《Ashlani's Reincarnation》Chapter 7: Almost like a Team


That evening, after training my subordinates on basic signals and assigning basic responsibilities in the hunt, I felt a little better about myself going forward.

My stomach growling, I finally took heed of the flashing announcement in the top-right part of my vision: [Dominance Skill progress: 4/100]

As I laid down to rest, I mulled over my [Status], wondering what this supposed Administrator had waiting for me. How long had they been around? Was it a single entity, or was it some group? An Administrator Army? A Systemic Swarm? A Solo Sovereign? I continued thinking of stupid alliterations to keep myself from thinking about deeper, scarier, and more frustrating topics that would keep me from sleeping.


I again woke to yelps of pain, and, as I stumbled to my feet, I saw Greel again walking through the sleeping spawnlings. Looking around, not many had made their ways back once night had fallen, bringing the total number of spawnlings down from about 100 to just below 60. Shemira's group seems to have recovered their numbers, back up to 23, and they surrounded her, almost seeming to worship her rousing form. She, for her part, once she realized Greel had made a reappearance, immediately was up and snapping at her underlings to get up and give respect to "the honorable Greel". He seemed to enjoy the bootlicking, as he posed, "Jest showin' meh good side", as he put it. Shemira ate it up, fawning over his posturing, and generally ingratiating herself to him. Strange to see so proud a being so subservient to one who she would soon outstrip both in rank and power...

Otherwise, looking at my other broodmates, I saw that there were two more alphas that had appeared overnight, both male this time. One was surrounded by 18 spawnlings, and was about 20% bigger than Shemira, standing just over 70cm tall. He had two female spawnlings curled up touching him, and fawning over him as he rose. I guess there are idiots like that in keelish society too... On the other hand, the other alpha was comparatively much smaller, just a hair larger than Shemira, and had 10 underlings. He was bossing his followers around, and they subserviently complied with his only wish. He and Greel would probably get along...

As I continued observing, my four subordinates were rather quick to rise, with the exception of Oncli. I was rather unsure if that is due to his inherent personality or the soreness I'm sure he is currently experiencing, but I nonetheless looked at Took, who gleefully smacked him with her now mostly healed tail. Oncli groaned, but grudgingly rose. Seemingly just in time, as Greel had set his sights on the diminutive male, but gave up as Oncli rose. Greel then spoke.

"Awwright yeh little shits! Today's yer last wake-up call, I'm free from yeh's from now on. Yer luckier than the scaleless shits that died, but yer still shits!" He didn't seem to know any other way to refer to the spawnlings. "Feed yerselves, 'n stay outta the way o' yer betters. That includes me! But," at this he winked at Shemira, "if'n yeh git on mah good side, I MIGHT help yeh. Now git! Be true keelish 'n grow inta yer fangs!"


With this, Greel winked at Shemira and whirled around, stalking out into the den proper. Looking at Shemira, I thought I saw something glint in her eyes, but it was gone as she turned and began to speak herself.

"I can see that there are now three of us prospective alphas, and we all need our own space. I suggest that we leave some of the weakest here to begin expanding this section of the den, to begin transitioning from the spawnling nest into our own subsection. How does that sound, gentlemen?" Shemira smiled in what must have been an attractive fashion, as the smaller male alpha immediately yelled out, "Good idea! You know what's an even better idea? You join with me and we make this big lug submit to us! Then, once we grow to adulthood, we'll take over the main nest!"

Intrigued, I couldn't help but approach to see what was going to happen after this blatant provocation. Fortunately for me, I got closer, because I was surprised by the almost gentle, baritone tones of the largest alpha's voice.

"I, Tieran, won't back down from a challenge. However," he came close to the other alpha and hissed softly, "know that I will paint the walls with your blood and lick your entrails while you still wail in agony and plead for the mercy of death. I will parcel out your body parts to my most loyal followers and make you watch as we devour you, all before I allow you to die."

While he had spoken quietly, Tieran's words had a certain quality about them that made them ring from the surrounding walls, and had a special way of sticking in my head. There was a certain level of charisma in his words, however frightening they were, that instilled obedience.

The smaller male had begun standing tall, but with Tieran's steely statement, he appeared slightly intimidated and took a step back. At his involuntary reaction, Tieran grinned wolfishly and finished, "Of course, you can always submit to me and be spared the... messier alternative. I prefer messy though, so... keep me posted, ok?" Tieran turned back to Shemira and resumed his normal, quiet voice.

