《Warlock's Gate [DROPPED]》Chapter 12: No Good Deed
Chapter 12: No Good Deed
Lieutenant Clark was looking far too conflicted about a certain page at the back of Orion’s file. Fallon breathed nervously through her hand as the green crystal at her side continued to glow.
‘Why is Orion’s name even amongst the prisoners being assessed today. No, why is he still in jail at all? He was arrested for disturbing the peace—not attempting to murder someone! And when-when did he become blind?’
“Is that all you wanted to know?” Orion growled as he tried again, unsuccessfully to shake the guards' hands off his shoulders. “Is the Paragon finally going to let me have my day in court? Or is Xander just checking to see if I’m ready to keep my mouth shut this time?”
‘Wait—day in court.’ Fallon rose from her seat and slammed her hand against the screen and the window. Orion jumped slightly in his chair while Lieutenant Clark shot Fallon a very unhappy look. ‘Just send him back to his cell so I can leave and ask the Major what the hell is going on!’
“I think I have all I need,” the Lieutenant said slowly as he closed the file. Fallon spread the blinds open and watched as he added that file to the largest stack on the table.
‘Wait—that’s where he put all the prisoners sent to be executed!’
“The guards will escort you outside for some sunlight and an opportunity to stretch your legs,” Lieutenant Clark recited non-clamantly.
“What the hell are you doing!” Fallon shouted against the glass.
“Doesn’t sound like I want to go for that walk,” Orion replied with edged calm. “Judging from the fuss that’s being made in the room behind us.”
Fallon clenched her teeth as she reached towards the edge of the window to open it—but then hesitated. ‘Exposing myself would be a bad idea. Orion has every reason to resent my father and me.’
Lieutenant Clark pulled his gaze away from the Warlock’s window and motioned to the guards impatiently. They quickly yanked Orion from his chair and pulled him towards the left door.
‘Damn it!’ Fallon yanked the window open. “That prisoner is innocent. Return him to his cell, Lieutenant!”
The guards hesitated beneath the Warlock’s authoritative tone.
“Seviner, please don’t interrupt,” the Lieutenant called out sharply, already reaching for the bell.
“Seviner?” Orion repeated incredulously.
“Don’t go out that door, Orion Grantham!” Fallon shouted as she yanked the blinds aside. “They plan to execute you without a trial!”
Orion’s blindfold yanked sharply from the direction of Fallon’s window, towards the Lieutenant, and then—the sharp aura of a B-ranker split through Fallon’s ears with the deafening crack of electricity.
“Shit—he’s altered his suppression collar!”
Fallon blinked rapidly as she activated [Infernal Gaze] then peered through her spread fingers at the blinding surge of light building up around Orion’s body like a shield. The guards retreated; both of them were Materia and knew better given Orion’s reputation. Lieutenant Clark reached for something under the interview table, but Fallon never saw what it was.
Mage Active Skill—Aura of Perception Increases damage of all instant Lightning Skills by 15%. Mage Active Skill—Blinding Flash II (Tier II) A short charge area of effect skill that deals 54% damage to all enemies within a 3-meter radius (+15% Aura of Perception). If the attack is successful, all targets are knocked back and temporarily [Blinded]. Status Effect—Blinded An ether skill that reduces the target’s vision by 90% for 7 minutes.
The room, window, and blinds vanished behind a field of white as Fallon toppled over against the three seats.
13% of [Blinding Flash II] was blocked by Malfunctioning Suppression Collar.
48% of [Blinding Flash II] was blocked by Praeditus Robes. Durability was reduced by 48. Praeditus Robes durability are at 756/813.
8% of [Blinding Flash II] was blocked by Praeditus Necklace. Durability was reduced by 8. Praeditus Necklace durability is at 17/25.
[Blinding Flash II] has inflicted [Blinded] on Warlock.
‘No Fucking Shit!’ Fallon hissed as she dropped off the chairs onto the floor. She could smell the fumes of the protective barrier on her robes. A sign that the ether enhanced fabrics had spared her from the worst of the physical damage.
Armor—Praeditus Robes (A-Grade) Robes woven from the ether charged mane of a Black Chimera. Blocks 48% of incoming damage. Jewelry—Praeditus Necklace (A-Grade) A necklace cast from Titanium ore embellished with the seal of a Highguard Praeditus Official. A glorious sun surrounded by swords that represent the City’s glory. Blocks 10% of incoming damage.
‘Damn it! That’s supposed to be a charged skill, but he cast that and Aura of Perception in a single fucking instant!’ Fallon wheezed painfully as she felt blindly for the table and wall in front of her then crawled on her hands and knees towards the staircase. To her left, she could hear the deafening boom of lightning crash against something or someone. ‘Shit! If Orion kills those guards, Major Kellen will hold me responsible.’
