《War of Divinities》Chapter 29 - Montage


A small smile spread across Joe's face as he collapsed in exhaustion on the recovery room floor. Practicing with the [Sword Mastery] skill always left him feeling drained after every session, but he couldn't deny the results were worth it. His sword technique had improved by leaps and bounds, to the point that he could now fend off five arrows at a time. Joe couldn't help but smirk at his accomplishment. He had come a long way since arriving on the floor and a far cry from his first disastrous attempt. How long had it been since he arrived on the floor? In truth, Joe had no idea. The lack of windows or clocks had warped his perception of time, making it impossible to know if weeks or months had passed.

Joe took a moment to lie on the stone-hard floor and stare at the ceiling. He had failed to notice it when he first arrived, but endless hours spent practicing had given him time to spot small details hidden throughout the room. A litany of marks and scratches covered the ceiling and walls, possible evidence of those who had come before him. Joe didn't know how old the Tower was, but it was undoubtedly ancient. The number of people who had passed through this hall alone had to be immeasurable, and each mark on the wall told a story, representing their struggle. As Joe stared at the blemishes, he couldn't help but wonder how many of them had made it out alive.

Sitting up, Joe headed to the fountain to quench his thirst. Since his arrival, the healing fountain had been a lifeline, helping to cure his wounds and even satiate his appetite. As Joe drank from the basin, he took a moment to admire his reflection in the crystal clear water. The physical change he had undergone was nothing if not transformative. His once chubby face and round features had slimmed down immeasurably, revealing the contours of his chin and jaw. His gut had also begun to shrink, giving way to outlines of muscles he never knew he had. Surprisingly, he could now spot features that resembled his brother. A commonality he never knew he shared.

"What do you think? I look pretty good, right?" Joe asked while looking at the Angelic statue.

He had named the Angel Wilsona in tribute to a particular movie to pass the time. It felt fitting since he had been trapped here for months alone with no end in sight. Joe may have been an introvert back on Earth, but even he needed some level of human interaction to stay grounded. Now, he had become a naked guy talking to a statue, something he was sure would warrant him being classified as clinically insane back home.

Giving up on waiting for a response from the statue, Joe walked over to his sword and picked it up. The weapon had become battered from constant use against a barrage of arrows. As a result, the blade had warped with multiple dents and chips, marring the once smooth edge. Joe had taken the time to sharpen it against the stone wall, but there was only so much he could do without a proper blacksmith. However, the good news was that it wouldn't have to put up with much more punishment. Should everything go to plan, this attempt through the third hall would be his last.

Joe hadn't just spent the last few weeks practicing. In addition to training his technique, he had returned to the hall to attempt the trial multiple times. At first, he had made good progress, eventually overcoming three arrows with practice alone. However, the challenge only got harder from there. He finally hit a roadblock once the number of arrows per trap reached five. Not even his high Agility allowed him to overcome so many at once. His first attempt to pass had nearly led to his death when one of the arrows pierced through his shoulder, causing him to lose concentration. By the time he made it back to the recovery room, he had three arrows protruding from his body which took days to recover from, even with the healing water.


As a result, Joe had returned to the earlier halls to train his body. The first hall helped train his Strength and Vitality, while the second hall trained his Agility. Thankfully, the effort paid off. Strength, Vitality, and Agility increased by 7, 8, and 6 points, respectively. Though the gains from training eventually tempered off, it was still a massive gain equivalent to four levels. In addition to enhancing his stats, Joe continued to lose weight, helping reduce his large frame while making his movements smoother and faster.

With his preparations made, Joe took one final look at the fountain, then headed to the entrance. It was time to move on.


The first arrow hurled toward him from the far side of the hall. It was the same trap Joe had experienced countless times before. He calmly twisted his body to the side, dodging the attack with minimal effort. After innumerable attempts, his body movements had become instinctive. Each trap had been seared into his mind, allowing him to respond in the most efficient way possible. Joe continued walking forward without even taking a glance back. A few steps later, the second bolt fired from the side of the hall, blazing toward Joe's head. He responded by leaning back, allowing the arrow to fly harmlessly by his face. A short moment later, the third arrow came whirling down from above, and without blinking, Joe stepped to the side, avoiding the attack altogether.

With calm and precise movements, Joe pushed onwards through the hall. Every few steps, another arrow would fire, and each time, he would effortlessly dodge or evade, swerving around each attack without even needing to use his sword. The beginning half of the hall no longer posed a challenge to him, allowing Joe to advance across at a steady pace. In addition to memorizing the traps, he had discovered multiple safe tiles, making the journey far smoother than before. Soon, the attacks increased to two arrows, then three, then four. But still, Joe moved ahead, swinging his blade like a whirlwind and cutting down or deflecting any arrow that came close.

Eventually, Joe reached the last known safe tile where he had gotten stuck for so long. From this point onward, the number of arrows increased from four to five. Jow shuddered as he thought about each time he passed this point. It represented a level of danger that pushed him to the brink every time. No matter what he tried, he had been forced to retreat with life-threatening wounds. However, this time he was ready. Joe did a final few stretches to prepare. Then with a deep breath, Joe stepped forward.

'Ting, Ting, Ting, Ting, Ting'

The moment he stepped forward, five arrows shot toward him instantly from multiple directions. Each fired with only a short delay apart. Yet Joe didn't panic. He had spent hours analyzing the trajectories and improving his reaction speed. Joe reacted instinctively by crouching down, keeping his body close to the floor. The first three arrows flew harmlessly overhead. The Tower had coordinated the first three arrows to arrive simultaneously. However, Joe didn't relax just yet. In a fluid motion, he twisted his body and jumped to the side, avoiding the fourth arrow shot from above while swinging his sword upwards to deflect the fifth arrow fired from one of the corners. The blade's edge slammed against the arrowhead, deflecting it harmlessly to the side.

