《the Mediator》Chapter 21 - Blessings?
“Can’t I just come back some other time? Any way I could make up for this at all?” Kris asked as he panicked.
The receptionist sighed and shook her head.
“No. In fact, we’re quite lenient about candidates being late. This is a big day for them and we understand that it takes no small amount of preparation. However, this doesn’t mean that a candidate can be too late and still expect to be entertained,” the receptionist explained with a tinge of disappointment in her voice.
“Again, it’s not that were being strict about this. But the examiners look forward to the end of this day as it’s very stressful. They won’t be fond of you being a special case,” she concluded.
There’s been nothing but several missteps during the last few years that Kris has been in Ensfell.
Whether it was with the way he acted with his parents, his contradictory approach to one thing and the other, or just his outright apathy for the smallest things, it’s culminated with the first major drawback that he’s had to deal with.
“I’m sorry for getting your hopes up earlier. The Princess is just quite a presence, you know? She’s a charming young lady, but who wouldn’t be nervous around her?” She said as if complaining.
“However, there’s really nothing I could do about this. Even the Director isn’t allowed to hold special exams, and before that he’s a tough cookie to handle. His standards are sometimes way too high.” Her tone felt sorry for Kris’ predicament, but Kris understood that it was his fault in the end.
Kris has only by now realized the diligence that the citizens of Dragnir operated on. They expect nothing less from their peers, and even the commoners did their utmost to hold their ends of the bargain.
For Kris, this meant that he was now bound to disappoint not just Jack, but most especially his parents. Still, he just sighed and clicked his tongue, not wanting to disturb the receptionist any more than he has.
“I see. I guess there’s no helping it. I’ll be taking my leave then,” Kris bowed with a bit of hesitation before turning to leave. The receptionist simply smiled wryly as she nodded.
Kris made his way outside and took a look around his surroundings. The Riz Academy of Magic’s main building was a structural wonder, no doubt constructed through the help of magic.
Its foundations were thick and solid, and the towers a perfect way to have a secure view of it. Finding no one around the open fields, he gathered power in his legs and jumped. He soared through the air before he gently landed on the roof of a tower.
The breeze embraced his body as the warmth of the sun covered his skin. He thought about his goals again, and how instead of getting closer to it, he made it harder for himself.
Why did he want to enroll in the academy? There were a lot of reasons really. He wanted a legitimate way to learn how the magic of today’s era worked in earnest and an institution where he could spread his knowledge.
He also wanted to meet new people and create relationships with other talented mages. He didn’t want to startle Dragnir with his abilities, so the Riz Academy of Magic was also the perfect place to slowly gain recognition.
With his very own eyes and body, he wanted to see and be part of the institution that was built on the shoulders of Dragnir’s ideals.
Most importantly, he didn’t want to let his parents down.
He thought about the wealth of knowledge that longed to be learned deep inside the walls of the academy and how he lost this opportunity thanks to being too caught up with the future. He lamented the lost time and how it became more difficult for him to forward his plans.
In truth, it wasn’t that difficult. To progress his plans, he didn’t have to attend the academy. In fact, even through the lot of his reasons, he didn’t feel compelled to attend the academy although it would have been quite the help.
What irked Kris was how he could let such a mistake hinder him. If he continued to slip up on simple things such as asking about the specifics of an exam, or making sure that he wasn’t late, what of the bigger things?
He was frustrated that he could be so prone to meager blunders. It could mean his life in the future. His family's.
He inhaled slowly as he closed his eyes and thought about his next steps. He needed to think about things in his surroundings more, and take actions bit by bit. He also needed to understand not just what he’d do with his influence, but what he wanted to become as Kris Raven.
For now, I guess I’ll inform Jack.
Kris was confused why Jack didn’t tell him about the specifics of the exam. Not that it mattered, but judging by his mother’s tone it must have been a given that those who recommend them would inform them about it.
Kris felt that Jack must not really trust him too much yet, or maybe Jack was also too confident about Kris and felt no need to tell him about this. In fact, why didn’t Kris ask about it himself? Just the thought of such a stupid mistake made Kris frown.
Though again, it didn’t really matter anymore.
He sighed as he jumped down from the tower, still wrapped up in his thoughts. His landing scrunched the grass below him. As soon as he landed though, he heard a girly gasp and the distinct sound of a blade being unsheathed to his left.
“Who are you? Name yourself,” a high-strung but deep voice called behind him.
Kris turned towards the voice and saw three people, two of them being tall guards in armor. A spiky, brown-haired guard glared at Kris with his sharp, blue eyes. The guard was a bit dark in complexion with a muscular frame. His square face was locked in a scowl.
