《Tartarus Online》Chapter 00 - Prologue
The stage is set, and the cameras were already rolling. In fact the entirety of the show was being broadcasted live, from start to finish. That didn’t seem to mean much to the well dressed, handsome middle-aged man who was shamelessly flirting with the lovely young journalist sitting across from him however.
The flirting is actually quite amusing to the viewers in any case. Temika Astruff is a rather new journalist on the news scene, but even with only a year or so under her belt, she’s already very popular. Her good looks are only part of the reason to boot.
With deep ebony skin so flawless and smooth it almost looks oiled, her sharp features just match dreamily with those upturned green eyes and soft pink-painted lips, which seem just so slightly pouty even when she’s smiling. Probably due to the fact that her lips are fuller than they had any honest right to be.
To a far older audience, her appearance would just scream that she’s of native African descent, being nearly absolutely perfect in both curves and stature. There is little doubt that she was ‘gene-sculpted’ as a fetus however, producing the pinnacle of what a human woman could be. Especially dressed in that professional woman’s hot suit of a fabulous grey and beige coloring that just contrasts nicely with her skin. In truth, she far outlooks the man sitting across from her.
And yet for all of Temika’s charm and popularity, everyone’s attention is most definitely on her guest. The reason for that is really two fold. The first is because of the man’s identity, and the second is because of this news program itself.
“Mr. Johanne, do I need to remind you that we are streaming live right now?” Temika giggles, going so far as to flash a wink at the camera in good jest. Though no one can really tell if she’s really into the flirting or not. Her professional image is just too perfect.
“Please, Temika, just call me Lucas. I work in the game industry, after all. No need to be all stiff and formal,” the man says, a slight grin gracing his features before he also turns to look at one of the nearby cameras, “And if the public wants to watch, then why shouldn’t I give them a show? It isn’t any different from the paid programming found in the 700 channels of the Gal-Net.”
That comment gets a laugh out of both the crowd and Temika herself, given that everyone understands the very thinly veiled reference to the ‘Adult Entertainment’ channels found on public broadcasts these days. Pay-per-View is definitely a thing of the past, although you do still have to pay for the privilege. And be of age.
But that’s just to show how much things have changed since humanity began its mass exodus from Earth several centuries ago. The rapid growth in population, advances in sciences and technology, and the nearly complete Irreligiousness that came as a response to harsh times founding colony worlds far from home all worked to change the way society and morals used to be. In fact, the only place where religion still has any sway is on Earth itself.
“Hehe. I had heard that you were quite the womanizer, Lucas, but I admit that I didn’t expect you to be this wiley. Thankfully there is already plenty of debate on rather or not it is all a facade. Being one of the most wealthy and arguably powerful men on the corporate scene in all of the United Planets; you yet have no spouse. Neither registered in marriage, or as a mistress. Not even a lover has ever been hinted at.”
Temika was smooth in bringing the subject back around, touching lightly upon probably the most engaging topic. Or at least the gossip of it. Lucas himself just smiles, though, not even bothering to respond to the questions hidden within.
“In any case, let’s get down to brass tacks, as they used to say.” Lucas says then, straightening up in his seat and taking on a much more professional look. The change is quite jarring, and almost everyone watching unconsciously sits up straighter as well. It just goes to show how much ‘presence’ Lucas Johanne has.
“Of course, Lucas.” Temika also steps it up, smiling at the camera again. “As you all know, I’m sitting here with Lucas Johanne, CEO and Co-Founder of Astarte Entertainment, Inc. Astarte is the current forerunner of the commercial gaming industry, specializing in both equipment research and game development.”
“Starting with the hit classic game ‘Voyager’s Age’ in the 2070’s using the then-recently developed Virtual Immersion Helmet, Astarte Entertainment has pushed the boundaries of technical innovation, virtual reality and immersion technology, and game design. All while stepping clear of the complex political situation predating the Exodus in the early 2100’s.
“And today Lucas Johanne is here to finally release the first details of their newest project. Obviously code-named ‘Project Titan,’ this is the first time Astarte has released any information for public consumption. Even more so than usual, there has been very little gossip or hearsay. You’ve really kept the lid on tight with this one, Lucas.”
Temika’s introduction is very smooth yet rich with detail, all of which is spoken softly yet confidently by the popular journalist. Even Lucas himself nods slightly in appreciation to the woman’s skill. And perhaps a bit of worry that she may actually take his flirting to heart.
