《A Hermit's Life for Me》Chapter 2.1
Blinding light met chocolate eyes. With a hiss, Aster instinctively pulled a blanket to cover his vision. He paused slightly as the white blanket cloaked his body. He slowly peeked at the room. His eyes narrowed in concern as he analyzed the contents. Everything was white from the medical supplies placed neatly in the desk across of him to the row of beds beside him
It didn't take a genius to figure out that he was currently in the university's medical facilities. Now the question of how and why he was here popped into his head. He was sure that nothing detrimental happened during the test. After surpassing it, all he remembered was just standing there, proudly basking in his accomplishments.
Then everything went blank. He winced as he tried to remember what happened next. All he could recall was the elation, the sense of victory that all researchers have when finally discovering a secret of the universe.
"So you're finally awake." A familiar voice disrupted his thoughts. He turned towards the source and found his redheaded friend leaning on the door. His golden eyes stared at him with the same firm yet caring concern. He gave a small shrug at Aster's quizzical stare. "To be honest, I expected you to be knocked out for at least a few more days."
Aster's confusion only increased. He glared at his friend. "Why am I here, Oleander?"
The redhead almost scoffed at the question. "Why do you think you're here, Aster?" He stared so intently that the Hermit almost felt exposed. The new professor took a deep breath before releasing it. "You fainted after the test. The staff took you straight to the nearest hospital room."
"That explains the why." Aster mused out loud. He examined his body, noticing clean white bandages covering his arms. A baggy, light blue medical gown was draped over his slim form. "Now tell me the how."
"Would you like the full list?" The question was obviously rhetorical. Aster kept quiet as Oleander continued. "Exhaustion, hunger, injuries and sleep deprivation." His friend glared at him as he listed the basics. He sighed in exasperation. "What a fool. A reckless, useless fool. If this is a normal Hermit's habits then thank god they aren't the majority."
Aster grinned at the friendly jab. "Dear friend, you know that I'm no ordinary Hermit." He pointed at his chest. He ignored the flaring pain that erupted as he smirked. "For one, none of them are as smart as I am."
"You are no ordinary Hermit." Oleander easily agreed. He nodded his head, a grin forming on his face. "None are as foolish as you are."
"You wound me."
"We're in a hospital." Oleander's flippant attitude was infectious. Aster laughed at his statement. Indeed they are. "We could easily patch you up if that was the case."
"Emotionally, not physically." Aster rolled his eyes. "Surely, even a heretic like you would know such logic."
"This is Fernum-Magnum, we could easily fix that too." Oleander smirked. Aster feigned a glare at the smug aura. Rich, good-looking bastards! The world revolves around them, the Hermit silently swore. "In fact, it wouldn't be too hard to call for one right now..."
Aster shook his head. He gave a cheeky grin. "Not even a Wizard adept at the Mind Arts could translate my genius. Your efforts will be in vain."
"It wouldn't hurt to try." Oleander shrugged. The atmosphere lightened as they continued their banter. "I'm sure there's a competent Wizard around here who could poke around in that deranged head of yours."
"You know what they say, insanity and genius are two sides of the same coin."
"That doesn't fill me with relief." Oleander's response was as dry as the desert. His mirthful eyes dimmed slightly. "The exact opposite, in fact. You were extremely reckless."
"There's no such thing as results without some effort."
"There's a difference between hard work and reckless abandonment."
"I don't see the difference."
Oleander glared at his vulnerable form. "Then you are a fool. How you haven't died yet could be anyone's guess."
Aster shrugged. To be honest, he didn't know as well. He steered the conversation before it could get heated. "How long was I out?"
"Just a day." Oleander's glare subsided slightly. Thank the gods for that. "I thought that it would take a week before you woke up." Oleander gave a small smile. "It seems that I was wrong."
"Of course you are. It takes more than that to bring a Hermit down." Aster crossed his arms and puffed his chest in pride. He ignored the flaring pain that erupted. "Youngsters these days. They don't know when to take a hit."
"You're quite young yourself." Oleander chuckled at his friend's antics. "You would be considered a part of their generation."
"There's always an outlier. I'm the exception."
"There are a ton of prodigies in the world, Aster."
"No one's like me."
Oleander paused as he thought of his words. Aster looked affronted when the redhead nodded in agreement. Hey! Even he could tell that he meant it in a negative way. His friend gave a thumbs up. "You're absolutely right. There's no one out there like you."