He was besides another powerful looking combatant with blue, short hair. His similarly blue round eyes were looking at Kris more with calm curiosity than anything, though his lean frame still wore an air of caution. He was a bit fair-skinned. The blue-haired guard scratched his slickly styled sideburns.
Behind them was the Princess with long, black hair. She had a confused expression that still looked beautiful amidst her pointed nose and round face.
Her black, deep-set eyes darted from Kris’ face to his hair and back. Her short stature took a subtle step forward as she eyed him curiously.
“I said name yourself!” The brown-haired guard shouted as he took a step forward and entered his stance. The guard beside him just stared at Kris.
Kris hadn’t any idea why they were being so antagonistic, but his suspicious landing from a few meters above certainly was a factor. Kris raised both of his arms and revealed his palms.
“I’m Kris Raven. I was here for the exams,” Kris said.
“Raven? As in the Ravens?” The brown-haired guard squinted. “What business does a Raven have with the princess for him to suddenly land in front of her out of nowhere? Don’t mock me,” The angry guard bent down as he prepped himself to run at Kris, but a tap on his shoulder stopped his advance.
The abrupt tap caused the guard’s glare to shift to his blue-haired colleague. The blue-haired guard just shook his head.
“Calm down. If he had any intention of harming the Princess, he’d have been more subtle about his landing,” the red-haired guard chastised as he sheathed his sword and turned his head to stare at Kris.
The calmer guard took a step forward. “Though, it’s not a usual thing to see someone just land from such a height. Tell me, how were you able to do so? You’re quite skilled for your age,” the man asked.
Kris smiled wryly.
“You… you’re…” The Princess stuttered as she eyed Kris intently.
“Princess, do you know of him?” The blue-haired guard asked.
“Uh, no…” she shook her head. “I don’t. I just thought that he looked familiar, Sir Roricke,” her tone became firm.
“I see,” the blue-haired guard, probably Sir Roricke, nodded before turning back to Kris.
“Sorry, but I’m kind of in a hurry right now. I’ll be taking my leave,” Kris said but before he could turn back, the red-haired guard shouted.
“You dare?! We asked you a question, and you are now in the presence of the Princess. Such attitude is unbecoming of a future student of this academy,” the guard’s face was now flushed red in fury.
“I didn’t pass, so there’s that,” Kris said, his tone flat and sounded disappointed.
“Like I said, calm down, Sir Cairn. You’re getting yourself too worked up,” Roricke sighed before addressing Kris. “You didn’t pass, you say?” Roricke asked.
“Yeah, circumstances here and there. If you’ll excuse me.”
“Sir Roricke, let him leave. It’s none of our business,” the Princess ordered. The blue-haired guard saluted in response.
Kris bowed and then turned to leave. This time, the guards didn’t stop him although Kris heard a distinct clicking of tongue behind him.
After walking quite a distance away and towards the gates, he thought a bit about the Princess.
It was peculiar that her exam didn’t even take too long before it wrapped up. Kris thought that it might be some sort of special thing. Dragnir’s Royalty is a family of powerful mages, and just the sheer responsibility of being the heads of the country is enough of a reason to skip the interview phase of the exam.
He then just realized that the Princess had been staring at him from the start to end of that encounter, like she was vaguely familiar with Kris. It was a bit unnerving
Kris shrugged and decided to forget about it as he made his way towards the gates, and thought about how he was going to break the news to Jack, and then, Kris’ parents.
Is this man always in this discussion room?
Kris thought as he entered the familiar discussion room where he first met Jack. At the end of the table was Jack.
“So, how were your exams?” Jack asked.
“Let’s just say that I wasn’t able to take it.”
“What?” Jack shot out of his seat in surprise.
Kris sighed.
“I was late. I was up all night experimenting with my magic and I woke up later than expected,” Kris explained.
Jack slumped on his seat and then crossed his arms. Moments later, he facepalmed, obviously flabbergasted.
“What now?” Jack slightly frowned. “I was quite sure you would pass, since you didn’t even bother to ask me about the exams.”
“Honestly, I just didn’t think about it and it didn’t even register in my head,” Kris ruffled his hair. “Though I’m not sure why you didn’t even talk to me about it,” Kris lamented.
Jack’s frowned gaze turned more serious as he placed his arms on the table.
“I could say that it was because I thought you’d have already known about it from your parents but quite frankly, even if you did I would have talked about it normally,” Jack cleared his throat.
“The reason why I didn’t was because I had a thought that you weren’t really interested. I wanted to test that theory. I wasn’t sure if your disinterest was directed at the academy itself, or you just thought that the exams didn’t really matter to you, but I still expected you to ask… that is if the academy mattered to you. Then through that discussion, I’d ask you about your motives,” Jack revealed. "How important the academy to someone is a great factor in determining if we should recommend someone or not. To you, it all seemed banal."
