《Ashlani's Reincarnation》Chapter 9: Mounting Responsibilities and Dividing Allegiances


[Growth Achieved. Status Updated]

I focused on the [System] notification to try to get my recent memories out of my head. I swore I could still feel brain matter between my teeth, and the only thing I had on hand to try to wash it out was the running blood of the frogs, so... I was just going to leave that there, as all this wasn't what I wanted to dwell on.


Name: Ashlani

Race: Juvenile Keelish Bloodseeker


-Constitution: 2+1=3

-Strength: 4

-Agility: 7

-Intelligence: 3

-Magic: 0


Bloodlust—current evolutionary progress: Unknown

Dominance—current evolutionary progress: 4/100

Improved Vision--current evolutionary progress: 0/18

Evolutionary foresight

--Adult Bloodseeker: live 30 days. Progress: 3/30

--Young Bloodletter: kill 10 large organisms. Progress 5/10

--Young Alpha: acquire 10 followers. Progress: 4/10]

Well, on the bright side, I'm making progress on my eventual evolution to a Bloodletter. As I thought earlier today, the earlier I evolved, the better it would be for me. However, if becoming a Bloodletter would lead me to the point that I am constantly in that state I just was... I don't know if I would want to become that. But, if the choice is between becoming a deranged beast that can kill Viilor and a weak one that is stuck living as a common keelish, I know which one I'll pick, any day.

As I slowly recovered my normal demeanor, stopping my deranged snarls and panting, I noticed that none of the pack were eating the prey. "Why aren't you eating?"

"Um... Boss, you snapped at Foire for lying exhausted near 'your prey'. We figured it would be best to wait a bit. You get scary sometimes. I don't know what it is, but it's... intense. Not bad, not really, but it's really different from how you are sometimes. You were like that when you talked about your name." I could tell Oncli was shaken because nobody needed to threaten him with violence to get him to stop talking.

"Well... Don't worry about it. I'm still leading and providing for you, and I haven't hurt you..." I paused, realizing I had an opportunity to further cement my subordinate's loyalty. "Foire... I'm sorry for lashing out at you. You were pivotal today, and you put your body and life on the line for me, without question. I appreciate that." He stood taller at my acknowledgement, and nodded in response. "Furthermore, I offer you first pickings. Take what you want, be greedy. Those that serve me loyally will be rewarded." It was getting hard for me to draw the line in my head of where I was manipulating my followers, and where I was actually feeling bad for Foire. I shook my head, hopefully shaking it from my mind, and watched as Foire dug into the entrails of the frog. He focused on the heart and liver, don't know why. Once he had eaten his fill, I gestured for all my companions to eat before me, as I kept watch for any competition. For the second time today, we were lucky on that account, and, as we had recently eaten an entire other frog, we ended up with about a frog and a quarter to take back to the den.


"Well, we're tired and have had a successful hunt today, and we still need to create our own den, so let's make our way home, shall we?"

Took ran and proudly took charge of the larger carcass, and did not allow for anyone else to help her. I wasn't about to fight her for the extra work, and Treel somewhat competitively took charge of the other carcass, leaving us three males looking on.

As we were approaching the edge of the clearing where the den was, we came across Shemira and her pack. It seems that she had taken her sweet time getting out of the den and was only now beginning her hunt.

"A much more successful hunt today, it would seem. It would also appear that you have begun to learn how to better use your lesser counterparts." Oncli bristled at this, but Foire was as stoic as ever. "You may yet become a true alpha! Of course, a position as my beta is always open to you, 'Ash'." I bristled at her deliberately pushing my buttons, but was brought back to reality by a combination of four of her designated guards stepping forward, teeth bared, and a new notification flashing in the corner of my vision.

[New evolutionary option available: Young Keelish Beta.]

I gestured for everyone to continue onwards as I noticed all of them beginning to enter battle positions. Took characteristically began a show of force, lifting the entire frog carcass (that probably weighed more than she did) over her shoulders, still clenched in her jaws, while the others reacted in a slightly more mature fashion, simply continuing on our way back to the den.


As we entered into the den, I immediately noticed the shifted dirt and expanded space in the spawnling den space. There was obvious progress towards three different, individual spaces. Going off of size and depth, Shemira's space had the most progress, as it would seem she had her entire pack focus on den expansion while we were out. Additionally, she had left another 5 slightly smaller keelish behind to continue working while the hunt began. They were making quick work of the excavated dirt, and had created a larger hall where the majority would stay, with a hall leading deeper within. Tieran's pack was also getting good work done, having focused on a longer hall for entry to their main den, and I couldn't see inside.

