《The Warrior》Chapter 13


Indenuel tried not to look nervous, but Nathaniel simply smiled. “Adosina, would it be alright if I took Indenuel alone?”

“Oh, of course. Say hello to Felipe for me.”

Indenuel walked out of the inn. Nathaniel was almost standing head to head with Indenuel. He had curly brown hair and soft green eyes. Indenuel followed Nathaniel toward Felipe’s store.

“Forgive my ignorance, Nathaniel, but you are an officer in the army?” Indenuel asked.

“I am. Captain Nathaniel, son of Martin the Healer and Sara.” Nathaniel said.

“Right. Um, should I be addressing you as Captain Nathaniel, then?”

Nathaniel gave a wide smile. “Please. Just Nathaniel.”

Indenuel nodded before staring at his feet. “You certainly are Martin’s son.”

“Yes, my father much prefers his name without the fancy titles. Strange, considering how he worked his entire life to gain them.”

They walked further in silence. Indenuel folded his arms, noticing people staring at him. At first he was worried that word got out, but then he realized how weird a pair they were. A captain in an army walking next to a Mountain Pass individual, dressed in rags. The townsfolk here had their own gossip about the rough upbringing of Mountain Pass children.

“I never caught your official name,” Nathaniel said.

Indenuel still stared at his feet as they continued to walk. “Indenuel, son of Lucia.”

The smile grew even bigger on Nathaniel’s face. “I knew it.”

“Knew what?” Indenuel asked, trying to sound believably curious while glancing around at the too many people on the street.

“You are the W-”

“Please don’t,” Indenuel said. “I don’t want word getting out. How did you know?”

“I’m in the army, Indenuel,” Nathaniel said. “The prophecy has been preached to us since we went to military school. Boy from humble and desperate beginnings. Raised by a mother with no father. Coming to us in our hour of need to end the war.” Indenuel folded his arms even tighter around his chest and didn’t say anything. “Also my father suggested I give you a few tips on how to use a sword as we travel, which was odd, unless you had some importance in the army.”

“So, what are you doing out here in Tavi?” Indenuel asked, hoping Nathaniel would allow this change of subject.


Nathaniel allowed it. “I have been assigned to a new troop, one that needs more discipline. I will meet with them in three weeks’ time. It would have been too late to see father come home from his year long trip, so my wife and children came with me to surprise him. And to spend more time with me before I leave. Adosina asked to come along.”

Indenuel nodded. “Thank you for protecting Santollia.”

Nathaniel bowed in response. “All in service to my God and country. Here’s Felipe.”

They entered the store and Indenuel sent off the message. Felipe was kind and generous. He gave more stares at Indenuel’s ragged clothes than necessary, but overall a kind man.

“My father said you might not have a good set of clothes for worship services tomorrow,” Nathaniel said.

Indenuel chewed on his lip before shaking his head. He remembered Lucia always trying to save one of her nicer dresses for Sabbath, but eventually everything they wore looked ragged, and Indenuel stopped caring.

“It is no trouble. Let’s go get you something.”

“Are… are you sure? Clothes are expensive,” Indenuel said.

“Not to worry, Indenuel. It will be an honor,” Nathaniel said.

Indenuel didn’t feel like he could argue with a Captain of an army, so he let himself be taken to a shop for men’s clothes. The men, again, looked as though they were going to bow themselves to the floor, talking about what an honor it was to serve a member of High Elder Martin’s family. Indenuel tried on clothes, and it felt like some sort of pretend game the twins would play. The clothes were wonderful and nice, but he was still covered in dirt smudges. He didn’t actually believe they were his until Nathaniel paid for them and he realized they were. Just like that, he had a nice sabbath outfit, a more weekday outfit to replace his ragged one, and even nightclothes. It made him uncomfortable, but he tried to push past it.

“It is very kind of you, sir,” Indenuel said, made aware how very poor he was.

“An honor,” Nathaniel said again.

Indenuel didn’t know how to react, so he nodded and looked down. They were quiet on the way back. As they approached, they heard a commotion. There was a large crowd near the inn, and Indenuel gripped the packages closer to him. His mind immediately started to panic. They were here for him, they wanted to hurt him, they were afraid. But then he saw Martin in his High Elder robes at the center of the crowd, talking to them somehow individually and collectively. Indenuel watched in amazement at how easily Martin talked with the group. He wasn’t terrified, there was no nervous twitch, no stuttering, he was at ease in a huge crowd. It was something Indenuel couldn’t comprehend.


The inn wasn’t nearly as loud, as most of the crowd had gathered outside. It was much needed peace from the noise. Nathaniel gave a small bow of his head. “Would you do me the honor of having dinner with my family tonight, Indenuel?”

Indenuel felt a bit overwhelmed but tried to muscle through it. “I should probably put these packages in my room,” Indenuel said. While he said this, Nathaniel motioned a worker over and a man took the packages with a low bow before turning and taking them to Indenuel’s room. Indenuel stood there, empty handed, and cleared his throat. “Right. Well, let’s have dinner.”


Indenuel was in the tub, his knees brought close to his chest as he stared at the water. He could feel his nerves getting the better of him, and he remained curled in the tub, allowing himself to not think. So many things happened quickly, and he didn’t feel ready. His mind returned to the bandit attack just that morning, remembering the demonic whispers, remembered the peace when they were forced away. Adosina and Nathaniel were treating him so differently than what he was used to. Like equals, even though he clearly didn’t look like one. Martin had been in the center of a group all evening, hardly having the chance to eat, and Indenuel couldn’t help but wonder if that was in his future.

Raucous laughter came from below. Many people were spending the evening in the inn. With Martin and his family here, they entertained guests like the inn was their own home. Indenuel slipped away when it got too loud and agreed to have a bath so he could scrub the smudges off his body. This way he could at least look like he deserved the clothes Nathaniel bought for him. He tried to calm his nerves as the familiar feelings of isolation came over him. It wasn’t a negative feeling in any way. He had no need to join the party, and he liked being away from the noise. These few quiet moments of isolation would be rare once word spread. He doubted he would have a moment’s peace like this, and he tried to soak it up.

He’d never been in a bath this nice before. With the smudges gone, he tried to get his tangled hair washed. Tomorrow would be the Sabbath day, and as Martin’s honored guest, he couldn’t go looking like a recent orphan from Mountain Pass.

Indenuel got out of the bath and into his new nightclothes as moonlight spilled into the room. He knelt at the bed to say his evening prayers before climbing into it and pulling the covers around him. It was chilly enough that he was grateful for the blankets and an inn to keep him from sleeping on the ground again. Being on the main road to Santollia City meant there were towns spaced enough apart that they wouldn’t have to sleep on the ground again.

Indenuel’s thoughts wandered to Matteo, Isla, and Emilia. Now with two days of their journey behind them, it started to feel real. He was not going to return to Mountain Pass, and a homesickness washed over him. Not for the villagers, but for the children. He prayed he made the right decision. He had to keep reminding himself he would see them again.

A knock came to the door. “Indenuel? Are you asleep?” It was Martin. Indenuel closed his eyes, not sure what Martin wanted, but he didn’t want to join whatever it was downstairs. It was too loud for his liking.

The door squeaked open, then closed shut again and the footsteps moved down the hall. Indenuel opened his eyes again. Eventually the rumors would start about who Indenuel was, and even more, they would be confirmed. Indenuel wasn’t ready to join Martin’s world yet. He wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to. Right now he just needed the peace of being alone.

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