《Manabound: Arrival》Chapter 14 - Investment Opportunities
Investment Opportunities
Onas sat on a chair in a parlor next to Baron Varciel Iemes, having a drink from the lord’s personal stock. Taenya and Gwyn were having tea with the baron’s wife Katrina elsewhere within Castle d’Larton. They had been discussing the princess’s origins for some time, the baron was slowly coming to grips with everything Onas had revealed to his friend.
Varciel set his glass down, then placing his elbows onto his chair’s rests, he steepled his hands in thought. Looking up from behind his hands, he clarified, “So, let me see if I have this right Onas. The princess is from another world and appeared at the same time as the blue flash that evidently didn’t just happen here but everywhere. Next, she can do magic. She killed two of the bandits by throwing balls of fire that she created from thin air? We will come back to this. Is there anything else?”
Onas thought carefully, then answered, “She believes her mother is here somewhere. They were together when she was brought to our world. They didn’t appear together, which leads me to believe they simply arrived at different locations. However, I don’t have the slightest clue where.”
The noble nodded. “Onas, are you absolutely positive she’s a princess? Anything we do will be scrutinized. We can head off a lot of that, but she will be interacting with high nobility. The amount of investment that will be needed…”
“I am convinced. She spoke extensively of her home and her daily life. It has all the telltale signs of someone that lives in a position of privilege. Her mother has servants, she leads clients and orders them around, and she mentioned how her mother traveled all over the world, and people from other nations would come to meet her for her opinions.”
Onas sighed before continuing, “The princess has private educators that assist her with learning other languages and with her schooling and she attends a secure Academy that her mother selected for her. She spoke about how she was required to meet with private tutors who assisted with the proper way to speak. She gave examples, and it was clear just from the way she interacts and speaks, that she has had etiquette lessons.
“I even asked her questions commoner children wouldn’t know, and sure enough she was able to answer all of them. Her mathematics education is quite advanced and broadly applied, even for nobles three times her age here. Knowledge that can be readily applied to economics, logistics, architecture, and possibly even warfare and siegecraft. Yet clearly, she comes from a different culture. Based on the level and scope of the math alone, I’d say she was being readied for governance. Lastly, she has a mind for the arts and mentioned she takes lessons in several musical instruments. Unfortunately, they are ones that I am unfamiliar with.” With an exhale, Onas concluded his explanation.
A half a minute passed in silence as the baron contemplated this information before he sighed. “So there is a Queen out there, searching for her daughter. With potentially unknown abilities. Onas, you cannot tell any of the other nobility about Princess Gwyn’s magic. They will try and forcibly marry her into their houses after the initial upheaval the actual existence of magic will bring. The report Taenya made with the guard will stand as it neatly avoids any mention or possibility of what the princess did. Her having the ability to use said magic will change much, but she doesn’t have proof of her blood. We will have to work together to ensure she is taken care of.
“I suspect you have told me this because you do desire my assistance?”
Onas nodded while sipping his drink. “I believe there is much to gain, the girl is intelligent and the knowledge she holds at such a young age is astounding. I can only imagine what we stand to gain upon meeting her mother after caring for and protecting the daughter.”
The baron tilted his head. “I think we should go back to the magic issue. Magic and miracles have historically been the purview of the gods. Are you suggesting…”
Onas shook his head. “No. I watched her launch the fire. Varciel, she did it. The princess can call upon it at will. I am certain that whatever happened, she is not an agent of the gods.”
“How are you so sure?”
“She’s not even from our world, my friend. You know I’ve never been a devout follower, but this is something else. I can’t quite explain it. Everything just feels different since the Flash. Do you feel it too?”
His friend took another sip of his drink before placing it on the table beside him. “I don’t know, Onas. I don’t. I can’t tell if something is different or if I’m just anxious.” He chuckled. “Or if it’s heartburn. What I do know, is that this is knowledge that should be controlled.”
Onas considered what the baron had said, and then drained the rest of his drink. “I agree, but we need to be at the front of this. Just like our business in the past. When have we ever shirked away from risk? Never. This is something new and exciting. The princess presents us with opportunities. If we can benefit just from assisting a young girl? Should we not?”
Varciel nodded, agreeing. “You’re right, of course. We both stand to gain a lot from this, Onas, but we have to play it right. She needs to look legitimate. You have ample funds, but I will contribute. I will also release two of my knights to her protection and service. It isn’t much, but perhaps you can work with them to hire support personnel and guards they can command. She will need quite the retinue, but that can come in time. Your household in Strathmore may not suffice, she can utilize mine and its staff to get started. I don’t go there enough as it is. I can purchase something more modest for future business.