Cheeky bastard. Aster feigned a glare before continuing. "Don't say it as if it was an insult."
"With all the mess you made here, I'd be hard pressed to find someone that could do it again."
Aster looked at him quizzically. What did he do? He didn't do any significant damage during his stay in Fernum-Magnum. As far as he was concerned, he didn't blow up half the city. Maybe he did something while he was unconscious. "What mess?"
"Don't tell me that you don't know." Oleander raised an eyebrow in disbelief.
"Believe it or not, dear friend, but I was a bit preoccupied being strapped in a hospital bed."
His friend turned in red in embarrassment. "Good point." The redhead took in a tired breath before releasing it. "The ripple of your appearance turned into a full blown tidal wave after your success. The staff are practically exhausted from watching the student body."
"Don't tell me they're out for my blood." Aster groaned. One of the reasons why he even did this challenge was to get them off their back. He thought he took the roots before it could spark a mad dash for his head.
"Not exactly." Oleander winced at Aster's deadpan stare. "Most of the students are simply curious. They most likely wanted to know how you got out of that metal box." Oleander's golden eyes glowed with curiosity as he stared at his prone form more intently. "In fact, I would also like to know how you got out of that box. I've never seen that spell before."
"It's new. An odd form of cellular mutation. Made bacteria eat the metal for nutrients." Aster casually shrugged at the thought of his spell. It was a new creation that deviated from his egg manipulation. While he's nowhere near perfect in manipulating a large collection of cells, he's refined it to the point where he could use his magical senses to locate and change them.
"Hopefully, you had some sort of precautions." His friend gave a worried glance at him. What did Oleander take him for? Of course he created precautions. No one knew more about the threats of bacteria than him. He studied them extensively in his old lab for years.
Aster waved his hands in assurance. "I did. I manipulated their natural limiter so they die quickly after the metal is gone. I even created a magical limiter, a prokaryotic version of our body's apoptosis functions."
"I don't know what half of that means but I'll take your word for it." Oleander's trust in his expertise was readily apparent with these words. It makes sense. There's no one that knows about their field like Aster. If anyone else studied his type of magic then he has yet to meet them.
"You should. I'm a genius."
"At your specific field." Oleander nodded in agreement. The redhead smiled tauntingly. "But in other fields? Not even close."
He's not wrong, no matter how much Aster wanted to deny it. He gave a reluctant nod. Rich bastards and their prodigious talents. The world can be so unfair. He changed the topic. He was still curious about what happened while he was out. "Anything else happened other than the students contributing to the rumor mill?"
"Some professors wanted to meet you." Oleander was only too happy to change subjects. His eyes had an almost excited glint to them. Aster narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the statement. Oleander, noticing his caution, quickly continued. "Not for interrogation or anything like that. Many of them just wanted to congratulate your victory."
"I'll believe it when I see it." He gave a dry drawl to his assurances. The Headmaster probably gained a big boost of cash from his achievements. Sly and cunning bastard. He'll get the old man one day. It may not be today or tomorrow but it'll happen. He remembered the student explained her theory of the Headmaster's motive. Without that missing puzzle, he may not have predicted the old man's train of thought. Old bastard knew more than he should.
"You will." Oleander, ignorant of Aster's thoughts, assured his friend. "Emilia, especially. She kept insisting on meeting you." His friend's golden eyes had a playful look in them. Aster's suspicions grew. "She would have waited here but she had classes to teach."
"Now that I think about it, why are you even here?" Aster narrowed his eyes as his playful grin only grew. What is he thinking about. "You should be in class right now that I think about it."
"I probably do." Oleander's grin never dimmed though he did move to the exit. He gave a small wave. "I'll leave you to rest, Aster. Gods know you need it after what you put your body through."
"Me. Need. Rest. Now." He made a shooing motion with his hands. His friend laughed at his actions before finally leaving the vicinity. Aster sighed in exasperation before flopping down on his pillow.
Oleander's probably going to tell everyone that he was awake.
An hour later, did he really know how right he was.
"Excuse me, but is this Aster Spinel's room?"
Looks like his predictions were correct. He opened one of his eyes to see the perpetrator. Chocolate met orange eyes. Aster barely remembered an image that resembled her during the ceremony. A professor of some sort, considering that she sat with them during that event.