“Stop—him!” Lieutenant Clark’s voice called out desperately.
‘Well, at least that asshole is still alive.’ Fallon’s hand fumbled over the edge of the first staircase and froze as the sound of glass breaking close behind filled her ears.
“Seviner!” Orion’s voice bellowed, coated with deadly fury.
‘Shit. Why did I save this suicidal maniac again?’
Something white flashed in front of Fallon’s darkened vision moments before a painful jolt struck the back of her neck.
Critical Hit!
Warlock Fallon has been [Paralyzed] by summoned familiar Bolt.
‘And of course, the stupid malfunctioning collar didn’t stop Orion from summoning his annoying familiar!’
“Ahh, so there you are, Seviner!” The Lightning Mage’s voice snickered as the sound of someone stumbling through the cramped room behind Fallon drew closer. “Forgive me for the assumption, but since you are the first Seviner I’ve heard about in over a decade—I wonder if you might be the same Seviner that Paragon Delancy used to convict my father of treason?”
A foot struck the back of Fallon’s heel. Then a knee dropped down on her left leg as Orion felt his way up her back to Fallon’s unmoving head.
“Pardon my clumsiness. The Paragon thought that taking my eyes would break my determination to fight him. After all, even a genius would find it difficult to advance without the ability to see.”
Another zap at the back of Fallon’s neck freed her locked muscles and lungs. She drew in a sharp breath as Orion pulled her up on her knees, his fingers moving purposely through her hair and then down her face.
“A mask?” The Lightning mage sneered. “Rather pointless, don’t you think, Seviner?”
“S-shouldn’t you be—trying to escape?” Fallon protested as the dangerous Consultus ripped her mask free.
“Is that why you warned me? How far do you think a blind man can get inside the Garrison?”
The harsh bitterness of his words hit Fallon in the gut.
“I-I can help you. I’m a Praeditus!” The Warlock held her breath as Orion traced her face.
“You’re just a kid,” the Lightning Mage muttered with a sigh, then leaned in closer. “But—if you truly want to help me—tell Warden Beatrix where I am and what’s been done to me.”
“But—I won’t have time!” Fallon protested, keenly aware of the sound of voices coming through the door below them. “They mean to kill you!”
“Well—you are a Seviner and a Praeditus?” Orion replied cynically. “Perhaps I should use you as a hostage to buy myself time.”
“T-that’s a terrible idea!” Fallon stammered quickly. ‘The moment he finds out who I really am, I’m as good as dead.'
“Got any better ideas, Seviner?”
The door below crashed against the steps as a second B-rank aura flooded the small room.
Destroyer Active Skill—Demoralizing Shout Applies [Intimidation] to all enemies at or below the Destroyer’s rank within a 3-meter radius and reduces Physical Defense by 19%. Status Effect—Intimidation All skills and abilities are neutralized for 3 minutes.
Through her blurred vision, Fallon caught a glimpse of the warrior’s outline as the Consultus stepped onto the broken door and then sprinted up the stairs towards them with a Claymore gripped in both hands.
Destroyer Active Skill—Charge III (Tier III) Movement speed increased by 45% until the next skill or physical attack. Inflicts 39% physical damage to the target (+71% Sword Damage). If the attack is successful the target is knocked back and [Stunned] for 7 minutes.
‘Orion doesn’t have any armor. If he takes a direct hit in his current condition—!’
In the last split second that Fallon had to react, the Warlock threw herself directly in the Destroyer’s path as she and Orion were sent crashing against the chairs.
29% 48% of [Charge III] was blocked by Praeditus Robes. Durability was reduced by 29. Praeditus Robes durability is at 727/813.
ALERT: [Demoralizing Shout] has reduced total physical defense by 19%.
10% of [Charge III] was blocked by Praeditus Necklace. Durability was reduced by 10. Praeditus Necklace durability is at 7/25.
Warlock Fallon has received 1,923 damage from [Charge III].
ALERT! Your health has dropped below 50%
ALERT! Damage received from a single attack was over 50%. Three of your ribs have broken as a result.
Fallon’s blurred vision doubled as she slid from the wall and clutched her left side, which had gone from numb to screaming in pain by the time her ass found the floor. The ground shifted below her, followed by a groan. The Warlock blinked as she dropped a hand onto what was very clearly a shoulder—Orion’s shoulder.
‘Althea’s Mercy! Tell me I’m not sitting on—’
“You slimy bastard!” Kellen roared as he stormed towards them. “Using a girl as a shield and a hostage! How disappointed your old man would be if he could see you now.”
