《Core .001》Volume 01: Walking out of the box to a new world (5)


Alright, first things first. I use my newly acquired [Identify] skill on my dagger.

Ancient Mithril Dagger

A dagger made out of mithril which has been lying around for many millenniums. It is so old that it began to deteriorate out of old age, which is saying a lot considering mithril is known for its longevity. Due to the deterioration, the properties of the dagger have been significantly weakened.


+3 STR +2 AGI +2 INT


+6 STR +4 AGI +4 INT +1 DEX

Durability: 25 / 15,000

What?!?! Well it seems like in this world things that are not identified are not able to pull out their full potential...Though now it seems I have a new headache to deal with * sigh *. While the increase in stats are appreciated, finding out this is a mithril dagger is not making me happy at all. Now I need to rethink my entire plan for when going to civilization.

At issue here is that a Mithril Dagger is most likely something that is very expensive. Even if the dagger can’t be repaired, even just the raw materials of the mithril probably is worth a fortune. Now what would you do if you found out a 12 year old cat girl who is only level 4 is walking down the street with a treasure like that. That is begging to be robbed! Now of course I can sell the dagger as per my original plan, but things are not so simple now. For one, I don’t know the currency of this world or the value of things in this world. For all I know, the place I am selling it to will completely rip me off, and if I say no deal for whatever reason they might take it from me by force. If this was a normal dagger that would be one thing, because even if I get ripped off, as long as I get enough money to last me a day or two, during which I can get myself a part time job. But selling a mithril dagger seems like a loss with added risk. Of course not bringing the dagger has its own risks as I would end up with lower stats to defend myself.

Though can I really defend myself if I get attacked? As I said even a beginner farmer should still have stats way above me. At best I could use the [Charge] skill to run away. In comparison, if I have a rare treasure and some thief combat class who has a skill that can detect hidden treasure takes an interest in it, my chance to run away would be 0. I know I am being overly paranoid, but this is a new world. I am not some protagonist who can just wing things through hoping a miracle will prevent my throat being sliced…


I guess I have no choice... I will hide the dagger somewhere safe outside of town and then pick it up when I plan to go hunting… The wooden spear should be good enough around town. I will get a feel for the currency and market prices of this world, then once I get some strength, see if I should keep or sell the dagger.

Now then, I have well over 30 hours left until I gain back my stats. While I would like to have trained my skills, with the drawback of my Unique Skill...that would prove to be impossible. So my only option of using time efficiently is try to raise individual stats. So lets do some training!

For the next few hours I do all kinds of rigorous training from push-ups, to jumping jax to running around the cave back and forth. I do so for over 15 hours, with some breaks for rest and food of course here and then. Unfortunately I failed to get any improvements in any attributes which is quite disheartening. At this point it is pretty tiring and I want to take a nap. Interestingly enough, despite it getting a bit darker, it is no where near night. Is this world on a 24h clock like Earth? I wish I could get a better look at the position of the sun to tell how things are and get an estimate, but the forest is too thick to get a good view. And I am not curious enough to wander too far away from this cave into a clearing. As the saying goes “Curiosity killed the cat”.

I sleep for around 9 hours and when I wake up surprisingly it is still bright outside. Seriously, how long is a day in this world?! Well anyways, lets not get too distracted. In a few hours, my debuff is going to disappear, which means I have to set out today. I have contemplated the possibility of staying in this cave and leveling up until I can get to level 10 and get a non-combat class. But I quickly turn that plan down, because I seriously lack information. I don’t even know how to get a class. Not to mention that a strong monster can come to this cave at any point, more so since these corpses are beginning to rot and smell.

Even under the ideal scenario where none of that happens, I don’t know if in this system there is a thing like nutritional value. I can’t imagine an all meat diet for days or months being healthy under normal circumstances. And even if it is not a concern I have no way of preserving the rat corpses and would have to risk experimenting with the fruits and other animals. So I need to get information about what I can eat and what I can’t, which can only be done in civilization. Not to mention... I am starting to feel rather lonely...