Joe clenched his fist and bumped the air in celebration. He had done it! He had overcome the trap that had caused him so much grief in the past. Now the way was open. He could finally proceed forward. Joe released a pent-up sigh of relief and cautiously crept forward, advancing into the final section of the hall. More arrows screeched through the air toward him every couple of steps, but Joe calmly moved with grace. His senses fine-tuned after hours of practice to pick up the direction and speed based solely on sound. Joe's sword flashed like a blur whenever an errant arrow got too close, and wasteful movements were eliminated or cut down, allowing Joe to deflect or dodge an attack using the least amount of effort. Soon, his actions became like an advanced game of chess. Each step and action flowed seamlessly to the next, like a coordinated dance.


After a few hours, Joe finally reached the last stretch. Only a few dozen feet stood between him and the exit. Yet, before proceeding, Joe took a moment to recover. Higher Vitality had improved his stamina by leaps and bounds, making it possible for him to fight for hours. But Joe knew better than to just waltz in. Who knew what was waiting for him. He needed to be fully rested for any surprises. Only once he felt ready did he inch forward. Several seconds went by, yet nothing happened. Joe exhaled with cautious optimism. It appeared he was home free.

However, the Tower had other plans. The moment he was a dozen feet away, a white flash appeared from a large hole directly above the exit, blasting an arrow of pure light straight in his direction. Joe's eyes widened with fear, but before he could react, the arrow pierced straight through his thigh, leaving a one-inch gaping hole. Joe clutched his leg while screaming out in agony, but there wasn't time to relax. Another flash appeared, sending the second arrow of light. This time, Joe responded quickly. He jumped forward, narrowly avoiding getting pierced in the head. The bolt of light exploded into the stone floor behind him like a grenade, leaving a fist-sized hole.

Joe had narrowly avoided the attack only to realize his dive had left his back exposed and his center of gravity off. He was still several feet away from the door, leaving him vulnerable to another trap. So Joe gambled it all, launching himself towards the exit while doing his best to ignore the burning pain in his leg. Time seemed to flow down as he bounded across the hall while a cacophony of 'Tings' echoed around him. Joe could see a wave of arrows fly toward him in his peripheral vision, threatening to turn him into a pincushion. However, there was nothing he could do. Having committed to his escape, Joe charged ahead as one arrow after another tore into the ground around him. Several hit his back, gorging through flesh and muscle, causing him to cough out a mouthful of blood. But Joe didn't stop until he exited the hall and entered the corridor, crashing into the stone wall with a force that left his head spinning with a mild concussion.

Blood dripped from his forehead, and his vision was blurry, but he was alive. Once his vision cleared up, Joe pulled himself up and peered back, only to see over fifty arrows embedded into the stone floor, causing him to gulp in shock. By some miracle, he had avoided being perforated to death. Joe sat back down to stare at his wounds. The arrow of light had pierced straight through his thigh, leaving a gaping hole. A small amount of blood seeped out, but fortunately, it didn't look like it hit the bone or arteries. If anything, the wound looked cauterized. The arrows in his back hurt like hell, but Joe had experienced enough to push through the pain. As long as he didn't pull the arrowheads out here, he wouldn't die. Joe hefted himself up with his sword and began to hop down the corridor one step at a time while praying there was a recovery fountain waiting for him on the other side.

It took Joe thirty minutes to reach the end of the corridor. His injuries impacted his maneuverability, making every step painful. By the time he reached the room, his face was pale blue and clammy, and his breathing weak. Yet Joe soon gave off a big smile. He had finally reached the next recovery room, where he spotted the all too familiar fountain. The same Angelic statue with four seraph wings holding a water jug welcomed him, confirming his Wilsona hadn't abandoned him.

In addition to the fountain, this time there was another feature in the room. Close to the entrance he had arrived from was a simple wooden bed with linen sheets and a mattress. The thing looked old and worn, making Joe wonder if it would fall apart the minute he sat on it. He pressed his hand against the mattress, and could hear the springs squeak from years of over use, overall it felt lumpy but functional. Joe rubbed his chin, he could only imagine how many participants had used it before him.

For the next few days, Joe took things slow while enjoying the feeling of having passed the third hall. He had no desire to risk attempting the fourth hall until he had fully recovered. Over time, the gaping hole in his thigh and the wounds on his back closed, leaving only fresh scars as a reminder. He had expected to be limping for a few weeks, but the fountain and his high Vitality dramatically increased the healing process. In his free time, Joe went over the final trap in his mind, looking for a way to overcome the devastating power of the bolt of light and the all-encompassing barrage of arrows. However, no matter how he pictured the attack, there was no way to overcome them with his current ability.

The only way to pass such a level was with a powerful skill or luck. In Joe's case, he had benefited from the latter. The bolt of light alone had pierced through the air at the speed of a bullet. Faster than any human could react. He was lucky the arrow had aimed at his thigh instead of his head; otherwise, he would have died instantly. Joe could only conclude the trap had been designed that way. It was as if the Tower was letting him know it could kill him at any time. The final barrage of arrows was, in a sense, even worse. Even with double the stats, there would have been no way to react or dodge all attacks in time. By all accounts, he should have died, but luck had once again come to his aid. Sometimes Joe didn't know if he had been cursed or blessed by the Heavens. Perhaps there was a God of Luck out there.

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