《A Hermit's Life for Me》Chapter 2.4
Beatrice knew something was up as soon as Diana entered her vision. Her grey eyes narrowed when the noble ignored all of James's attempts of conversations. Vacant eyes wandered the academy, her mouth moving silently as she walked to the next class. The blonde would have routinely put up a mask of impassiveness. An impenetrable shield that deflected all the negativity towards her.
It lessened somewhat after her acquaintanceship with Alice and James, but it was still there. However, the prevalent aura of nobility she held seemed to have vanish. James informed her of Emilia requesting for Diana's presence. Whatever happened during her stay with the combat professor must have been truly mind-boggling if it could stun the noble like this.
Galahad nudged her gently. His face looked confused from this 'new' Diana. She only shrugged. She didn't know either.
"You see it too, don't you?" Alice quickly went to the root of the problem. The petite black-haired Wizard's eyes narrowed when Diana quietly entered the class. The noble ignored everything, from the wooden tables that neatly aligned the spacious room to the students that litter within its exalted walls
"Who doesn't," James entered the conversation immediately. He gave a wide smile as he pointed at all the confused students. Some of them, Beatrice noticed, were the middle class Wizards that normally attended classes with the blonde. "I wonder what happened during her stay with the professor." James jumped with excitement at the possibility of new drama. "Oh! Maybe she got in trouble and the punishment was so bad that it traumatized her. Maybe even went to the dungeons."
"I'm sure no dungeons were involved," Alice rolled her eyes when James squawked at her assumption, "and Diana isn't a troublemaker like you. I haven't seen her break a single rule during her stay here despite her worldview."
"You don't know everything about her though," James cooed. He grinned when Alice glared at him. "Face it. She probably did something when she was alone and the professors got word of it."
It certainly was a possibility but...
"I'm not exactly sure," Beatrice piped up as she entered the classroom. The three quickly followed. Something did happen yesterday. She will not deny that but it didn't necessarily have to be trouble. They took the seats in the middle of the classroom. A strategical location. They have a nice view of Diana who sat in the front right corner of the class.
Some might think that's borderline stalking but Beatrice would like to think it was worry for a friend, even if said friend didn't consider them one.
She turned towards the curious trio. "I think she looks more anxious than anything." She pointed at the figure of Diana and indeed they noticed a more impatient expression painted on her face. One of her legs seemed to be shaking up and down. Restless energy.
"She must have an appointment afterwards." Alice pondered quietly. "That or her mind is troubled."
"Guys, I'm telling you," James grinned as he waved his hands around. Speaking of restless energy, "she's definitely in trouble. Anxiousness could relate to such problems."
"And I'm telling you that she's not." Alice glared at James, the warning in her eyes more heated than before. Beatrice could understand why. James's loud, boisterous nature - even when whispering - could be heard by multiple people. Other people - especially those who initially disliked her - started to mutter. This is how rumors spread and James is not helping.
Thankfully Diana is too distracted to notice their conversation.
"Why don't we just ask her?" Beatrice steered the conversation to more safer territory. Any more words and Alice might start tackling James. "Just like we did with Mr. Spinel, we could deal with this with no problems involved."
"What?" James looked aghast at the suggestion. He loudly whispered towards them, "Do you know what being associated with her could look like to the people here. They may think we're related to the situation."
Leave it to James to think about his reputation. "It's better than just starting rumors." Alice reasoned. She glared at the blonde man. He raised his hands in surrender. "Besides, people have already associated you with her. All of us spend an abnormally large time together. They will link you to her."
The dawning horror from Alice's reasoning spurred him into action. "Damn it," James hissed before sighing, "alright you win." He slumped in defeat before raising his right hand. "However, now the problem is catching her attention. I don't know if you noticed but she basically ignored me."
Oh they noticed and if Diana could ignore James then she could ignore anyone.
Beatrice hummed. It might be better to wait until Diana's psyche was ready for conversation. That, however, would mean waiting and the rumor mill is already talking. They need to do something quick. No matter how irritating Diana is, Beatrice considers her a friend. "She won't listen to us so we might need to figure it out without her."
