《the Mediator》Chapter 5 - Awakening
A year and a half have passed. At this point, Kris was pretty well acquainted with the differences from his era and this one. For one, it seemed that a lot of countries have formed. There are little country-states here and there, but what mattered was that right now there is five major powers. These major powers are important because they defined a racial and political difference that was non-existent during his time.
One was, of course, Alamein, an elven country. It seemed that people who were quite attuned with nature had begun an evolution towards a race that is at one with nature. However, contrary to his expectations, they weren't a race of solitude. In fact, they mingled and conducted business and shared knowledge with other races. It stemmed from the wholeness of nature and the belief that all living beings must co-exist.
Unsurprisingly, they are the only country who has never experienced war in a total sense.
The next was Hayrorn, the beastmen country. Though they are described as beastmen, that is only because it is part of their culture that they are partnered with and are contracted with a single beast all throughout their lives. This contract prohibited access to normal forms of magic, but in return, they're granted superior physical ability and animalistic magic that is parallel to the beast they contract.
Both these countries are secretive in a way, and the political hierarchy isn't made clear for Kris to come to any conclusions. He planned to investigate and maybe visit these countries in the future.
The next three countries are human inhabited.
The first, and probably the most familiar Kris felt towards was Erudin. Erudin is a republic governed by a council that is made up of the heads of varying ministries. The one who leads the council and is akin to the executive head of government could be anyone from the citizenship, who the council deems worthy of merit and experience.
As a country, they are capitalistic and they believe in the free market. As such, the citizens' lives could be as affluent as possible during a medieval-like era, although the normal problems that are a direct result of capitalism are still prevalent towards some areas, and most notably the lower class.
Next was Ruston Empire. A militaristic monarchy wherein the King holds absolute power, social class determined the path that a citizen of Ruston would take. Their culture is centered on power, and homogenity. They have an on-going war with the beastmen, as the current ruling power deems them corrupted people. They'd war with the elves if the beastmen's territory didn't block their path towards them.
They have the largest landmass and the most powerful army. Thankfully, they are too preoccupied with the beastmen to have any sort of effect on the other countries, and that the beastmen could hold their own with minimal losses thanks to their terrain. This is the country that Kris felt is the most backward, and felt the most wary of.
Lastly was Dragnir. Its capital Riz is where Kris currently lived. Another monarchy, however the difference was that it was similar to a constitutional monarchy, wherein though the King holds the largest amount of power, it is offset by a civilian-led council similar to Erudin. Dragnir is situated in almost the middle of the other four powerhouses.
Currently, they are in a state of cold war with Ruston, east of their borders. Though their army lacks a level in power, at least in terms of numbers, Dragnir is an economic and developmental powerhouse thanks to their vast mage and mercantile talent. Politically, since they are also the first community to be formed in Ensfell and are more refined and familiar with their hierarchy, they also have a significant amount of influence on the policies of other countries, its denizens having already made generational ties from after the war.
It also helped that they have ties with the political leaders of other countries formed from long ago.
Speaking of time, if Kris was correct, he concluded that he jumped at least 3000 years. The oldest historical textbooks from long ago were dated roughly around that number, and if he considered that his 'death' marked the beginning of an actual civilization, it shouldn't be too far off.
All in all, Kris felt that Ensfell was moving in the right direction, though he concluded that it could use some improvements. He especially had to look out for Ruston, as their militaristic tendencies might erupt on the other countries once they gain a foothold.
As for his goals, he currently had three.
One is that he needed to speed up his awakening. He knew he was getting there, and he could feel tinges of mana here and there when he meditates. But unlike before where gaining a connection was easy, he felt that his body, or more probably the spell, is containing his progress.
Second is to help expand the Raven family's business. It was growing larger day by day, but after a year and a half of training under their wing and gradually feeling closer to the Ravens, he felt that he could stick in some suggestions without it seeming too out of place, abrupt, or suspicious.
The last goal is well, to figure out what exactly he needed to do. Like how he wants to spread his influence, and how he actually wants to use that influence. There were too many intangibles and unknowns, and he still lacked a lot of information. Truthfully, if he didn't need to, he wouldn't try to convince anyone of anything.
However, it would be a pain when there comes the time that he needed to intervene, but he didn't have the influence. So he needed to stack up merits, whether in the trade business or as a mage, and broaden his network.
But before any of that happens, there's still a question to ask.
Why the hell can't I awaken yet?!
Robert's POV
Knock, knock...
"Come in," Robert beckoned as he put aside some documents about some newly procured items to sell. The door opened and revealed Kris, now a tad bit taller than he was before. As Kris entered, Robert thought back on the faithful day they met.
He felt that now, he genuinely cared for Kris. Though he couldn't broach the topic when they conversed, he felt that Kris himself was warming up to him and his family a bit more.
