《Dig a Little Deeper》4 Kobolds
Arizo gave me a winning smile. “Now we need to look at your blueprints and start using those dungeon points.”
When I opened up the page things were a bit strange.
There were 4 unknown blueprints with percentages from 15-5. Then there were all the things offered that I hadn’t chosen. Though each had 0%.
“Well that’s nice to know what I’m unlocking insead of being in the dark.”
“Yes and now that there is less of a block on your old memories if you had enough knowledge of the items you find their name will be listed. Though nothing else until they are unlocked.”
That made much more sense than knowing nothing until I unlocked a random thing. I assume that was so new dungeons aren't overwhelmed. But knowing why my mind was blocked and that it would soon lift would have been nice.
“There are now 3 tabs at the top. Materials, Creatures and Items.”
“Start with Creatures.” Arizo suggested. Having no reason not to, I opened the tab.
Kobold : Draconic
Kobolds are often dismissed as cowardly, foolish, and weak, but these little reptilian creatures actually have a strong social structure that stresses devotion to the tribe, are clever with their hands, and viciously work together in order to overcome their physical limitations.
HP: 10
Drops 70% of the time
MP: 2
Leather Scraps
Poor- good Kobold hide
Kobold Claw
DP: 3
Cave Bat: Mammal
Small and agile. Found in most natural cave systems. These insectivores can eat twice their weight in insects each night. They use echolocation to find their prey and the sounds they admit can confuse predators.
HP: 5
Drops 50% of the time
Bat wing
Bat Fang
Rainbow Chicken: Mammal
While these chickens have no magical ability their feathers, eggs and meat have magical properties leading to this species being nearly hunted to death. Only a few remain in magic academies.
Drops 80% of the time
Rainbow Feather
Rainbow Egg
Rainbow Chicken Meat
“That's a load of information all at once.” I stated a bit shocked
Arizo nodded in sympathy. “You are doing amazing. Let’s break it all down.”
“HP and MP should be self explanatory. DP is how many dungeon points it costs to make the creature and the items listed are what the creature drops when they die and how often that happens.” She paused to let that sink in. Once she was sure I was following she continued.
‘The Kobold is the most unusual so let’s look at them.” She highlighted the Kobold stats.
HP: 10
Drops 70% of the time
MP: 2
Leather Scraps
Poor- good Kobold hide
Kobold Claw
DP: 3
“Drops 70% of the time. Means that each one killed has a 70% chance to drop an item. When an item is dropped 60% of the time it’s leather scraps. Make sense?”
“Yes, so what are the question marks?”
Arizo smiled again. “Those are optional drops. You can choose what items go there, leave them blank or let the creature drop an equipped item. How rare and valuable an item is will determine the drop rate.”
“So if I put a common item it will drop more often than a super rare one.”
“Exactly. Since the only item we have is a lantern I suggest we hold off on that for now.”
“Well I was planning on making some tools and weapons for the kobolds to use. I guess for now those spaces can be filled with what I give them.”
“Good idea. Now when you open the materials there are going to be more than you expect. That is due to each of the items a creature can drop will also be materials or items you can use. Since all 3 of these only have materials as drops there should only be a lantern in the items box.”
I decided to open the items box just to make sure before heading to the materials. As Arizo thought there was only the Copper Lantern.
Bat Wing
Taken from several species of bats. Can be used in potions making and charm crafting
Bat Fang
Taken from several species of bats. Can be used in potions making and charm crafting. Also used in beginners alchemy
Common Clay
Malleable earth that can be made into many different objects. Not very useful on its own but has great potential.
Common Quartz
This crystal comes in many shapes and colors. It is often used in potion and charm making. There are many varieties based on the other metals and minerals within the crystal.
Common Stone
This Stone is found almost everywhere across the universe. It is often used in buildings and crushed to make roads
A common metal. Has many uses. It is durable yet flexible which is why it is used in many weapons and everyday items
Kobold Claw
A sharp talon that can be used as a cutting tool. These are used in beginner leather work and linen making. They can also be used in potion and charm making.
Kobold hide
Can be turned into leather scraps or average leather. The small size means they have little use other than for beginners in leather work.
