《Ashlani's Reincarnation》Chapter 14: Numbers and Figures


[Would you like to commence evolution?]

Yeah, let's try this out.

[Evolution commencing.]

I felt myself begin to stumble, immediately so sleepy I couldn't hardly keep myself standing. I really wasn't expecting this to be so immediate and so overwhelming.

"Took, you're in charge until I wake up." I was slurring as I attempted to speak, and I stumbled to the side, attempting to get out of the way with this final, last-ditch effort.

I half consciously felt myself slump onto the ground, and then, complete darkness.

This was different from when I had reincarnated. While I was an emotional wreck after death, there was a strange timelessness about it. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but my emotions seemed all-consuming then. I had lost myself, but now, I just felt like me, I guess. Suddenly, a voice that almost felt like a [System] notification spoke.

[You're an interesting one. It's been centuries since the last keelish System User. I hope you last longer than the last one.]

The voice was an unassuming androgynous one, with a slight tinny quality. It was different from the inescapable notification board of the [System]. Wait… the Administrator?

[Not entirely correct, but yes. You get one question per evolution, so what'll it be?]

… Wish I'd had some heads up on that…

Well, why me? Why give me the [System]?

[Not a bad question, I suppose. I'm sure the answer won't be to your liking though… The Administrator came to the decision that, if you became a powerful or noteworthy System User, the results would be most interesting.]

And what is interesting about me being a System User?

[I'm afraid you've already asked your question little keelish. Think about what you'd like to ask next time you get the chance! Now, enjoy your rest. It'll probably be the best rest you get for a while.]


With a giggle, the voice faded away, and I could feel the presence leave. Again, it faded to black.

I suddenly woke up, and noticed my whole pack sleeping around me. It made sense, considering it had taken only 4 hours and 30 minutes to evolve. Frankly speaking, I couldn't be bothered to learn more than that about my pack, because the flashing [Status Updated] notification in the top right of my vision was calling my name.


Name: Ashlani

Race: Young Keelish Bloodletter


-Constitution: 3+1=4

-Strength: 5+3=8

-Agility: 9+3=12

-Intelligence: 3+1=4

-Magic: 0


Bloodlust—current evolutionary progress: Unknown

Dominance—current evolutionary progress: 6/100

Improved Vision--current evolutionary progress: 0/18

Evolutionary foresight

-Adult Bloodletter: live 30 days. Progress: 5/30

-Young Bloodletter Beta. Prerequisites: Young Bloodletter. Requirements: Invitation to be Beta beneath Young Alpha Keelish. ACCEPTANCE REQUIRED

-Young Bloodletter Alpha. Prerequisites: Young Bloodletter. Requirements: acquire 10 followers. Progress: 6/10]

That's a lot of growth! And, hopefully, after this duel, I'll be able to become an alpha. I was slightly disappointed, though, that my magic stat was still at 0. I had tried a couple of times to invoke to Words of Power from my previous life, but I had yet to have any luck on that account. Hopefully, my future evolutions would give me some boosts to that ability. Speaking of future evolutions...

I was pretty surprised to see that there was still an alpha evolutionary option, but, based off the wording, it looks like you had to be a Bloodletter to qualify, and couldn't evolve to a Bloodletter Alpha from just an alpha. I guess, in that case, I'm pretty lucky that I decided to prioritize immediate growth.

Hey, [System], what do these evolutions offer me in terms of growth?

[Adult Bloodletter: a rare combat-focused variant of the keelish race. Young Bloodletter Beta: gains a small increase in growth, both physically and mentally. Young Bloodletter Alpha: gains a moderate increase in growth, physically, mentally, and learns skill [Pack Tactics].]


Ok, there are a couple of things to unpack there, but what I wanted to know are what kinds of stat growth can I expect from these evolutions?

[The Administrator has deemed it unnecessary to divulge that information. However, that decision may be rescinded, depending on your future growth.]

Dammit. I was hoping that this evolution would count as at least a little growth. Well, ok. What is the skill [Pack Tactics]?

[Skill: Pack Tactics; blesses the skill holder with an innate understanding of command, allowing for clearer communication on the battlefield, as well as a rudimentary understanding of tactical advantage.]

Wow... Is that skill given to all alphas?

[The Administrator has deemed it unnecessary to...}

Okokok I GOT IT. Ummm... How is stat growth determined outside of evolution?

[If you, the System user, do what the Administrator expects of your race, then you will gain stats.]

Yes, you've said that before. But how can I determine what the Administrator expects of my race?

[The Administrator has deemed... receiving Administrative command... Received. The Administrator has deemed you worthy of a deeper understanding of their expectations. From now on, you will be able to find one of the many current expectations that the Administrator has for you at the top of your [Status].]

I quickly looked for it.


Name: Ashlani

Race: Young Keelish Bloodletter

Current quest:

--Kill one Young Keelish Alpha. Reward: 1 Intelligence, 1 Magic.


I sucked air so hard it whistled through my teeth. Finally, I'll be able to use some magic. If I was able to call fire again, life would get a lot easier. But, that isn't now, but the future.

I finally stopped focusing completely on my [Status], and inspected my body. While I couldn't see if my color or anything had changed, my body's strength had doubled in less than 24 hours, and I felt... powerful, for lack of a better way to say it. I was starting to get comfortable in my new form (didn't want to think too deeply about that...), and I was sure that I now was the strongest in the pack. I was proud of that, and began to stand, to try to test out my new limits.

As I stood, I finally noticed the biggest change in me--my arms and hands. Previously, they had been nearly useless--long enough to reach my mouth, but without a thumb and lacking any power behind them, all they were good for was moving static objects. Basically two glorified shovels attached to my body. Now, however, they had changed. They still lacked the obvious versatility of a human hand, in fact, I couldn't bend my fingers at all, but now I had arms that were a bit longer, maybe 15cm on my now 45cm body, and they ended in hardened 4 cm claws. More importantly, I now had visible triceps and biceps, and, as I stood, my arms easily pushed me up.

Curiously, I approached one of the packed dirt walls, and struck out. My hand, shaped and thrust forward like a knife. It easily sunk in past the edge of my claws. I grinned, somewhat maniacally; Percral wasn't going to know what hit him tomorrow morning.

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