“Thank you, Temika. Project Titan was started some seventeen years ago as a test bed for the latest Dive Pod and Virtual Integration technologies. It later ballooned into what it is today. Which, I am happy to announce, is the first public information release on our latest IP.” Lucas starts from that point, before pointing to the previously unused ‘back wall’ of the studio.
Which suddenly blossoms to life in a mosaic of color and forms, until eventually words make their way to the fore. Reading ‘TARTARUS ONLINE,’ the background resolves itself into an inky blackness punctuated with several planet-like landscapes floating both near and far from each other. The details are intentionally fuzzy however, leaving each sphere showing only in their primary colors.
“Tartarus Online, the biggest VRMMO ever created.” Lucas says then, his voice almost whisper soft as he stares up at the big words glowing a verdant orange against the black background.
“It isn’t a roleplaying game, because there aren’t any roles. No classes, no archetypes, no limits. It is a true virtual reality, spanning worlds just as vast as any of the planets humanity has colonized in the past two hundred years.” His words are spoken in a quiet cadence, almost in self-awe of what he helped to create. A true glimpse of emotion behind his usual professional facade.
For a moment even Temika seems taken by Lucas’ current demeanor, staring with somewhat wide eyes. The current man was far different from the flirt, or even the professional businessman of only moments before. It quite literally made a blush appear on her cheeks, which her dark skin tone helps conceal.
Then she gives a soft cough after swallowing the lump in her throat, and it was like the spell was broken, bringing Lucas back to the present. At least he seems honestly bashful about his gslip in front of a live audience, although he does just laugh it off with a chuckle.
“Ah, yes, excuse me. Tartarus Online is a massive virtual reality game built around the basis of old Earth’s religions and mythologies. Where civilizations are built upon the bones of those that came before them, so to are myths and religions the same. And Tartarus Online will allow players to experience it all for themselves, although naturally the strictly religious tones have been reduced as not to antagonize any group or person.”
Lucas has finally gotten around to the real topic of today’s broadcast, and thus the uncountable number of fans from dozens of different planets, moons, and space stations are watching and hanging on his every word. That said, quite a few are put off by the talk of religion, but Lucas’ smooth manner soothes those ruffled feathers quite easily. For the moment at least.
“That, of course, is in what is considered either a ‘mythology’ or a ‘religion’. Religions have always been a touchy subject, because belief and faith are powerful human motivators. But mythology is what religions used to be before they died. Yet even today we still see aspects of those previous creations. I believe the virtual movie ‘Star Vikings’ was just nominated for several Earth Premier Rewards, actually.”
The crowd laughs along with Lucas at that slightly snide remark. You could almost cut the sarcasm with a knife as well. ‘Star Vikings’ is a movie released by a competing company of Astarte’s, and the movie itself was actually lambasted as being a total bastard child. Like that old red-headed step-child that people like to step on. Thus the ‘Worst Movie Production’ Reward for the solar year was likely in the bag for ‘Star Vikings’.
“In any case, Tartarus Online is a totally new take on the traditional VR-RPG formula. In fact, the first month of beta testing was just wrapping up yesterday, so there will likely be more information released to the public shortly.” Lucas finishes up there, smiling at both Temika and to the cameras.
Yet his sudden stop really throws everyone for a loop. There isn’t any gameplay video being shown, no information on the world itself, no details of races or classes or anything. It was like Lucas Johanne just put a break on the previously moving freight train; resulting in instant bedlam. The live studio audience gets so loud that the viewers of the program can actually hear them yelling at each other over the studio cameras. All while Lucas smiles and shoots a wink at Temika, reverting back to his previous easy-going way.
Thankfully Temika is able to keep he own smile, although she does give Lucas a slightly aggrieved look before shrugging a shoulder. No one could force Lucas to reveal anything he didn’t want to, after all. Even if it left her to pick up the pieces as the audience has its own version of a nuclear meltdown.
“Thank you for that, Lucas. It does seem that Tartarus Online will be a great thing going forward. That said, actually putting out some real information on the game itself would have been nice. No doubt the audiences at home are foaming at the mouth and no doubt wishing to rip you a new one for being so nonchalant about it.”
Okay, so maybe Temika Astruff wasn’t against some petty revenge. Although she does it with a smile, which just makes Lucas himself grin at her. A look that is surprisingly boyish, like he’d just pulled off a good bit of mischief himself. Which is saying something for a man of his true age.
"Not a problem, Temika. As everyone knows, we at Astarte Entertainment aim to please above all else. And I have, in fact, spoken quite a bit about what the game will be about. In what form that takes though is for me to know and the rest of you to find out later. The first month of beta testing is just coming to an end, and the next two-month segment will begin in a week. After that game information will start coming out in real detail. But not a moment before.”
