《Gamer's Guide to Waking up as a Dinosaur》8: Pass me the Shark Repellant Dino Spray!


You have developed a new skill: [Swim Lvl 1].

Your [Swim] skill has leveled up. It is now level 2.

Hey, Frail Baby Dino here with a useful bit of advice: If you’ve got a number for HP, then you’re probably going to take damage based on that number. And seeing your life represented by a number is quite a scary thing.

While I assume there are exceptions to this rule, such as the renowned “critical hit”, or the lesser-known “cripple”, most things in a gamelike world will probably have some super complicated algorithm, which I could never hope to understand, operating behind the scenes to apply damage to you using numbers.

Which leaves me to wonder: If something were to bite off an arm and leave you bleeding, how would this world handle that damage?

I’d have to save that thought for a later date, though, because after falling from that cliff, which seemed far larger than it looked from the river, I was now struggling to stay afloat in the coursing water.

I was sucked downstream faster than a pneumatic tube system delivering mail. As the force of the water pulled me under, and I fought to keep myself above the water with the strength of my large legs and tiny arms, I dipped underneath the surface.

A grey blur darted across the rocks below me, stopping on a dime as it hovered in my shadow, floating down the river with me. I broke the surface of the water again, gasping for air, and immediately ducked my head back under the water to watch the grey thing.

A pressure wrapped itself around my head once more, and I once again felt as though a rope were tugging my brain toward my eyes, which burned as I kept them open underwater. I strained to focus on the creature beneath me, attempting to obtain details about it from the magical blue boxes that followed me around.


You have developed your sight.

Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the [Watervision] instinct.

[Watervision]- While underwater, you can now use [Observe] to a limited capacity.

A long, sleek body, almost a meter long, floated sinister beneath my body. Two wide black orbs looked out from the sides of its head, and the open jaw that seemed to smile gave me the impression of a wicked jester. Appendages that I likened to leaves grew off its body. They were most likely fins. Where a shark might have a dorsal fin, instead this creature projected a finned spine, which reached all the way down its body to the point of the tail and wrapped around underneath. Two spikes jutted off its head, but I couldn’t tell what their purpose was.

And Observe fired off for me.

Phantasmal Torpedon [Lvl 5] Your [Watervision] instinct has leveled up. It is now level 2.

Instantly, the creature shifted, directing itself up towards me, and grinning its sadistic grin. Just my luck...

For fish’s sake!

I kicked hard, letting my head rise above the water once more to get another breath of air, and the glowing grey monster attacked.

At least it’s not a high level…

I’d be doomed if the Phantasmal Torpedon that was now charging towards me was a level I couldn’t perceive, like walking into a high-tier zone on a fresh account, and accidentally aggroing Murdersaurus, the Noobslayer [Lvl !DEATH!], or something.

Yes, I speak from personal experience.

Two nasty hooks unsheathed from the front of the Torpedon’s mouth, and it shot towards me with a hungry gaze.

Not today, fish! I thought, raising my foot and swinging it down towards where the creature was about to be, the brutal sickles at the end cutting through the water with a malefic glint.

Under the water, as I held my breath, I could barely hear the schlick as my talons bit into the creature’s gullet. The mouth whipped around, angry eyes glaring at me as the Torpedon bit deep into my leg.


“Graa!” I cried out, bubbles escaping me involuntarily. I almost breathed in on instinct, but managed to control myself enough to prevent it. My lungs were empty which, if you’re a lungs half-full kind of guy, was a positive, because my lungs weren’t half-full of water.

They were also full-empty of air, though…

Your [Claw] skill has leveled up. It is now level 2.

I tried to kick with my free leg, but it was futile. The Torpedon had me locked in, and it turned around and swam straight down, beginning to drag me towards the riverbed against my will. I struggled and slashed at it with my other foot, but only managed to land glancing blows.

I could imagine the fish’s laughter as it dragged me down like a croc preparing to suffocate its prey. Though it probably wasn’t that intelligent, it still pissed me off.

Your [Watervision] instinct has leveled up. It is now level 3.

With the sudden clarity granted to me by the level-up, I could see that this part of the river flowed over a submerged tree that must’ve fallen from above. I dipped deep into the reserves of my strength, reaching out and grabbing onto the branch that poked out towards me, barely managing to stop myself from being pulled any lower.

The Torpedon turned, glaring at me. It yanked its head multiple times, trying to pull me from the branch. I could feel my arms growing weak as my lungs screamed out in pain. The Torpedon yanked again, swinging its body around in front of me.

Take this! I shouted internally as I slammed my free foot forwards and into its gills. This time, I heard the crack of cartilage as my talons ripped through the Torpedon’s skin.

The jaws released as the creature bent upwards into a U-shape, seizing in pain.

I pushed off the tree, swimming frantically towards the surface of the river with my bloody feet. It seemed like it took minutes, but it must’ve only been seconds before I broke the water, gasping.

If only I’d brought my Shark Repellant Dino Spray…

Yeah, I can make jokes while in pain. If that was a skill, I’m sure I'd have it at max level.

Your [Swim] skill has leveled up. It is now level 3.

I was looking around for an escape before I’d even hit the surface.


The tree that had saved me would do so once more, as I swam to the trunk which reached far out of the river, towards a rocky shelf that stuck only a few inches above the river. I grabbed it and checked my status as I hauled myself ashore.

Frail Baby Dino


3 [5/30]







[Lvl 1]


[Lvl 2]


[Lvl 3]


[Lvl 2]


[Lvl 3]


[Fight or Flight]

[Lvl 2]


[Lvl 2]

[Fearful Flight]

[Lvl 2]


[Lvl 4]


[Lvl 3]

Well… At least I’m not dead. I shook my head, sending droplets of water flying. Now, where can I find something to drink?

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