《Conscripted》Chapter 24
It's quite endearing how the years tend to flow past someone who is immortal. I mean, when you have a succubus for every day of the month, you tend to lose track of time.
So I waited, I observed, and I planned.
Not only in regards to Myrm and her Alliance of Light, but I also had to keep the Council in mind. Then, of course, there was the little issue with Tjenemit's decree, forbidding the gods from direct intervention. It’s the reason why I leave most of the work to Ashley and her succubi. I needed to have half of my attention on the Crystal City and the political state of things.
Patient as I am, I waited for my avatar to be ready while Ashley and her daughters took care of Luxley's Empire.
I might add that it's totally unlike me to be that patient. Patient enough to leave Willow and Karin to their own devices, paying them only the occasional visit, therefore removing myself from the responsibility of being Karin's teacher. Sadly, it meant that I missed how she bloomed into an adult, a quite wilful one at that. I think Willow's character traits ended up rubbing off on her.
But like with every good scheme, the time of blissful ignorance had to end at some point. Even the best lies and deflections end up coming to the light of day at one point or the other. To be exact, it had to end when Seria finally found out about Willow's whereabouts and paid her 'friend' a visit.
As women are women, they ended up chatting and, of course, the topic of conversation strayed towards the current state of affairs at home and in the Crystal City.
“You let us rot in this place for over a decade! And now I find out from Seria that there is absolutely nothing going on at home, apart from the normal mortal squabbles! And there is no actual sign that the Council might do anything within the next millennia!” Willow raises her hand and slaps me again. “I demand that you take us back home right this instant!”
I look around the spartan living room which was given to Willow and Karin in return for their help in defending the city. It seems like even the upper echelons of society don't live in luxury on this world.
My attention lands on Seria, who smirks dirtily at me, happy that I am being scolded. Her white, silken dress flows gently around her curves. The material is almost transparent, hinting at the outlines of her body and her womanly features. It practically screams for a bucket of water to be emptied over her head, wetting that obscene piece of fabric.
How is that naughty little bitch able to track down people over a distance of galaxies, timelines, and even dimensions? It defies logic. The most I can do is to take a ride on the pathway someone else used and follow them. Though, that only works if the person in question does it right in front of me. Seria is somehow able to track someone down years after the deed.
“Don't forget to allow me too to get one in for good measure!” The young woman next to Willow demands, fire in her eyes. “This place is hell. There are almost daily monster attacks, no matter the time of day.”
I turn my attention to Karin, who developed into a young woman. Her red hair is like a cascade of fire flowing down her shoulders and over her back. Thanks to Willow's rigorous training, she developed an athletic body, putting most other women to shame. Her choice of wardrobe is... eccentric... probably influenced by both Ashley and Willow.
It looks almost like one of those impractical fantasy armours which females tend to wear in fantasy video games in order to service the male audience, walking that absurd line between functionality, sex appeal, and utter uselessness.
“I probably deserved that slap,” I admit after considering my options.
It's hard to say what exactly Seria told Willow before I arrived at the scene, but if she wants to drive a wedge between me and my loyal servant, then she has to get up earlier. I know Willow better than anyone.
Pulling down the corners of my mouth, I try to sound regretful. “I understand how you feel, but please try to see things from my point of view. You are my friend.” With benefits. “An important part of my life. Back then, I really couldn't be sure how things would have developed. I just wanted you to be in a place where the Council wouldn't immediately become aware of you as soon as you ascended. Our world is currently under heavy observation. It just not safe for someone who is on the brink of ascension. Out here, you at least have a chance at staying undiscovered should you happen to ascend.”
I put both hands onto my chest, making a show. “I knew that you wouldn't consent to a relocation, had I told you that things seem to have calmed down for now. It doesn't change the fact that our home isn't a safe place for anyone right now. Wouldn't you at least consider staying here? I promise that this world has the best living conditions I managed to find so close to a Void Zone.”
“Oh.” The corners of Willow's mouth twitch slightly upwards, turning into a smile. “I wasn't aware that I am such an important person to you.” Stepping forward, she hugs me and I reply in kind, feeling like I achieved a social victory.
“Ascathon?” Willow whispers into my ear.
“I am very open-hearted, but the way this is going is a little too far. If you don't stop squeezing my ass like that in front of the others, you will be forced to use your other body for a week or two. That's how long it will take to repair the damage to this one,” she announces with fire in her words.
I immediately get my meddlesome hand back under control and place it on Willow's back instead. “Sorry. I think I am getting too used to my other minions.”
“That's another thing we will have to talk about. I hope you didn't let any of them into my rooms?” Willow asks a little bit pensively.
“Of course not!” I reply with vigour in my voice. It took a while for me to understand Willow's character. She is willing to take a lot and do many things in my service, but her private quarters and their secrets are a line not to be crossed. “I put everything into a stasis field after your departure. It's like the day you left.”