Leather Scraps
Very few uses other than as bindings in lower quality weapons and armor
Rainbow chicken meat
When cooked it boosts healing and mana regeneration. If eaten raw will cause mana sickness.
Rainbow Feather
Magical feathers used in potions charm making. due to the scarcity they are also used as status symbols in some cultures.
Rainbow Egg
Due to their high magical content these eggs can only hatch in highly magical areas. When they are cooked they boost healing. If eaten raw they cause mana sickness. When they hatch there is a small magical explosion which can cause mana burns.
Common mushrooms found in most parts of the world. Produces deadly toxins and is often called the Deadly Skullcap
“13 Materials to play with. Why are Skullcaps considered a material?”
“All plants that can’t be used to attack are considered materials. Though you can alter how boxes look. What you see now is just the normal structure plus your mind helping keep things organized.”
“Ok. I want plants as their own tab.” I was a bit surprised when Skullcaps vanished from the screen and a new tab formed. “Only plants that don’t count as creatures.” I amended. I could tell something happened but as I had no plant creatures nothing showed.
“I’d like to see what these creatures look like. How do I do that?”
“Just think of the blueprint you want to use and it happens.” She said kind of vaguely. “I’m not exactly sure how it works.”
I sent a nod to her again and started with a Kobold. There were loads of ideas and stories about them in my head and I wanted to see one for real.
There was a tug… that’s the best way I could describe the sinsation. Then I could see an outline of the creature. I placed the outline a couple feet in front of me and it started filling with light.
“Are you seeing this?” I asked Arizo
“I don’t see anything?” She replied questioningly.
I described what I was seeing. Almost before I was done speaking the outline filled and in its place was a Kobold. It looked like a 3ft tall crocodile stood on its hind legs. Those legs were digitigrade, like a dog or cat's hind legs. Their arms were proportioned where they could grab and manipulate things with their 4 fingers.
“Hello can you understand me?” I asked the creature.
She had been looking around the room but her reptilian eyes snapped to my crystal. “Yes, Creator. How may I serve?”
If I wasn’t a stone I would be blushing. “I don’t have any tasks for now. Why don’t you explore the nearby rooms until I need you.”
She nodded and began looking about the room before disappearing out the door.
“I don’t know if I like the reverence in her voice.” I said once she was gone.
Arizo shrugged. “You made her from nothing and without you she will die. To most creatures with higher intelligence you are like a god. You are their world and protecting you in an ingrained purpose that you can’t change. The universe runs on choice and you can’t force her to stop seeing you in such a way.”
With a heavy sigh I nodded in acceptance. “I don’t have to like it though.” I whined.
Next I made a bat and a chicken.
The bat looked just like a little brown bat from my memories. About a 3 inch body and almost a foot wingspan. So not intimidating or threatening at all. It also looked around the room then flew up to an uneven spot on the wall to the right of the door and hung.
The Rainbow Chicken lived up to its name. It looked a mess. Like Jackson Pollock had painted a chicken. Each feather was a mess of different bright colors. There is no way something so brightly colored could live in the wild. It had to have been made, or bred in a lab…. Or a dungeon.
“Do I have to worry about poo?” I asked, having several vivid memories of cleaning out chicken coops.
Arizo giggled at my horrified voice. “No your creatures don’t need to eat or drink so they don’t… um… go.” She told me, embarrassed about the subject. “Though most still have the instinct to eat and you can make them food and drink to keep them happier or as a reward. Outside things may mess in the dungeon but you will naturally absorb it.”
“Enough talk about that. I hope it doesn’t feel or taste weird.” I again whined. That caused her to giggle once more.
As the chicken was rather noisy I sent it to another room and asked her not to come back unless called for. Though it seemed to be a normal chicken she obeyed my order and left.
“Now I think I’ll make a squad of Kobolds to go and have a look around outside then start improving the bones of the first floor.”
Arizo nodded in agreement with the plan. I made 3 more Kobolds and called the first back in. This time I focused and made 2 males and another female. I kinda hoped they would breed me more kobolds but would ask if it was possible once they were gone.
“Ok I’m going to try and make you some items to help you gather new things from outside the dungeon.” The 4 reptiles nodded in obedience, that still rubbed me wrong. I hope I never get used to it.