"How?" Alice asked.
That's the question. Beatrice narrowed her eyes. How? From what they've gathered, it's going to occur later. Probably. They're not completely sure and deductions are just that. Deductions.
Still...maybe they could use it to her advantage.
"Whatever she's doing, it's highly probably that it's something she has to do after classes."
It didn't take long for Alice to figure it out. "Are you suggesting we follow her?" The black haired, spectacled student raised an eyebrow at her plan. Beatrice shrugged at the insinuation. A very simple plan but sometimes simplicity is the best policy. Usually.
"It's the only thing we've got so far. Maybe she could lead us to the root of the problem."
Alice pondered her plan warily before sighing. "It's the only effective plan right now. I'm in."
Beatrice nodded before shifting his attention towards the blonde man. "And you?"
James chuckled before showing a thumbs-up. "Sounds fun. I'm fine with it, how 'bout you, buddy?" The last part was aimed towards Galahad who smiled and nodded at the question. James grinned. "Okay, sweet. So we stalk the noble and find our answers. Simple. Easy. Little risks. I like it."
Beatrice was about to correct him on stalking (it definitely wasn't stalking) but the door slammed open and a familiar professor entered the vicinity. Samuel waved at the entire class. "Good day, students! Please open up your books and turn to page 87..."
Beatrice clamped her mouth.
She'll correct him later.
Following a single entity in a crowded hallway with three other people trailing behind was rather hard. She should have anticipated such a problem but the hastily made plan was far from flawless. She had to simultaneously watch her friends while tracking the noble's movements.
It was harder than it looked.
Galahad, an experienced and trained man on the art of trailing twin sisters had no problems as he dutifully walked beside her. He was no problem. In fact, he was probably the most behaved of the three.
"Stop being so loud."
"What?! I'm not even speaking!"
"It's your presence. It's loud enough to fill the entire hall."
"I can't do anything about that!"
Her eyes quirked. Definitely those two.
Beatrice hissed at the duo, her hands forming into a hushing motion. "Can you two shut up for just a minute?" Both Alice and James went silent at the action before pointing towards one another. It was clear that both placed the blame on the other. The grey haired student sighed. If only they were as well-behaved as Galahad. She anticipated James's obnoxiousness but she expected better from Alice. She turned her attention towards their target.
Wait a minute.
"Where did she go?" James suddenly asked. He was the first to notice. His eyes scanned the crowd. The white pristine walls of Fernum-Magnum hid the noble among the students well. Beatrice took a deep breath before walking hastily forward. At the end of the hall split two paths. If they move fast enough maybe they could still find her in time. She could have only went in two directions.
She relayed this information to the group who easily complied. Galahad nudged her lightly, his eyes widening and fingers pointing. Beatrice turned towards the source. Towards the right, a familiar blonde figure was opening a door. They quickly trailed after her.
"I never expected stalking to be this hard." James struggled for breath as they sprinted towards the exit. The door leads to the rest of the campus. Diana was still strolling towards one path. A familiar one.
"This isn't stalking." Beatrice corrected. Her eyes tracked the noble's movements. If she kept walking in the same direction then that would lead her to the professors's dorms. "We're just following a friend with concerned intentions."
"Looks more like stalking to me."
Alice shushed the man before glancing at her. "She's heading towards the professors's dorms."
It seems the bespectacled girl figured it out. Beatrice nodded. However, that begs the question. "Why?"
"Looks like trouble," James pointed out. "Maybe she has to report to a professor." His eyes widened as a perverted grin blossomed on his face. "Oh! Maybe she's having some daring escapades with one of our teachers, if you know what I mean." What a pervert.
"Don't be ridiculous."
"You're an awful excuse for a human being." That's a bit too harsh, Alice. She couldn't deny her words though.
Galahad looked ready to bolt from their expressions.
