《Gamer's Guide to Waking up as a Dinosaur》2: If You Don't Move, They Can't See You


It was huge, probably forty-feet tall, with a head the size of a van. The massive white reptile that growled viciously in my direction seemed as though it’d been painted with blood. Red splatters dotted its skin, and leaked down the side of its body, staining it. A dark sail shot from the back of the creature, rising high into the sky, and nearly touching the low branches of the massive trees surrounding the river.

Angry yellow eyes peered over a long snout towards me, and as the monster snarled, its lips pulled back, revealing row upon row of deadly, sharp teeth. Two massive fangs protruded from the front of its mouth, dripping drool.

I was frozen. My heart pounded in my chest, and blood coursed coldly through my veins.

“Rrrrrrrrrr,” came the deep long growl. And famous words echoed through my mind.

He can’t see you if you don’t move.

I wasn’t sure how true that statement really was. But as I sat there in the river, dripping water off my reptilian skin, the frightening titan rose. It shoved off the ground with two massive arms, small compared to its body, but still larger than my old human size, and as thick as oak trees.

Professionals might identify this beast as something related to a Spinosaurus.

I identified it as horrifying.

The massive diamond-headed beast looked to the sky, separating its jaws, and roared. The branches nearby shook, and I fell back into the river, quaking in fear.

You are [Terrified]. Your reactions are slower, and your [Fight or Flight] instinct has been activated.

I lay in the river, shivering from the cold water, probably dripping with a cold sweat, and gazed wide-eyed toward the monster. Then, it stepped forward.


The footstep shook the ground.


Another footstep and the predator was at the river. One more and he would be upon me.


I couldn’t move.

[Fight or Flight] has failed.

Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the [Freeze] instinct.


By refusing to face your fears, or even run away from them, you may instead stand nearly completely still when in their presence.

Like that would help. The massive foot raised into the air, and came down swiftly upon me. The sun was blotted out, and the clawed appendage dropped to the ground.


It didn’t land on me.


I was safe.


The beast had stepped over the river. It wasn’t heading towards me. I spun quickly in the river, watching as the monster picked up speed.

Crash! Crash! Crash!

Three steps and it was upon the other dino. Massive scales rose from this creature’s back, jutting proudly into the sky. But the Spinosaurus didn’t care. It bit ferociously into the creature, snapping the scales in half. Its clawed hands grasped the neck of its victim, and squeezed with an iron grip.

A single yelp rose from the Stegosaurus-like dinosaur, and the light faded from its eyes.

Then I was out of there.

Quickly, I rose to my tiny feet, dashing in the opposite direction of the murder, back towards my egg. Somehow, I’d survived long enough to hatch. Maybe if I crawled back inside it would all be okay, and I’d wake up back at home, nice and safe.

That wouldn’t happen, most likely.

Your [Freeze] instinct has leveled up. It is now level 2.

Your [Fight or Flight] instinct has leveled up. It is now level 2.

You have developed your [Fight or Flight] instinct.

Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the [Fearful Flight] instinct.

[Fearful Flight]- You are less impaired by [Fear] effects when running. Reduction: 1%.

Your [Fearful Flight] instinct has leveled up. It is now level 2.

Your [Flee] skill has leveled up. It is now level 2.



The gears spun in my head.

And those are… skills, right?

And they just leveled up…

Is this… a game?

If it was, then perhaps, I could win.

I could survive. I could even thrive! After all, I was an expert in the area of experience grinding.

But this was more real than anything I’d ever felt. This was definitely not just a game. Not… just a game… But perhaps, it would be the best one I’d ever played.

I slowed down, the feasting sounds of the monster in the distance fading away. No, I would not crawl into my egg. I would not give up. This was a challenge, and no challenge was worth running from. I caught my breath, and my heartbeat slowed as I recovered.

You are no longer [Terrified].

Screw you, Fearful Flight.

I wouldn’t be running scared for long. Every game was designed for me to conquer it. This would be no different.

Magic boxes? I asked, feeling stupid. Are you able to tell me anything about this world?

I waited for a minute, scratching an itch at my neck, and finding a large green mosquito, probably the size of a cellphone, dead in my hand after I did.


Then the box appeared again.

You have suffered 1 damage from [Egg Sucker].

You have received 5 experience points for killing [Egg Sucker].

Okay, I thought. Seems like it won’t be helping to answer any questions.

I wondered if perhaps it was how I addressed the boxes. Magic probably wasn’t the best term for them.

I cleared my throat, before thinking the next command.

Show status.

With a cheer, I read the box that appeared in response. And if you ever want to view your status after you wake up as a baby dino, I recommend you be prepared to be disappointed. The numbers won’t be impressive.

Frail Baby Dino


1 [5/10]







[Lvl 1]


[Lvl 1]


[Lvl 2]


[Fight or Flight]

[Lvl 2]


[Lvl 2]

[Fearful Flight]

[Lvl 2]

Well, at least I was halfway to leveling up. And usually, that meant some sort of physical improvement. Perhaps I soon wouldn’t be listed as a Frail Baby Dino anymore. I briefly wondered if I’d possessed an existing dinosaur, simply been reborn, or if I’d switched places with one. If it was the latter, well, my normal life was not going to be something I would ever want to return to, not after “I” had jumped around, growling and trying to eat the neighbors’ cat or something. I just hoped that the baby dino wouldn’t destroy my beastly PC.

Then I thought about it. And then I sent a prayer to any god that was listening.

Please let that baby dino destroy my hard drive...

I felt a sense of calm wash over me, as though my prayer had been heard. But one question stayed at the front of my mind as I looked around the thick jungle I’d been reborn into.

Where were this dinosaur’s parents?

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