Kris didn’t reply.
“So now, I have to ask, what do you really want? I still get the impression that you don’t really feel too faltered about this. Like even though it bothers you, it doesn’t really affect you in any way.”
Kris just stared at Jack, prompting Jack to continue.
“You are different, Kris. More powerful and with potential to grow than any I have ever met. In fact, just your existence right now could prove to be a potential danger for Dragnir,” Jack then raised his chin.
“I’m not even sure if anyone in this country right now could stop you as you presently are. That’s why, though I am thankful for you saving Sophie, and even if I feel like I’ve gotten to know you a bit better since our last discussion, I can’t fully trust you yet,” Jack revealed as Kris felt Jack’s mana to slowly grow in activity.
“I understand how you don’t trust me. I just don’t see why you should be so suspicious to even want to withhold such simple information,” Kris said as his gaze sharpened. He knew he was being selfish here, as what Jack said made sense from his standpoint. It was a simple way to gauge Kris' motivations. It's just that, if he was going to be tested, then he’s going to test back.
“Kris, I want to trust you, believe me,” Jack’s tone softened. “You’re the son of a family that has taken care of me since long ago and just thinking about your potential and the benefits it could bring to Dragnir is enough to make me want that trust.”
Jack tapped a finger on the table.
“But your power and your unknown motivations are why I can’t trust you. After being a father, I am a general of this country,” Jack puffed out his chest.
“The Riz Academy of Magic has access to knowledge normally unavailable to anyone and inside its walls are students that would become the future of our country,” Jack’s tone turned sharper. He then banged his fist on the table. Kris didn’t even flinch.
“I would die against you right now rather than allow you to step foot inside the academy if you were such a threat. But I want to believe you’re not a threat,” Jack shook his head as his tone became gentler.
“Also, because of my gratitude, I decided to at least give you that recommendation regardless. I mean, if you were against this country, why save a mage with the potential to go against you in the future?” Jack argued, referring to Sophie.
Kris gaze then softened a bit.
“Still, until you tell me of your motivations, why you wield your magic, then there won’t be trust between us. There’d be a mutual understanding, but that’s it. I’d help you, but I won’t fully become your ally,” Jack shook his head.
“Previously, I gave you space to reveal that information in your own time, and hoped that the discussion about the examination, particularly the thesis, could help me glean a bit more about you. I know that even through your childish appearance, you're no simple child,” Jack then inhaled.
“You could have just asked then,” Kris said before chuckling softly.
“I could have… but that would put you on the defensive,” Jack said as he grinned.
Jack was right. If anything, Jack not asking him outright through the cloaks of a discussion eased Kris. Jack, being in the military, is someone who’s loyal to the country. Depending on how Kris approached such a discussion, Jack’s reaction might range from that of harmlessness to that of lethal consequences. At the end of the day, this little charade of Jack's was harmless.
And Kris knew that he didn’t like it when people outside of his family and the closest of his friends questioned him. He’s been through that countless of times back when he was still a musician. Businessmen or other artists inviting him for dinner, only to be have certain ulterior motives behind their invitations. By having Kris take the initiative, it would make him open up more. He's not just a general... he's shrewd.
Needless to say, unless Kris wanted to talk about something personal, he’d be the one to broach the topic.
Kris inhaled as Jack’s mana returned to its dormant state.
“If you had unlimited power, what would you do?” Kris asked, more to himself than Jack. Still, he waited for Jack’s answer.
“I’d use it to protect my family and this country,” Jack stated as a matter-of-fact. Kris nodded, agreeing.
“Then, as for me, I’d use it so that people would at least listen to whatever I wanted to say,” Kris retorted.
“What do you mean by that?” Jack squinted his eyes as he asked.
“I have ideals. Ideals that are similar to Dragnir, this country’s founder,” Jack’s brows raised at the mention of Dragnir. "Even more than that, I believe I have a duty," he then wore a self-deprecating expression. "Unfortunately, I can't be sure of what that duty entails."
Jack kept silent.
"That's why, one of my first goal's is to figure out that exact duty," Kris didn't want to go into specifics, but he heard Marian's story about discovering Dragnir's rune in an ancient dungeon in the city of Metriz. It's where he set up his base. For this, he was sure that Dragnir meant for Kris to find it. In truth, he already knows the general gist of what Dragnir expected him to do.
"But there's more right?" Jack egged on.
“It's to protect the continent. I don't want to meddle too much, but there needs to be a middle ground. I want to become that middle ground. I want to be the person with strict ideals and power that could bridge the gap between these societies and make sure that we choose the greater good,” Kris said then smiled. "If it means sullying my hands then I might just do it."