"Hey!" James feigned offense at their words. Beatrice nodded alongside Alice as they shared a brief sense of comaraderie. Men. James could only mutter at their actions. "It was just a thought."
"An idiotic one." Alice sniped. Her lithe form radiated cold, silent authority. She couldn't blame her. "The professors here are too professional to even contemplate such actions. It would not only ruin but risk their research. No Wizard would want that."
"It could still happen."
"Highly unlikely."
"Unlikely doesn't mean impossible."
"Why are we even contemplating this?!" Beatrice hissed before pointing towards Diana who was getting farther away. They just can't ignore one another. Their verbal spars maybe amusing but this isn't the time! She ignored their quiet squawks of indignation and proceeded to follow Diana. Galahad took everything in stride as he worriedly looked at the crowd.
Gods damn it. Fellow students seem to be pointing at their direction. Their stealth is pretty much dead. "There is no point even trying to hide." Beatrice sighed. She seems to be doing that a lot lately.
"Were we even hiding?" Alice asked, her head tilting in confusion.
"We were supposed to hide?" Gods damn it James.
The grey haired woman ignored it in exchange for walking towards the dorms. They know that's where they're heading anyways. They might as well look normal instead of acting suspicious. Beatrice took a moment to list her discoveries.
It has been confirmed that Diana does have something to do after class. Said something could either be meeting with a professor for a briefing of some sorts, to confirm of her appearance before doing her punishment. However, professors could just meet her in some random building. Meeting in the dorms could be suspicious and, no matter how much she wanted to deny it, suggestive.
This could ruin her reputation. Why is she willing to go this far? She may have been distracted but she should have at least thought this through. No professor would willingly lead their students to their rooms without a reason. Oleander allowed entrance because of his worry for his friend. What reason could be of the same scale? She had no clue. This area is usually off-limits.
"Guys!" James suddenly waved his hands energetically. Beatrice glared at the man's action. James ignored it and opted to point at the origin of his excitement. She sighed before switching her attention.
Her eyes widened with horror, shock, and disbelief. Galahad and Alice had similar expressions. She could sympathize. Unlike James, who was ignorant of Mr. Spinel's location, they exactly knew what that door lead to.
The Hermit's Lair.
Diana expected a few things when being taught under the Hermit. She expected an unorthodox teaching style, outside of the norm of a regular professor. She expected him to be secretive, hiding several details from his explanation, things that she would need to have figured out on her own. She even thought that he may be winging it slightly. After all, from the impression he gave, she felt that he went through life like a petal on water, going through the motions.
But never in her life did she expect this.
As soon as she opened the door, an incoming egg was descending towards her. She widened her eyes, her arms scrambling for the moving object. Unfortunately, her experience with catching items were lacking. She caught it only to fumble a second later. The egg left her hands.
She widened her eyes with dawning horror as it stained her student outfit. One of the legs of her royal blue pants darkened as the yolk oozed towards the floor. Diana glared at the grinning man in front of her. The fool had the gall to watch her predicament with amusement. How da-no stop, Diana. Take a deep breath! She continued the action as she tried to calm herself.
'You're going to be taught by this man.' She repeated the mantra silently. 'You have to be polite. This can be ignored. Even if he's not my mentor, this will be a give-and-take relationship. Be the mature person! You can do this!'
Her mind stopped working as soon as another egg stained her suit. Her concentration broke. An egg was one thing. It could be forgiven but a second one is just asking for retribution.
She can't blame herself for what will happen next.
"You!" She had no words. Already, this was going worse than she anticipated.
"Me." He nodded. On his right hand he held a basket of eggs. He raised an eyebrow as if challenging her.
He was baiting her. She knew that. All of his actions indicated it as such. Then why is it so hard to ignore?! This is truly more challenging than she thought.
"Why not?" Aster grinned as he threw another egg.
She was ready for it. A sudden surge of power swam inside her. With a flick of her finger, massive gusts of wind deflected the incoming projectile, the fragile food item crashing towards one of the walls. It had no chance. Yolk splattered the surface. She clicked her tongue before returning her attention towards the Hermit, only to see the Wizard pouting.
