《Super Soldier not Super Hero》CH:14 Club Nitro
Sunday was mostly the same as Saturday except Emily finished with her language modules around nine at night. She watched an hour of TV before started in on another module because nothing was on TV. She ended up finishing two more modules and going to bed around two in the morning.
Emily woke four minutes before her alarm clock. Her run with First Sergeant Perkins went really well. He clocked her going five miles faster than she did on Friday. The ballroom was torture. The rubber balls hit a lot harder and came at Emily nearly twice as fast. She only dodged one ball before she was let out of the room. HM2 McLaughlin was not in a good mood when Emily met her after lunch in the gym. She set the weights a lot higher than before so Emily was struggling right from the start. The only good news was that Emily finally broke one ton on the deadlift machine. The machine had her lifting a huge block from the ground to over her head.
The language Program seemed really easy now and Emily was able to knock out her a module in about an hour. Her routine was that she would get home shower and change into her night clothes and eat. While she ate would do a module or two then take a break around eight to watch some TV. Around ten she would start in again on her modules and keep going until around two in the morning when she started to feel tired and go to bed. It seemed that with her new powers she needed less time to sleep. The rest of the week went by pretty much the same way except that Emily had her first language test and she scored a ninety-eight.
Friday night Emily was just sitting down to watch a movie, about a disgraced low-level Brute who used to work for secret service but now works as a private eye. He was investigating a professional football team owner over illegal gambling when someone knocked on her door. It was an old movie but Emily thought it was still kinda cool. Looking out the peephole Emily saw Corporal Wigabaut.
“Hey Never.” Corporal Wigabaut said when Emily opened the door. “Some of us are going to Nitro again and we were wondering if you want to go.”
“Ah I would but I have too much to do here. Sorry.” Emily said smiling.
“Oh ok, no problem. We are also going to the river tomorrow if you want to come.” He said.
“Sorry I can't I have training on the weekends.” Emily told him.
“Ok, no problem maybe next time. Have a good night.” Corporal Wigabaut said shrugging sounding sad.
Emily thought about his offer the rest of the weekend while she continued to train. “I can do with a break. Maybe next Friday if he asks again.” Emily though on Sunday while she ate her lunch.
He didn't and she didn't see him again for several weeks. When she did bump into him at the Cafeteria he told her that he wasn't going out that weekend because he had duty, but if she wanted him and his friends were going to Nitro again the following Friday. Emily told him that she would love to go with him and his friends.
When she asked around about the club in the gym she was told that she would have to get permission to leave the base before she could go. Getting permission required her to send a request form all the way up to the CO of the program. It took three days to get back to her but it was approved but she had a curfew at one am. Also, she was told in no uncertain terms that she was not to use her powers. She was given a lecture written by the CO himself that her superpowers were classified. She could not talk about the super school program at all and if asked she was to say she worked on the base in the laundry department.
“In other words no showing off, no talking about the program, and be Cinderella.” She thought to herself after she read the conditions.
She also had another awkward talk with the Doctor who told her that her powers were not interfering with her contraceptive but that it may change at any time so he recommended that she continue using prophylactics. He also cautioned her again on her weight and strength when having sex. She was so embarrassed that she vowed not to have sex again. Well at least until she left Fort Rida.
He congratulated her on the huge progress she had made in the past several weeks. She was up to lifting just under ten tons and made it her equivalent to a class 3 Brute almost a class 2 Brute. She ran at a sustained speed of forty-eight miles per hour with a sprint of fifty miles per hour making her faster than any brute on the planet by a large margin. The ballroom was where she was having the most problems. The balls were coming far to fast to dodge now and she got hit it regularly which hurt and left bruises. The bruises faded away after about a few minutes or so but she still left the room hurting.
She was flying in her language program. She was able to do a module every half an hour now and she was classified intermediate proficiency by the program. That meant that she could read the average newspaper and carry on a conversation with the average person on the street with one of the four accents she was learning. She was now reading about the history, culture, and religion of the middle east. She was even thinking in the language while she worked on the modules and once she had a dream in which everyone she spoke to spoke in Farsi.
She also grew. She was five ten now. She had been to Base Exchange several times to get new workout clothes because of her height. She was told to wait to get new uniforms until she was fully grown. According to Doctor Williams and his partner, who she finally learned his name, Healer Geiment. They expected that she would grow maybe another inch or two.
They were happy with her progress in that she wasn't clumsy. Apparently growing a total eight inches in a little over a month and a half should throw off her balance. Her powers were compensating with an increase scene of balance that made the boys really excited. She also had, according to Doctor Williams, an amazing control over her strength. Unlike normal Brutes, she had no problems judging how much much strength to use.
When Friday came around again she was more than ready to go out. Nitro was one of the larger clubs on the mainland and on Fridays, it was eighteen and up which made it hugely popular for the military in the area. She had to visit the Base Exchange to get civilian clothes to wear out to the club. She spent an hour on her hair. It was refreshing to do more than putting her hair in a bun as she had for the past five or so months. It was fun to feel like she was a girl again.
