《Re:Lovely》Chapter 8: Day 30 ~Shivers~


Day ~30~

Rea was getting tired of [Insomnia] at this point, if it hadn't saved her life before she'd be cursing right now. Not being one to pass up an opportunity she decided to cause some early morning shenanigans.

Thirty minutes, one lecture, a torn nightgown and two more potential chapters worth of material for volume six later...

Rea now stood at the wardrobe as Meril lazily remained in bed. She really wasn't sure what to wear... nothing was gonna cover her scales completely and sadly her black snakeskin gear had begun to fall apart. Deciding that she'd just wear whatever and fix the gear before leaving the confines of this mansion Rea turned to Meril, "What should I wear?"

Meril, an avid consumer of local fashion, rose immediately at the chance to dress up a beauty like Rea. This left the ophidian a bit miffed. Rea sincerely regretted the decision to ask Meril after the first ten minute of trying on bustiers...

One hour, thirteen bustiers, four tank tops, three shirts, seven sleeveless vests, eight shorts, three pants, four skirts and sixteen belts later Rea was dressed.

"You look great in my clothes Rea, it's a shame you're a little shorter than me..."

Rea looked right at Meril and said something she would sincerely regret for the next ten minutes, "The chest area is a bit tight."

Ten minutes, three silent curses, seven giggles and one very angry woman later Rea was undressed.

Meril was fuming a bit as she tussled through her wardrobe looking for something, Rea was slightly taken aback by the normally docile woman's behavior. But, in the end, Rea decided not to let a good opportunity go to waste, "That was much more like it Meril, I'd almost forgotten how it feels to have someone tear my clothes off, it's usually the other way around."

"Shut up"

Rea, feeling like she'd stepped on a landmine desperately tried to appease Meril, "They're not that small," Meril was giving Rea the [Death Glare] now so Rea went for broke... *grope* *grope*, "I really, really like them," and just like that the blushing maiden was back.

Three minutes, seven slaps and one thank you later Meril was back to tussling through her second wardrobe. "Found it!" a moment afterwards she pulled out a long black and white high quality fabric while tossing it over the nude, scolded and sulking Rea. "This'll look great on you."

As soon as Meril had finished Rea was on cloud nine. She had always admired Japanese kimonos, and now she was wearing this beautiful clothing that reminded her of them. She was also pleased with the design of full white with black floral hibiscus patterns spiraling along her sleeves and back. It only took her a few minutes to stitch together a long black snakeskin choker to cover her neck. Now if Rea could just resist the temptation to ask someone to pull her sash she would gladly explore the town wearing this. Rea gave Meril a big hug and decided to thank the woman for this incredible gift, "I love it Meril."

Meril, having forgotten Rea's various antics replied, "I'm glad you like my clothes, you can have the ceremonial garb. I don't think I can wear it anymore after seeing how great it looks on you."

Now even happier than before Rea whispered, "as thanks I'll let you take it off of me tonight."


Kneeling down and clutching the top of her head in pain Rea could only chuckle as a blushing maiden fled the room. Rea followed suit after taking one last stolen glance at Nathan's armor. She was happy to see the Meril had put it on display in her own room.



Having caught up to Meril, on the foyer stairs, Rea slowed her pace and followed obediently along. She could smell something vaguely reminiscent of a delicious home cooked breakfast. As they entered the room she had spent yesterday evening in Rea quickly took hold of Meril's sleeve. Meril turned back and gave her an inquisitive look to which Rea explained after taking another glance at the red haired visitor who was eating breakfast with Lark, "I may have to break that promise Meril, I'll be somewhere else tonight."


Clutching her head once more she looked up at the malicious offender, "I was just kidding, you're the only one for me!"


Ability [Masochism] learned.

Startled by a sudden violent noise, and confused by the ensuing state of affairs. This visitor approached Rea to introduce herself, "I've heard a little about you already from Lark, my name is Ella Wyrmwind."

Looking up from the ground Rea grinned slightly, "I usually don't look up a woman's skirt before I introduce myself... but for you, I'll make an exception."


Feeling like that was just about enough for now Meril left as Rea rolled back and forth across the ground clutching a bloodied nose.

"Ah ah ah ah, what a waste," quickly pulling a vial out from her long white coat Ella proceeded to stop Rea, lift up her head, and drain the nosebleed.

Rea spoke in a flat voice due to the current state of her pretty little nose, "Please tell me you're not gonna make someone drink this..."

Ella cocked her head, "Why not?"

Rea sighed, her first ever elf, a weirdo. As her nosebleed drained into the vial Rea took stock of the woman. Level 72 Elf Priestess, Pale white skin, not entirely unattractive, but far from the tales of her original world. Flawless beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess? Silvery-white pupils, wide thin eyes, obviously pointed ears... not so long, maybe she's a half? Her attire was a stereotypical white coat, one earthen eight to ten inch skirt, Rea took a moment to re-visualize the garters...

