《Super Soldier not Super Hero》Ch: 16 The Cat Lady
Emily sat in the cab looking out the window. In her lap, she was holding her orders. Emily felt strange. She was done with training and now heading to her first duty station. The 75th Ranger Regiment 3rd battalion C company. She learned that the Battalion is known for several different types of operations but what its best known for is its search and destroy missions targeting enemy supers. Bravo company was currently deployed in Afghanistan and in a few months they did to rotate back to the states and then it would be Charle company's turn. That meant that Emily was heading to Afghanistan in a few months.
The 3rd battalion, unlike the 2nd, did not wear exoskeleton armor and most of its members were made up of normals with one exception. They had one high level super. From Ranger School, Emily knew that Charlie company was made up of 125 men and woman with three rifle platoons and one Special Operations platoon. The high-level Super which they called Main type super, in this case, that would be her, would be in the special operations platoon.
The Spec Ops platoon consisted of three, two-person spotter/scout teams who called down artillery and air ordnance, three two-person sniper/long range scout teams, three three-person SK (Super killer) cannon teams, three combat medics, and one Private Emily Emerson nicknamed Never. The platoon would, for the most part, be deployed with the rest of the company but in a supporting role. The Spec Ops never deployed as a single platoon but was broken up to serve the different rifle platoons as the mission required.
“Ma’am you're going to need to show your Military ID to the gate guard.” The cab driver said looking at Emily through the rearview mirror.
“Oh, yea.” Emily muttered and took her Military ID out of her right breast pocket. She had not realized that they were already at the gate. The guard was a civilian and dressed like a cop. He checked the cab drivers driver license first before reading her Military ID. The guard wave the cab inside the gate.
“You know I was once station here. It was about thirty years ago though. I worked in the maintenance department on the other side of the camp. Worked on AC units all around the base. Did my four years here then got out with my GI bill. Best years of my life.” The cabbie said with a big grin.
The cab driver drove up in front of the old brick building that 3rd battalion used as its headquarters. Emily paid the cabbie and stood by the truck waiting on the cabbie to open it.
“Thank you.” She told the cabbie as he popped the trunk. She checked her reflection in the side window to make sure her uniform was perfect and her new tan Beret was on right.
“Hey, no problem Private. Thank you for your service.” He said holding out his hand to shake. Emily shook his hand and smiled. She felt awkward. Yes, she was in the army but she hadn’t done anything to be thank yet. She grabbed her bag threw it over her shoulder and walked inside.
Inside was a Sergeant was standing at a podium looking bored. She came to attention and saluted him. He gave her a sloppy salute and wave her over to the podium.
“Reporting for duty?” He said reaching out to take her records.
“Yes Sergeant.” Emily said smiling as the sergeant flicked open her records.
He was quiet while he read for a few minutes then he smiled. “Man J-Man is going to so happy you're here.”
“J-Man?” Emily asked him.
“You're the new girl, Never right? Charlie company’s new Main?” He asked looking up from her records.
“Yes Sergeant.” Emily said.
“J-Man is Alpha company’s Main. After Toad got out on retirement there was no one left in Charlie company to take over so before you came along it looked like he was going to be deployed. Hey is it true you learned Farsi and Arabic in like two months?” The Sergeant asked.
“Yes. Well no. I learned Farsi first and it took me two months and then I learned Arabic. That took me two more months.” Emily said shrugging.
“Damn no wonder the Jolly Greens want you.” The sergeant said staring at her.
“Jolly Greens Sergeant?” Emily asked.
“Yea you know the green guys.” He said tipping his tan beret. “The green berets. Those guys. Anyway, I heard that they are down a Main also but we got you because the old man called in a favor. Anyway, let me call someone to get your paperwork done so you can have an early weekend.”
The Sergeant made a call and after a few minutes, a female corporal walked up. “Hey, Pugs, this our new Main?” The Corporal said.
“Yea. Wonder this is Never. Never this is Wonder. Do me a favor Wonder. Never needs the new guy parade. Would you mind showing her around.” Pugs the sergeant said.
