《Conscripted》Chapter 21
***Her Dimension***
“So you guys just went in there, risking your necks on an improvised spy-mission in hope of finding something,” Ascathon pronounces the last word very carefully to make sure that I understand his opinion of our little excursion.
“You didn't even know what you were searching for!”
I throw up my hands. “Fine! It was stupid and risky, I admit that. But it was the best chance that presented itself in centuries! Combined with my knowledge about the unknown entrance, I had to take it.”
Looking at his knees in a contemplative manner he grumbles, “Brought you a whole lot of information for the risk you took.”
“Which doesn't change the fact that it was the best chance I got in a long time,” I reply cattily. “Those who don't play a risky game can't lose, but when you don't play, you can't win either. And who are you to tell me what to do? I've been around for far longer than you, and while I am thankful to you for helping out with that thing, I probably could have dealt with it on my own.”
Raising his eyes, he looks at me with a doubtful expression.
“The ugly thing just surprised me with its ability to ignore auras. That's all,” I continue quickly. “I would have dealt with it. It's just that I would have had to use something very flashy to make sure it died.”
He covers his face with both hands. “If you don't have the skills to go on a secret mission, then don't go on a secret mission.”
I press my lips together, frustrated. It's not like I don't have the abilities, but it's exceptionally hard to control my mana when I am constantly occupied with hiding a few million souls within myself. Ever since I started collecting support against the Council, I gained in power by incorporating the abilities of other deities into my own. But at the same time, it became much harder to wield my powers, since I have to pay careful attention to everything I do! Had I just mindlessly struck out at the monster in the Council's base, I probably would have obliterated it and a sizeable part of the base with all its inhabitants. Even if I would have gotten away afterwards, I would have had a hard time explaining myself to the Council with my energy signature all over the place.
I am very sure that such a scenario wouldn't have gone well for me. Tjenemit is a very lenient leader as long as he doesn't feel threatened. But an attack on their base would have gotten other Council members involved. Most of them aren't known for their forgiveness, especially not El Shaddai. With them as judges, it would have meant an early... err... I mean, late grave for me.
But it's not like I can tell Ascathon any of that without raising a lot of questions which I don't want to answer.
All I can do is to keep my mouth shut and take the insult as it is. “Well, that's the reason why I had Nazareth and Marigold along. It's not like I could plan for anything without previous intelligence. As far as I am concerned, we risked a lot, but I am still confident that it was right to take the risk at that point. In fact, I am quite happy with the result and in the end, everything turned out fine.”
“Okay.” He lowers his hands and looks at me. “Just what is your agenda?”
Reaching for my chest, I pull up the amulet from beneath my towel and reveal it to Ascathon. “Probably the same as yours. I want to get rid of this amulet and the World Enchantment that binds me to that world. Preferably before the Council manages to perfect their experiments.”
That causes Ascathon to pay attention. “Perfect their experiments?”
“Yes.” I dangle the dandy amulet up and down to draw his attention away from my boobs. Damn, it's just too creepy to get checked by... him. I probably have no rational reason to think like that at the moment, but it still doesn't feel right. I should give him a good whacking, but he already thinks that I am a bit loony for my irrational rejection of him.
“I don't know for sure why the Council is after Alexandria, but since she was researching World Enchantments, I have a pretty good guess.” I stop, giving myself a few seconds to think.
It would be nice to involve Ascathon in the knowledge that Alexandria shared with me, but I don't want him to know that I am the one who is responsible for her demise. Just telling him would probably be a little too obvious, and Ascathon is the kind of person who always tries to dig for more. It's likely best to slowly steer him to the solution. There is no doubt that he is able to rationalize the reason for the price on her head by deductive reasoning.
“You know the reason?” His eyes narrow as he studies me carefully while drifting with me in the air currents of this strange dimension.
“I am no expert on World Enchantments, but even I know enough to figure this out. It's not that hard once you realize that a World Enchantment is a self-replicating spell matrix which spreads out to every part of the aether which has enough energy to support it,” I start out carefully.
“Hm.” He nods. “I've researched that much for myself. Though I am far more concerned on how to erase something that replicates itself indefinitely. Even if I set off an incredibly strong dispelling effect, I would never be able to reach every part of the world at once. Not to mention places which are shielded, either by arcane methods or natural effects. I've been thinking about that for a long time. The only guaranteed solution would be to create a second World Enchantment that counters the other. Looking at it like a computer problem, it would be like writing an anti-virus for a virus. The issue with that is that my skills are currently lacking. I won't be able to come up with a counter-world enchantment on the fly.”
