”
“Alright. Do you need any weapons or general goods?” Tuck asked the 2 remaining members.
“I could do with some more rations if we are going to be in the wild for a few days.” Feta replied.
Yenturis just shrugged. “I don’t think I need anything. I will join Myra and see what weapons they have here.”
With a nod they split up.
The sun had fully set by the time they met back at the inn. Myra and Yenturis had been the fastest, so already rented rooms. The owner was thrilled to be renting so many at once that he gave them a group discount.
Hamish and Yenstar returned with maps and dinner. He knew the only inn in town didn’t serve any food.
Tuck and Feta were the next back. They had an additional pack full of supplies to redistribute once everyone was there.
The teens started dividing up the food.
“Aren’t we waiting on Mika and Olive?” Feta asked
“The food will be cold by the time Olive gets here.” Tuck replied. “It’s been over a year since we were last in Jahesteri. Olive and Tulip will be chatting and exchanging herbs for a long while. If Mika does have knowledge the pair don’t we might not get her back till day break.”
“Once we’ve eaten I’d like you to take me to my sister. I don’t like her being alone in a strange place.” There was worry in her tone.
Myra smiled at her. “Tuck was joking about them being out all night.” She reassured the kenku. “If they aren’t here by the time we’ve eaten I can take you there to fetch them.”
Feta nodded. She flushed when she realized her feathers had gotten a bit ruffled worrying.
“Sorry.” Tuck apologized before focusing on his meal with a blush.
“I noticed most of the weapons offered are ranged.” Yenturis stated, changing the subject. “Why is that?”
“As you saw coming here from Hoggle the land is uneven and unpredictable in the swamp.” Hamish explained. “It is hard to have a melee battle when you have to split your attention between the enemy and your footing. Smaller blades would let you get closer but with the various ooze, slimes and puddings that’s not a good idea.”
“Not to mention the myconids.” Myra added. “Living mushrooms as tall as I am. Most have poison spores or spit. Best to keep everything in the swamp at a distance.”
Before more could be said, Olive and Mika entered the inn with a teenaged hag. They were still chatting. Olive using her hands excessively, the hag with a wide grin and Mika enthralled by whatever story was being told.
“And that’s how I learned that Athelas and mugwort should never be mixed.” Olive finished. They laughed at her.
“Have a good time?” Feta asked, smiling at her sister. She could see more joy in her sister's eyes than had been there in a long time.
“Other than my jaw hurting from laughing so much at these fools.”
“Welcome Tulip.” Myra greeted “I haven’t seen you in a long time.”
“Hello.” She replied, suddenly shy.
“Tulip here is almost as talented with plants as our mother.” Tuck complemented. Tulip blushed making her greenish skin even darker. She soon said her goodbyes to the group and headed back home.
“Let’s get down to business then to bed.” Yenstar stated once Tulip had left. “I’m too old and Le’Ly is too young to be up late if we are leaving at day break.”
“Are we leaving at day break?” Yenturis asked
“Yes,” Olive replied, “moving through the trees before the fog rolls out is dangerous but it should burn off before we get there. If not we can take a rest at the treeline until it’s safe.” She was being more serious than they had seen her so far.
“My sister likes to have fun and joke around and I know she wants to be the first to find the dungeon but we know how to be serious and stay safe in the trees.”
“The last time a hunt in the deeper parts of the forest happened, 4 of the 31 voluteers didn’t make it.” Hamish told them honestly. “We are walking into wild land that is home to some dangerous creatures. Olive first approached you 3 because she was overflowing with excitement. None of us argued because 3 more weapons improve our chances of coming out unharmed.”
There was a long pause as everyone considered what they were really doing. Going into a wild, corrupted forest that they didn’t know. To find something that might not even be in their area.
“Come on guys this is an adventure.” Olive said in her usual cheerful tone. “There are dangers and we’ll probably be attacked at least a few times before we’re through but the stories we can tell later.” She rubbed her hands together. “Now let’s see that map and I’ll tell you where we’re headed.”
The map showed all of the Lost Forest which was a bit box like. The bottom was just labeled Dead Swamp, the top Bay of Hen’zti. Peleter took up the bottom left corner with the Stampeding River making the left edge. The Egles River serpentined up the right side ending in a wide delta. Adortin was almost in the middle of the north coast between the 2 rivers. Riverside was in a wide bend of the Egles and Hoggle was at the Eastern edge of the swamp. Jahesteri was midway between the base of Peleter and Hoggle.
There was one road from Hoggle to just south Adortin that made a wide curve toward the east. A road branched heading due north to Adortin and west to the Sampeding River crossing. As the curve neared Riverside a road headed straight east to the city.
“Why not cut through in s straight line?” Feta asked, drawing her finger in a line from Hoggle or Jahesteri to Adortin.
“The ruins we mentioned earlier.” Tuck replied, pointing at a spot almost centered in the forest between the road and the Stampeding River. “The closer you get to them the stronger, stranger and more aggressive the forest becomes.”
“Worse than that. The mana gets so thick there is a miasma in this area.” Hamish added. He circled an area on the map. “And guess which team has the areas closest to them to search?”
“Lucky us.” The sarcastic remark came from Yenstar. “SO I guess that the team that goes last always gets the worst draw? And that’s why you rotate.”
“Got it in one.” Myra answered. She pulled out a charcoal pencil and divided the area between the curved road and the Stampeding River into a grid that was 5 across and 6 tall. “1 starts here at the bottom right. It was labeled for leaving Hoggle.” The multiples of 5 were up the river's edge. “These are our 2 areas.” She darkened the edges of the blocks.
“The ruins are centered between blocks 12, 13, 17 and 18.” Tuck told them. “Olive and I tried to get close to it once. That was when we fought the blight. There are remains of a large structure there, but we started feeling sick and light headed before we could get close enough to tell what it had been.”
The others nodded in understanding. Something in the ruins was likely the cause of the corrupted mana.
“The easiest way is to start at the southwestern side of our area and work our way back and forth till we reach the northernwestern side. That will put us closer to our home and you guys can rest there for a day or so.” Olive told them with a small smile. “Geon can pass what we learn onto Ashanna and Orym.”
“A swim in the ocean after days in the stuffy forest will be nice.” Myra added with a happy grin.
“We haven’t been to the sea in years.” Feta added. “A day on the beach after finding a new dungeon sounds like the nice end to our week.”
The group's mood now lifted, they headed off to bed.
The core had no idea their opening had been felt and that there were teams getting ready and heading their way. All they knew was that each time they were pulled away from digging they missed Arizo more and more.
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