The blonde haired professor smiled brightly when she noticed him. Curses! He should have closed his eyes immediately after analyzing the visitor. He forcefully moved his sluggish body to an upright position. He gave a sigh. "You're in the right place."
"Perfect." She gave a content response before she moved towards one of the nearby chairs. Her orange eyes looked at him with a series of emotions that Aster couldn't identify. She raised one of her hands towards him. Looks like a handshake. "I'm pleased to meet you. I'm Emilia Lionel."
"Aster Spinel." He took the offered hand with suspicion. She elegantly took it with grace before giving a firm shake. He hid the wince as pain erupted from her actions. The woman seemed to notice it, however, as she immediately took her hands away. She must have keen eyes. "What do I owe the pleasure of this visit, Ms. Lionel?"
"Call me Emilia, we're peers after all." Now that he looked closer, she looked around his age as well. What's with Fernum-Magnum and having young professors? It doesn't make sense. Aren't teachers usually at their thirties at the very least?
"Alright Emilia." He gave a nod. "That still doesn't explain why you are here."
"Ah, you're right." Her cheerful face became serious. Her smile never diminished. "I just wanted to thank you."
"Thank me?" What did he possibly do?
"Indeed, I wanted to thank you." At Aster's confused look, she giggled. "There was a betting of sorts between some of the professors." People were betting on him? How cruel. Emilia's smile grew as she continued, "I also wanted to congratulate you." Her cheerful smile shifted into a concerned frown. "Though what happened after...are you okay?"
Aster was completely lost. He answered none the less. He nodded. "Most of my wounds are healed."
She let out a breath. She smiled. "That's good. When you fell, a lot of people were worried."
"I find that hard to believe." Aster quirked an eyebrow at her statement. A lot of people? Worried about him? No chance.
Emilia gave an enthusiastic nod. "It's true. Many of the staff wanted to ask you questions. Sponsors also wanted to meet you and I believe the students are currently looking for you right now."
"I'm sure it's more for personal benefits than for mine." Aster's response was dry. "I could believe Oleander, no matter how heretical he can be, but for anyone else there must be some motive to it."
"For personal benefit or not, people were worried. They even placed you in one of the private rooms of our medical facilities to stop visitors from interfering with your recovery."
'Then why are you here?' Aster silently mused, 'if the purpose of the room was to stop distractions then isn't her appearance a little counterproductive? She's currently stopping me from recovering right now.'
Of course, he didn't say that. He may lack tact but that doesn't mean he didn't know what was considered rude or not. Instead he said, "Is that why no student is capable of finding me?" At her nod, he continued, "I'm assuming the same doesn't apply to professors?"
She gave an embarrassed blush at his statement. She must have thought that he was thinking about her. "Ah, yes. All the professors know your location." Her red face shifted back to her normal hue as she continued. "But I promise that we won't disturb too much of your time."
"Uh-huh." His doubt was almost palpable.
She gave a nervous cough.
He stared at her.
She shifted uncomfortably.
"Did Oleander tell you I was awake?"
"Is he going to tell others?"
Of course.
Aster was completely different from the Hermit that she had in mind. His ruffled and messy brown hair and sharp eyes was different from the stereotypical grouchy, bearded hobos that the media pictured them to be. Not that she minded, she actually preferred this kind of Hermit compared to the latter.
She noticed the Hermit take a deep breath before dispersing it. His eyes looked resigned before he nodded in determination. Emilia widened her eyes when he stood up from his bed. She almost panicked at his actions.
"What are you doing?"
Aster stared at her as if the answer was obvious. "If people are going to keep pestering me, I might as well go to my lab. At least there, I can be productive."
Is this man mad? With his condition, she was surprised that he could even stand. "But your healt-!"
"Where are my clothes?"
She started at his interruption. "Excuse me?" Emilia stared at him with disbelief. Are they even on the same topic anymore?
"My clothes." He motioned at his light blue medical gown. "Where did they put it?"
"I'm not sure I should tell you." Emilia looked at him skeptically. He'll just leave the building once he has them. If she didn't reveal the location of his attire then he'd probably just stay put.
"Can't be helped then." He gave another sigh before slowly heading towards the exit.
"What are you doing?"
"Leaving," he parroted once more.