Fallon opened her mouth to stop him, to explain, but her lungs were still waiting to draw in air after taking the brunt of the Consults’ charge. ‘I’m lucky I didn’t get stunned. But if this continues….’
Orion shrugged Fallon off his back and quickly wrapped an arm around her neck as a small ball of crackling electricity hummed close to her face.
‘Not—helping, Orion!’
“It seems I have—little choice,” Orion replied. His voice cracked slightly, and Fallon knew he hadn’t escaped that attack completely undamaged despite her best efforts. “If I don’t want to die by the Paragon’s command, that is.”
The Lightning Mage rose to his feet and dragged the winded Warlock up by her neck. Fallon grimaced as her ribs protested and grabbed Orion’s arm with her right hand as she faced the tip of Kellen’s sword.
Weapon—Reinforced Adamantine Claymore. Grade (B). Quality (Superior) A weapon forged from the Adamantine Mines of Steelgrave. A giant two-handed blade that deals 57% physical damage to the target. Reinforced with Searfel Crystals for an additional 14% physical damage.
“You blind fool,” Kellen sneered. “Do you honestly think I’ll miss from this distance?”
“I’m not sure you’d want to risk it, Major,” Orion replied mockingly, his breath tickling the back of Fallon’s neck. “If you do miss, you’ll be the one sitting in jail awaiting your execution for killing a Praeditus. And I can only imagine how upset the Paragon would be about losing a rare Seviner.”
The thought of being skewered by a Claymore seemed to kick Fallon’s lungs back into action. She drew in two short, painful breaths and quickly asserted her position in this rather dangerous debate. “Major Kellen—you will stand down. Now!”
The Claymore wavered dangerously close to Fallon’s throat as Kellen replied with a grating tone, “I beg your pardon, Praeditus?”
“You are—not to hurt—this Mage!”
“It would seem the Seviner took quite the blow to the head,” Kellen replied with a mirthless chuckle. “That Mage is a dangerous, convicted Erros who is holding you hostage.”
“He is innocent!” Fallon spat out. “And if you don’t remove that sword from my face this instant, I will report you for insubordination—and threatening your superior!”
“My superior?”
Fallon ignored the Major’s viciously sarcastic tone and let out a small sigh of relief as he stepped back and lowered his weapon.
“If the prisoner is innocent and poses no further threat to my men, then I would suggest he release you as a sign of his sincerity.”
‘An excellent idea!’
“Orion—let me go,” Fallon whispered.
The arm around her throat tightened for a moment as the Lightning Mage whispered against her ear. “If I let you go, what’s to stop them from killing me.”
“If you don’t let me go—they may kill us both. Let me go—and I will deliver your message,” Fallon pleaded desperately. The warlock wobbled unsteadily as she hugged her screaming ribs, painfully drawing in one slow breath after another while her heart hammered away inside her chest. “Please, Orion. I promise I will do everything I can to set you free.”
“I have no reason to trust you, Seviner,” the Lightning Mage growled. “For all I know—you were the one who helped the Paragon destroy my family.”
“Do you honestly think—I’d get my ribs broken—protecting you if I wanted you dead?”
Another long pause, and then, finally, Orion removed his arm from her neck.
“Alright, Praeditus, walk this way,” Kellen commanded with a note of impatience.
“Not until you swear on your office and all the gods that no harm will come to Orion Grantham until I’ve had a chance to speak to the Paragon,” Fallon replied firmly.
“Ha!” Kellen snorted out, not at all pleased. “Very well. I swear on the many gods and my rank as Major that neither myself nor my men will harm the Erros Mage without orders directly from the Paragon.”
“Good. I will be reporting today’s events to the Paragon as soon as I leave,” Fallon grunted as she took her first step away from the Lightning mage. “I very much want to know why Lieutenant Clark ignored my verdict on Orion’s guilt and tried to force his execution.” Three steps later, a hand grabbed her right arm, yanking it away from Fallon’s ribs as she was shoved unceremoniously into a guard’s waiting arms.
“Arrest the prisoner and get the Praeditus down to sickbay. Not a word of this to anyone!” Kellen barked as his men surged past to grab the Lightning Mage. “I don’t know how you sabotaged your collar, Erros 318, but this new one should last until we figure out what to do with you.”
The Mage's elemental familiar, Bolt, fizzled out the moment the Suppression Collar clicked into place.
“As long as you intend to feed me within that amount of time,” Orion quipped cynically. “I should hate to die slowly due to extended starvation.”
“Get this bastard out of my sight,” Kellen snarled as he turned and stormed down the stairs. “Interviews are over for today!”
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