“Good! You can let go now,” she replies briskly.
I open my arms, a little sad to let her go. “I assume that I can't talk you out of returning home?” I look around the room. It's not as bad as she says, though who can understand the hearts of women who are used to living in luxury? There is more than enough space and it's clean. I wouldn't need more than that.
“I mean, you just have a table, beds and a few books, but if it's really just about luxury items I can bring you some. We could go to a technologically advanced world and raid a shopping mall.”
Karin's eyes start gleaming at that suggestion. “Yes! By all means! Let's go now! Ever since that damn machine of yours put all that knowledge into my brain I wanted to see such a mythical place!”
“Hush, dear.” Willow waves her hand, immediately dimming the girl's enthusiasm as if she were a well-trained dog.
Turning her attention back to me, Willow straightens her spine. “We are going back. Now!”
“Okay.” I raise both hands defensively, wondering what else I could try to change her opinion. The problem is that Seria is also here. If I refuse to take Willow back, the blonde goddess would certainly do it. “Get your things and say goodbye to the locals, then we leave.” Maybe I can use the time of their absence to convince Seria that it's safer for them to stay here. We could leave Willow and Karin here, and I come back to get Karin at a later date.
Willow links arms with Karin, looking at me defiantly. “Just take us back. There is nothing we need to take with us and no person who isn't aware that we could leave at any moment without notice.”
Karin nods after a moment of hesitation. “Yeah, no need to see the geezer.”
So they prepared for this?
My musings are interrupted when a red tear of energy rips space itself apart right in the middle of the room. Blue and red chaotic energies form a portal and a delicate, naked leg in high heels appears through the portal, flaunting perfect red skin, followed by Ashley in all her glory. The succubus presents herself in a black china dress with the depiction of a dragon stitched onto it with golden thread.
She searches the room, positioning her hands on her hips. “Ascathon, there you are. We have a proble- ah-”
“That's our ticket!” Pulling Karin with her, Willow pushes past Ashley, almost making the succubus matriarch stumble because of her ridiculous stilettos. They jump through the portal.
“Hey!” Ashley complains. “Ascathon said that I am not allowed to take you back!”
Sighing, I wave her off. “Let it be, I would have had to take them back anyway. I think their exile has lasted for long enough.” Grumbling, I place my hands in my pockets and follow the two back to our own world.
Instead of taking the offered ride, Seria simply appears on the other side of the portal, having taken the pathways. Ashley is the last to return. Running a finger along the seam of the portal, she shuts it like a zipper.
Now no longer supported by the portal's light, the room dims, making it hard to see. The place is large but dark, musky, and dirty. A humid cellar? No, there is also the definitive scent of blood and urine.
Raising a hand, palms up, I cast a flurry of light globes, plastering the ceiling with them and lighting up the room. “Ooh, nice. A good old torture chamber.” Appreciating the generous assortment of equipment scattered around the room, I test the pointy nails of the iron maiden next to me.
“I would like to say that it's good to be home, but I'll wait with that until I am actually there,” Willow mumbles demurely.
“Sorry, but portals are simple point to point dimensional warping. I've yet to find a way to make them deposit you at a destination of your wish.” Ashley muses, tapping her chin with a finger. “If I could do that, that would make me almost equal with a lesser deity.”
“You said something about an emergency?” I ask, trying to get the demoness back on track. “And where are we?”
“Oh, yes! These are the dungeons beneath Luxley's palace!” She claps her hands together, then points somewhere behind me. “The Alliance of Light sent spies into our territory, again! It's slowly getting old. We caught two of them.”
“So what's the problem?” I ask, not understanding the issue. “Just interrogate and dispose of them. Or use them for counter-intelligence. There should be no big issue with that.” I follow Ashley's finger towards two people who are chained to large and robust chairs.
One of them is quite dead. His skin is sunken in and he has a lustful expression on his face. His erection is still standing proudly for all to see, making it quite clear which method of interrogation Ashley chose to deploy.
The other is still alive, and while he looks a little worse for wear, he is glaring at us defiantly. Garbed in the white and red costume of one of Luxley's imperial officials, he most likely gained access to some information which we don't want our enemies to have.
“Yes.” Ashley strides forward, gesturing at the pair. “It's nothing unusual for the Lighties to send spies, but this is something new. Apparently, their god found a way to make his fanatics immune to interrogation.” She pats her belly, looking satiated, but bewildered at the same time. “I took the soul of that one when they refused to yield to the normal methods, but somehow his memories remain inaccessible even now. All I get from digesting his soul is incoherent mumble-jumble that makes no sense.”
The other women in the room look appalled, while my own curiosity is peaked.
“You will never get us to talk! Spawn of hell!” The other man spits out defiantly, despite his state. It's quite obvious that Ashley opted for a little sadistic play before she chose magical interrogation.