Wigabaut was standing next to an old fashion purple pickup truck with two other guys and a woman. “Hey Never.” he called out to her.
“Hey, Wigabaut.” Emily called out in turn.
“Hey, guys this is Never. Never this is Morrison and this is Morrison’s truck.” Wigabaut said patting the purple truck. “This is Morrison’s girlfriend Burke. She’s dating him for his truck. The guy with the highlighter head is Newman. Don’t mind him he is from New York.”
“Wigs, seriously it called a fashion scene. You should try it sometime.” Newman responded to Wigabaut.
“Wigs, Newman you guys are in the back. Never is riding up front with me and Burke. Y’all wanna to stop off at The Bell for some food before we head to the Club?” Morrison said pulling his keys out from his pocket.
“Hell yea. Let's do a border run.” Newman said flinging himself up and over into the bed of the pickup truck. He did it with one smooth leap and it looks really cool. Wigabaut used the back tire to climb into the truck.
“So Never, where you from.” Burke asked when Emily climbed into the cab after her.
Morrison started the truck with a huge roar. He turned to them smiling and revved the engine a little bit.
“Boston.” Emily said smiling a bit. “Hey, guys I have a curfew at one. Is that okay?”
“Yea that cool.” Morrison said nodding. He turned and opened the window to the back of the truck. “Hey guys Never has a curfew so my truck is leaving at quarter to one. Anyone not there and will have to find your own way back.”
“No problem.” Wigabaut yelled back through the window.
“Sounds like a plan.” Newman said smiling at Emily.
Burke punched the window and yelled. “Knock it off Newman. Never does not want you hitting on her all night long.” She turned to Never then said to her. “Well unless you want too then he’s all yours.”
Blushing Never said, “Ah no thanks I am just out relaxing.”
“No worries. Newman can come on way too strong but he's a cool guy. Well for someone from New York.” Burke said smiling. “Wigs is a cool guy too. If you like that golly gee kind of guy.”
“I am good but thanks. I am just out to get off base.” Emily said shaking her head.
Morrison drove to the restaurant and they got out to eat. They found a table outside and they all sat around eating. The guys pigged out with a lot of food while Emily and Burke only had two hard tacos each.
“So the whole food thing where you have to eat more to keep up with your calories is that a real thing?” Burke asked.
“Nope. Well not with me. Not sure if its a thing with other though.” Emily said munching on her taco.
“Hey Wigs, is it true with other sups?” Morrison asked.
“Not all supers are the same. Even when they are in the same class as say a Brutes. No one knows why.” Wigabaut said frowning. He was holding a fourth of a Mexican pizza in his hands. “So to answer your question its sometimes a thing. It depends on the person.”
“So how much can you lift?” Newman asked
“Hey man that stuff is classified.” Morrison said around his burrito.
“No that’s not classified. Well kinda. Technically were shouldn’t be talking like this out in public. The classified stuff is who the supers are and what their immunity class is if they are Brutes. If they are exotics then who they are and what they do is classified.” Wigabaut said munching away on his Mexican pizza.
“Exotics are what, like everyone who’s not a Brute?” Burke asked.
“Yep. Well kinda of. Exotics are everyone but Brutes and Healers.” Wigabaut said.
“So are you faster than a speeding bullet?” Newman asked.
“No, but I can outrun Morrison’s truck while it’s going up a hill.” Emily said smiling.
“Man everyone can outrun his truck when it’s going uphill.” Newman said laughing. “You don’t need superpowers for that.”
“Hey, man get off my baby or your walking home!” Morrison said offended.
“Hey, I thought I was your baby.” Burke said punching Morrison’s arm.
“Nah you're my princess. My trucks my baby.” Morrison said rubbing his arm. We all laughed.
Nitro was at a place called five points. Five points was a place where five different streets dumped into a roundabout with a fountain and a bronze statue of some guy on a horse in the center. The club itself was an old converted movie theater. There was a line to get in and the gang ended up waiting for a few minutes to get in. The door guy changed them each ten bucks to get in and Emily, Burke, and Newman got big dark X on their hands stating that they were under twenty-one years old. Wigabaut and Morrison got bright neon pink wristbands.
The music hit Emily like a fist when the door opened. She flinched a little at the overly loud sound. Emily looked around in wonder. The club owners had taken the concision stand and turned it into a big oval bar. The bar was all bass and wood and was like an island in the middle of a sea of people. It looked like the middle part of an old carousel if you took out all the rides and just had the circular part in the middle. There were no seats by the bar so everyone was standing around it.
in front of the bar was a huge open space that sloped downwards with a bunch of wide steps where the old seats used to be. The flat spaces were taken up with single long tables that stretched from the one end of the club to the other with a small opening in the middle for steps down to the dance floor. Along the tables where silver bar stools. Behind the dance floor there was a stage where people were dancing on. The stage also had metal cages that had people in it dancing. Behind the stage was a huge movie screen that was showing people in the crowd dancing. Off to the left of the stage was a DJ booth. Behind the booth was another skinny movie screen showing the DJ mixing the music.