The next few hours were rather uneventful. I did not bother training because if I did not manage in 15 hours I doubt I’ll manage in a few more. And this day is going to be a long one . So I need to conserve my strength the best I can. I will have to save the training for another day. Instead I spent it preparing the best I could. Finally I got the message I was waiting for!

[Overload] debuff removed!

With my stats fully restored, I leave the cave.

Now of course I am not just going to go walk in a random direction blindly. To find civilization, I need to look for a road, river or some trail. Once I find one of those I can follow them. I climb what seems to be the tallest tree in the area standing on a small hill. With the help of my claws, and my improved strength, I find the task far easier than I remember it.

At the top of the tree, the first thing that I notice answers one of my curiosities from the other day. Because what I see there is two suns! I am not sure how life can exist on this planet with two suns around because from what I remember hearing those conditions tend to cause a lot of instability in a solar system, but hey I am not a rocket scientist, so I shrug my shoulders and move on to my main objective.

As I take a peak around me, surprisingly I notice that a road from a distance of what I’d estimate to be 2-3 miles away. I get off the tree and cautiously make my way toward the road. Obviously I am using my trusty [Smell Sense] skill from time to time.

After about an hour or so I make it to the road. Looking in both directions, I can not make out anything, even after climbing a nearby tree. I tried studying the tracks or using [Smell Sense] to try to see if I can figure out which direction is closer or has more people going. Unfortunately I was getting nowhere fast, so I decided to rely on my “Eeny, meeny, miny, moe” skill and hope my high [LUK] stat pays off.

When I pick a direction I proceed, but not directly on the road but a bit away from the road. Because a maiden walking alone on a road is like begging to trigger the kidnapped by bandits flag. And personally I already had more than enough near death excitement for two lifetimes.

And while I don’t think there will be too many monsters near roads, on a road I don’t have much cover making myself a sitting duck. So instead I just move parallel to the road a few meter away. I move in this way for about 3 hours. And for the first time I smell the scent coming from behind by the road. A minute afterwards, I begin to hear the sounds of a carriage.

My first impulse is to jump out and meet the carriage and see if I can get a ride to town. But I hold myself back and instead watch the situation. I have to remember that this is a new world and who knows what the situation is around here. For all I know they skin Catkins around these parts. Again, better safe than sorry.

As the carriage comes closer and closer, I begin to hear some voices of people chatting in some weird language.

“????? ??? ?????”

“?? ????? ???? ??????”

Not being able to make out what they said, I begin to panic. I forgot about the most crucial thing! God didn’t give me no language cheat and I don’t know the language of this world! Crap! I’m a total idiot!

While I derail myself, the carriage gets closer and closer, close enough for me to see it. The carriage is being escorted by 4 guards, one on each side. And on front of the carriage are 2 men who are chatting with each other.

“??? ????? ??? day...”

You have acquired a new skill [LP][Trillan] Level 1

Hooray for Unique Skill cheat! Now I can finally make out what they are saying!!

“… ???? tomorrow. Come to ???? ????. Alright?”

Or….maybe not…

“????. We have a deal then!”

Your skill [LP][Trillan] has become Level 2

Or… maybe to?…

I tried to follow the carriage the best I could. Which proved rather difficult, because not only were they moving pretty fast for my taste, it was also harder for me to move through the dense forest. I also have to be careful so that I don’t get mistaken for a robber and attacked out of nowhere, so I had to also keep a good distance.

I was only able to keep up with the carriage for about 15 minutes, but it was enough to get me [Trillan] language skill to Level 5. I also noticed a quirk in my Unique Skill. I am still not 100% sure as I had little time to check. But it seems there is a limitation where I can only get 1 skill every 5 minutes per person. Which means I should be very careful about revealing my Unique Skill. Since I can’t control what skills I can and can’t learn. An opponent can waste my 5 minutes by throwing me a useless skill to learn. With that duly noted, I continue towards what I hope is a town.

After a long and tiring 10 hours of walking. Without triggering any flags. I finally manage to make out a village.

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