The man had the audacity to pout!
"Well, you're no fun." He sighed before placing the basket on one of the nearby tables.
"I'm not here looking for fun, sir." Diana's words were clipped. Truth. She was here to learn, to discover a new branch of magic that might be her specialty. It was for that reason that she was willing to tolerate this kind of behavior. That's not stopping her patience from waning though.
It hasn't even been an hour and the man is already fooling around. Why isn't she surprised?
"Forgive an old Hermit for his misconduct, my lady," Aster drawled, a smirk blossoming among his face as he casually strolled towards her. Diana's eyes ticked at his words. She could hear the sarcasm bleed through his lips. "Surely, you must have expected this from someone of my standing."
She did, no matter how much she wanted to deny it, she did. Somewhere deep inside her, the teachings of her parents held an instinctive hold over her psyche. It struggled to reign control, to demand compensation for the Wizard's crude daring. It's only her iron clad will that clamped her desiring revenge.
'You're going to be taught by this man.' Her mind repeated the words as if scripture.
She gave a strained smile. "It may have crossed my mind."
Aster hummed in amusement. "Indeed." The Hermit waved his hand in dismissal before walking towards a wooden table. Supplies littered its surface, various magical concoctions positioned neatly in an organized manner. He clapped his hands together as he waited for her to follow. "I've got a few tasks to do and I wouldn't mind having an assistant. It will help give you an understanding of the routine in my lab."
Diana nodded, understanding his points. It was logical and precise, his comical side transitioning into a more serious demeanor. Maybe this wouldn't be that bad. Her smile became a bit more sincere as they started moving into a more professional procedure. "What do you need me to do, sir."
A small chill descended upon Diana as if warning her of incoming danger. The man's face split into a wide smile. She couldn't help but think that it showed more teeth than necessary.
"Oh, I've got a few ideas..."
Diana was having second thoughts as she muddled through the sea of dirt and grime. Her hands were stained with a deep brown taint as she bathed in an unending wave of nature's body. Earthen grain cloaked her once flawless skin. She stood, her back ramrod straight as a shower of decomposed waste continued pouring down upon her.
She didn't know how Mr. Spinel persuaded her to do this. She didn't even know how the man acquired such vast quantities of this stuff, but her dulled senses could only balk at the buckets among buckets that the Hermit filled with dirt. An empty space in the lab was used as the location for the spectacle. She winced as another bucket of dirt splattered across her ruined clothing.
The man must be sadistic. There is no other explanation for this treatment.
"Remind me again why I am doing this." She clamped her mouth as more dirt clashed with her suit.
"It's to get you suited for the environment." The Hermit's voice was somber and serious. It's as if he completely believed in what he was saying. "While there are several scenarios where we need a controlled, clean environment, Biological Manipulation can be extremely dirty."
Bullshit. What kind of reasoning is that?
"I'm sure there are other ways we can do to fix that." Diana's voice was nigh pleading.
"I assure you that this is the most efficient way." The man's face was passive as he threw another wave of grime. "It has been proven by various, reliable researchers."
"Your definition of reliable is questionable at best."
"Trust me," Amusement peeked through the man's emotionless mask. "I'm a doctor."
There was so much bullshit, it was palpable. Literally and metaphorically.
"No, I don't believe you are."
"Have I ever lead you astray?"
"Yes." Her response was deadpan. There were so many examples. Like right now. There is no real purpose for this kind of torment. He's mocking her. There's no other reason. He's throwing all his frustrations towards her, all his hatred for the noble perspective, he's aiming it at the easiest target. She knew relations between their kinds were bad but she didn't knew it was this bad.
Still, this is just the first day. Their relationship was strenuous and it wouldn't get better by storming out. She could endure this. Maybe he would actually do some magical research afterwards. Let him do what he wanted. Maybe when all the fun and games leave his system, they could start helping her develop her magical affinity.
