《Azalon》Chapter 13: Shivercliff
Second Chapter of today!
Chapter 13: Shivercliff
The same thing every day.
Bread with cheese and ham.
Makoto was currently sitting in the Cafeteria and eating his sandwich.
There was one more class after lunch and then he would be able to go back home.
As always he was sitting alone on one table while all around him people were laughing and enjoying their meal together with friends.
He didn’t really mind.
Being used to it helped too but it wasn't so bad.
While taking another bite he noticed how the laughter around him turned into whispers.
After that there was nearly complete silence around him, it was very disturbing when you are used to the constant background noise of people talking.
Unsure what was going on, Makoto lifted his head and saw Veronica standing beside his table.
"Can I sit down?"
Instantly gaining a lot more color in his face, Makoto nodded and nearly forgot to swallow.
What could she want from him? I mean sure he told her that about Matt yesterday but why was she suddenly sitting down at his table?
A sudden realization struck him and his eyes met Veronica's.
"You know... I don’t have any money to buy you food..."
He said after a while, that must be it in his mind.
She knew him as an acquaintance and now she wanted to borrow money.
Veronica looked at him stunned for a moment and then burst out laughing.
"Hahahaha, no that is not why I'm here and I had no idea you would be so stingy."
"I had no idea you would be a leecher either but here we are..."
Makoto said and Veronica had another laughing fit.
Somehow he enjoyed hearing her laugh and a rare smile appeared on his own face.
"No, I actually have my own lunch with me and thought we could eat together."
She explained with a smile and pulled a wrapped sandwich from her bag.
"If you are alright with me being here then sure, it’s a free country after all."
He said while pointing at the chair next to him.
"So you would rather sit with someone else?"
"That is not what I... meant."
Makoto said a bit lame after noticing the smile she was giving him.
The conversations all around them started up again and he was painfully aware that he was what they were talking about now.
Currently the entire Cafeteria was looking in his direction, many boys gave him sharp glares, probably mad that someone like him was sitting at the same table as Veronica or something.
Sighing again even though he was happy to share the same table as her, he finished his lunch.
They talked about the upcoming test next Monday and Veronica told him that she was a bit unsure about the subject material.
Smelling his chance to maybe spend a nice afternoon, he was about to suggest that he could help her after College when a hand hit the table, interrupting their conversation.
The hand belonged to Matt who was looking at them both, a crooked smile on his face.
"Hey Veronica, I've been looking all over for you. What are you doing here anyways?"
A quick look of disgust was thrown towards Makoto before he continued.
"Why don’t you just come with me and we look for another table?"
"No I think I'm alright here, thank you Matt."
Matt was a bit stunned and then tried again, this time while putting a hand on Veronica's shoulder.
"I really don’t think that's a good idea, look he doesn't like it.
I have some friends over there that would love to get to know you better so if you just come with me then I..."
With a quick movement she pushed his hand off her shoulder.
"I said I'm fine Matt, you should go to your friends so you don’t keep them waiting by the way."
For the first time during this exchange, anger flared in Matt's eyes.
It quickly disappeared and he leaned against the table, still facing Veronica and unwilling to let her be.
"Come on Veronica, I promise it will be a lot more interesting with my friends, as far as I can tell, this guy doesn't even know what the word courtesy stands for and he still dared to talk with you so I really think it is time to leave him be.
Or do you actually want to be called a loser just like him?"
Matt pointed at him and Makoto couldn't help but frown.
During this whole thing he tried staying out of it since it wasn't worth to start an argument but that last statement stung, even for someone who was used to it like him.
With a screeching sound Veronica pushed her chair back and stood up.
"I've had enough of this, if you won't leave me be I will just go. Makoto, sorry about this but I will talk to you tomorrow then."
Matt was about to say something else but an angry glare from Veronica shut him up.
He really didn’t know where the next sentence came from but after she left and before he could stop himself, Makoto spoke while also standing up.
"See, I might be a loser Matt, but at least I'm not someone like you, jackass."
Ignoring the stunned Matt and the stares of all the others that heard him, Makoto left the Cafeteria.
Rage was flowing through his veins and a mad glint was visible in his eyes.
Oh he couldn't wait to get back into Azalon...
It only took Makoto half an hour by foot to actually reach Shivercliff. The Caravan had been surprisingly close to the entrance of the Village.
Happy to see civilization after traveling for such a long time, Makoto quickened his steps and wanted to proceed through the open gates when an arrow suddenly shot past him.
"The next one won't miss! State your business or be gone stranger!"
A voice from above shouted and Makoto could clearly see an arrowhead that was aimed for him.
Confused by the hostility from the guard he pulled out the letter he got from Damarius.
"I am just here to deliver a letter to be compensated for a task that I did. Nothing else."
After a few seconds the bow was lowered and a guard ran out from one of the watchtowers beside the gate.
After inspecting Makoto's letter for a few seconds he waved and let him in.
"Can I ask what is going on here, or is it normal to nearly shoot me to death just for approaching your Village?"
He inquired and the guard frowned.
"No it is not normal but we aren't living in normal times now are we?
Our Mayor has gone missing and before that someone else would go missing every single night. Women, children, even grown men!
The Village is in an emergency situation and we believe someone is kidnapping them so you might understand why we aren't too trusting about you stranger."
Surprised by the events, Makoto offered his help but was immediately rejected.
"No, I won't allow it. I can see that you are an adventurer of considerable fame but I won't leave this matter to an outsider.
