《Core .001》Volume 01: A new path forward in the darkness (3)


The next morning, Me, Ryo and Kuina set off for the Adventurers guild. When we arrived there, the guild was rather empty with a few people here and there.

We came over to the desk and were greeted by a 28 year old women wearing glasses who seems to be a receptionist.

“Hello, how can I help you today?” she asked.

I was a bit taken back as it was the first human I saw in this world who acted remotely courteous towards beastkin. Of course being as cynical as I am, it might be just a show of professionalism.

“We would like to register this one to the guild” said Ryo as he pushed me forward.

“Alright” she says pulling out a card, then “do you know how to read and write?” she asked.

“I do not” I exclaimed.

“I see, that is no problem. I will fill in the information for you. I just need your name, age, race, level and proof of identity. I should note that we will be conducting a mandatory appraisal for verification” she added.

“Okay...My name is Shiro, I am 12 years old and of the Beastkin - Catkin race. My current level is 5. As for proof of identity, I don’t know what that is” I replied.

“Here is her proof of identity” Ryo interjected while taking out a paper.

So there is such a thing in this world like I thought...I wonder what happens if you don’t have one…

She writes down all the information on the card.

Your skill [LP][Trillan] has become Level 6. [Reading and Writing] unlocked.

“Alright...[Appraise: Human]…Everything seems in check. Now I am required by guild policy to give you a breakdown and answer any questions you might have that are related. When you start out, you will be a Rank G adventurer. As an adventurer you can pick up requests that are on the board to the right. Once you pick a request you bring it to the counter. You can pick up any request in general, but any requests above 2 ranks would need special approval. So as a Rank G adventurer, you can pick up a Rank E requests or below without issue. There are also cut of points for Rank D, Rank A and Rank S. To take requests of those ranks you need to pass a special test.

There are 4 types of requests, normal requests which are your typical request. Continuous requests, which are repeatable and have no limits such as herb gathering. Special requests, which are specifically requested of you in private. And lastly there are mandatory requests in case of emergencies, which often happen when there is a flock of monsters attacking a nearby city which the government can not handle or needs assistance. Not participating in a mandatory request can lead to suspension and in some cases imprisonment by law.


When you complete a request you will get points. 1 point for requests of same rank, 2 points for requests of 1 rank above and 4 points for requests 2 ranks above. Once you reach 20 points you will get a promotion in rank.

You will be given a guild tattoo rune which will store all information. If the tattoo rune gets destroyed, there will be a fee to restore it. This tattoo can also be used to share information with others. In the case of slaves, you can share information about requests you completed to your owner.

We also have a few services available in the guild. The material selling station to the left where you can sell herbs and monster parts and we have a class change orb on the 2nd floor. We also have a library on the 3rd floor but it is not accessible by slaves without supervision from their owner.

Do you have any questions? If not, all you have to do is sign here on the card. It can be scribbles or anything of the like even if you can’t write” said the receptionist in a machine like manner.

Thinking about what was said, I decide to take a long shot.

“Yes, I have a few questions…. How do you level up without fighting and how do you choose a class?” I ask in as innocent voice as possible.


The receptionist looks at me blankly as though she does not understand the question.

* slap *

I suddenly hear a slap from behind, and I turn around to see Ryo face-palming.

“Don’t mind her nonsense. She is a bit retarded” said Ryo to the receptionist.

How envious I am of those literally works where a protagonist can just come up to anyone and use them as a human encyclopedia as they please. “You want me to reveal top secret information that can destroy the country if known, that I have not even revealed to my own family to someone with no background or history? Hell I knew you for 2 whole days so here is all the details. I even included it on a silver platter for your convenience“..how enviable… * sigh *

“… while the question is rather...weird...since it is something even a child should know… guild policy requires me to answer all questions prior to registration as long as they are remotely related...even if they are...odd ones...” she says in a perplexed tone.


Ryo is shaking his head in annoyance and Kuina is pretending like she doesn’t know me but who cares! I am finally getting a REAL answer! It’s not like I have any reputation to lose at this point..so...Bonzai! Bonzai!


“When you do any sort of work, you get experience. When you get enough experience you level up. It generally takes about 2 years to get a level doing work. Though you can get more experience depending on how well you do your work, or if you have achievements in your work. When you reach Level 10. You get to pick your first non-combat job.

The non-combat job options will be related to what work you did prior. For example, if you do herb collecting. At level 10 you will often get option for [Gatherer] job, and if you are well versed in the herbs you collect you might even get [Herbalist]. Though generally to get [Herbalist] you need to actually work with the herbs. But the chance is there regardless how small.

After you get level 10 you will stop getting experience for doing work that is not related to your job.

There is also often an option for a Unique Job which appears for those eligible for multiple jobs or meet other criteria. Often times it is called the “Jack-of-all trades” job because it lets you get experience from doing multiple things. On the downsides the bonuses and skills of those jobs tend to be poor.

Of course there are exceptions, sometimes you can get a specialized Unique Job like the famous [Sacred Blacksmith] which allows the forging of holy weapons. There are also people who have multiple talents that mix, for example a person can have a talent for [Herbalist] and [Alchemist] to create a combination job which is can do both well. But these are extremely rare.

This is why the class change orbs exist. Some people try out jobs like Unique jobs and find it does not fit them, so they change their jobs via the Job Change orbs we have upstairs.

And when you reach level 25 of combined racial job and work job, you can get a combat job.

Does this answer your questions?” she confirmed.

With finally getting the answer I have been waiting a while for and in a good mood I reply.

“Thank you very much miss!..”

I then feel the impatience and frustration of Ryo behind me and decide to be a bit mischievous…

“...That was exactly what Ryo wanted to know but was too embarrassed to ask...” I exclaim while beaming with the best smile I could make.

Suddenly I get a cold sweat as I feel blood thirst from behind...EEEK...I think I went a little too far…

“Hurry up retard! I don’t have all day! I have other matters to attend to” he yells while losing his cool.

“Yes!” I responded by reflex.

“If that is all your questions, please sign here” said the receptionist while handing me a card and an odd pen.

I take the pen which seems to draw some of my magic power and I sign the paper with my name. Then hand the paper and pen back to the receptionist.


After the receptionist checks the card, she frowns and looks at me at a rather strange way while I see temper building up. The professional receptionist facade is slowly but steadily cracking. Did I do something wrong?

“I thought you said that you didn’t know how to write...wer..were you making a fool out of me?!?!” the receptionist threatened.


I let my guard down again!… I am guessing I can’t get away with saying “I learned it just a minute ago” now can I?…

I need to do some damage control pronto!

Lets see...maybe the old fashioned knocking on my own head while sticking out a tongue while smiling and going “teehee” would work...sure sounds like a great idea!


While my mind was panicking on how to deal with this situation and coming up with ridiculous nonsense. I suddenly felt a large impact on my head and fell to the floor face first.

You have taken 64 damage.

Looking up I see Ryo’s fist.

“Sorry about that, this one was born a bit retarded. She probably only knows how to sign her name. Can we finish the registration and move on?” he explains.

The receptionist looks at him somewhat unconvinced but seemingly not wanting to draw anymore attention decides to accept it. She takes my hand and places a tattoo rune on the back of it.

Once that was done, we exited the guild and Ryo instructed us to bring the herbs to the guild when done, then went back to base while me and Kuina proceeded to the forest outside the village.

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