The thought strengthened her resolve. Yes, she could do this! For her affinity, she would be willing to even bathe in dirt. She would lower herself to their standards if that is what it would take!
"Did you know there are approximately more than 100 million kinds of bacteria in every teaspoon of soil?"
"You want me to do what." Her voice was filled with dawning horror, strangled curiosity, and mute disbelief. She was still riddled with dirt. Her once royal blue attire was no more. In its place, a tainted, brown and green piece of cloth adorned her. She felt like a shell of her former self.
Mr. Spinel raised an eyebrow. "You heard me."
"Humor me." At least her snark was still there. Some things just don't change.
"Well, I brought a bit more than I actually needed." The man had the good graces to look embarrassed. He scratched his cheek as he stared at the astonishingly large supply of soil.
"Mhm." She slowly nodded, chunks of dirt falling off her hair at the action. She would click her tongue but she didn't want anymore bacteria invading her probably busy immune system. The man look unperturbed as he watched her unimpressed expression. He shrugged before pointing below her.
"I need you to clean up the mess here." His arms waved around the piled up soil around her. She clenched her fists at the order. He then motioned towards her body. "You might want to clean yourself too, now that I think about it."
'You think?' She bit her tongue as he continued explaining. Honestly, this man might be the death of her. "And why should I clean up your mess?"
"For training." He shrugged as he gave one of his irritating smirks. "A good researcher would clean up after an experiment, if only to make sure that no abnormalities might happen if left unattended. It risks health and safety of not only yourself but those around you."
Why does that make so much sense yet felt so ridiculously fake at the same time? She sighed before nodding. "Understood."
'You're going to be taught by this man!' The mantra was still in her mind as she accepted a broom, a bucket of water, soap, and a variety of cleaning supplies. His face held no emotion as he gave her the required items.
"Clean yourself up." The man patted her on the back, his face giving no reaction to her dirty state. "There's a built-in emergency shower in the lab. To the right of the entrance, you should see a white door."
She nodded in understanding as she obeyed his directions. At least the Hermit was willing to salvage the remnants of her dignity. He may be a sadistic bastard but at least he has some shred of compassion. She's willing to take any small mercies at this point.
'This could be your affinity!' Reminders of what she could learn kept popping up in her head every time she questioned her decisions. She's not wrong. This could be it and no malice from the good professor would deter her from her goals.
Just survive one session with him.
How hard could it be?
"Gods damn it!" She hurtled her body away as she dodged a barrage of electrical sparks. She instantly regretted her words as she weaved through the man's magic. On her hands, she held a mop, her face concentrating on cleaning the stains on the floor.
Cleaning should have been easy. It should have been a relaxing time compared to the earthen bath that the Hermit bestowed upon her.
She was so wrong. So indescribably wrong that it made her want to scream at the heavens. Of course, the Hermit wouldn't give her a single break. As soon as she left the shower with a spare researcher's garment on her figure, magic was sent her way. She didn't even know what was perspiring until the man cackled, 'clean!' Another test!
"Pray tell," she groaned as weak electric shocks bit her body, "what's the purpose for this one?"
"A good researcher should be able to efficiently do their respective task despite outside disturbances." He shrugged weakly. He's not even trying anymore. "While true multi-tasking is a difficult achievement without Mental Magic Enhancements, one studying Biological Manipulation should be capable of working around the limit of one task." He grinned. "That means fast reaction time and the speed to switch to different actions at a drop of a hat."
"Less talking and more working."
What a sadist!
She slumped down in defeat. "Finished..." The broom clattering on the floor as she gulped large breaths. She finally did it. She stared defiantly at the impassive Hermit. He stared down at her weakened form, his fingers cackling with controlled lightning. She closed her eyes before opening them once more, her shaking legs standing up to meet Mr. Spinel. She gave a smug smile. "I have finished, sir."