“Wondolowski, people call me Wonder.” The Corporal said holding out her hand to shake.
Emily shook her hand smiling and said: “Emerson, people call me Never.”
“Righteous. Ok, let's get you settled in. Lets hit up the barracks so you don’t have to lug that duffel bag all around.” Wonder said.
The barracks was just down the street from 3rd battalion headquarters. It was an ugly old three-story brick building. There was an American flag in the middle of the walkway that led to the front door of the barracks. Painted on the sidewalk just before the Flag pool was a fist clutching an SK round and something written in Latin.
“Cum am sero venire nos nuntia. It means ‘It's already too late we are coming.’ It's Charlie company’s motto. Pretty badass right?” Wonder said when she noticed Emily looking at the Emblem. “It's from the Korean War. It was said in response to some North Korean general who gave this speech about how the north would drive the Americans into the seas where the North would turn the seas red with our blood or some such.
“Yea that pretty badass.” Emily said smiling as she and Wonder waked inside.
Wonder got Emily a room on the first floor in the north hall. She was in a double room again but she didn’t have a roommate. She met wonder in the lobby and they headed to Admin. There she had to fill out all sorts of paperwork. It took a half an hour. Wonder spent the entire time hitting on a blond muscular guy who was two desks down.
Emily waited on Wonder while she flirted shamelessly. Wonder strolled up looking pleased with herself after a few minutes. “Look who’s got a date with Mr. honey tonight.” She sang to Emily smiling. “Jan’s going to be so pissed. Come on let's get out of here before he reconsiders.” Wonder snaked her arm into Emily’s and dragged her out of Admin.
“So who is Mr. Honey?” Emily asked.
“Just the hottest guy on the base. He just got here so no one has pounced on him yet. Hey, Never just a heads up. There is like six girls in the company so all the dogs are going to be all over you. Most of the guys already have wives or girlfriends but that won't stop them. My suggestion is to date outside the company. You don’t want to be that girl. Take it from someone who’s been there dating someone from the same company. It causes way too much drama.”
“I’ll just tell them that I’m in a long distance relationship with a guy from Canada.” Emily said smirking.
“My dear Never I think we are going to get along just fine.” Wonder said putting her arm around Emily.
The next stop was medical. They stopped at the clinic and dropped off her medical records. The guy behind the glass barely looked up at them as Emily shoved her records under the glass. The girls headed to the armory next. The place smelled like gun oil and stale pizza. Inside the cage were a big beefy African American guy and a really old lady who was watching TV on a Tablet.
“You're late.” The old lady said not looking up from her TV. “My friends warned me that you would so I brought my TV show along with me.”
“Oh my God, that’s the Cat Lady? You're the Cat lady! Michaelis what is the Cat Lady doing in the cage!” Wonder said pointing at the old lady.
“Sorry Wonder but she just walked in.” The Beefy Pfc said shaking his head.
“How does someone just walk in?” Wonder said pointing to the locked door. “Does she have a key?”
“No Ma’am. The door just opened on its own.” The beefy Pfc said.
Here sign this.” The Cat Lady said handing Emily a piece of paper not looking up from her show.
“What is it?” Emily said looking at the paper.
“Questions will wait until commercial break. Now sign it.” The Cat Lady said pointing at Emily.
Emily looked down and read the paper. It was a receipt for an item with her name and her social security number was written as the person getting the item. It did not say what the item was though. “What am I getting?” Emily asked looking up from the paper. The Cat Lady ignored Emily to watch her TV show.
“Let me see that.” Wonder said snatching the paper from Emily’s hands. “It's a weapon right. Its gotta be a weapon.” The Cat lady didn’t answer. “Here sign it Never. I can’t believe that you're getting a Cat Lady weapon. This is so awesome. Most Mains have to settle for an Andreasen but not you. The Friggin Cat Lady came to you. You know, I bet you’re the only one in the whole battalion to have one maybe even the regiment.”
