《Re:Lovely》Chapter 16: Day 49 ~Choices, choices, choices...~


Day ~49~

After a long bath and to Melody's surprise, an interesting breakfast, seriously she'd never considered food being involved in the process before, after all of that Melody got on with the next part of training. Heat and Cold resistance for rough climates, Melody told Rea not to rely on [Thermoregulation] all the time since it messes with her metabolism. So without further ado Melody shoved Rea into a cold storage area filled with water spirit stones. After stating that she should knock to be let out when she'd learned the ability, Melody shut the door behind her. After snagging a few spirit stones, Rea sat in the center of the cold storage area and began to think about various things. Thinking that she might gain the ability quicker in the buff, Rea removed all of her clothing and packed it away into her enchanted container.

Twenty terrible minutes later...

Ability [Cold Resistance Lv. 1] learned.

Rea waltzed up to the exit and proceeded to knock with a fury. When Melody swung the door open Rea walked past her and did a delighted twirl. Melody could only gape... she really should have expected this. The cold had made certain parts of Rea's anatomy harder and very, very sensitive... Melody obviously took advantage, when Rea first felt the warmth of Melody's hot lips against her flesh she instantly gave in. Rea would later recount this particular tale to Meril as melting into someone's arms, literally. A few hours later, as evening was approaching, the two lay in front of her fireplace wrapped in the fur rug Rea had once admired. Unfortunately Corn had decided to return home and apologize to his mother after spending a night in the stocks. The sight of a giggling Rea and listless Melody sent Corn running.

"I dare say he was not expecting to find us in the living room?" Rea claimed playfully.

Melody absently buried her face into the fur rug, "Shut up... seriously, what am I doing?"


Melody bopped Rea on the head, "Very funny, I need to get myself in control here."

Rea cocked her head sideways, "I think typical hardcore casual sex is great, there was even a song about it where I come from."

Melody rolled over on top of Rea at that point, "You're not helping."

Rea giggled and snaked a hand up Melody's inner thigh, "I'll never help your self control, it's a fact of life."

Melody gave in and surrendered to her at that point, Rea began to massage the woman and thoroughly enjoyed watching her expression as she tried not to holler. Melody was too distracted to notice it, but Rea had to chuckle ruefully and silently apologize to her partner when Corn opened the door and took off running again. I guess he expected us to be decent this time? This is definitely not the side of his mom a kid should have to see, haha.

A while later the two were both clothed and eating an early lunch of assorted fruits and cooled milk. Once they had finished Melody took Rea to another room, this one was a frickin' sauna. Rea walked in this time and sat down on the nearest wooden bench. Before Melody could shut a door on the still stark nude ophidian, Rea spread her legs and began to move hands suggestively along her curves.

Melody gaped, "Seriously..."

Rea grinned as her chest heaved, "I'm helping you train your, *ahn*, self control. Just, *ahn ahnn mmn* walk away."

"Fuck me..." Melody really couldn't give a damn anymore and decided to join Rea in the sauna room. "You're gonna drive me insane."


Rea laughed as Melody mounted her, "I'll try my breast... I mean best."

*ahaha* "You're the worst..."

Rea looked visibly shaken for a moment at that phrase, her playful expression became slightly pained, remorseful, "The worst is better than me."

Melody was at a bit of a loss with Rea's suddenly serious attitude, but giving the subject any deeper thought was impossible while being ravaged by a voracious ophidian.

Ability [Heat Resistance Lv. 1] learned.

[Job-Survivalist] Level 13!

Ability [Minor Elemental Resistance] learned.

Rea looked down between her legs and let Melody finish what she started before telling the woman that she had learned heat resistance. From that point the two went straight to a nice cool bath and just relaxed.

Rea snuggled in closer to Melody as they lounged about in the cool water, "I really enjoy learning abilities with you much, much more."

"Hahaha, of course you do... can we really call all of that training?"

Rea gave her a playful smile, "It got the job done didn't it?"

Melody looked skyward and let out a sigh, "I guess it did."

"So what's next?"

"Balance," Melody glanced at Rea to see if she had already gotten it, "this one is pretty straightforward... what?"