"Without your clothes?"
"I'm sure I have a spare somewhere in the lab."
A major headache started developing as she watched the man shamelessly leave the room.
"Here." The woman lightly shoved a set of clothes towards him. Emilia looked resigned to her fate as Aster took the clothes. It was a new set of a lab coat and dress pants with a button up, white shirt.
"Eh?" Aster gave a quizzical look towards the blonde woman.
"If you're going to leave no matter what I say then I might as well just give you the clothes." Emilia muttered. She looked exasperated at his actions. He ignored it as he went to the nearest bathroom to change. So his plan worked despite his doubts. While he would rather not walk towards his dorms with only a blue blanket to hide his nudity, he figured that if he tried then the woman has no choice but to follow along.
If one considers the fact that he was still injured then the woman cannot forcefully keep him here without prolonging his stay. The plan was a bit risky since he barely knew her and thus can't accurately guess her reactions but it was better than nothing.
At the very least, he would forced back into hospital custody.
He was not proud of this plan nor did he consider it cunning. It was filled with so many holes that it would make Swiss cheese look whole.
He exited the bathroom as soon as his clothes were finally adorned on his pale figure. He walked towards the exit of the building. He noticed Emilia following him. He gave a confused look.
At his reaction, Emilia responded. She glared slightly at his form. "If you are actually going through with this then I'll follow you to make sure that nothing happens to you." She sighed exasperatedly. "I won't be surprised if you fall from exhaustion."
Even better. With her leading the way then many of the medical officials would rarely question his leave.
She followed silently as he left the building. His feigned a confident and relaxed posture. If he looked healthy and active, barely anyone would question him. Sure, several of the officials might start searching for him once they notice his empty bed but if he moved fast enough, he could reach the lab and lock the doors before they could send a search party.
They were outside. His speed increased from a casual stroll towards a fast-paced speed walk. He noticed Emilia pick up the pace.
"This is a bad idea."
"I think this is a perfectly swell idea."
"That's the problem."
He ignored the slight, instead opting for the quickest route to the dorms. He glanced at the nearby students, several even pointing towards his direction. Damn it. There goes being incognito. Several of them are even moving this way.
What ever happened to privacy?
Ah yes, his Hermit life was disturbed. Now he remembered. Not his proudest moment.
"Mister Spinel!"
"A moment of your time, sir."
This is getting ridiculous. What happened to all the shy kids in school that don't go near adults? This is what he gets for staying in a school filled with prodigies. He brushed them all aside as they formed a crowd around him. The increasing wall of human flesh bombarded his prone form with words. He winced as the increasingly active crowd continued.
He held back a grunt of pain when one of them grasped his shoulder. Despite his appearance, inwardly he was hiding the damage. His recovery may have progressed splendidly but the severe wounds still littered his body.
His skin started paling and sweat started pouring from his skin. His breath labored, grasping for the available air.
To get beaten by a bunch of kids...
"What do you think you're all doing?!"
The crowd paused, the wall splitting like a sea. His savior glared at the growing crowd, an aura promising divine punishment radiated from her form. Like an avenging fist of the gods, she forced away the excited students. The orange eyes of his savior promised a punishment worse than death and no sane mortal being answered her challenging announcement.
The students dispersed, many of them backing away from his form. He took in a deep breath. Thank the gods.
"Is this how you treat an exalted guest of our reputable establishment?" Emilia sniped, her once cheery attitude replaced by a strict persona. "By dog piling his still recovering form?"
"No ma'am, we just wanted t-"
"Kill him?" She silenced the student. "Like I said before, the injuries he sustained were serious and severe. He's not healthy enough to answer any of your questions." Her orange eyes were like stone cold amber. "Do I make myself clear?"
Their bodies instinctively straightened. "Yes ma'am."
"Good." She nodded. She narrowed her eyes. "Now scram."
No other words gave relief to the students. Dozens ran as if the devil himself was after their sorry butt. Aster slumped in relief.
When the remaining students left the vicinity, Emilia's serious facade disappeared and shifted into the familiar concerned look. She strode towards him, her eyes roving his body for any more injuries. "Are you alright?"
"Are you god?"
"I just wanted to say thank you again." Aster sighed in apparent pleasure as soon as he stepped inside. He stretched his sore limbs as he inspected the familiar lab that he spent an entire week in. Aside from Oleander's books everything else looked the same.