"Hey... more papers to check?" Kris smiled mockingly.
Robert chuckled in response.
"Unfortunately, Kris. You seem to be getting the hang of these things, so mind helping me out?" Robert pleaded.
"Err, no. I don't really like scrunching through numbers and stacks of papers," Kris said, wearing a disgusted look.
"Oh come on. It's not that bad!" Robert commented.
"Says the bags under your eyes," Kris pointed.
Robert sighed, "I give up then. Just tell me what you think then. I've got an ample shipment of cotton and high-quality leather. All just amounting to 300 gold. I was surprised to learn that there was an excess in cotton, but the high-quality leather was something that I was expecting. Any ideas how we could turn a profit?"
Kris sat down and then thought for a bit. An idea seemed to pop up as he straightened his posture and grabbed the paper stacks from Robert's table.
Here I thought you didn't like looking over numbers.
"Hmm, how frequent are these supplies going to come in?" Kris asked.
"Well I plan for at least three more shipments. Each shipment should cost 50 gold less, so the last would just amount to 150 gold. I told you, these are in excess due to some unexpected high yield of raw materials. I think that this is just a one-time occurrence, so I grabbed the opportunity," Robert explained.
"I see, then... How about hiring some really good tailors, and having them create really fashionable clothing. Since this is unimaginably cheap for cotton and leather, I'd imagine that with the proper marketing, and maybe through some connections willing to buy the finished products from you, you'd be able to profit. The products would be cheap, but if priced right, each batch could yield about 400 gold in earnings, all expenses deducted of course."
Kris promptly handed over the papers as Robert examined them.
"I see. It's true that it's possible. High-quality leather is usually marketed towards the high-class, but with the right price, those from the middle class should still be enticed to buy. I'd need to contact a few friends, and flesh out the idea with their help."
Well, Robert did in fact have that in mind. He just wanted some confirmation, and it was a sort of test for Kris. Well, he felt that Kris was testing him in that regard too, so all's fair, Robert thought.
Robert put aside the papers again looked at Kris.
"So, how are you holding up?" Robert asked.
"Well, I'm finally starting to understand most aspects of our country and others, politics and all that. In the long run, I think that I'd be able to hand out some business ideas for you. Don't count on that being too soon though, I'd really like time to think," Kris said.
"Well there's that but," Robert took a deep breath. He felt that it was time for him to find out if Kris is just feeling familiar or if he's really starting to care about the family. "How do you feel about... us?" Robert asked anxiously.
"Honestly..." Kris paused before locking his gaze with Robert. That same gaze that told Robert that what Kris was about to say was his true feelings. "I feel really close. As if you were always my family even from before," Kris scratched his head, and his face was flushed a bit of pink.
"I... I don't know how to say this but..." Suddenly someone barged open the door. Small footsteps ran towards both him and Robert.
Claire, still sporting her signature long hair, jumped on Kris. She was also a bit bigger now, but her childish tendencies seemed to have no end in sight yet. Smiling, Kris picked her up and placed her in his laps.
"Brother!!! You said that you'd wake me up!" Claire said, a bit flustered and angry. Kris could only helplessly smile as he pat her head.
"I'm sorry, Claire. Big brother forgot to because he needed to talk to..." Kris paused, but after a moment, he regained his smile. "Because I needed to talk to daddy about something." Robert's gaze softened upon the scene, and he felt warmth welling up inside his chest. Especially at Kris' mention of the word 'daddy'.
Feeling a bit embarrassed, Robert coughed.
"Now now, you know that your brother is busy with his merchant training. Don't bother him too much Claire," At this, Claire pouted and crossed her arms.
Kris chuckled and pinched her nose.
"Owwie!" Claire reacted as she touched her nose.
"How about we play outside Claire? I still have time before I have to get back to my studies," Claire's mood visibly brightened as she jumped down and grabbed Kris' hands.
"Then, let's go!!" As she pulled on Kris towards the doorway, Kris looked back toward Robert. Robert nodded at him, both feeling a bit closer than before.
Kris' POV
Kris was metaphorically trying to make his mana veins spring to life. He now could consistently feel the surrounding mana in the atmosphere, and he knew was that he was close to a breakthrough.
Back then, in order to create that connection with his innate mana and the ambient mana, he needed to first map out his mana veins, and then concentrate that feeling in his core. To do this, he needed to first feel the mana around him, and try to absorb it. As he absorbs them, he'd gradually get a feel for the mana veins inside his body. Kind of like filling networks of tubes inside your body, except you can distinctly feel the ooze traveling through the pipes.
He's got the veins mapped out, but he still couldn't direct the mana to his core. But even more so than that, he felt that his innate mana was a tad bit chaotic compared to the mana around him. The thing was, the case was supposed to be that the mana should be chaotic on the outside as well. At least, that's how it was back then.