I shake my head. “You are already a few steps ahead of me. Maybe that's why you missed the obvious answer. There is something which you should have questioned first, before trying to undo the world enchantment itself.”
“I missed something?” He sits up straighter, now obviously intrigued.
“Yes.” I touch the amulet around my neck again. “The Council has someone working on this world enchantment-”
He nods. “An idiot who is skilled enough to unleash a thing like that, but too stupid to be able to control it. They are using us as lab-rats for an insufficiently tested experiment.”
As if you wouldn't do the same, given a chance!
“-don't interrupt me. Where was I? Yes, the basic functions of the World Enchantment. You know as well as I do what it does.” I point at myself. “It should be pretty easy to make a World Enchantment recognize a few strong mana signatures from a handful of selected people. So, here is the question that bothers me. Why do they need the amulets?”
“To locate us.” He wets his lips, realizing that he simply spouted the convenient answer which Tjenemit gave us when he introduced us to his little project. “But you are right. If someone is skilled enough to play around with a World Enchantment, then using a physical artefact to locate someone is like utilizing an old-fashioned GPS transmitter. Hell, we already saw that they are at least able to influence their current 'code' for the lack of a better term. They adjusted the frequency at which we are teleported around. Also, Tjenemit warned us not to take the amulets off. Yet, this whole project somehow seems utterly useless if someone can simply cheat the system by taking off the amulet and quit the game. The Council isn't big on free thinking, so I would expect them to come up with something crazy.”
I nod. “That's why I thought that amulet must have another purpose, and I am afraid that it's something you won't like.” I take my amulet off, spinning it on its chain around my finger.
Ascathon gasps and looks around, expecting Tjenemit to show up any moment.
“He won't come. I already tested my theory. Yesterday, I took the amulet off for several hours. I was still teleported around, despite having the amulet off. Which means that we are still somehow tied into the World Enchantment. The other obvious conclusion is that, since Tjenemit failed to show up, whatever the amulet is supposed to do doesn't work. The thing malfunctioned.”
Ascathon takes off his own amulet to study it. “I may not be an expert on World Enchantments, but I am quite good with all sorts of artefacts. Now that I know that the thing won't immediately call Tjenemit down on me, it should be quite simple to find out what the thing was supposed to do.”
***The World***
***King Luxley***
“Don't worry, my king. I am sure that your army will subdue this little lordling who thinks himself better than his peers,” Ashley purrs, looking me up and down. “What do you think of visiting your tent afterwards? I think we could need a little snack.”
“Ahem... yes?” I force my eyes away from priestess Ashley's chest. The brunette's bust is awkwardly accentuated by her robes, in a manner which is very improper for a religious leader like herself. Add to that those velvet lips and she would fit right into one of those places where they fulfil every man's dream! Despite my best efforts, my eyes immediately wander back to ravish the banquet that is given so freely.
A few days ago Ascathon showed up with a whole abbey full of these beauties. In their black and white robes they look like nuns. Beautiful, sexy nuns who seem like a dark promise of unspeakable deeds. The dark god instructed me that these women were to be the priestesses of his religion and that he completely trusted their judgement in the interpretation of his commandments.
“Your eyes should be there.” She points at the castle guiding my attention away from her figure. “Don't forget that your undead horde is fighting for you. Not to mention the Knights of Chaos who threw themselves right into the thick of the battle. As their leader, the least you could do for them is to guide our forces properly.”
“Right!” I return my focus to the castle, wishing I had something like horse blinkers for myself. Just seeing Ashley from the corner of my eyes draws all my attention. Ashley, the brown-skinned leader of the nuns who announced herself and her sisters as the dark god's priestesses. Her brown hair is like flowing silk.
Priestess my ass! She and her fellow sisters aren't just beautiful, they are all out of this world. If I wasn't so afraid of my god, I would jump one of them right away and make her my queen.
Focus! Your people are fighting the Church of Light out there! Everyone is relying on you.
I return my attention to the horde of zombies and the large blood golem which is trying to take down the main gate of Castle Greymoore, the central point of defence for the city of Greymoore.
Three weeks ago, I was notified that several cities within the borders of my newly acquired vassal states refused to implement the new laws which were prescribed by my god. They kept persecuting anyone who worshipped the dark God of Chaos. At first, I wasn't sure about what my response should be, but when I got reports that they were burning fellow believers at the stake, I saw no other choice but to restore order by force.
That's why we are pacifying Greymoore by force. And once that's done, then it will be the next city, one after the other until everyone gets in line.