Home sweet home. Well, for now anyways.
"It's fine." Emilia casually walked in. She smiled at the messy sight. "I'm used to unruly children."
"Because of your profession?"
"Hm...you could say that." She tilted her head in thought. "It's part of the job."
Aster chuckled. He could imagine that. This is why he preferred staying in his nice little house all by himself. Less distractions and even less brats. Crap. That made him sound old. "Never thought that it would happen in a place like Fernum-Magnum though."
"College is still college, no matter how famous." Emilia giggled. "Especially in my case."
"Indeed." Her smile grew. Her face softened and a far-away look descended on her eyes. "You could especially say that I have the unruliest of kids."
"I wonder what kind of subject you teach to warrant such a boast." Aster pondered out loud. Hmm...maybe sound-based magic? He could picture most of the students being loud and obnoxious. It could also be Pyromancy. Fire is very hard to contain after all.
"I'm the head instructor of most of the combat classes, specifically the Magic Knight program."
Aster started at the words. He ignored the flaring pain as he stared at Emilia in a new light. "Magic Knights?"
They are considered the greatest individual troops in Erasma. Most if not all of their magic are combat-based and every country to some degree own a version of their own. However, the size of the army is the smallest of the entire military force since the training and requirements are too arduous for a normal Wizard.
They've been coined the 'Witch Hunters' because of their tendency to be sent on Wizard slaying missions. To know that the cheery Emilia was one of them...
She crossed her arms and huffed with pride. Her infectious smile grew bigger and her eyes became focused once more. "Surprised?"
"More like scared." He gave a wary scan at her form. That explains the fear that many students displayed before. "I never knew Fernum-Magnum has a Magic Knight program. Combat classes? Sure but a highly-esteemed government program..."
"This is Fernum-Magnum, we have everything." Emilia shrugged. "I attended the program here and did good enough to graduate."
"Of course you did."
No. He pretty much accepted that most of the professors here are prodigies of some form or another. Aster shrugged. "Just a bit more wary. I was hanging around with a Wizard Slayer this entire time. Please forgive a Hermit for being a bit scared of the idea."
"I wouldn't hurt you." Emilia looked offended at the thought.
"I consider you a friend."
Now she's just pulling at air. A friend? Aster scoffed. "We just met."
Emilia pouted. "Does that make a difference?"
Actually yes, it does. A lot. But what does he know? He hardly had any experience. His only friend is probably one of the most tolerant guys around. Aster gave a weak shrug. His eyes went back to the once more familiar lab, his hands softly touching the tables that littered the room. He considered this place even more homely than his actual bedroom, a thought process actually similar to many of the Wizards of this generation.
Intelligence equals power. A common belief in the magical society.
A sudden sound entered his ears as he familiarized with his surrounding.
Oh? What's this?
"Hm?" Aster hummed as his hands brushed into a thin white, folded sheet of paper. The Fernum-Magnum stamp was emblazoned on its center. Words graced his eyes as he scanned the contents.
A letter?
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Arrival: Legends of Arenia Book 1 is now available on Amazon, Apple, Kobo, and Nook! Interested in the Audiobook? Find it on Audible! As for Book 2... new chapters are here! Legends of Arenia: Discovery chapters come out every Monday and Thursday for the rest of Book 2, and at 150k words, it's got some meat to it. Hope you all enjoy the next installment of the Sullivan family's Arenian adventures! The Sullivans are a normal family. But after being transported to the magical world of Arenia, normal isn’t a luxury they can afford. It's just another Thanksgiving for the Sullivans—until the walls disappear and they discover they are being transported to Arenia, a place where game rules are real and their Earthen ability to reincarnate grants them unlimited potential. Or it would, if the celestial administrator in charge of their case hadn't mixed up longitude and latitude and sent the wrong family. Oops. Too bad he already faked their deaths. Now scattered throughout the Arenian wilderness and armed only with their Tomes—books containing all of their skills, accomplishments, and quests—the family members must discover a strength they didn't know they had if they are going to survive long enough to find each other. Note: Contains some profanity and a turkey, but not a profane turkey. Personally, I'm fine with profane turkeys, but if that's where you draw the line, you should know there are none in this book. In fact, I'm going to promise you no profane turkeys for the entire series. That's my gift to you.
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