Percral's 2, however, were not having a good time. There was very little progress made, just a hollowing of the wall. Furthermore, they were, for lack of a better way to put it, the true runts of our brood. Even Oncli could tower over them, and it would appear that they hadn't eaten since Greel had fed them. They continued to work as best as they could, but they were obviously exhausted and starving. I could feel their hungry stares as we entered with a veritable buffet of food. I could also see Took staring them down threateningly, leading to them retreating back to their work.


As I tried to figure out where we should set up camp, and where we should begin tunneling to begin our own den, a thought occurred to me. I approached the two keelish from Percral's pack, and they immediately began cowering back towards their hovel.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to do anything other than make you a deal. It looks like you two haven't eaten in days. That right?" One looked at the other, then nodded. "Ok. If you two decide to follow me instead of Percral, then I will allow to you be productive members of the pack, as well as feed you. How's that sound?" They shook their heads, and one replied, stuttering, "N-n-n-no. H-h-h-he'll kill us-s-s." "Well, the starvation is about to kill you already, and it's stunting your growth. Come here and we'll protect you and" I internally shuddered thinking about what I was about to say, "we'll help you become true keelish."

"You'll f-f-feed us b-b-both?"

"Enough to make you full, and with seconds if you want them."

"Y-y-y-you w-won't leave us-s-s alon-n-ne?"

"You'll be kept safe."

They looked at each other, and the one that had been silent nodded and spoke in a surprisingly bassy tone "Then let's eat."

[Young Keelish Alpha requirement, 6/10 complete]

We approached the leftover frogs, currently discarded in the corner and being looked over by Took, and, with a single look from me, she sighed and stepped aside. Progress!

While they hadn't eaten in days, their appetites were still limited by their size, and, once their bellies, distended, were full, the complete frog still hadn't even begun to be touched. Took cocked her head, confused. "You must eat. Food helps grow." "Well, we're full." The second spawnling spoke up. "No, eat more." Took responded, pushing more of the meat towards them. The second spawnling looked to me to help.

"How about this--we all work on making ourselves a den, and, whenever these two newcomers feel like it, they can take another bite, hmm?" Took was satisfied with that, and nodded, looking to me to direct her on where to begin digging. I gestured to a wall that was currently untouched by the efforts of the rest of the spawnlings. I was surprised by her nearly motherly concern for these two small spawnlings, but immediately applied myself to helping with the digging and moving of the dirt. Foire moved to join us, but I told him to keep watch on the meat, and he gratefully set himself down near the veritable mountain of meat.

As I set to digging, I was surprised by my instinctual understanding of where and how to dig, and nearly lost myself in it, but then remembered my new evolutionary option.

So, [System], what's the deal?

[Young Keelish Beta: the right-hand assistant of a Young Keelish Alpha. They experience some physical growth like the Alpha, but not as notably. Furthermore, they are obligated to obedience to the Alpha. Evolutionary requirements: Offered the position by a Young Keelish Alpha.]


I mused over this, and realized that, unsurprisingly, Oncli was chatting up a storm with our two new additions.

"So, what're your names?"

"Percral decided we didn't deserve them."

"H-h-he said w-w-we needed to p-prove ours-s-selves in battle."

"Oh. He seems like he sucks. Our Boss can be scary sometimes, but he's super cool. He gives some pretty good names too!" I wonder if he would still think that if he knew how I was coming up with their names...

"I hope he thinks we deserve them soon."

I interjected, "I hate having to call you guys 'you', so here they are: you," I said, pointing at the stutterer, "will be Vefir, and you," pointing at the bass voiced one, "will be Silf." Vefir paused, in shock, while Silf nodded, and thanked me.


We continued to work throughout the afternoon, everyone except Foire, who continued guarding our meat. We made good progress, and by the time Vefir and Silf had taken a second serving of our prey, we had hollowed out a good community space for our little pack. Also, in our removal of the dirt, I had seen both Vefir and Silf in the light, and realized they looked like twins (which they confirmed for me--they came from the same egg, which probably explains why they were so small). Both were male and tan with a darker brown stripe down their spines, except Vefir had one stripe while Silf had two.

As we were continuing work on our new den, I heard a squeak of pain echoing in. I rushed out, and saw Vefir cowering on the floor. Evidently, he had been transporting some dirt out of the den and had come across the returning Percral, who, irritated, kicked him down into the den.

"You scaleless, worthless little leech! This is why you don't deserve food! You oughtta be grateful that I took you in!" Percral was going to strike at him again when I spoke up.

"You got a problem with a member of my pack? Take it up with me."

Percral whipped his head towards me, and I noticed a series of open wounds across his body, and his pack was missing one of their hunters. Ahh, that's why he's in a bad mood. "What do you mean, 'your pack'? He's mine."

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong. C'mere, Vefir." He scurried back behind me, and I noticed my entire pack flanking me, Silf included.

"You think you're an alpha? I'll kill you where you stand, trying to be on my level."

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