《Titanomachy - A Mecha Pilot In Another World》-0011-


Next Talent 000/100

Defeat Crimson Moa Lv. 12 - 10 Essence x5

Defeated Gigapede Lv. 9 - 10 Essence x6

Defeated Gigapede Lv. 14 - 10 Essence

Defeated Enemy Five Levels Above - 100 Essence x11

Defeated Enemy Ten Levels Above - 300 Essence

Child’s Ingenuity Bonus - all gains x2

Talent Earned!

Next Talent 000/300

Talent Earned!

Next Talent 000/500

Talent Earned!

Next Talent (Earth) 0000/1000

Talent Earned (Earth)!

Next Talent (Earth) 0000/3000

Talent Earned (Earth)

Next Talent (Earth) 0000/5000

Pike woke up in a large, luxurious bed. Silk sheets wrapped around his limbs as he groaned and tried to orient himself. He had the vague memory of going up in a lift, huge lizard-like packbeasts turning an enormous treadwheel. Of extravagant gardens and greenery.

He stirred, turning onto his side, and discovered he wasn’t the only one in the room.

White antenna covered in a downy fur stretched up from soft, white hair in a bobbed bowl cut that curled in towards her dainty chin, the bottom of the bangs brushing above wide, alien yellow eyes. A collar of fluffy white ringed her neck, and smaller ones bangled her ankles. Tattoos in curling blue patterns trailed up her bare arms to the shoulders. She wore a simple black robe, and let her wings provide the color; two trailing wings of tiger-orange and sea-blue, forming a kind of trailing cape behind her as she worked mixing herbs with a mortar and pestle.

“Hey, any chance you speak Basic?”

She took his arm by the wrist, and suddenly he could hear her. Her voice resonated within his head, her lips still, a faint smile resting there. A faint diamond dust sparkled on her skin.

“Are you well, machinist?”

His jaw must have dropped, because she laughed.

"This is your first time meeting a Lepidopta? We are telepaths."

Focusing his thoughts, Pike found he could respond. His mental voice was a tone deeper than his real one. The gravelly, full-throated growl of a goliath. "Yeah, yeah it is. I'm from far away. Waaaay far away, and over the rainbow."


She tilted her head aside, one antenna twitching up in a curious stare.

"Something we say. It just means, a long way from anywhere."

"Ah, I see." Her restrained expressions would be almost unreadable, except for the language of her body and the antenna atop her head. "I am supposed to guide and interpret for you, while teaching you the language."

"Yeah, 'bout that…"

He planted his hands and straightened up, pleased to see his socket-suit was still on as he swung his legs off the side of the bed. A quick pat of the holster confirmed his pistol hadn't been taken away.

"What is it you people want from me?"

"Please. I am your guide, and you are my client. I will not serve any interests beside yours, so please do not lump me in with the others here. We are a team." Her fingers circled around the bone of his wrist, tracing the suntanned skin and thick muscle. "Unfortunately, besides purchasing my services, they have not informed me of their goals. I could speculate, but-"

There was a knock on the door.

"Enter!" The butterfly called, and it took him a moment to realize she'd spoken in Aedian, and he'd understood. She had simultaneously spoken aloud and beamed the meaning into his mind.

This whole telepathy thing was slightly difficult to wrap his head around, but he thought he could get the gist of it. It was definitely a faster way to learn.

Servant-girls entered the room, heads bent, carrying clothes, a platter of food, even a sword. It was a truly ornate piece; an enormous curved cutlass blade with a long panel of brass traced by silver vines extending up the middle, and a basket pommel pieced together from polished machinery parts. Sensing his confusion, the butterfly answered before he could ask.

"In Aedia, anyone of high standing carries a sword. Even if it's only ceremonial." She explained, lifting the giant sword from its velvet cushion and sliding it into a leather scabbard. As he stood, she hooked the attached belt around his waist, moving behind him. Her fingers rested on his neck. "It signals that you are willing to kill."


"Great." Pike rolled his eyes, discovering sarcasm travelled just fine through telepathic mind-links. Reaching out, he took a ripe, plum-colored fruit from the breakfast tray, choosing to trust it over the slices of pale white meat that floated in a rich red gravy. "Since they can't hear us, mind telling me what you think my hosts are planning for me?" He asked, sinking his teeth into the fruit.

It was like a pomegranate, full of pips, but spicy and sweet like burnt brown sugar mixed with chilis. A faint smokey taste clung to his tongue.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." She chided.

"But-" That rule made no sense when you didn't need your mouth to speak.

"Ah ah."

He swallowed, and she presented him with a small tumbler of sparkling, red-amber solution. "This will restore the Cosm you spent. Our hosts are being very generous with you. I suspect they will not, however, let you go."

He froze, the glass halfway to his lips.

"So I'm a prisoner?"

"Only if you try to leave. Until then, you are an honored guest." She planted her hand under the glass and pushed it up, forcing him to drink or spill the elixir down his face. "It is my understanding they have been waiting for a machinist for some time."

Unlike the fruit, which had been delicious despite the need to constantly crunch through seeds, the mixture had a deeply bitter taste and burnt like bad liquor - clawing its way down his throat. He winced, coughing, as a heat formed in his chest, a miniature star radiating a refreshing warmth through his entire body. “What’s your name?”


He waited a long moment to respond, taking a light, fluffy bread from his breakfast and chewing thoughtfully as he waited for the maids to finish tidying up and leave. It had just occurred to him that, if people could use telepathy, people could intercept telepathy. Probably. And it was always better safe than sorry. "Okay, Hesperid. You said you were on my team. Does that extend as far as escaping?"

"Naturally. I'm merely suggesting you profit a little from your hosts first." She didn't skip a beat, only showing him a slow-growing, cold smile. Her eyes gleamed. "You are still gathering strength. I actually do not know many who have kept their level as low as you. Your understanding of Aedia is… sadly limited.

"But your skills are invaluable to our hosts, and I believe they will be willing to assist your growth in exchange for your help. Until it comes time to leave, there is no reason not to benefit from their assistance." She continued.

"I gotcha. Just one quick thing." He turned to her, looked in her in the eyes, and said. "Your wings are orange. Your wings. Are. Orange. Your- damnit I'm trying to say green."

"Testing if we can lie to each other? It's quite impossible." She smirked. "One of many reasons my services are valued."

"Well, can’t blame me for making sure. Come on. Time to see who runs this place."

Pausing for a moment, he dropped his three points into Hipfire and one of his Earth-Rank talents into Uncanny Shot. Just in case he had to make them regret letting him keep his gun.

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