That seemed to appease the viewers, although it left Temika to give Lucas a hot look. Which looks rather nice all its own, and thus screenshots of her staring at him will likely be splashed across other news screens and online chat boards within minutes. Lucas could almost imagine it, with a title like ‘Temika’s Cute Angry Glare’ or some such. Hehe. Quite amusing, to say the least.
“Fine, fine. We here at Gaming Direct News can take a hint. Astarte has always been a bit crazy about their releases, so I’ll just chalk this one up to another one of your crazy schemes.” Temika actually lets out a little sigh there, which makes Lucas laugh again.
“Don’t feel that bad about it, hun. There is one more announcement I’ll be making here before we wrap up for the day.” Lucas says in a placating manner, although it doesn’t stop the twinkling of amusement from flashing in his dark eyes.
“The current round of beta testers aren’t just testing the game for us. We at Astarte have developed a long-term immersion pod and matching headset just for Tartarus Online, which the beta testers are also using. Each and every beta tester currently in Tartarus Online are those with medical disabilities of the incurable or the prohibitively expensive kind. A key aspect to this development however is that Astarte Entertainment has finally broken the 12-to-1 time dilation issue.”
An audible gasp goes out across the live crowd, and even Temika herself is obviously surprised. Honestly so. Which is of little surprise, given that the issue in question has been one of the most complexing of all problems with virtual reality technology. Regardless of rather it’s in a game world, or Augmented Reality, time dilation has always been a decisive factor.
When virtual reality tech first came out, a game could get maybe 2:1 or 3:1 time ratio. Meaning that for every real-world hour, a person could experience 2 hours or 3 hours of expanded time. That number steadily increased over the years as the technology was advanced and refined, until it peaked over a hundred years ago. Twelve hours to one hour was the peak. The insurmountable limit. The human brain simply couldn’t handle anything beyond that point.
Yet here it was, a rule, very nearly a law of nature itself being broken. Which was just crazy and all sorts of exciting. It was like someone had come out and said that they’d blown up Luna, the Earth’s moon! And Lucas was definitely looking snug there, watching everyone’s reactions.
“That’s right. The new immersion pods, which we are calling Point Sleep Pods, or PSPs allow for a time dilation of a maximum of 24 to 1. An entire solar day’s worth of time in only an hour.” Lucas let’s the news percolate through the crowd, and even Temika is left breathing somewhat heavily at the announcement.
An entire day for only an hours worth of sleep. If there was anything that was a game changer, that’d be it right there. Already virtual immersion technology allows people do to far more work in a day than ever before. Augmented Reality glasses or cyberjack-style implants are already a common household item for the same reason. No one could ever give up the convenience and productivity that comes from such things.
“Well, I think that’s enough of wetting everyone’s appetites. The official press release detailing some more information will be out within the hour. In the meantime, I think I’ll leave you guys alone to finish drooling all over the place, haha!”
Standing up, Lucas Johanne, one of the richest and most powerful men alive gives a grin to the cameras before his form wavers oddly before dissipating in a burst of colored particles. Only Temika isn’t surprised at knowing that Lucas was only there as a virtual avatar, although everyone else just couldn’t get their heads around it. The hologram had been so perfect that it was impossible to tell with the naked eyes or ears that it wasn’t real.
“And that, ladies and gentlemen, was Lucas Johanne, CEO of Astarte Entertainment, INC. It really does seem that the upcoming year is likely to be quite spectacular, isn’t it? Even I’m nearly speechless… and really am wishing for time to fast forward so we could finally see it all.”
Temika speaks out after Lucas’ unexpected exit, drawing the viewers’ attention back toward her and what was really important. For them at least. For Temika herself, her real thoughts are actually rather far away. Because she already knew some things about Tartarus Online.
Which is only reasonable, given that her nominal fiancee is currently one of the Beta Testers in the game. Yet she didn’t speak out about it, because Astarte had far more going on than just breaking time dilation records or releasing a new game. And one of them may actually give her back her own happiness.
“I am Temika Astruff, here at Gaming Direct News. Next up is the MOBA Four-Way Championships, hosted by Tyler Kelimer. I hope to see you all again later…”
Hi all, and thank you for checking out my new story here!
Tartarus Online is turning out to be a realy big project, which I'm really happy about. It's also a bit complex, although nowhere near the mind-boggling math heavy that Universe Online was. Haha. Which is great for me.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it!
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