"Oh my, it started bleeding more! A curious creature indeed..." Ella started to tug at Rea's lips with a pair of tweezers, originally meant to stuff a cotton ball up Rea's nose, as she said that.

Rea sighed inwardly again, other than that Ella was wearing a rather plain t-shirt and long boots. The long ginger hair did make Rea's heart beat a bit faster as she remembered her bad nurse. As far as height goes, this elf was tall, almost seven feet. To be honest Rea was happy that the elf wasn't perfect at all, she rather hated the thought of that. Perfection, in Rea's mind, was overrated. During her bed hopping tenure as Noel she had enjoyed finding the imperfections in people more than their perfections.

As the nosebleed stopped and Ella topped off her vial Rea got up and made her way to the table. After seeing four platters of food she sat down next to the visitor's plate, across from Meril and Lark, and dug in. Lark was at a bit of a loss because he'd never seen his daughter use violence before, but more than that he was happy that her mood wasn't as pained as it had been the day before. Lark assumed that Rea was doing a good job of cheering her up and offered his silent thanks. He probably wouldn't have thanked her if he knew that she was mostly doing it for herself. As Rea bit into a particularly tasty piece of what seemed like veal she paused mid bite. "Can I help you?"


Ella was now two inches from Rea's face staring at her maw, "Curious, I can't see them at all... a normal ophidian always has them exposed. May I?"

As the elf removed another vial from her coat Rea knew what she wanted and reluctantly put down the veal. "Sure, I'm actually curious about the venom myself."

Meril cringed as the woman proceeded to drain venom from Rea's fangs. Lark looked genuinely impressed and even remarked that those must come in handy... Rea had left out the part about having already used them twice, once on a human.

With that finished and the vial topped off Ella gave her another inquisitive look, "Now, remove your clothing."

Rea grinned wholeheartedly, "Right here, crowd and all?"

"Oh you're right, we need some privacy, this way then."

Rea quickly followed after the elf feeling like she hit a jackpot, Meril and Lark knew what the elf really wanted and could only laugh as Rea happily fell in line. She did suspect something when her [Jester] ability ranked up, but chose to ignore it.

After Ella led Rea to a smaller adjoining room and easily placed her on a large table she spoke again, "alright clothes off."

Rea cocked her head... this elf really doesn't know how to set a mood, "Wouldn't you rather take them off for me?"

Not entirely understanding what Rea was getting at and feeling a bit impatient Ella proceeded to place her hands on both of Rea's shoulders and without hesitation roughly pull her garb down. Rea began to breathe heavily with anticipation, it had been a month after all... to her utter confusion what happened next was entirely boring and sadly mood killing. Ella took her time taking all sorts of samples from Rea and asking her all sorts of questions. Nothing was off limits, she seemed really interested in [Thermoregulation], Rea hadn't thought that was a unique trait to herself. It turns out that normal ophidians have a different sort of control ability that only allows them to cool down and slow metabolism. Rea's allows her to do either resulting in a highly adaptable body for any climate. When she also mentioned the [Water Affinity] Ella offhandedly suggested that she would have an easier time handling water magic, and that it's a trait shared by quite a few species.

Just as Rea's spirits hit rock bottom and she thought they were almost done again Ella took hold, bent Rea forward, and pulled her garb almost all the way off. Rea, once again it had been a month, started to get into the mood, again... sadly she only wanted another sample. However, this one interested Rea as well. Ophidians can secrete poison through the joints in their scales, when she asked if Rea could do that Ella was told that, indeed the [Poison] ability was present. Rea wasn't entirely sure how to use it though, everything else had just happened on instinct so far. Ella, not being one for patience, decided it was time to examine the scales and began to thoroughly move her cold gloved fingertips along Rea's scales. The lower she got the stronger Rea's reaction became, thinking that Rea was close to figuring out how to secrete poison she continued to poke, prod and massage the sensitive scales, each movement of Ella's long powerful fingers continued to send shivers down her spine. Rea was... pleased, once her entire body shuddered, convulsed, then collapsed forwards, Ella gave a confused gasp and asked what was wrong. Rea just answered, slightly out of breath, that she almost had it and Ella should do that again. Sooo... the innocent elven doctor did it again, produced the same effect again, and failed to find the poison, again. Thoroughly confused the doctor was about to give up just as Rea announced that she was sorry, and this time she would definitely get it...

One hour later, after seeing Rea's near delirious state Ella commented that they could try to get it next time. Rea wholeheartedly agreed while resolving herself to figure out the secret to [Poison] herself, then never ever tell doctor feel good about it.