“No, that Turtle Guy has one in Second Battalion.” The beefy Pfc said from inside the cage.
“You know for being in the military you people can't take orders worth a damn.” The Cat Lady said with a huff. “Come on skinny have you sign it already so I can get paid.”
Emily hastily signed her name and handed the paper over to the annoyed woman. “Sorry,” Emily muttered. The Cat Lady grunted and placed a long black case on the counter. It looked like a case for a musical instrument. The Cat Lady ran a finger down the side and Emily heard several locks unlocking. She spun the case around so it was facing Emily. With a dramatic flourish, the Cat Lady opened the case.
Inside was a small black ax that was about two and a half feet long and was made out of a single piece of metal. The blade of the ax was about six inches long and was rounded with two pointy ends on either side of the blade. On the opposite side of the blade was ball peen hammer. Emily had used hatchets in Ranger School in the survival classes and this looked like flatter thinner version of that.
“You're taller than I expected. My friends said you were short.” The Cat Lady said shrugging and making a funny face. “The Blade is rounded for slashing as well as chopping attacks. The back of the blade is designed to create small but focused crushing injuries. I made the tomahawk a dense as possible, which was a pain in the neck by the way, so it weighs about a hundred and seventy-seven pounds. The entire tomahawk is enchanted to reduce a Brutes immunity on contact. I also added some probability magic to the tomahawk so it will find its way back to you if you lose it. That same magic will also prevent someone from using it against you successfully. All you need to do is make it yours.”
“Wow that… Wow. That is so Righteous!” Wonder said into the silence that fell after the Cat Lady stopped talking.
“How do I make it mine?” Emily asked in awe.
“Just pick it up and don’t die.” The Cat Lady said turning back to her TV show.
“Don’t die?” Emily asked surprised looking up form the case.
“Don’t worry about that. That Cat Lady is famous for saying things like that. Pick it up already.” Wonder said excitedly.
Emily took a deep breath and reached into the case. “Wait, are you stupid? You have to name it before you touch it.” The Cat Lady said turning from her TV show to look at Emily annoyed.
Emily pulled her hand back. “What are you going to name it?” Wonder asked standing behind Emily.
Emily’s mind went blank for a few seconds then she smiled. “I’ll name it Righteous.”
“Eh, it’s a name.” The Cat Lady said not impressed. She turned back to her TV show.
“I like it.” Wonder said.
Emily smiled at Wonder and reached into the case and picked up Righteous. She immediately drop to her hands and knees as her she felt all her strength leave her. She struggled to breathe as she felt like someone had put a corset on her chest and was squeezing it too tight. Her sight darkened and her vision shrank to pinpoints. She felt like she was going to die. As fast as the feeling came it left her. She took several deep breaths as her vision returned to normal. She was still trying to find her balance when she realized someone was shouting at her.
“Never! Never are you ok? What's Wrong?” Emily heard Wonders muffled voice. She looked up to see Wonders panicked face inches away from hers.
“Yea.” She told her trying to sit upright.
“Yea? Yea what Never? What's wrong?” Wonder asked her voice becoming louder and more normal sounding.
Emily took a few deep breaths before answering and the dizziness that she didn’t realize that she had slowly went away. “I am fine now.”
“Well, your still alive and awake so that’s good.” The Cat Lady said from above Emily. “It's always a concern when I make new weapons. That’s why I have you guys sign that waiver.”
“I thought that was a receipt.” Emily muttered.
“It is but it's also a waiver so I don’t get sued. Don’t worry my friends make sure I don’t make weapons more powerful than the those who use them anymore. You should know its been a while since I made something that powerful. You're stronger than you look. Oh, and your new weapon has a mind of its own now so have fun.” The Cat Lady said.
“Thanks?” Emily said standing up feeling a lot better now. She glanced at the counter then had to look again when she saw three cats sitting on the counter. “Where did the cats come from?”
“They have been here the whole time.” The Cat Lady said turning off her TV.. One of the cats jumped off the counter and pushed open the locked cage door. The Cat Lady and her three cats walked out.
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