《BROKEN CHAINS》chapter 9


Kou did little else in those last few days the cultivating her body, Hei Mei had stressed more than clearly enough that she should be fully in the first realm at the start. That would not put her on the level that nobles had which often already were in the later stages of the first realm, which some even already in the second.

But it would give her an edge against her commoner peers and lesser nobles. Her teacher had also told her that it would be beneficial to make friends quickly, find people to trust - because standing alone in the outer sect will just end in problems. Kou had no idea how to go about this, she was at best…awkward in social interactions.

On the last day before the others would come Kou stat crosslegged in the meditation room - she had just finished climbing half of the mountain up and down for 4 hours - exhausting her body to the fullest, she felt how her muscles tore under the pressure but she did not relent at all!

Now according to the breathing technique and cultivation manual she circulated her Qi in her body, bits, and pieces of Qi fusing slowly with her bones and flesh - nurturing and healing them slowly. Suddenly she breathed in sharply pain overwhelmed her - and her head felt as if it had split open - her whole body felt like it was on fire.

Hei Mei had explained that this would happen but Kou never felt something like this before, it felt as if something was forced out of her through her skin, leaving her breathless and shivering. It took all her willpower to continue the breathing technique and circulate her Qi, but at some point, she just snapped and howled in pain.

Stinky black ooze was leaving her poor all over her body - the black slime substance was revolting to the eyes and the stench was unbelievably bad, so bad that Kou would’ve vomited on the spot if not all her muscles were stiff as a board unable to even open her mouth as spasms of pain shook her frail body.


And then it stopped… covered in black ooze and stinking to high haven - Kou took a deep breath and almost vomited again, cursing herself she ripped her clothes off trying to wipe off as much of the black substance as possible - throwing those clothes into a corner she quickly fled into the bathroom.

2 Hours and the burning of a sect uniform later... Kou stood in front of the only mirror in the bathroom - somewhat shocked. She knew what she looked like, she was a small malnourished child with yellow skin - fallen in eyes and hollow cheeks - even 3 months of decent food did not change much about that. But right now her skin was a little dark, her dim and fallen in yellow eyes were large and round sporting a curious expression, She looked like a sickly little miss from one of the merchant families, thin and frail - but well cared for, even her hair became quite soft.

She turned back and forth in the mirror, what cultivation could not change was her size - she did not grow an inch while approaching 7 soon she still looked like a 4 or 5-year-old at best.

Shaking her head made her now fluffy hair swirl around and she curled her nose somewhat at this - she did not quite feel like this person was herself - if placed next to her own self just a few months prior to this nobody would assume so...But she had to get used to it.

Breaking through came with other benefits, her body felt lighter than before, and she quickly realized that she could jump up to the house roof without problems - lifting a boulder her size was hard but possible. Wasn’t that amazing? She was amazing now! She could probably beat any normal adult in a straight fight now!

“Amaziiing” She mumbled to herself as she bounced around the outer sect, feeling the wind in her hair as she flashed from one spot to the other, she quickly found that her speed had grown the most, she was already fast, to begin with so now she was even quicker! She brought her bubbling excitement under control quickly - the realization that almost all of the other children that would come soon were just as if not a lot stronger then herself.


Still, she spend the rest of the day bouncing and running around - before going to bed at an early hour, right now she felt .. for the first time that she might belong in this strange cultivation world, that maybe this was her calling - what she was good at! With such thoughts, she slowly drifted into deep sleep.

The next day started just like any other day - waking up just before sunrise - basic washing followed by some basic training and cultivation - as noon slowly approached she got herself ready - putting on her robes - putting her now white greyish hair up in a pony-tail, a look in the mirror - a grim nod and she left her house.

Outside she quickly made her way down the outer sect mountain, Hei Mei had told her where she had to go, and quickly her nose picked up the scent of many other people, hear children chatter about bits and bobs. She took a long way around the people to not be seen coming from the outer sect und joined at the far end of the long line of children.

All of them wore the same robes, most of the children had black or brown hair, but there were a few strange people here and there - twins with bright blue hair, both of male, a few girls had deep red hair - there was pink, green and even someone else with white hair. She was clearly not the strangest person here which did help her relax a little.

The procession of children slowly approached a large pavilion, it was - as Kou already knew the teaching hall - sporting several large rooms with chairs. All of them were lead into one large room - settling down. Some children saw to it that they would sit up front - while others choose the middle, Kou was one of those that rather sat at the back.

Slowly the room filled up and the chatter became louder and louder - the large podium on the other side of the room was still empty so nobody cared about being silent, yet. But that quickly changed they all heard a rhythmic noise approaching. It was an old man long white hair and beard his skin shriveled, he wore a pure white robe and had an ebony black walking stick in his left hand.

Waves after waves of pressure assaulted all the young children in the hall, silencing each and every one of them, some of the commoners even froze and stopped breathing, Kou had to put everything put she had not to join those people - her eyes wandering around the crowd quickly making those out that seemed less fazed by the display.

There were quite a few - a girl with emerald green hair and black eyes - two red-haired male twins, a whole group of people standing around a black haired black eyes beauty. A Girl with copper hair and freckles, she had cut her sleeves showing the alarmingly developed muscles for her age. There were a few others as well but Kou had not time to look at them closer as the old man opened his mouth.

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