《Embrace the Blade [Drafts 1&2]》Chapter 9


Chapter 9

“Crimson Hokori, what do you know about classes?” Mars looked carefully at the boy to see if he had any reaction to his words.

“Absolutely nothing sir! I’m not sure if the Princess has told you but I am currently suffering from memory loss, sir!”

“I’m fully aware of your condition; just trying to see what you remember. I was told that your memory loss isn’t severe, with hope of recovering it.”

The boy kept standing straight despite the disbelief that crossed his face.

How unfortunate. This boy doesn’t have any hope.

“Well, we’ll come back to that later; a Class is the first, and most important basis of your strength! It is what allows you to obtain skills and increase your stats. The first step for anyone who gains a Status is to pick a Class.”

Mars went on to explain to the boy how Classes work; anyone who has a Status can get a Class but not everyone will unlock the same Classes. There are some Classes that are fairly standard like Soldier but there are variants that exist.

A Variant can occur when you fulfill the conditions for a Class in a weird way. For example if you unlocked the Soldier Class, waited to set it and did some horseback training you could unlock the variant: Mounted Soldier. If you kept working at it you could even unlock the Cavalryman Class. It all comes down to using the abilities associated with the class in a unique way. Another special rule about Variant Classes is that it doesn’t always increase your stat gain. It might instead provide a boost to certain skills.

Sometimes when people unlock a Variant it also unlocks another class. In most cases it is till better to pick the variant because the gains from variants are almost always superior to standard classes. It is common to get the variant Class as the primary one and the other unlocked class as a Sub-Class.


A gain is the amount of health and stat points gained every time you level up. For example: Mars has the Class: Leader. It’s a simple Class for those who lead others. It gives: 100 HP, 2 CHA, 2 PER, 1 WIL per level. Very few know what the ‘Stages’ part of the Class screen means.

The class screen looks like this:

Leader Class:

Description: One who leads and commands others.

Gives: 100HP, 2 CHA, 2 PER, 1 WIL per level.

Stages: ?

When you level up there is a chance to gain a skill from your Class. It was believed that most Classes gave skills every three levels, but that wasn't consistent for everyone.

It is possible to obtain skills outside of your Class as well. You just had to work hard to get them; your class gives you skills that might be impossible to get other wise. The other place you can get skills is as a reward from completing a dungeon. Some special skills might give bonuses to your stats, but those are very rare and are usually given as a reward for your class or from completing a very difficult dungeon.

Skills can be many things, but not everything for example it is impossible to get a skill for breathing or eating; that’s where the “might be impossible” part of Classes comes into play. It could be possible to get a skill for breathing if your Class gave you one.

Normal skills have a level ranging from I to X (1 to 10) when the skill reaches X it is maxed, at that point it’s as strong as it’s going to get. Once a skill is maxed it has the chance to evolve and become a better version of the skill or to create a branching skill; the old skill stays the same but it creates a different skill related to the first one. There are some skills that can’t be evolved or branched but those are as good as they can possibly get.


Mastery skills are different from normal skills. They have a max level of 100 instead of the usual X. Mastery skills include things like: Sword Mastery, Spear Mastery, Bow Mastery, Unarmed Mastery, Club Mastery, Mace Mastery, etc.

“Quite a few different Masteries eh, boy?”

“Yes sir.”

“Do you want to hear the advanced stuff or is the basics good enough?”

“I’d like to hear the advanced stuff sir!”

“Good attitude! Saves me from hunting you down later to explain this.”

The absolute level cap to any Class, Primary or Sub, is Level 100, each individual Class’ level is added together to get your total level; since both Primary and Sub-Classes can reach level 100 that makes the absolute max level 300. However, the rules for leveling are different between the Primary Class and the Sub-Class. The Primary class has to perform Breakthrough every 25 levels while the Sub-Classes have to Breakthrough every 10. This gives the Primary Class a huge advantage in leveling since you need to Breakthrough less often. Your total level is your level after all three of your classes have been added up.

Breakthrough is the process of raising the level cap on your Class; so when you first get your Class it’s level cap is 25 after the first Breakthrough it’s raised to 50. Simple. The process of Breakthrough is also very simple. It just requires that you feed your Class some experience which you can get from killing monsters or, if you have a production class, by making stuff.

Very rarely when you Breakthrough there is the chance that your Class may become a Variant, if it wasn’t already, or evolve. Evolving your Class is the stuff of dreams for anyone with a Status. It increases your gains from the Class and gives bonuses to your skills, but most of all it gives rare skills. It has been theorized that it is possible to evolve every time you Breakthrough, but there is no evidence since the amount of luck you’d need would be INSANE.

Mars wrapped up his explanation to the boy and finished off with: “Do you have any questions for me?”

The boy looked at the ceiling as he though then looked back at Mars and responded.

“Yes sir, a few. Do you have an evolved Class?”

“I might. But, it’s usually considered rude to ask about other people’s Classes without a good reason. I’ll answer one more question.”

“I know this might also be rude sir, but what level are you?”

Mars felt a bit of amusement. While the boy was asking taboo questions he clearly didn’t mean any harm.

He may not have hope, but at least he has curiosity. It might bring back what he’s lost regardless of his hope.

“Hmph. You are right that, that question is considered rude…but to satisfy you I’ll give you a rough estimation: I have Brokenthrough my Primary Class twice. Now, no more questions! Now that you know what a Class is I’ll give you one week to train; you will pick your Primary Class after that week of training. Is that understood?”

“Yes sir!”

“Good. Oi! One of you lot show the new guy to the barracks!”

- - - - - - -

Mars sat back considering his recent conversation with the boy. Despite the fact that being 16 means you’re an adult; this Crimson was way too wet behind the ears to be considered an adult. Mars didn’t believe the boy would have a long stay in the DG. He looked too much like a lazy noble with his lack of callouses and thin build. The training week would show how lazy he is.

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