I watch as the defenders pour liquid fire down on my forces. While the zombies burn in agony, the huge blood golem is unimpressed and pounds away at the gate with the precision of a clockwork, the large boulder in its hands denting the metal gate with every blow. On top of the fortification, people are trying their best to dispel my army and to stop the zombies from climbing the walls. On my side, the Knights of Chaos are doing their best to hinder the efforts of the defenders.
I do my best in guiding my necromantic forces, instructing several groups to climb the walls with ladders and ropes to draw the attention away from the group at the gate. Sadly, I am still too inexperienced to revive sentient revenants.
One of the defenders throws a barrel over the wall and I watch in dismay as a large part of my forces is blown up in a huge explosion of blood, gore and body parts.
In order to give the other side something to do, I instruct my second blood golem to pick up one zombie after the other and fling them over the defensive structure. The tactic has the expected effect as several defenders leave the wall to deal with the undead inside their fortress.
That's when with a final mighty heave, my blood golem throws its boulder against the gate, causing the whole thing to break off from the large, forged hinges.
The gates now thrown open, I direct the part of my mindless zombies which I held in reserve to flood into the castle with the Knights of Chaos close behind them. The main part of my living army is still waiting in safety, solely charged with my protection. My forces should be able to overrun the enemy now that the wall is no longer a hindrance.
Taking in a deep breath, I let out a slow sigh and relax my mental hold on my army. Ascathon showed me how to direct zombies in groups, making it indefinitely easier to control large amounts of the mindless creatures at the same time. But a complicated battle with many different fronts still requires controlling several groups which still causes mental stress and fatigue.
“Why don't we return to your tent and have you relaxed a little? Those battles really tire you out, but you are clearly getting better with experience.” Ashley links arms with me and guides me back to the king's war-tent, a large, mobile abode which allows for a maximum of privacy.
“Yes, these headaches don't seem to get better though...” I rub my temple and gesture for my guards. “See to it that I don't get interrupted if it isn't important. I just need a little sleep.”
“That's because you strain yourself too much while commanding the hordes,” Ashley explains. “Mental Magic isn't about shoving the orders into your minion's brain. You have to work more subtle and play to their instincts. The next time, try it with suggestions.”
She guides me into the tent and closes the covers behind us. Then she is suddenly at my belt, unbuckling it.
“What... what are you doing?” I ask, fearing the answer while I look back at the entrance, hoping that none of the guards notice anything. What if we get found out!? This could turn into a scandal if anything gets to the public. A king and a religious leader!? Preposterous!
One moment. Are the priests of my new religion even forbidden from worldly pleasures? Or is it okay? I shake my head. I shouldn't risk it. What if the god takes offense? “Ashley, we shouldn't...”
“Shh... just relax and let me get off that armour. I know the perfect method of restoring your health.” She smiles with her luscious lips at me and gets up as the belt comes loose. Cupping my face in her palms, she pulls me down into a deep kiss while the rest of my armour somehow undoes itself on its own. Walking backwards, she pulls me towards the large king-sized four-poster bed which my servants took with us on the campaign.
***The World***
I sigh contentedly and roll onto my belly, trying to concentrate on my book while the comfortable bed gently rocks beneath me, creaking a little. “I have to tell the servants to oil it a little before I do this again.”
The smell of sex and hormones is also a little too heavy in the air, so I twirl a finger, casting a little hex to circulate the air out of the tent, then I continue reading.
My hard work is interrupted a few minutes later when one of my fellow priestesses enters the tent. Ravetta's eyes widen as she looks at the scene, seeing something that's incomprehensible to her. “Matriarch... why are you reading a book while the king is humping a human servant? Did you find a technique to draw energy through a proxy? That would be revolutionary!”
I look up and close my book, then I glance at the hypnotized king and a maid which I hand-picked for him. She is lying on her back hugging and kissing her lover desperately while he is plunging into her with abandon. Luckily, the bed is large enough for me to lie down and hold up the illusionary enthrallment while they are busy.
“No, I didn't. As boring as it sounds, this is just doing my job.” I sigh, a little annoyed at how long this is taking. “Come on, Luxley, unload that cargo so that I can also get some fun!”
Ravetta wets her lips and reaches up to pinch her own nipple while playing with the blonde hair of the human form she took in order not to cause any unrest; a buxom blonde with blue eyes and the cutest dimples I have ever seen on her. Did she really design that transformation herself? Or is she riding the body of some hapless mortal whose looks struck her fancy?
“Mother, may I ask what exactly you are trying to do?”
I press my lips together, a little ashamed to admit my failure. “Mortals, especially humans, are very short-lived creatures. They are extraordinarily lucky if they manage to live a century. Even the especially magically gifted rarely make it past the first two centuries!”