If you even dare to make any trouble here we will not hesitate to put you down and now piss off, I have a gate to watch."
A little annoyed at the unfriendly attitude, Makoto wanted to say something back but decided to leave it be.
After all the guard had every right to be angry if what he said was true.
Contemplating if it really was such a good idea to come here, Makoto looked around the Village.
It was a lot bigger than the beginner Village of Salem but just like the name suggested, it was a Village.
There was one blacksmith, one Merchant and one Inn, everything else was private houses for the residents.
With his letter in hand he entered the Inn and a bell above the door announced his arrival.
"Welcome to the 'Barking Boar' traveler, are you looking for a room here or just a meal?"
A voice asked.
The Innkeeper was a burly short man that looked like he could take a punch or two.
He gave Makoto a warm smile and questioning look after asking.
"No I am here because of this."
He held up the letter and right away a surprised look was visible on the Innkeepers face.
"I gave that to an old friend once, if he ever need a place to stay he should just send me this letter and I would ready a bed for him.
Did he gamble it away or what?"
"Just what kind of life-style does Damarius live?!
And no, he gave it to me after I found a precious belonging he thought lost.
I am not even sure what this letter would do to be honest and just came here hoping it would be somewhat worth it."
And to escape the players as well as possible bounty hunters, but he kept quiet about that part.
"Well, originally it would secure you a one week of free stay at this Inn with 3 meals a day.
I could also compensate you in another way if you want that but I would suggest the former as I run a small Inn and we don’t get too many Visitors.
My name is Boran by the way."
The Innkeeper said and shook his hand.
Makoto would rather take the money and leave but because of the circumstances surrounding the village and its residents he could practically smell a Quest.
"Then I will take the room and food please.
Is there any work to do in these parts? I heard you had some trouble with the kidnappings but don’t want outsiders interfering so is there anything else I could do?"
You never know, maybe he would be able to do a few Quests and get the Villagers trust so he could look for the Mayor.
"Well if you are looking for work, there is some tasks you could do, behind you next to the entrance is the Task-board, every Inn has it.
On it, anybody can post different flyers for certain things that need to be done.
Whenever you are looking for work just check the Task-board if there is something new on it."
Until now Makoto had been unaware of this option but it only made sense, after all to actually get the word out on certain problems handout papers like that, describing a problem and the rewards would make it all a lot easier.
As an Inn was mostly used from Adventurers, you could expect some competent people to take the request.
So in Azalon there actually existed two types of systems for Quests. The Task-board system where normal everyday Quests would be put on, describing the usual Quests we all know and love.
And then there was the personal Quests.
Quests that could only be received from certain NPCs and would probably impact said NPCs or their surroundings more.
You could probably think of it as repeatable Quests and story Quests, at least something along those lines.
Interested, Makoto stepped closer and examined the board with a good dozen or so flyers on it.
Beasts of the Forest: (Task)Kill 10 Forest Tigers to help secure the Village of Shivercliff.Rewards:20 Copper, Increased Intimacy with the Villagers of Shivercliff.Requested from:Romen, Guard Captain of Shivercliff.Requirements:Level 12.
Beasts of the Forest: (Task)Kill 20 Wood Wolfs to help secure the Village of Shivercliff.Rewards:15 Copper, Increased Intimacy with the Villagers of Shivercliff.Requested from:Seberith, Guardsman.Requirements:Level 10.
Big hunting: (Task)Kill 50 Forest Tigers, 100 Wood Wolfs and 75 Wild Boars around the Village of Shivercliff.Rewards:2 Silver, greatly Increased Intimacy with the Villagers of Shivercliff.Requested from:Andreos, Mayor of Shivercliff.Requirements:Level 15.
"So these types of Quests are called 'Tasks'?
Interesting, well they actually yield quite a good amount of money and experience."
Contemplating on which request to tackle first, Makoto's eye got caught on a separate board next to the Task-Board.
Interested he looked at the flyers on the other board until one of them made him stop.
Kill the Heretic! (Bounty)The player Makoto has disrupted the Ritual of blood, as such the Blood Moon Church has issued a bounty on whoever can bring him to them, dead or alive.
Because the target has a 'Neutral' Alignment, Guards will not allow attacks inside any City or Village on said target.Rewards:500 GoldRequested from:Blood Moon Church.Requirements:Level 15, Request can only be accepted with a Chaotic or Evil Alignment.
A bit shocked but at the same time interested, Makoto read through the bounty request.
"So I will be safe inside any City or Village as long as my Alignment doesn’t change.
Also one other good thing is that you need to be Level 15 to accept the Quest, only a few dozen or so have reached it yet and I doubt many of them have a Chaotic or Evil Alignment.
Pretty much, I have some leeway until I will be hunted because the requirements to accept this job are quite high.
Still, I shouldn’t slack off, the faster I increase my Level, the less trouble I will face in the future when fighting those types of people."
Determined to make it as difficult as possible for any bounty hunters trying to take his life, Makoto accepted every task he could and went outside the Village.
The thought of killing something again gave him a comfortable shiver down his spine.
"I still have some pent up aggression because of that asshole Matt."
With a huge smile, Makoto unsheathed his sword while his blood started to boil again and his heart rhythm increased by nearly 3 times.
"Happy hunting!"
Back to Main Page
That is it for today ladies and gentleman. Hope you all enjoyed and see you tomorrow!
I will just enjoy the rest of the afternoon and rest my tired fingers. :drinkT:
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