Rea was rather pleased with herself at this point and had no trouble fixing her garb, "Need anything else Ella?"

The elven doctor raised an eyebrow, "Well I would like to know if you're biologically compatible with humanoids, but even I won't tell you to go sleep with a man to sate my curiosity. However, if and when you do, I would like to know how it goes... and if you ever get pregnant please don't hesitate to call me."

Rea chuckled ruefully, "How long is an elf's lifespan Ella?"

"We're technically immortal, up to a certain point. Why?" the doctor was genuinely curious as to what prompted her question.

"I've sworn off men for a hundred years... I doubt you'd believe me if I told you why. You won't be getting those answers until then," she answered honestly.

That made the curious doctor stop what she was doing and give Rea a closer look, her expression was, somewhat sad. Now also curious about the complex expression being shown by this interesting creature Ella spoke again, "Even if I won't believe it, I'd like to know why."

Rea's lips drooped a bit as she gave the doctor an appraising glance, "Well, I had a daughter," she started.

"What!? Where can I meet her?" the good doctor interrupted.

Rea held up her hands and chuckled ruefully, "Doctor, my daughter was completely human. I had her when I was a human."

The doctor cocked her head and pursed her eyebrows, "I was told you were born a lizardling?"

"I was," she confirmed.

"That doesn't make sense Rea."

"I was reborn as a lizardling about a month ago, in my past life, in another world, I was a human," Ella's jaw didn't drop but Rea could see the intrigue in her eyes. "The soul of my daughter will be ready to reincarnate after roughly eighty-six years, a goddess has promised me that if I survive, redeem my soul, and have a child after she's ready to be reborn... I'll be with my daughter again. So I've sworn off men for a hundred years, vowed to become a hero, and decided to build a life in this world. I'll find a safe place... probably not fall in love, and have my daughter again."

Ella wasn't really sure what to say, she was very aware that the gods could be whimsical. But this is a whole new level, even for them. Without giving it much more thought she decided to just see it for herself in a hundred years, "I'll be your doctor when the time comes."

Rea smiled knowingly at Ella, "I look forward to it."

Ella turned the conversation over in her head for a moment then asked, "Won't you be lonely without a lover for that long?"

Rea waltzed up to the doctor and, in true Rea fashion, locked lips with her for a good five seconds. As she began to pull away Rea gently used her right hand to pull the elf back in, turning the angle of her head and locking lips once more, Rea playfully bit her bottom lip and pushed her tongue against Ella's. As the doctor tried to escape again Rea moved her left hand to the small of Ella's back and pulled her in, forcing the attack Rea now tangled one leg around her and exhaled as she gazed hotly into the elf's eyes. Lost in the sudden confusing sensation of Rea's breathe upon her lips Ella moved herself in closer and lightly kissed Rea. However, a split second later she recovered her senses and finally managed to get away, Rea was absolutely pleased to see the generally emotionless elf blushing from ear to ear with a look of profound confusion and shock on her face. Rea walked by the doctor towards the door and stated, "I said I swore off men, women are another story Ella Wyrmwind... when should I stop by the clinic to donate my blood?"

Without facing Rea the doctor answered, "Everyday at noon, as the sun hits its highest point I take my break. Drop by at that time, and on Sundays I'll come her in the morning to take your blood... We'll figure out what to do after you enter the academia when the time comes... What did you mean, about not falling in love? You were a human, don't humans enjoy love?"

As the doctor turned to face her Rea gave Ella the short version, "I was ruined by the people of my world as a child, I saw the worst of humanity before I saw the best, my daughter... It's probably because of what was done to me back then that I've never felt that way about someone, I'm not really sure it's possible for me to romantically love another person, especially a man. Maybe it's because my heart is broken, but that's also why I want to be with my daughter again so damn much," Rea looked right into Ella's eyes, a complex mix of lament and joy graced her features. "That child put me back together, when I first held her, my cold dead heart came back to life... I don't think someone who hasn't suffered through the same hell I have could ever understand. I'd do anything to be with her again."

Ella was at a loss for words, she'd almost forgotten about the kiss and now truly believed that there was no way this person was lying about her life. No one could look the way she did, show the pained, resolved expressions she had without having lived through something awful... no one could kiss like that after living for just one month.

While opening the door to leave Rea called out, "Thank you doctor."

"I should be the one thanking you, for all that you're doing..."

Rea sported an impish grin as she turned away, "Believe me doctor, I'm the one who should be thanking you."

Falling to her knees Ella Wyrmwind was at a complete loss for words as the strange creature, whom she had come to study and use, became a woman in her eyes. Even more confusing were the kiss and maniacal laughter this woman let out as she left. Ella Wyrmwind didn't know it at the time, but she'd just met the love of her life, something incredibly significant for an elf.




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