《Ashlani's Reincarnation》Chapter 2: Systemic Depression


I squatted in the corner, keeping an eye on all the other beasts in the cavern. I didn't want to be anywhere near the other spawn, and let it be known as best I could with general teeth-baring and glowering. Fortunately, I could still see by shifting to my colorful dark/heat vision. Still not sure exactly what triggers that…

The adult keelish that had removed me from the hatchery had made himself known as Greel, and had quickly removed the horde of spawn from the hole detached from the cave where we hatched. Upon his removal of all the spawn, he herded us into a nearby cave with swearing, snaps, and general irritability. It seemed that he had lost some sort of a contest, and had been relegated to hatchling duty.

And that took me to now. It had only been about fifteen minutes, but I could still see the [Would you like to view your evolutionary options?] display in the corner of my eye.

"Alright, Ashlani, focus on what matters. You're alive, these scalies don't seem like they're gonna kill you yet, and we can still go to kill Viilor." Having calmed myself a bit, I began to take a closer look at the display, and it suddenly expanded.

[Evolutionary options:

Adult Keelish Bloodseeker

Young Keelish Bloodletter

Young Keelish Alpha]


Name: Ashlani (unofficial)

Race: Juvenile Keelish Bloodseeker


-Constitution: 2

-Strength: 3

-Agility: 6

-Intelligence: 2

-Magic: 0



-Evolutionary Foresight]

"What are even the differences between these? How would I evolve? This doesn't make any sense…" I muttered as another display appeared, seemingly unprompted.

[Adult Bloodseekers are the hunters of the swarm. They are the lowest caste of keelish. Bloodletters are rare keelish that boast an uncommonly high combat prowess. Alphas are the leaders of the swarm, and are somewhat larger than the rest.]


[Evolutionary requirements will be given. To become an Adult Bloodseeker, live 30 days. To become a Bloodletter, kill 10 organisms that are of a comparable size to yourself before 30 days pass. To become an alpha, acquire 10 followers before 30 days pass.]

[Further assistance…]

"Spawn, come 'ere now!" Greel's voice echoed out, and as I looked out, I saw the collective whole of the rest of the spawn approach the mouth of the cave. I realized that I was the only one that had yet to begin moving, so I rose from my haunches and joined the group, staying on the fringes.

"You, you, c'mere!" Greel gestured at two of the spawnlings in the front. My broodmates, I suppose? The idea sent a shudder down my spine. As they approached him, Greel suddenly yelled "Only th' strong git ta eat! Fight!" Without a second's hesitation, the two turned on each other, shrieking and snapping. Within about ten seconds, one, a male and slightly smaller than the other, a female, got a good hold of the other's arm and wrenched at it, making a sickening crunch sound out and echo in the chamber. Immediately, the female began to cry out and bow her head, as the male lifted his own head and shrieked in exultation.

"Now I know who th' strong un is here. Now, you and you." This time, the two spawnlings didn't need any encouragement, and immediately went at it, tearing and biting. Shortly thereafter, one got the other's tail firmly in its mouth and whipped the body of the other spawnling around and into the ground.

"Good. Next, you and you." Greel didn't show any mercy or hesitation. As the fights continued, they escalated in the degree of violence shown and declined in the amount of mercy given. Against my better judgement, I found myself pushing, straining to get closer to the bloodstained ring, and subconsciously taking in the iron scent of blood in the air. Instead of disgusting me, I felt saliva running down my elongated snout as I continued sniffing. After about a dozen bouts, Greel motioned to me and another spawnling.


I knew this was coming, but I still was not happy about it.

Nonetheless, I began to ready myself for battle but the other simply charged at me, screeching furiously. As the keelish lunged for my neck, I darted to the side, into the clearing where the battles had taken place. As I took a deep breath in preparation of ripping into this filthy spawnling's side, I got my first true breath of the bloodied air.

[Bloodlust skill activated]

With a groan of… was that excitement? My sight began to literally go red at the edges, and, as natural as breathing, I let out a vicious snarl. My prey continued to approach, until, at the last second, I ducked under its snapping jaws and lunged forward myself. While I am in the body of a spawnling, I still retain decades of keelish killing experience. I knew where he would lunge, and, as he did, I swiftly sunk my teeth deep into its left arm. I then ripped it from my prey, glorying in the rich iron taste of blood.

"Ey, ey, ey, we got us a true keelish 'ere!" Greel shouted, his cavernous maw showing his teeth in what seemed to be the keelish equivalent of a grin. Dimly, in the back of my mind, I registered that I had passed this gruesome test, but I wanted more. Subconsciously, I threw my head back and swallowed the arm whole, then, ignoring the cries of pain from my prey, whirled back and threw myself at the cowering spawnling.

I ignored the shrieks for mercy as I bulldozed into the spawnling, knocking it to its back and exposing its belly.

"Oi! What're ya…!" It was too late for the other spawnling, as I, victorious, ripped its throat out, and screamed triumph to the skies as I licked the blood from my lips.

[Bloodlust skill deactivated]

Suddenly, I felt my stomach turn. Had I done that myself? No, it was the keelish inside, not me. It couldn't possibly be. I didn't do this… I WOULDN'T do this, right? I saw another notification appear, flashing in the top right of my vision, but between my nausea and Greel’s laughter, I paid no heed. Greel began to speak through his laughter, "Ey, yeh little shit, ye wasn't posed ta kill em!" Greel began to laugh heartily.

"Well, that there's yer dinner. Eat up!" I looked down at what was a broodmate of mine just thirty seconds earlier… and felt even worse. To distract myself, I read the message that still hovered in the corner of my vision.

[Young Keelish Bloodletter requirement, 1/10 complete]

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