"I think your idea is a sound one. I will designate 7 of my underlings to the development of the den. Now, it's time to wet my fangs. Excuse me." Tieran quickly gestured at a group of his underlings (all female, not-so-coincidentally) that were to stay behind, and stalked out of the den.

As he left, the previously cowed male alpha stepped forward towards Shemira again. He was no longer blustering, but completely serious. "He's dangerous, and you won't be able to take him on yourself. Work with me, or he will become the undisputed alpha." Shemira turned, smiling, and replied, "But of course I'll work with you! Don't worry about that, I won't submit to that brute."


"Good. And call me Percral." He smiled toothily, in what seemed to be his best imitation of Greel's smile from earlier, commanded two of his subordinates to stay behind and work on den expansion, and was off. I, uncomfortable with being alone with my 4 subordinates with all of Shemira's, made a hand sign and quickly made my way out. My concern, however, seemed to be unwarranted, as Shemira simply flicked her tail flirtatiously at me as we trotted past. While Percral's open ambition and Tieran's blatant violence were of some concern to me, Shemira was the one I felt was the most dangerous. My aunt, my tribe's chief, was far and away the most dangerous individual I have ever known, and there was something about her in the way Shemira carried herself.

We made our way out of the den, and I could barely see Tieran and Percral in the distance, going what seemed to be North and East respectively, going off of the position of the suns. Tieran was tiger-striped, brown on tan, while Percral was a solid black with a solid light tan stripe down his spine. I was surprised I could even see color that far, but was interrupted by a flashing notification: [Skill: Improved Vision acquired.] I decided to read the description as we made the decision of where to begin our hunt.

[Skill: Improved Vision--improves vision by 20%. This skill can evolve. Conditions: Use exclusively light-based vision for 18 days.]

Well, that wasn't getting evolved any time soon--I live underground, and I need my thermal vision for that. I was, however grateful for the noticeable improvement in my vision, and decided to primarily use this vision during hunts while the others used their thermal vision.

Regardless of skills and evolutions, seeing the directions of their prospective hunts, I decided to go South-southeast, giving us a wide berth from the other packs. We entered the cover of the forest and I immediately signaled to Oncli, who, after a moment's hesitation, stepped forward and, in a matter of about 10 seconds, pointed deeper into the forest.

For about 400 meters, we continued onwards, until Oncli excitedly turned around and over-enthusiastically made the predetermined signal that let us know we were close. At that point, the much more coordinated Foire took over and began scouting ahead. We waited quietly where we were (Took only had to flick Oncli once with her tail, which was an improvement), until Foire uncannily reappeared about 10m away from us. How a 30cm, red-headed keelish can blend into the forest was beyond me, but he seemed quite capable. He calmly signed that there were 2, and led us ahead. As we approached, we could see that there were two Toothy Bullfrogs... preoccupied with each other. It would appear that it was breeding season, and Oncli was following their mating scents. Well, I don't mind the distraction.

I felt 4 pairs of eyes on me and I signed--focus on the one on the bottom, Oncli stay out for now. The shock troops that were Took and Treel would initiate, taking its back legs, then, once we were sure it was hobbled, Foire and I would blitz its stomach. At least, that's what I tried to sign. I'll be honest, I think only maybe 50% got through to them, but that was progress!

I counted down, and the two females immediately sprung into action. Startled, the bullfrog on top made a short hop away, and seemed to consider helping its lover, but, seeing the other's inability to escape the jaws of Took and Treel, it decided to flee. Good for us, because if it had decided to rip into one of the females, we might have ended up injured and without any prey to show for it.

Fortunately for us, after one attempted hop, the frog landed awkwardly on one leg, thanks to Treel rolling her entire body 180 degrees while airborne. Between the twist and the weight of three creatures bearing down on it, the frog's knee audibly dislocated upon landing, which was Foire's and my cue. We rushed in, and began tearing into its exposed flanks and sides.

[Bloodlust skill activated]

Man, this skill can be helpful, but it can really be annoying sometimes... KILL, RIP, TEAR... ugh. I felt my vision cloud red as I tore more viciously into the frog's soft sides.

Our prey mostly subdued, Oncli made his way in, weighing the amphibian completely down. In what must have been a moment of compassion, Treel relocated to the head of the frog and ripped into its skull, quickly killing it. We five then let ourselves give in to the hunger, and ate. This time, there was no wolfstag to interrupt us, only blessed satiation.

Once I came back to myself, I realized that we had left virtually none for later, and wondered... How far had that other one gotten?

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