“Taenya, I think… Yes, I believe the service she has done for my land in fighting that group of bandits warrants a knighthood. She can learn from the two I send with Her Highness, then perhaps you can release Taenya to join in the princess’s service?
“It may help if you, for the time being, remain in Strathmore, my friend. Focus on growing your business. You may have to take on the appearance of organizing Her Highness’s merchant assets and trade.
Onas considered. “That will help, however, we need to figure out a way to secure something better. While I loathe to lose Taenya, having her gain a knighthood and take on the protection of the princess would benefit us all. Also, Varciel, your standing is known, while you are indeed quite wealthy for a baron, you’re still just a baron and I a merchant. We will need an ally of higher standing.”
Varciel gestured in acknowledgment. “You are right, of course, she is nine. Correct?”
“Yes, she mentioned that her tenth birthday would be coming in the next couple of months.”
Smiling, Varciel snapped his finger. “I got it. The Royal Academy in the capital. A student needs to be eleven to attend. We can get her to attend with us as her sponsors, and we can work with the administration to ensure it is anonymous. We can combine funds to purchase a manor in Avira. I will reach out to my contacts in Meris as well. I may be able to get some additional support for her from there. They are more apt to assist a foreign royal who is trying to traverse Aviran politics.”
“That will work, I can arrange transportation. I will also provide coin to Taenya to secure additional personnel. If I take on the appearance of being a sworn agent of the princess, I will need to register it with the duchy and ensure I payout to the princess as that will be audited.
Rubbing a hand through his hair, Onas continued, “You’re right. I will need to remain in Strathmore for the time being. That will allow me to assign Keston to Her Highness as well.”
Standing up, Baron Iemes grabbed and finished his drink before reaching out a hand to his friend. “Come Onas, we have much work to do, but we stand to come out the other side with far more than we entered it.”
Onas reached up and grabbed hold, allowing the baron to pull him to his feet. “That we do… That we do, my friend.”
Taenya was nervous. Dinner was a stately affair, the baron had pulled out all he could to impress Gwyn. The discussion went well enough, Gwyn and Lord Iemes spoke of her home back in her world. Lots of excitement poured forth when the Princess demonstrated her magic by hovering a ball of fire over one hand and caused surprise–especially in Onas and Taenya–when she caused the water to start to freeze within a pitcher.
The meal ended with the baron asking them all to attend to him in the main hall, which brought them to where Taenya was standing. She looked up the stairs where Baron Iemes sat on his modest throne. Gwyn was standing to his right with a big smile on her face as she looked at Taenya, Onas stood behind and to her right. To the Baron’s left stood two of his knights, both were high elves, a woman with dark brown hair and a man who had blonde hair. Both looked about the same age as Taenya and wore their full armor, without the helmets. Taenya startled slightly as the baron addressed her.
“Taenya, loyal head guard of my friend Onas.” he gestured to the merchant. “You have provided him years of service and protection. You have also done my land a great service in ending the predations of a large group of bandits upon my roads. Further, you have done all you could to ensure the safety and comfort of Her Highness Gwyneth.
“That brings us to this, a small token of my house to honor both you and Her Highness. Taenya, Kneel.”
Taenya’s heart was in her chest, as she knelt on one knee and clasped her hands together. She couldn’t believe what was happening, but before she could think more about it, the baron continued.
“By the power granted to my House by the Duchy of Tiloral,” he took out his sword, placing it on her shoulder. “I charge you with protecting Her Highness and joining in Her service. Though I pass your fealty to Princess Gwyneth, your person and honor shall always uphold the virtues of the Barony of Larton for your actions reflect upon my name.”
He placed the sword on her other shoulder. “Speak your oath to your liege.”
Taenya took a deep breath and looked Princess Gwyn in her eyes. “I promise on my faith that I will in the future be faithful to Her Highness. To never cause Her harm and will observe my homage to Her completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit.”
Princess Gwyn stepped forward as Baron Iemes removed the sword. “I dub thee Ser Taenya Alea Shavyre.” He moved to the side, as the princess moved in front of Taenya.
Placing her small hand on Taenya’s cheek, she spoke softly, with a level of seriousness beyond one would expect of her age, “You’re a knight… I just wish Raafe were here, but I am happy you are. I will protect you, Ser Taenya, we’re going to find my mother together. Rise, my knight.”
Smiling, with tears welling in her eyes, Ser Taenya Shavyre rose, bowing her head to her princess. “I will be by your side always, Your Highness. We will find your mother.”