Jack didn't know how to feel about that.
"But I don’t want to push this continent towards any particular direction. However it wants to operate is in its own hand is out of my scope. Still, in order to make sure there is consistent progress in our ways, I'll be looking after the most powerful and influential people. Sometimes from the shadows," protecting a land from the threat of monsters is one thing, but Kris knew that Earth was said to have been close to annhiliation before because of humanity.
"I know that I was the one who asked for this, but to learn of it all is quite distressing to say the least. Wouldn't you be a bigger influence than a King in that way?"
"I don't plan to let my own personal desires get in the way," Kirke declared.
"That's arrogance, Kris. There are many reasons for someone to want something they never thought they would."
Kirke stopped in thought. "Then what use is my power, if that's the case?"
Jack paused, seemingly unsure if he should continue, but eventually came to a decision. "It's simple. Stay true to yourself. Use your power for your desires."
"A desire doesn't have to be evil. I don't know what you're after exactly, or why you came to the conclusion that you have this duty. Maybe you simply have enough power to make you think of such things. One thing is for certain, you don't have bad intentions," Jack grinned. "Just stay true to that, and do what you want. At least, that'll keep your emotions in tact."
Kris shook his head, unaccepting. "But emotions might get in the way. Believe me, I know my emotions well," Kris said, a bit miffed. "To protect a continent, I have to be stoic. It's the only way."
"Don't confuse stoicism with pragmatism, Kris. Well, I don't mean to stick my nose into your business, at least not in this sort of way. I will support you anyway I can."
"Thank you, Jack. I'll keep your words to heart," Kris said, embedding the moment into his memory. How much Kris disagreed with Jack didn't matter, the thought behind the advice was important enough to never forget.
“Speaking of which, I still have no idea in what way I would become that type of individual, but with my power, it’s possible,” Kris concluded.
“It’s a daunting task. Right now, even though we have diplomatic relations with most countries, they’re built on the foundation of trade and mutual benefit, not alliance. You could say that there’s always the risk of war,” Jack commented.
Kris wasn’t sure about that before but he figured as much. Jack’s revelation only served to confirm Kris’ theory.
“It is,” Kris agreed.
Today’s societies all had different cultures and political landscapes. There were treaties, but through Kris’ research he found that there was not an explicit agreement between any country about alliances and camaraderie.
All of it were superficial agreements that aimed to milk whatever resource and benefit each country could gain from each other.
It’s not that Kris would actively try to make sure wars didn’t happen, no. He knew that wars are fought because of various reasons, and that wars also brought a lot of developments to society. Still, if there was going to be a war, then it had to be for the right reasons, however twisted that sounded.
“There are a large number of factors at play here. One of them is your individual personality seeping into your ideals and defeating the very purpose you created for yourself,” Jack as he raised a brow.
Kris nodded.
“That’s why the academy is a good start: knowledge and people that could paint a clearer picture and show me the best way to do it,” Kris reasoned. Jack then stood up.
“I see, Kris. I get what you’re trying to say. I’m only a General, so my influence can only amount to much, but at least I’ll create a chance for you to be noticed by the Royal Family,” Jack declared.
Kris creased his brows in confusion.
Jack waved his hand before explaining.
“You see, the Royal Family is the only institution of power that can grant special enrollment into the academy. By gaining a great achievement, they’ll be sure to hear you out,” Jack explained.
Kris nodded.
For Kris, instead of acting all stiff about meeting the Royal Family and thinking about it as a burden, getting the attention of Dragnir’s leading figures correlates directly to his goals.
If he could get acquainted with them soon, then he’d be able to increase the trust between him and the people of Dragnir much quicker than expected.
It was a great opportunity and this situation was turning out to be a blessing in disguise.
“Then, I guess I’m in your hands again,” Kris stood up and bowed.
Jack chuckled.
“Kris, this isn’t going to be for free. I expect a favor or two in return,” Jack grinned.
Kris shrugged. Why not?
“Sure, I at least have to do something in return,” Kris acquiesced with a smile.
“Great! Then, let me see what I can do. I’ll contact you soon,” Jack said as he smiled back.
Kris’ parents said that talking about yourself and actively trying to explain your goals to other people helped individuals gain more awareness about their goals.
It was an ingenious way of getting clarity in your vision and solidifying your identity to yourself and other people.
In truth, Kris previously didn’t know about what exactly he needed to do. At least now, after this discussion and through Jack’s grace, he was able to identify the basic premise of the direction he wanted to take.
“Thank you,” Kris said as his previous disappointment and frustration disappeared from his thoughts.
Again, it was all by being asked the right questions.
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