Stepping closer, I poke the man's forehead in an attempt to read his mind, but all I encounter is gaping emptiness. “Interesting. It's like he isn't there. Either he has some pretty impressive defenses, or he is as dumb as a piece of rock.”
He looks a little peeved at my assertion.
Tilting my head, I study him in a new light. “Isn't Myrm bad at magic? This must be some really advanced form of mental defence.” Turning my head, I look at Seria, but the goddess just shrugs, playing the card of innocent neutrality.
“Maybe it's not magic, but a mundane solution?” Willow suggests.
“Possible,” Ashley admits. “I tried a little torture, then mental techniques and finally absorbing his soul. Nothing worked on them, so when I finally wasted one of the subjects I decided to get you. I honestly have no clue how they are doing it.”
“Hmm.” I place a hand on the living subject and try again, but there is nothing. It's like his mind slips away as soon as I try to burrow into it. Normally, there should be something like a wall, holding the enemy at bay. This method of defence is quite different from anything I have encountered before.
I poke the man's chest quite forcefully and he twitches. “It seems like they are still receptible to pain. Maybe mind magic isn't necessary?”
“Oh, we don't want to see that. Karin, let's leave this to them and go home.” Willow reaches for her charge.
“Nonono.” I wave my hand to stop her. “Let the girl stay. She can learn from this.”
“No matter what you do, our minds and souls are protected, and our wills are strong. There is no pain you can inflict on us that would make us talk,” the prisoner interjects vehemently, raising his chin.
I place a hand on top of his head, stroking his unkempt hair so that it doesn't fall into his face. “Oh, mortal. You have no idea what I am or what I am capable of. You see, there are so many different ways of breaking the mind, and I see myself as an expert.” Grinning, I look down at him, but he somehow seems reluctant to meet my eyes.
Turning to Ashley, I decide to share some information with her. “Ashley, as a demoness you are also a sort of expert, but you seem to have forgotten that there are other terrors than lust and ecstasy to make someone talk. When you interrogate someone, it's not so much about the sensations, you have to show them that there are so much worse things than simple death by torture.”
“I was prepared for anything when I took this job,” the man insists stubbornly, apparently believing that I am holding this speech for him.
“Hm. Yes,” I reply and reach down, testing the fingers of his hand for their structure, carefully massaging the digits. I want the best one if I really have to do this.
“Ha!” He huffs. “Do you think to break my fingers changes anything?”
Selecting the index finger of his right hand, I kneel down in front of him. “Look at me, puny mortal.” I snap my fingers in front of his eyes. “Hey, really, look at my eyes. Yes. Do you really think that I am human? After looking into my eyes? How many humans do you know who have completely black eyes? Breaking your fingers, that would be a human thing to do, mortal.” Then I grin, showing him my perfect, sharp teeth. “But this body is certainly not human. Nor am I some random villain. Did you forget your own religion? I am the evil one in this story.”
Bending forward, I bite into his index finger. He screams and squeals like a pig as I gently, delicately bite off the first digit. After all, I want him to feel it. He struggles against his bindings until the very end, rocking the heavy chair with his whole body until finally, the appendage separates from his body.
Then I get back to my feet, chewing on the delicate flesh while wiping off my lips. “You know, it's been a while since I tried human flesh. It’s a bit chewy, but you get used to the metallic taste when it’s fresh and bloody.”
“Fuuuck!” The man gasps heavily and looks up at me with a horrified expression. “You insane motherfucker!” Then a quite ingenious stream of insults spills from his mouth. I take my time, listening to every word while I chew very carefully.
He shuts up when I push out the fingernail from between my lips like someone would expel a fishbone. I take it and split the nail with my fingers to clean my teeth with the sharp edge. “You know...” I smack my lips. “The tendons are always a little chewy, they tend to get caught between the teeth.”
I spit a perfectly white fingerbone into his lap and he looks at it, horrified. “Did you know that, depending on the age of a person, there are more or less 206 bones inside a human body? It means that I get to do this 204 more times. You don’t believe me that you will survive until the only remaining bone is your skull? Oh, but you will.”
Showing him my teeth, coloured by his blood, I observe as he pales a little further. “I got quite skilled over the millennia.” Then I flick his forehead. “It’s just that last bone that’s always a bother. Once you crack that thing open and spoon out the insides, people give up the ghost. But don’t worry. You have a master over souls right here. I’ll take yours out of what remains of your body and attach it to the skeleton servant which I’ll create from your cleaned up bones. I already have one soulless servant, but I’ll make an exception just for you. You will get to watch the skeleton’s actions from the back-seat for all eternity.”
Suddenly, the man is very eager to talk. Words spill from his mouth. It seems like he doesn’t know where to start with giving us information.
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