Nodding, the princess turned around, Ser Taenya moved to her place at her side and half a step behind her.
Baron Iemes smiled. “Princess Gwyneth, allow me to introduce Ser Sabina Dominis and Ser Theris Rhodan. I release their service to my house and with their consent pass their fealty to House Reinhart.”
Taenya watched wide-eyed as both knights saluted then took a knee, Ser Sabina speaking up, “Your Highness, it would be our honor to enter into your service under your Knight-Captain. To protect you and yours, and to journey with you as you search for your mother and establish your House in a new world.”
Princess Gwyn looked between the two then smiled. “I would be happy to have you with us. Thank you. Taenya, could you help them please?”
Taenya started, noticing Gwyn’s look and silent request of please handle this for me, we didn’t practice this. Taenya was proud, Princess Gwyn had handled herself well for one so young. She stepped forward, Taenya addressed the two knights, “Welcome to House Reinhart. I look forward to working with and learning from both of you.” She held her hand out to Ser Sabrina, who took it and stood. Taenya then turned to Ser Theris and did the same.
Chuckling, Taenya added, “It seems I will need to procure some new armor.”
Baron Iemes laughed, “Now, Ser Taenya, that is something a lord should provide a new knight. I believe we can outfit you properly in your new House colors.”
Two days later, Gwyn was sitting in a new carriage, and Mr. Onas followed behind them on his merchant wagon. The nice baron had given it to her–well her House Reinhart as he called it–and it was really lovely. Taenya was sitting in front of her, talking about everything that would happen soon. They were traveling to Mr. Onas’s home, Gwyn’s two new knights were riding outside with the new guards Mr. Onas had hired. Keston was on the bench in the front of her carriage, sitting with a man Taenya had hired to be the driver.
She looked up as Taenya finished what she was saying. “Taenya, I’m sorry. I didn’t hear anything you said.”
Taenya sighed. “Gwyn, this is important. We have a lot to go over.”
Gwyn let her head fall back against the seat behind her. “You sound just like mom. I know I have to, it’s just so much right now. Can you just tell me again, I’ll listen this time.”
“Fine, we will get to Strathmore, there we will establish the House more formally, this will also allow us to get the word out about it. We will also mention that your mother has access to any of the House assets. Hopefully, your mother will get word of your well-being that way. The Baron and Onas have provided enough funds for us to start–at least modestly. It will be enough to get you situated.
“Baron Iemes will sponsor you to get into the Royal Academy, this will help you establish yourself and the House more securely. Lastly, it will allow us to inquire more into the flash that brought you here. The most knowledgeable scholars within the kingdom will be at the academy. They should be able to give us more information–information that will help us locate your mother.”
Gwyn nodded as she absently twirled her hair around a finger. “I need help to learn all the fancy noble stuff for here. It was really difficult with the Baron.”
Taenya agreed. “We’ll find someone in Strathmore, someone who can tutor you before and on our way to Avira.”
Gwyn was glad, although she would definitely need to work on everything. Ever since she had arrived in this world, it was as if she was stronger, and her thoughts were clearer. Though, after the fight, it was as if something in her mind had woken up. Something that she couldn’t really explain, or even understand. It was like the fight had taken what Gwyn had gotten so far and unlocked more. She’d always been pretty smart compared to her classmates, but she used to have to try hard at certain things. Now she could do things in her head quickly, stuff like math, and figuring out what to say or do. She was also happy that she was able to remember everything easier. It would help as she learned whatever she needed to.
She had more help now, and three knights that would be with her. Gwyn Reinhart missed Raafe, she wished he had gotten to be an actual knight. Raafe though… he would always be her first knight. She looked to where Raafe’s Legacy lay on the shelf above Taenya’s head and knew she would never forget him.
Her eyes drifted out the window, thinking that while some bad things had happened, maybe things were starting to go in the right direction as well.
Gwyn had surprised Taenya and Onas when she had shown them she could make ice. She had been working on it a lot, magic just came easily for her. It took a bit of concentration on what she wanted, then it would finally click in her head, and it would all get easier. She wasn’t sure how much more she should or could learn, but she wanted to find out. Her magic inside of her swirled in a dance of red and blue.
She looked to her hand where the orb of fire rotated around an orb of ice, it took work, but she continually pushed magic into the ice to make sure it didn’t melt. Taenya’s eyes were wide.
“We’re going to find her, Taenya. I don’t care what I have to do and I’m going to learn more magic.” She said with a nod, determined. “No one will keep us from finding my mom.”
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