Pushing the discomfort out of my mind I focused on what I wanted. There was a pattern in my mind taught to me by a friend, a mentor, an asshole. I chuckled to myself. Seems I’d learned this in multiple lives, which hopefully would make it easier.
First I pulled up iron. The outline of a lump of pure iron appeared before me. Using my new power to change the world around me I imagined the lump becoming a thin wire. It took more imagination than I thought but soon I had a very long iron wire that was the same mass as the lump. Mentally sighing I got rid of all but a few inches of wire. Once that was done I turned the wire into a perfect circle. I then added more wire circles till I had a square of chainmail.
Feeling both mentally exhausted and drained of energy, I had the 2 inch square come into being.
Blueprint Unlocked: Wire
Blueprint Unlocked: Metal link
Blueprint Unlocked: Chainmail
Chainmail: Several metal links woven together makes good armor.
Metal Link: metal wire bent into a circle. Has many uses.
Wire: metal worked into a long thin wire. Very malleable. Has many uses.
Arizo flew over and picked up the chain, which was almost as big as she was. “Are you ok?” Her voice filled with concern
“I did too much at once again.” I explained showing her the new blueprint messages.
“Go and protect the first room. We will call you once the core has rested.”
The kobolds made noises for concern but obeyed the little fairy.
Once they were out of the room she turned to me, anger was pouring off of her along with fear. “WHAT PART OF IMMORTAL DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND!” She shouted. “You have plenty of time to do things slowly. Which is what I thought you were doing. Then you go and pull a stunt like this. Over taxing your core like that can cause damage to you, the dungeon or break your mind.” Arizo lectured.
“I’m sorry.” I told her softly. My voice was weaker and I could tell I was glowing more dimly than usual. “I could tell I was pushing myself. I’ve never had this issue before. Testing the limits of my brain and imagination has always been fun and the only risk was a headache. I didn’t know I could actually hurt myself.”
She deflated and sat on the ground near my core. “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have shouted. You are a young core and you have so many memories of being a regular being. You are now a higher being. You are mostly mental energy. A ‘headache’ now is the same as a broken bone. Big enough break and you can die or never fully recover.” She looked over the chain again. “That said I am impressed. Changing plain Iron into this. And it’s good work.”
“Thank you.”
“How did you know what to do?”
“Memories. I have memories of 3 lives that knew how to take wire and make chainmail. The only part I had to do without a memory was turn the iron into a wire.”
“Rest and when you have recovered you can keep going.”
My mind zoned out much easier than before. I became alert when a box popped up.
Blueprint unlocked: Field mouse
“They killed a field mouse.” I stated, getting Arizo’s attention. I couldn’t help but chuckle. “My fierce protectors I need not fear tiny rodents.”
Arizo also giggled. “I see you are feeling better.”
“Yes, much better. I’m not back to full mana but I’m good. I’ll call them back before they kill anything else.”
“Good idea. Having small harmless animals live in the dungeon can give you dungeon-born. They are still under your command but are born with their own core so they can venture out safely. They also don’t take up DP.”
“What about my creatures? Can the kobolds or chickens reproduce?”
“Yes but children of dungeon creatures will not naturally have a core and they cost half the DP.”
“That makes sense. So breeding my bats into a full swarm is still an option.”
Arizo nodded. Before more could be said the kobolds arrived.
“You called for us Creator.” The first female said bowing her head and putting her hand to her chest.
“Thank you for coming so quickly and protecting me while I rested.” They made sounds of embarrassment at the praise. “From now on though anything that comes into the dungeon and is smaller than Arizo, and doesn’t try to attack you, please leave it be. If these creatures are allowed to live they will make this their home and help us stop dangerous invaders.” I knew that these creatures would do as they were told without a reason, but I didn’t want to become a dictator. They deserved to know why they were being asked to do something.
“As you wish.” The female said again and the other 3 nodded in agreement.
“Now I will make those tools I promised.”
Focusing I pulled up the chainmail blueprint and formed it into the shape of a bag. One that was a decent sized sack with a single handle that could be worn across their body. Doing this one step was much easier than before. The bag outline filled and appeared on the ground between me and the first female.
Blueprint unlocked: Chainmail sack
Chainmail sack: A large sack made of chainmail. Useable but not practical.