Rea grinned, "I was trying to think of a way where I could enjoy learning balance with a partner..."

Melody blushed a bit, "Let's not pervert your training any more than what happens naturally, going out of your way to do that seems a bit wrong."

Rea reluctantly agreed and perched herself on the tub’s side to grab a towel, just before she could reach it Rea decided to wiggle her bottom at Melody. The woman was still feeling fulfilled at the moment and just flipped Rea face first out of the tub. Rea shot a bloodied nose glare up from the floor at the still lounging Melody. "See, if you had balance that would've been much more difficult for me to do."

When Rea finished drying off she proceeded to pick up Melody's towel, walk to the bath, and drop it in the water as Melody gaped at her. Realizing that Rea was walking out of the door wearing the only other relatively dry towel Melody dove at her and tore it off before Rea could escape. The two were now laying in a tangled mess on the living room rug, half soaking wet.

Rea and Melody began to laugh like crazy, "You know if my goddess friend is watching she'd have Corn show up again right about now."

Melody gave her an amused grin, "Goddesses don't do such small things for kicks, *click* *gasp!* *pitter patter pitter patter* ... I hate your goddess."

Rea silently thanked Airi and got back to business, "I'm just glad every time he spots me nude I've got my back facing away or against the floor, soooo balance?"

Melody looked down at herself, "Right, let's get decent first though."

Rea looked at the now wide open door, "Couldn't we just give the neighbors a show?"

*ahahahah* "Put your clothes on before I rip those sensitive scales off."

A cold sweat ran down Rea's spine, "Yes ma'am!"

Rea obediently put her clothes on, she really wouldn't be outside streaking anyways, you know secret identity and all. With that done she followed Melody out the door and started to get hyped up for the new ability. So far every time she had learned one it was like being hit by a sudden adrenaline rush. Suddenly being able to do something you couldn't before, or being significantly better at something in a single moment. In her previous life [Psychometry] had come in handy, but that was all that she had. Rea was seriously looking forward to this world where she could gain seemingly endless amounts of abilities. Something was bugging her a little about the whole process so far though, she was sure these were gonna help her survive in the wild, just not against monsters. Oh right, I'll train for combat at the academia... patience grasshopper


"Melody, what's the balance training?"

Without looking back towards Rea as Melody led her to their favorite barn, she answered calmly, "You'll be up on the beams near the barn's ceiling, walk, sit, spin... this isn't a tough one to get... what?"

Melody had picked up on Rea's pouting, "I was expecting something cool like jumping across wooden four by fours jutting out of the ground at all sorts of angles while dodging flying bean bags or something."

*pfthahahahaha* "No, no, no, this is basic training, you can do something like that at a more advanced stage, for now you walk on beams..." Melody noticed Rea's giddiness, "...please don't run on the beams, I'd rather not spend my night at a priestess clinic."

Rea snapped her fingers in a single swift motion, "Awwww, darn it."

As usual the pair were in the barn, Melody took to immediately setting up the ladder... she wasn't sure how she felt about leaving the troublemaker a few meters off the ground alone in here while she went back to work.

*gasp!* "...Seriously?" Melody had turned to find Rea was once again in her birthday suit.

Rea calmly walked by the woman and ascended the ladder as she watched, once Rea was up on the main beam she called out, "Now, you could just walk away, or... you could find out how it feels to have vertigo." Rea licked her lips suggestively, "Choices, choices, choices."

Melody let an outward sigh slip as she began to disrobe, "I've given up on self-control as far as you're involved Rea, just do me a favor and stop tempting me constantly after this."

Rea let out a hearty laugh, "Of course."

Melody looked on with a completely vacant expression, "liar."

As a fake pout graced Rea's lips she cocked her head and spoke, "In the best ways though, right?"

Melody crawled out on the beam towards Rea, "This is insane."

Rea giggled childishly as the woman ran a hand along her abdomen, "This is living."

Ability [Balance Lv. 1] learned.

Rea was enjoying the newfound sensation so when she first got the ability she didn't bother to inform Melody...

Ability [Balance Lv. 2] learned.

As Rea curled her toes and let out a silent scream she thought, Just a while longer...

