《ECLIPSE: A Complete Fantasy Novelette》Part Five: With Values Cast Aside


"This is no longer a request. You will get me the ingredients we require and you will do so immediately."

Rubines Highfait wasn't normally one to go around slamming people into walls and threatening them to their face, but this was not a normal week. He'd already stretched the limits of his morals trying to do things the way they should be done, only to be betrayed and backstabbed.

It took a lot to push him this far over the edge, but even if he could tolerate a lot, Rubines was through playing nice.

Delarin may be a bit crazy, but at least when he talked people listened instead of trying to undermine him at every turn. Sure, they locked him away and did their level best to forget about him, but he still held weight. When you mentioned Delarin Shadowcalled, people went quiet and respectful.

What did they do when you mentioned Rubines Highfait? Laugh? Dismiss it as unimportant? Make conciliatory gestures until they could stab him in the back?

This made twice now the Council had made promises only to break them when it suited them. Rubines began to wonder if the only reason he'd ever believed them to be innocent was because he'd never been in a position to see how corrupt and self-serving they truly were.

So now it came to this.

Rubines had attended the morning's council meeting as though nothing were amiss, smiling at the obviously-unsettled Othrelos Darholden across the chamber. He was pleased to see that no one had mentioned the withdrawal from the Council coffers yet - it would come up in the month-end finance review, but by then it would be too late. One way or another.

Once the meeting was over, Othrelos tried to slip away, but Rubines followed him to his carriage. And when Othrelos jumped in and shouted for the driver to go, Rubines leapt in after him.


He knelt on Othrelos's chest, one hand pressed against his throat, the other covering his mouth. Othrelos stared up at him with wide, frightened eyes, his ears tight with strain.

"Your assassination attempt failed," Rubines said softly. "If I come forward to accuse you, your career will be over."

Othrelos's eyes narrowed and he tried to say something, his words muffled by Rubines's hand.

"I know it will be the end for me as well. We both know secrets that could destroy each other. But I have much less to lose from such an inquisition than you. You know how this will look to the others. A conspiracy falling apart, infighting... and who stands to gain more?"

Othrelos grunted.

"Delarin Shadowcalled will be opening a passage with the ingredients you gather. I will be leaving through that passage with him. This won't be one of those eternal blackmail schemes that never stops. I have told you exactly what I need, and then I'll be gone. You can keep the money, I've no need for it where I'm going. I'll give you the rest of what Delarin provided as well, another eleven thousand and eight, upon receipt of the goods. You understand?"

He very slowly released Othrelos's mouth, ready to smother him if he tried to scream, but Othrelos nodded, glaring hatred at him the whole time. "I understand," he spat, but kept his voice low. "I will see you destroyed for this, Rubines Highfait. You will be remembered as a traitor and a fiend."

Rubines shrugged. "Perhaps I am a traitor and a fiend. Get me the ingredients we require, and you won't have to find out just how far I'm willing to go."

"I'd never have expected you to go this far. I don't know what happened to you."


Me neither.

"You have two days." Rubines released Othrelos's throat and leapt back from the carriage. He rolled to absorb momentum as he hit the ground, coming to a stop as Othrelos continued on his way.

"I've seen the other end of the passage," Rubines told Poro Aetherwilde. "There are no dungeon creatures anywhere to be seen. It's a different place than most of our passages connect to, so even if they've infested all known parts of the Undercaverns, this passage will be secure."

Poro searched Rubines's face for a long moment. "You truly believe it to be safe?"

"I'll be the first through if it would reassure you."

"No need for that. I've already begun preparing the refugees for action at a moment's notice. When will the passage be opening?"

Rubines hesitated. "My initial calculations may have been off," he hedged. "I'm going to trek out tomorrow and try to discern the exact window we'll have. Not less than three days from now, not more than two weeks." Assuming Othrelos came through this time. If he failed to obtain the needed ingredients, there would be no passage. Delarin's new world would float forever in the void, forgotten and alone.

"Will you be back for the meeting the next day?"

"Unlikely. If you could make my excuses, I'd appreciate it. I know the Council doesn't believe in my plan, but right now it's the only hope I see."

Word had arrived that very morning of the destruction of Moyetarsh, no more than a day's ride to the east. Another town fallen to the dungeons. Another fragile line of defence shattered.

Beyond two weeks, there may not be anyone left to evacuate.

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