《Barbarians》Barbarians - Chapter 22


I put my armor on, show you how strong how I am

I put my armor on, I'll show you that I am

I'm unstoppable

I'm a Porsche with no brakes

I'm invincible

Yeah, I win every single game

I'm so powerful

I don't need batteries to play

I'm so confident, I'm unstoppable today

Sia - “Unstoppable”

They glided in the dark, four holes in space, as the Khonhim fleet grew ever larger in their displays. The cramped courier boat they had commandeered for this mission now drifted far behind them, lost in the glare of ϒ12’s sun, powered down and cold. This whole mission had been a gamble from the start, but Dame Fortuna had smiled upon them.

Their suits were stealthed, they shielded even the small bursts from their thrusters as they steered for their target. Their chosen target exploded in size, from child’s toy to massive behemoth, their suit thrusters now slowing them down as they drew closer. One last course correction, their knees flexed as they landed one after another, locking onto the ship’s hull with powerful electromagnets in their gloves and boots.

“Contact,” Musashi whispered over the link.

“The reward for work well done is more work.” Musashi didn’t know who had coined that phrase, but truer words were never spoken. After their extraction from Uzaunx and subsequent debrief, the powers that be lavished them with praise for a job well done. The intel they’d gathered, along with the prisoner they’d secured, had been a treasure trove of data...despite learning the somewhat awkward fact mankind had joined the war because of a lie.

Luckily for him, those sorts of decisions were way above his pay grade. He’d done his job, mission accomplished, now comes Miller Time.


The information they’d gleaned had only whetted the appetites of the Intelligence community, for every question they’d answered it now raised a hundred more. After several days of questioning their prisoner had told them where they could find the data they sought...in the data cores of the Khonhim ships.

(In fact, Chaaghtozh had claimed the information they were looking for didn’t exist anywhere...but changed his tune after Whisper dropped by for a chat.)

A dozen schemes were considered to retrieve the data, all of which were rejected. There was only one way even remotely possible to pull it off, a mission so risky no oddsmaker would have taken a bet on it. They’d begun training for the mission, but the joker in the deck was not just locating the Khonhim fleet, but getting the team on site before they departed. All they could do was wait...and hope luck was on their side.

ϒ12 was just close enough for them to risk the attempt. They’d bundled aboard the courier boat, redlined the engines, and arrived to find the Khonhim still in the system. The Khonhim had remained in orbit to repair their damaged ships, and that had been the window of opportunity they’d needed.

Now they just needed to deliver the goods...and not get killed.


They’d located a maintenance hatch on the ventral side of the hull, and Graybird could hack the computer lockout. Once inside, however...it got more challenging.

“Which way?” Musashi asked, as Graybird shrugged.

“I don’t know,” he admitted. “I’ll guess…up?”

“Up,” Musashi repeated, deadpan. “Can’t you hack into a schematic or something?”

“If there was one to hack into, sure...but the Khonhim don’t seem to find those necessary. However, since most warships place critical systems like data cores and engine rooms as far from the hull as possible...I’m sticking with ‘Up’.”

“Lovely,” Musashi sighed. “All right, you heard the man. Tango, you’re on point.” The blonde nodded, her weapons already up and primed. It had disappointed her to leave behind her beloved sniper rifle, but for this Op it would just get in the way. Given the close quarters they were operating in she’d opted for a matched pair of autopistols instead, using them to cover two different directions. It was a well-known fact that no one could accurately fire two guns at once...but whoever made that claim had never met Tango.

“Graybird, you’re behind Tango,” he continued. “We’ll need you to hack any locked doors we come across. I’ll follow the two of you...which means you’ve got our six, Whisper.”

Whisper just grinned. “Oh goody,” he smirked.

Musashi sighed once again. “The plan calls for stealth, people...so let’s try keeping the body count to a minimum.” He gave Whisper a pointed look, who responded with a pout. “You’re no fun,” he said, before pulling a pair of blades from his belt and spinning them on his fingers. That seemed to mollify him somewhat, so with rolled eyes Musashi gave Tango the nod to move out.

They made their way down the corridor, pausing at the junctions to avoid detection. Signs of battle damage were everywhere, in fact they’d chosen one of the incapacitated ships in the hopes they’d be less likely to run into any Khonhim guards. So far it seemed to be benefiting them, but Musashi wanted to get in and out quickly and quietly, and they couldn’t afford to wander around the massive vessel forever. One of the side passages led to a ladder within a narrow tube, and after a quick glance to make sure it was clear they began scurrying up the rungs.

Tango froze as she reached the next level, her free hand clenching into a fist. The others halted behind her, bracing themselves against the ladder and readying their weapons as her hand moved again...this time signaling Enemy in sight.

The seconds dragged out as they waited, watching for any hint they had discovered them, until Tango relaxed. A quick wave and they were moving once more, continuing their climb, moving ever deeper into the bowels of the enemy ship. The ladder dead-ended at the next level, and after another quick peek they climbed out into another corridor, running left and right. Tango glanced back at Musashi, a question in her eyes, and flipping a mental coin he pointed to the right. She acknowledged the order with a brief nod and led off once more, with the rest of the team close on her heels.