“This place is incredible.” Emily thought to herself awed.
The gang found a spot along the table in the upper part of the club and sat down. Looking behind her Emily saw a second-floor balcony behind her. She looked and found the stairs leading up to the balcony and saw a red velvet rope with a bouncer standing blocking the entrance to what Emily thought must be a VIP section.
The music was mostly top fifty pop that was heavily remixed. Emily watched the people on the dance floor. Some really knew how to dance while others didn’t. They all looked like they were having fun though.
Morrison tapped her on the shoulder and motioned to her asking if she wanted a drink. “Coke.” Emily yelled out to him but it was lost in the music. He looked confused so she stood up and yelled in his ear. He smiled and nodded.
He returned with the drinks after a few minutes. Emily only got a sip in before Burke was pulling on her arm towards the dance floor while both Wigabaut and Morrison followed. It's one thing to watch people dance on TV and then it is to try to dance in real life. Emily had never been to a club before and the only dancing she had ever done was at high school.
Right away she realized that she was not the best dancer in the world. The good news was neither were any of her friends. Wigabaut was really bad. Newman was ok dancer or at least he knew enough to bob back and forth while not trying any crazy dance moves. Wigabaut didn’t get the message. Emily laughed while he danced. He smiled and kept right on dancing. Morrison and Burke weren’t really dancing as dry humping each other. As the night wore on the dance floor got more and more crowded until it was all but impossible to do anything but bob up and down.
The night came to a close way to early. Morrison was the one who kept a watch on the time and rounded everyone up. Newman declined to leave because he met up with a woman who going to drive him home. Wigabaut was a little drunk and kept on hitting on Emily. Annoyed Emily tried to keep Morrison and Burke between her and Wigabaut. It worked most of the time.
Morrison had a lead foot and got Emily back on base with eight minutes to spare. As Emily was walking back into her room she saw a cab pull up with Newman getting out. “Not much of a player as you try to make it seem Newman.” Emily thought with a smile. Emily ended up making the Friday night at club Nitro with Wigabaut and the gang a part of her routine. Sometimes there were more people who went with them but the core of the gang always the same.
Emily ended up growing three more inches as the weeks went by before Healer Geiment announced that she had stopped growing. Doctor Williams put her on a more intense workout routine that lasted several hours longer into the night. It paid off as Emily was able to deadlift just over seventeen tons. Making her an equivalent to a class two Brute. The downside to growing so tall and being able to lifting so much was that she ended up weighing, rounding down, six hundred and eighty pounds. She was truly scared to sit on anything that didn't look reinforced. They did reassure her that while she did weight so much she only had six percent body fat.
The ballroom also turned out some mixed results. By the time Emily was finished with the room, the balls were coming out with a loud bang knocking her around. They classified her as an equivalent to a Class A Brute. Doctor Williams told her that while she was mostly immune to almost all striking projectiles she still had to worry about SK rounds and Anti Tank rounds. He was not sure if she got hit by one of them she would be able to heal fast enough to survive.
When she asked about why the projectiles didn't hurt as much anymore but she could still feel things like normal he explained that her body altered her nerves in and around her body. She felt everything like normal until something struck her going at a high velocity. Her skin acted like a weird net compressing a bit to catch a bullet. When it compressed most of her nerves shut down and did not react to the bullet. The nerves that shut down were very shallow in her skin though so if the compression went deep enough she would start to feel it.
Her running speed did not get that much better even though she ran every day. She did make some nice improvements for a little while then she hit a plateau and after that, she could not go any faster. She was able to sprint up to sixty miles an hour and could have a sustained speed of fifty-eight miles per hour pretty much forever. While she was far faster than the fastest Brute on the planet.
Emily finished her language program in two months with expert certification. They started her on the Arabic language which she was able to reach intermediate. While Arabic and Farsi both share most of the same alphabet with Farsi having a couple extra letters they were to very different languages. Emily was only able to reach so far and so fast because she spent every waking minute on it determined to master it. In the end, she learned enough to read the newspaper and speak fairly well. They let her keep the laptop with orders to keep working on learning Arabic.
In a small ceremony with the CO of the Super School Program and Master Sergeant Perkins presented her with the Super School patch and a plaque that stated she graduated. Wigabaut and the gang showed up to see her graduate. After the ceremony, she received her orders. She was being released back to the Army and she was ordered to Fort Benning Georgia for Basic Airborne school. Her plane was scheduled to leave Saturday morning early. She spent her last night at Fort Rida with her friends at Club Nitro.
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