《Titanomachy - A Mecha Pilot In Another World》-0013-


Beating the crap out of weasel-face seemed to have earned him some reputation with the guards. They treated him better after that, at least, except for a small group that kept eying him for revenge.

They took him down into the courtyard that had sprung up around the command tower, a medieval structure of towers, walls, and thatch-roofed houses. Everything the ‘high castle’ would need to survive a siege. There was a smithy ringing with the sound of molten steel under hammers, and the houses of servants, stables and temples.

Led by the captain of the guard, a huge rock-toad creature wearing midnight armor that turned its head into an enormous, angular beak of black metal, Pike descended the stairs to a dusty ring full of low vaulting bars.

Bringing out a juvenile ferret-fox, they nodded for him to climb aboard, Hesperid gently translating that they wanted to find him a mount. Pike winced, but took a running start and leapt onto the saddle, managing to land with a modicum of grace and a minimum of bruised manhood. Gripping hard with his legs, he avoided being thrown off as the beast darted forward in response. Its elongated body drew squiggles across the dusty ground, throwing him side to side as he desperately bent over and grabbed the saddle.

Finally, they rolled to a stop, the ferret-fox happily cantering with a bounce in its trot, little black-booted feet kicking up sand. It turned back to stare at him with one button-dark eye, mouth hanging open to reveal a panting tongue and sharp little teeth.

“Oh yes, you’re real clever aren’t you.”

Leaning down, he petted the ferrex behind the ear.

It bucked its hindlegs and sent Pike toppling the the ground. As he groaned and stood up, the ferrex was a streak of red swirling around him, playfully yipping.


He dived at the beast, trying to get back aboard the saddle. The fox danced just a step away.

The guards were laughing. They leaned over the railings of the balcony above, cheering the ferret-fox on. The ones in the courtyard leaned down and patted their knees, summoning the grinning fox to scratch at its neck, to tickle its ears as its paint-brush tail swept through the air.

One of them fished out a scrap of meat and fed the happy little bastard, and all the while, Pike was creeping up from behind, getting closer and closer, getting ready to make a lunge for it.

The guard hurled the jerk overhead, and the fox went diving for it, vaulting neatly over Pike’s head.

The crowd roared.

Even Hesperid was chuckling, hiding it behind a demure hand.

He groaned.

Sidling towards the ferret-fox, he suddenly jumped, stamping his feet and throwing his arms wide. The beast shot away on its six legs. He advanced again, and again stomped. “Haa!” It bounced from side to side, cornered against the wall and trying to figure out which side to run-

He leaned left. It started going right. He swung right, it darted back and to the left.

Around and around they went. Pike was winning, though. Nobody had noticed it yet, but he was barely moving now, ambling slowly along after the ferrex and making big, scary gestures to spur it away, keeping the it moving in a blur of red fur while he leisurely paced after it. The immature beastie was spending itself, burning energy.

Soon, it was visibly slowing, tongue lolling out of its mouth as it pranced. Sweat clung to Pike’s body, and grit clung to the sweat, but he kept it up, herding the beast with yells and stomps. It barely had enough energy to keep a spring in its step as it danced, always a little ahead of him.


The crowd had stopped laughing. They had caught on to what he was doing. Money was changing hands again, betting on this strange foreigner who pulled victories out of defeat.

Pike noticed Hesperid quietly passing a golden coin to the man taking the bets. The guard captain grunted, and put down two.

He hoped she was betting on him.

He’d hate for such a cute girl to lose her money.

Clicking his heels together, he launched himself forward in a blaze of jump-jets. The sudden burst of speed startled the fox, and he managed to grab one stirrup of the saddle. Clinging on, he had to run full-tilt to keep from being dragged through the dirt as the fox took off with a last burst of strength. Blazes of the jump-jets helped him keep pace, and with a last grab he seized the other side of the saddle, vaulting aboard.

His legs grabbed hold, squeezing down tight as the beast tried to buck him off. Its hindlegs kicked, it reared up, it was like clinging to the back of a raging river. It twisted, and with a sudden acceleration scrambled up the walls, going full sideways as Pike desperately clung on and turned a little white in the face.

But this time, it couldn’t get rid of him so easy.

Finally, it simply ran out of energy, cantering slower, and slower, bucking less and less. Pike scratched the fur of its neck just beneath the saddle.

“Alright, lil guy. I think you’ve had your fun.” He whispered. “Now gimme a quick jump over one of those vaults and I can show these guys who’s boss. There might even be some bacon innit for ya.”

The fox gave him a long side-eye, and yawned. It traipsed to a stop.

“Ohhh no. Come on. Get moving. We’re riding, remember, you and me. C’mon lil buddy.” Trying to dig his heels in did nothing to stop the inevitable. The beast yawned. It flicked its tail.

Curling up into a circle, the ferrex let a lazy sigh and tucked its head atop its forelegs, going to sleep with Pike sitting atop its back, still trying to get the stubborn beast to ride. It let out a loud, hiccuping snore.

The crowd was losing its shit.

Grinning sourly and trying to pretend he was in on the joke, Pike climbed off, giving the beast a pat on the head. “Tomorrow, then. Don’t think you’re getting rid of me so easy, lil’ guy.” He cooed.

Pike walked towards Hesperid, trying to shake the soreness out of his aching legs - and spun, glaring back at the beast.

The ferrex quickly blinked its eyes shut, but Pike wasn’t fooled.

“You did well, for someone who’s never ridden before.” Hesperid beamed into his head as she took his hand. “You’ll be a fast learner.”

“Come on, take me to the smithy. I need to pick up a gun and show these guys what I am good at.”

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