The section was under repair, with open panels and damaged equipment all around them. Graybird signaled for attention, pointing to a thick red cable that led from an exposed junction box and trailed down the corridor, a jury-rigged bypass. “Data filament,” he whispered.

Musashi nodded. “Follow it,” he ordered Tango, who crept along the narrow hallway, keeping the wire in view, until it disappeared into an open doorway. Pressing herself up against the wall next to the hatch she held her pistols at the ready, before disappearing inside.

Moments later she reappeared. “Clear,” she reported, as the rest of the team ducked into the compartment. Tango and Whisper covered the door as Graybird surveyed the odd-looking equipment filling the space. “Jackpot,” he grinned, pulling out his gear and connecting to a console. “Making the link now,” he reported, as he got to work.

So far everything had gone perfectly, but the longer they stayed the more they risked detection. Musashi wanted to ask Graybird for an ETA but jogging his elbow would only slow him down. It would take as long as it took.

Musashi turned to join the others at the door, just as Whisper signaled two Khonhim were approaching. A quick glance around the compartment confirmed there was no place the four of them could hide, and with a grimace he signaled back...drawing a finger across his throat.

Whisper’s eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning, while Tango holstered her pistols and drew a combat knife. Musashi took a position to cover Graybird, his shotgun pulled in tight against his shoulder for backup. Time seemed to stand still, until the pair of Khonhim entered the compartment, their eyes going wide as they spotted Musashi and Graybird.

Their eyes went even wider, as Whisper and Tango slit their throats. One made a brief gurgling noise, as Tango lowered his body to the deck, while Whisper’s died without a sound. They dragged the bodies into the compartment, stacking them in a corner, while Musashi rose to his feet.

“Shit,” he groaned, “let’s hope no one’s looking for them.” He turned back to Graybird. “You’re on the clock,” he informed him.

“I know,” the hacker replied. “I’m almost through the firewall.”

There was nothing he could do to speed up the process. He turned back to the others. “I think we’d better plan for company,” he said. “I suppose it’s possible they were going off shift...but I wouldn’t bet on it.”

Whisper cleaned his blade on the dead alien’s uniform. “Does this mean I get to break out the party favors?” he asked.

“...yes,” Musashi grumbled. He’d been so hoping it wouldn’t come to this, even though he’d known it wasn’t likely. “Tango and I will cover the door, while you set up,” he told him, taking over his position as Whisper grinned back at him, sliding off his ruck and digging through the contents. “Won’t this be fun?” he chuckled.

Musashi and Tango shared a look, sighing in unison. Freaking lunatic...the only thing he likes more than his goddamn knives are things that go “Boom”, he thought...and the way Tango was shaking her head he was certain she was thinking the same thing.

Whisper busied himself preparing their surprise for any unwanted guests, when Graybird spoke up. “I’m in,” he announced, “starting the download now.”

“How long?” Musashi asked. Time was of the essence, and the itchy feeling in the middle of his back was getting worse by the minute.

“No idea,” Graybird replied, “it’s an odd setup. Half an hour maybe?”

“Wonderful,” Musashi lamented. In half an hour they could all be dead.

“...movement,” Tango whispered, pulling back behind the hatch. Musashi nodded, and risked a peek into the corridor. A single Khonhim was heading towards them, lugging what appeared to be a toolkit, while looking over a tablet. Maybe he’ll pass without looking in, he prayed...but as the seconds dragged on there was no sign of the technician. He and Tango looked at each other in confusion, but as he turned back to cover his sector he glanced down at the deck...at the small puddle of bright orange blood they’d overlooked in their haste.

Musashi swore at his own carelessness, before daring to take a second look in the corridor. This time it was empty, and with a desperate sense of optimism he whispered to Tango, “...maybe he didn’t notice?”

She gave him a pitying look, as the Klaxons began to blare.

“Fuck me,” he groaned, before he started barking orders. “Cut that cable and seal the hatch,” he ordered Tango, who as always was two steps ahead of him. “Graybird? I suggest you expedite,” he said, before turning to Whisper. “I’d say you have about two minutes before the cavalry arrives,” he informed him, as the hatch door slid shut. “You prepped?”

“Absolutely,” Whisper smirked, as he picked up a charge and slapped it on the hatch. “Just say the word, and I’ll blow that door wide open.”

“Pretty sure they’ll do that for us,” Musashi said, as the sound of pounding feet came charging up the corridor. Tango pulled back and drew her pistols, pointing them at the door as she took a knee, while he covered the other side with his shotgun.

Whisper fiddled with the detonator, sending chills up Musashi’s spine. “You realize the plan is to make it out alive, right?” he asked him.

“Of course,” he laughed, “...but how about we have some fun first?”

He was still laughing, as he pressed the button.

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