Ability [Adrenaline Rush] learned.

Ability [Balance Lv. 3] learned.

Rea let a very long sigh of content slip as she sat next to Melody with a head resting on the woman's shoulder, "I thought we'd light the barn on fire for a minute there, what's next?"

Melody gave Rea a skeptical look, "Didn't that take longer than usual? It's almost sundown."

Rea averted her gaze, "I totally don't have balance level three right now."

*ahahaha* *smack* After reprimanding Rea, Melody descended the ladder,

"Owwwww, that was mean... where ya going?"

Melody had already started to put her clothing back on, "I've got animals to take care of, get to work on the next one alone."

Rea draped herself over the edge, "Solo has never really been my thing Melody, that's your thing remember?"

Melody blushed furiously and didn't even bother to look at Rea, "The next one is fasting, you'll work on satiety... it isn't easy but getting level one won't kill you."

Rea cringed at the memory of her first near death experience, "To be honest I got locked in a cell when I was younger, I was meant to starve to death... I've already got plenty of that ability."

Melody did bother to give Rea some attention at that point, but she was still curious, "What warranted a death sentence?"

"Well you know I'm not human, I was born a lizardling..." Melody chuckled awkwardly, knowing it is one thing, hearing it is another altogether, "... anyway, there's this test where they throw the children in a pool of water to cull out the weak," Melody seemed obviously bothered by that, "I was the first out of the water but instead of taking my reward I dove in to save the others, so I was punished."

Melody smiled warmly and tried to ignore the fact that Rea was still stark raving nude, "I'm glad you did it, even if it almost got you killed."

Rea returned her gentle smile, "I'm glad I did to..."

Melody raised an inquisitive eyebrow, "How did you become so human Rea?"

Rea laughed, she really loved to tell this part, "I found "Misadventures Vol.1 "The Misadventures of a bored Succubus", and a book on the written Vestlei language, it motivated me to learn."

Melody gave her an annoyed glare and turned to leave, "That explains a lot, well if memory serves you've got all of the basic survival aid skills. The only other thing kids do during their education, which you somehow breezed right through, is physical training. Most kids have some idea of the sort of job they wanna take, so they further their education themselves. You could train your body in a way that you think might help, or you could go straight out there and find an apprenticeship in your chosen craft. I think we're done here."

Rea was happy and a bit sad, "... I can still visit right?"

Melody let on a sly smile, "You will always be welcome here... unless I get remarried, then we might have problems."

Rea cocked her head, "I'm not really opposed to threes... *Pow*," Melody had heard what was coming out of Rea's mouth and instinctively threw the nearest thing, a clay milk jug, "wooooaaaahhhh...."


Melody, realizing what she'd just done, ran to the lifeless ophidian's side, "Rea, Rea, are you alright!?"

Rea sat up with uncanny vigor, "I feel alright... is that normal?"

They both gaped at Rea's raised right arm, bent at an entirely wrong angle...

"I am so not looking forward to when this starts to hurt..." Rea gave Melody a perplexed expression, "... that was mean, you got my good arm."

Melody could see the pain starting to show, "Sorry, I wasn't thinking and you started to say something absurd, come on let's get you to doctor Wyrmwind's clinic."

Rea sighed, "We'll have to go to another clinic, she's still angry about doctor feel good."

Melody gaped, "Is that why you asked me to check in on my doctor once in a while!?"

"Ahahahahaha... ah... owowowwowow, oh the pain, the agony, oh... I'm dying!"

Melody gave Rea a flat look and picked her up in a princess carry, "Shut up Rea, before I break the other arm."

Rea went wide-eyed, "You wouldn't!"

"Try me," she challenged.

"Umm.. I know you're used to seeing me like this but could we go back to the barn and put on my clothes first?"

Melody stopped in her tracks, "Oops."

Rea managed to get [Major Endurance] before the night was over and her arm was back to normal. Pain still hurt but at least she could still function through a decent amount of agony. Getting Melody to try on a nurse's outfit when the doctor left them alone was an added bonus, Rea cursed her broken arm because Melody took the opportunity to perform another solo show, the woman enjoyed seeing Rea vexed for once.




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