For some reason, the ambient mana is more stable and tranquil, and with this he found it difficult coalesce his inner mana to his core. He recalled how magic was conjured in the olden days.
When a mage wants to will a phenomenon, he must directly release his mana towards a target area, object, or individual, and then guide the mana towards the type of phenomenon. This meant that in order to create fire, he needed mana both to act as fuel by making it rapidly move, and to create the first spark to ignite the flame by rubbing together the mana.
To summon water, he needed to slow down the movement of his mana, cooling the surrounding air and triggerring something akin to condensation. He could also simply will the moisture in the air to collect rapidly.
All in all, he remembered that innate knowledge of nature's workings, and applying those principles to mana is what gave birth to a magical phenomenon. Needless to say, all mages from his time never needed chants or anything of the sort, since they were nomads who relied on their own perceptiveness and understanding of their surroundings, so no one really found the use for chants. Kris knew that this system worked before, but having learned of the different types of magic frequently seen in today's era, he wasn't quite sure if natural laws bound magic. It could very well be that magic is simply easier to perform while following order.
Magic now was systematized. Chants, runes, and magic circles could now be utilized as a guide to will the mana subsconsciously through the power of suggestion and symbolism. This meant that mages didn't need to have a complete innate understanding of nature, although that certainly helped in any case.
Also, now that he remembered, the chaotic nature of the ambient mana back then was intrusive. So instead of it being absorbed, it was more akin to a person's body is invaded by mana, creating a sort of permutation in the cells of humans which in turn created the mana veins. One could quicken the process of awakening by actively absorbing the mana. It took less than 30 minutes even.
Now he understood the reason why not just anyone could awaken. It was simply because most of them didn't try to actively absorb mana, or more probably, the rooted belief that magic power is inherited prohibited them from trying to make any tangible effort towards awakening.
Even if they knew that anyone could be a mage, with that sort of mental roadblock in their way, it'd certainly be impossible for those without the natural genetic makeup to wield mana. What Kris didn't understand was why those with the genes awakened without putting thought or effort into it. And also why they had innate mana even before awakening, whereas those who don't have the potential does not.
It could be a complex matter, or there might just be a simple answer. Still, with the lack of information, and having no contact yet with anyone who were genetically gifted (his parents, though both mages, were the rare breed of commoners who wielded magic) he was at his wit's end. His mother had told him of the Adventurer's guild however, so Kirke soon found out that magic isn't as rare as he thought, though the average D-rank adventurer would be hardpressed to perform any sort of useful magic.
Kris pushed the matter aside and thought back on his chaotic innate mana. It seemed that the more he tried to absorb the tranquil mana, the more his chaotic innate mana pushed back. Until he makes a connection and his chaotic mana allowed for safe passage in and out, he wasn't going to wield magic anytime soon.
Then, suddenly an idea came to him. Like he thought before, magic is a subconscious and conscious activity. A mage's mana and his subconscious must work in harmony, before the conscious part of the mind can actively direct its will. If so, then maybe he should work backwards?
Kris sighed, as he once again looked towards his mana veins. The only way for them to coalesce in his core was if the ambient mana is absorbed and naturally pushed towards it. But, since directly absorbing didn't work, how about he put his effort into not repelling the foreign mana?
It was similar to letting the ambient mana invade him, and it was worth the try. Kris imagined a barrier that surrounded his mana veins; a barrier characteristic of his chaotic mana. He then thought about reeling this barrier inwards, as he repeated the same words in his head.
Don't repel. Don't repel.
After what felt like hours and no progress, Kris gave up.
He opened his eyes, and suddenly his body reeled in pain. He stopped his breathing because his lungs felt that they were being punctured, and his heart felt like it was getting constricted. Slowly, he felt that his vision was being flooded by streams of blue flickering lights, all converging towards his body.
After a few seconds, the pain subsided and his heart started to beat at an even pace. He heaved huge chunks of air. His vision returned to normal, the blue flickering lights gone as if they were mere illusions. He actually thought that he would die at that moment.
Reluctantly, he closed his eyes, and felt for his mana vein.
Kris smiled.
His core was now starting to coalesce. Right now, it was a simple ball as big as his fist. But he knew that it'd grow in time. Mages had the capability to feel for the maximum capacity of their core, and honestly, Kris felt no difference between the capacity of his previous body's core and right now.
A bit excited, he pointed a finger towards an open window in his room. As he felt the slight breeze, a spark of electricity came to life at the tip of his finger. As soon as it did, a streak of yellow lightning shot of his fingers.
He felt that the fist-sized lump of mana in his core dwindled to half its size, but judging by the simplicity of that magic, and the sudden lightning strike from the cloud he targeted that pounded the ground at a distance, he felt satisfied.
As the thunder finally reached his ears, he stood up. His actual return was getting closer.
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