The man scanned the woman in from of him. He hummed as he pondered silently. It was a tense moment, the noble battered and tested grinning victoriously at the silent ruler of the lab. She went through arduous challenges, her thoughts scrambled, and her decisions questioned yet she still held firm. Sweat poured down her labored body but she couldn't care less.
She did it and the elation overpowered the sore feeling she felt.
"It seems you have." Aster finally gave one small smirk. His emotionless facade broke down and amusement glimmered through his face. She felt a bit lighter when the Hermit nodded in apparent approval. He was impressed.
She couldn't wipe the grin off her face. "I did it."
"Yes you did."
"There were times," she took a deep breath before continuing, "there were times where I wanted just give up. It felt like you were mocking me. All those tests, they were designed to fail someone like me."
"Yep," she spoke simply, all traces of nobility seemingly vanishing. She knew that was not true. She was just too tired to care for any semblance of discipline. "So many of those things you did, it had so many motives behind them. You forced me to the ground, lowering myself to you. I was baptized by the dirt I reviled. You made me clean like a commoner. It felt revolting but I think I understand what you're trying to tell me, professor."
Mr. Spine-no. Aster Spinel chuckled. "And what is it," he grinned, "that I was trying to tell you?"
"In this lab, I am not a noble." Understanding filled her. She felt enlightened. "Everybody is equal in the pursuit of magic."
He gave a secret smile. "There were so many opportunities for you to quit. You could have left before any of this could be brought upon you." Aster waited for Diana to nod before continuing, "so why didn't you quit?"
Ah, yes. Why didn't she?
What a loaded question.
Diana was silent. Her golden locks shifted as she pondered for an answer. After a full minute, she responded. "I have a goal." Diana watched as Aster listened to her words. "There is something that I really want. If there was even a single chance for it to come to fruition then I would take it. I would be willing to commit my mind, body, and soul for it."
"Even through all the punishment I gave you?" Aster questioned, his eyes narrowing. She nodded. "I could cause great torment. I could abuse, break, and stagnant your very own magical progress. For all we know, this entire endeavor could be useless." He waved his hands at the entire lab. "Are you saying that you are willing to take that risk?"
"An ordinary Wizard would have said no."
"Then I guess I'm not an ordinary Wizard." A manic smile split her face. Aster chuckled.
"Indeed." Aster's smile softened. "You passed."
"So it was a test all along?" A desperate laugh forced its way out of her. She knew something was up. Gods damn it.
"The main purpose of this challenge was to test your resolve." Aster shrugged. "I wanted a student that was willing to give everything in return for a branch of magic that might not give anything back. Biological Manipulation is a hard field to teach and study." He walked towards her. "It won't be beneficial for the both of us if we're not willing to give it our all."
It made sense. Painfully so. Yet, Diana understood the reason why. He's not her mentor but he's willing to take a portion of his time guiding her. He just wanted to make sure that she was truly willing to commit to a questionable branch of the arcane. High risk and low rewards.
"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow," she spoke, cheer evident in her voice. She nodded in acknowledgement, "sir."
"Be prepared." Aster grinned, patting her on the back as they walked towards the door. "I won't be going easy on you."
"I'd be offended if you didn't." Diana feigned a scoff before waving in farewell. She finally did it. Things are looking up. Mr. Spinel is finally acknowledging his teaching duties, she gained a new sense of purpose, and her mi-
"Uh oh."
There was a loud tumble as she opened the door. She jumped back, her mind already whirling with activity as magic surged within her. A large jumble of entangled mass slammed into the ground, a powerful thud reverberating across the room. She yelped at the four bodies that were laid throughout the entrance of the lab. What in the heavens is going on here!? She scanned the groaning forms, her royal blue eyes widening at the familiar faces.
Twin gray haired students stared back, nervous. A petite, black haired student gave a small nod and an annoying blonde waved at her. The commotion seemed to have caught her teacher's attention. Aster stepped forward, watching the scene with fascination.
There was a tense silence that no one present dared to break.
"Uh..." Beatrice shuffled nervously. "This isn't what it looks like?"
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