“That was much easier than before.” I admitted. “That first one is for you.” I told the female who had put herself in charge.
“I will treasure it.” She replied, picking up the heavy sack and putting it on.
The other 3 were even easier because I could just use the pattern. I had the sacks appear in font of each kobold and they too thanked me and put them on.
I looked over the 4 trying to decide what else they would need.
Once I knew what I wanted to make I focused on the first item. First I took a lump of iron and turned it into a 5ft rod.
Blueprint Unlocked: Metal Rod
Metal Rod: An Metal cylindrical that can be worked into many other items.
I made the rod vanish and pulled up it’s blueprint. I then thinned most of the rod and thickened one end. Shaping the thicker end into a simple spear. This I had appeared before one of the males.
Blueprint Unlocked: Simple Iron Spear
Simple Iron Spear: The most basic of spears made from pure iron. This is heavy and poorly balanced.
“I have chosen you to stay behind to guard the dungeon while the others go out to gather.” He nodded, taking the weapon. “You three are to go outside the dungeon. I know that it will be hard and uncomfortable but in order for our home to grow we need more materials and more creatures. Gather anything you can. Soil, plants, bugs, animals, everything can be used. The more we have the faster we will grow. Only stay out until your health starts dropping. Once you are done dump everything you find in the first room and come back here.” I turned my attention to the male with the spear. “You will stay just inside and help them back in if needed. You are only to go outside if they are in trouble.”
All 4 again nodded in agreement, placed their hands over their chests and headed out.
I sighed. “Making the 2 items was easier but I wasn’t fully rested. “I don’t like this. Being so tired sucks.”
Arizo giggled. “Then don’t do it again. Rest your mind while they are gone. I’m sure another box will grab your attention.”
I did as she asked and fell into the meditative state that let me regain mana faster. Like she predicted, boxes alerted me to the team's return.
Blueprint unlocked: Lavender
Blueprint unlocked: Poison Ivy
Blueprint unlocked: Grass
Grass: common plant that covers most of the world’s surface in one form or another.
Lavender: Fragrant herb with many uses and magical properties. Mainly used in calming teas and potions.
Poison Ivy: This irritating plant is rarely deadly but can be a nuisance. It can grow almost anywhere and is difficult to kill.
“I hope they aren’t allergic to poison ivy.” I told Arizo, showing her the new blueprints.
“I doubt it with their scales. Even if they are resting in the dungeon should cure any ailment.”
“Good. I’m going to get started on more tools.”
First was taking the spear shape bordening and flattening the sharp end into a shovel. I then used leather scraps to wrap the other end as a handle.
Blueprint unlocked: Iron Shovel
Iron Shovel: With a leather handle it is great at digging. Practical if a bit heavy. Can also double as a weapon.
That done I dropped it in front of the other male since they had arrived while I was working.
Another iron rod was shaped and changed in my mind. Much shorter and very flat I added teeth to one side and wrapped the handle.
Blueprint unlocked: Iron Saw
Iron Saw: Good for cutting small limbs and bushes. Will not cut down a tree of any decent size.
This one went to the second female
One more rod shaped and changed. Leather scraps covering the grip.
Blueprint unlocked: Short Sword
Short sword: Longer than a dagger but shorter than a longsword. These blades are versatile and lend to quick movements. Their light weight makes using a shield much easier.
This last piece appeared before the first creature I created.
She took the blade and looked it over before it went into her sack. With a chuckle I made some belts, scabbard and snap loops for them to carry their tools.
Blueprint unlocked: Scrap Belt
Blueprint unlocked: Snaps
Scrap Belt: Belt made of leather scraps. Not much but it keeps your pants up.
Snaps: small fasteners used to keep things together.
I wasn’t sure why the scabbard didn’t make a blueprint.
That done I sent them back to the first room to rest. They were told to go out and collect things during the day. That would give me time to do other things.
“So your kobolds are equipped for gathering. Now what?”
“I plan to redo the first floor. Make it less of a boring room, hall, room, hall design. I just don’t know if I should start at the entrance or down here.”
“Either way. Though I suggest starting at the entrance. It will be the first impression others see. Though first I think you need to pull up your stats.”