She nods, so far having no problem following me. “Yes, I know that. They are pitifully weak and easy to break.”
“Well, our job is to ensure that King Luxley's country grows and with him Ascathon's worshippers. But that will most likely take generations. This is a large world and our progress isn't actually fast with the number of little warlords and city states we have to subdue. Did you know that Luxley is already in his forties? He has a little bit of magical talent which should add three or four decades to his natural lifespan. That means that a fourth of his lifespan is already gone! He has no children and no spouse. If we aren't careful and he dies, by assassination or in battle, or even because of a stupid accident, his line will perish and our efforts will be thrown back decades!”
“Oooh! Now I understand! You are breeding replacements!” Ravetta claps her hands eagerly together. “That's why you organized him a mate to continue his line. Though, isn't a mate like her improper for the job? Shouldn't we get him some princess? Or, I know! The Queen of a defeated enemy! Ah, we need to find a young one in that case...”
“Bah!” I wave my hand, dismissing my daughter's idea. “He will be the Emperor of a new Empire! Whoever he wants to take as his mistress is his. Who would dare to object? The stupid stud just hasn't understood that yet.”
I place a hand on my chest, trying to put some emotion into my conviction. “Ravetta, you must never forget that we are succubi! We have to uphold certain standards! If not for ourselves, then for our race! And while we ultimately always bring doom and peril to our victims, we do it through the feelings of lust and sexual pleasure. We take the feeling the mortals call 'love' and twist it into a pretzel. How mundane would it be of me to stick some ugly princess in a loveless marriage onto someone who is under my charge if I can get him a woman he can truly love?”
Reaching out, I pinch the wide hips of the moaning human female who has her legs wrapped around Luxley. “Besides, most of these nobles are just inbred fools. I carefully selected Anna here after looking into the minds of all of Luxley's servants. Do you see those wide hips? She will bear him a truckload of healthy brats. Not only is she reasonably beautiful for a human, she also has a secret crush on the king! He likewise finds her attractive, but never made a move.”
I change my voice in a perfect imitation of Luxley for the last few words. “Because it would be improper.”
Then I sigh in frustration. “The only problem I seem to have is that he doesn't finish! They've been humping since three-quarters of an hour and I have them enthralled and there were enough pheromones in the air that even I couldn't take the smell anymore.” I sit up and gesture at the two rutting humans. “Is he sick? I mean, I heard that some humans have mental dysfunctions. Maybe that's why he is still single with his age, even though he is the most powerful individual in his country. He should have females lined up to jump into his bed! Or are his morals the problem? I don't know. Should we get him into Ascathon's base to have his dick checked out?”
“Ahem,” Ravetta interrupts me by clearing her throat. “I think I have a solution to that. You have been playing with the greater demons for too long, Mother. Maybe you should abduct a mortal from another plane from time to time? Just to practice the basics?”
I blink, befuddled. “Could it really be that I lost my touch? But mortals break so easily. You barely take a sip from their life-force and they are an empty husk. So what is this method which you suggest?”
“Yeah, not everyone has first dibs on any higher demon or god who enters our castle. Some of us have to make do with what's available.” She pulls up the hem of her chaste robe, revealing her demon-tail from between her legs.
I coo in appreciation, pleased with her ability to only partially shift her body from one form to the other. Such a thing is really complicated. As a mother, I am proud.
“Some human males are a little... handicapped... when you befuddle their minds.” She gives the tip of her tail an appreciative lick, then expertly plunges it into her mouth, lubricating a sizeable length. When she pulls it back out, it comes away glistening with her saliva. Wriggling the tip around, she grins. “It often helps to give them a little surprise-stimulation.”
Ooh... shame on me! How could I forget about that! “Ah, it has been a few thousand years since I tried my skills on a mortal. How could I forget that problem!”
Ravetta suddenly stops smiling as she remembers something else. “Before I forget, you should probably switch off the chant that vents the tent before we proceed.”
“Why?” I ask, curious.
Ravetta draws a circle on the ground with her toe. “As a succubus who is several thousand years old, your pheromones are a little strong, Mother. Especially for the poor mortals. The staff and the soldiers around the tent are... affected...”
“Affected?” I ask, fearing the worst. “How are they affected?”
“They are having an orgy. Some of the soldiers are even jumping the zombies, it's icky. That's why I came in here. I am into all kinds of stuff, but necrophilia is something I prefer to leave to my sisters. Susu or Gabriella would have a field day out there.”
“Oh...” Well... that's... not good. We are on a military campaign after all! “Why didn't you say that first!?”
I quickly dispel the hex.
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