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Papercuts to Fell Immortals
Qing Shen is a girl from the counrtyside, forced into a role she never wanted by a Young Master who's infamy is spread throughout the land. As a Cultivator in the path to immortality, Qing Shen has to deal with her own problems as well as the mysteries surrounding her Young Master. Things, however, are not as they seem, and the young girl finds that sometimes the truth is more unbelievable than the lies we often follow. . . . If you want a less hidden-meaning summary: This story is about the struggles of one girl as she tries to become an Immortal. There won't be any meaningful romance, but there will be a plot that spans most of the story, and violence. Oh the violence! I'm not going to say that my ideas are 100% original (because hoo boy are there a lot of Wuxia), but hopefully I can write something entertaining. Guaranteed things: 1. Cliche events with a twist (I mean, it's literally in the description) 2. Important Characters will have backstories and motivations that will hopefully make them not one-dimensional (honestly, that's just normal stuff...) 3. Untrustworthy characters (everyone in the story lies, even me, so don't trust everything you read... but at the same time, trust everything you read) 4. Goodish grammar (not gonna say mine's the best, but it's readable in most cases) 5. Plot! (Everywhere!) 6. worldbuilding? (Should be there somewhere, but I probably won't do blatant info dumps... probably) 7. Character development? (Its there... at some point...) 8. The story gets dark at some points (if you don't like characters dying, then this might not be your cup of tea) 9. A strong main character? (She'll be strong, yes. However, her enemies are also strong. If everyone is strong, then is she no longer strong? My brain hurts) 10. Wow, this list is going on for awhile... uh, Believable and reasonable Action? (I mean, I'm writing for mainly my fun, so if I want a fight scene, then I might craft a scenario to explain it... or I might suddenly throw in a Dragon and call it a day) This story also goes by the same name over on Webnovel.com, but I'm going to be updating it here because, well I want to. They are both by me, and created by me. If there's anything that seems like a copy of another work, then that's just the genre being saturated by everything under the sun.
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Du Nhiên Mạt Thế - Lão Bối (Van edit)
Du nhiên mạt thế 悠然末世 Lão Bối 老貝 Thể loại: mạt thế, trọng sinh, NP (nhất thụ tam công), tùy thân không gian, HE Tình trạng : Hoàn (77 chương + 3 PN) Edit: Hoàn (Xôi thịt đầy đủ hê hê) Nhà chính: https://builongthivan.wordpress.com/ Nguồn QT: https://datuquynh.wordpress.com/2013/10/21/du-nhien-mat-the-lao-boi/ Nguồn raw: http://bbs.txtnovel.com/ Truyện dịch chưa được sự cho phép của tác giả, vì mình không biết tiếng Trung nên chưa xin, có vấn đề gì mong tác giả thứ lỗi. Truyện có tính chất nhạy cảm, về tình yêu giữa nam x nam, nếu không thích, xin click back. Truyện dịch không mang mục đích thương mại, chỉ mang tính giải trí và sở thích cá nhân, nếu đưa lên trang web nào khác, xin hãy dẫn đường link và chú thích đầy đủ! Văn án Giãy dụa tại mạt thế 15 năm, cuối cùng chết tại ốc đảo huyền bí, Lâm Phàm bởi vì không cam lòng, trước khi chết lại ăn được bạch quả thần kì, vì vậy hắn trọng sinh; lần nữa mạt thế, có được tùy thân không gian, Lâm Phàm càng trở nên tùy tính tùy tâm. "Bắc Cực" theo lời cha mẹ rốt cuộc là căn nguyên tai nạn mạt thế hay là chỗ ở an toàn? Ngẫu nhiên lại gặp được những người tu tiên đó là người tốt hay xấu? Không sao, tất cả đều không quan trọng, hắn thế nhưng tại trước mạt thế bùng nổ nửa năm gặp biến dị thể, nhiễm siêu vi trùng SR - Bán Thú nhân, là trong truyền thuyết binh khí hình người cường đại vô song Bán Thú nhân, thật là tên đang bán manh kia?! Còn bạn trẻ lạnh lùng kiêu ngạo họ Nghiêm này, là vị thành niên a, hắn ăn không tiêu! Thảm nhất là Lôi tiểu ca, ngươi thật là mẹ kế ta nhặt được
8 198