《Ethereal Sovereign》Chapter 8 Giant Plains.
Full Pr Credits To Draconis Hey guys here is your dose of Ethereal sovereign for the week i hope you enjoy this ch trying to add a bit more action i know you all want lyrim to be op but i also want to make it op done right and not a quick insane boost asap so im adding abit of stuff inbetween.
Please Rate/Favourite/Follow/Enjoy ch 8 :)
Any mistakes errors please post so i can correct it.
Lyrim was greeted with an immense amount of pain around his body to which he fell back on the medical bed he was lying on. He looked around, as if trying to find the source of the voice, but saw no one.
That was until a nurse at the door to this room quickly jumped and ran off.
Lyrim raised his hands as he closed and opened them, as if to confirm he could still use them. “Father…” He whispered to himself, before a familiar voice snapped him out of his trance.
“Ahh so you woke up, hah..” It was none other than Williams, holding a stack of papers and having a tired look. “Dammit boy, what’s with you and giving me days without sleep. What have I done to you.” He spoke in a joke like tone.
Williams, not giving Lyrim a chance to reply, spoke on as he looked at the papers. “You know boy, when I first heard about you and your ability I thought that it wasn’t true. In fact, I doubted it more than anyone. I mean, it doesn’t make sense.
A normal boy who had gone through several evaluations just so happened to birth a unique trait that allowed him to absorb natural energy without a T.Gear? It’s unheard of”
Lyrim stayed quiet. His memory was a little fuzzy, but he remembered what he had done to those creatures, the feeling of his body being somewhat taken over.
His right side had gone blank. He couldn’t even see from his right eye, but his left worked fine. The feeling of overwhelming power raging within him. Within the armor.
“What sort of T.Gear did you give me... “ Lyrim spoke, narrowing his eyes at Williams. It had put lyrim in danger, and due to the events that unfolded, how could he not be angry and curious.
Williams blinked as he looked at Lyrim before chuckling quietly “Don’t worry abou-” Lyrim clenched his hand “How can I not worry about it.
I thought it was supposed to absorb energy and be used for scouting! How the hell did something like that end up doing what it did..!!” Lyrim was furious.
He did not want to be lied to again, or be kept in the dark. It was either the truth or nothing. Williams sighed and rubbed his head “Argh..I wasn’t there. You make it sound like something awesome happened. The reports only tell so much.”
“Fine boy, I’ll tell you.” At that moment, Bray opened the door, hearing Williams words. Bray then narrowed his eyes. “It’s fine Williams, I’ll be the one to tell him.”
Bray seemed quite annoyed.
Then again, he should be, as Thell had stormed into his office after beating 15 King level and 1 Catalyst level guard with ease, demanding answers.
Bray pulled a chair next to Williams and sat as he folded his arms. “Lyrim, you should know that none of this can leave this room. In fact, there will be consequences. This information is something within Lazuras’s top brass. If any of the kingdoms found out there would be quite an issue…”
Lyrim was all the more curious. Surely it was something dire enough to be kept secret. Bray then went on. “You see, your armor isnt exactly made from the most efficient parts of natural energy absorbing materials.
When Lazuras was formed, we had quite a bit of founding and began research around Archia to help study natural energy and its properties, as well as its possible uses.”
Lyrim knew this was common knowledge. So far it wasn't important. Bray went on “150 years ago, a team of researchers discovered a small mountain here on this very spot, and there was a cave system that led down.
In fact, it led so far down it had taken 2 days to traverse to the bottom. What they found could be said to be a contributing factor in our understanding of T.Gears as well as the creation of T.Spheres.”
Lyrim hadn't blinked. It was as if watching a movie where the most exciting part was about to come. He couldn't resist. He then spoke “What was it they found?..” Bray chuckled, to which he looked at Williams who went on.
“We found the remains of a creature spanning several miles. It was so large that the area where we found it seemed to be artificially created by the creature, as if to use as a resting ground.”
Lyrim had discovered that Williams was one of the people who was in that group. Then again, he was Lazuras’s top scientist, and had been given a T.Gear. Most likely not for combat, but to extend his life so he could research more.
Lyrim still wasn't satisfied. “What does this corpse have to do with my answers?…” Williams went on “Relax. You see, this skeleton was something we obviously haven't discovered before. It was unique.
In fact, the very bones themselves were filled to the brim with natural energy so potent it could turn a limb that touched it to ash. We had to be careful, as the cracks in the bones seemed to leak a small amount of that potent energy.
These skeletal remains are also what helped us significantly. It is also what we uhh.. “ He cleared his throat as he rubbed his head again. “Used for creating your armor..Of course it wasn’t enough by itself, so we had to add in a mix of other parts..”
Lyrim clenched the bed sheets as he silently gazed at them both. His heart was beating softly, and he felt the energy the T.Gear emitted faintly in his chest, as if wanting him to know its there. “What was that creature...To be so strong.”
Bray huffed and cleared his throat. “We arent really sure. All we know is that it was so deep down, only a T.Gear of a King level could sustain that sort of environment. A few miles more, and we would have reached the planets core..”
Williams continued from where Bray ended. “That creature was extremely powerful. It even managed to stop any lava flow or molten rock from entering the cave system, as if forming an invisible barrier. We arent really sure how to calculate its rank.
The most we have seen is a Divine creature, and going by the Asura phoenix's plume, I’d say whatever the remains belonged to was much, much stronger than a Divine ranked beast.”
Lyrim nodded and decided to continue on. “What am I supposed to do with this armor? I’m guessing I have to give it back?” Bray laughed as he shook his head “No need. You’re already working for us, and besides, who would we find to use it? We can’t even examine it properly because it’s so enigmatic.”
Lyrim couldn’t help but smile. He felt even more unique than before. A T.Gear so powerful that it could rival a Divine and beyond. Lyrim then joked “So I guess this makes me the strongest person on Archia, hehe”
Both Williams and Bray couldn’t help but chuckle. Bray responded again as he stood up “Not necessarily. It would be like giving a baby a battle stallion. It wouldn’t be able to control it. Which is why, when you recover, I’ll be assigning you to a lower ranked team until you learn to control your armor.”
Lyrim frowned as he quickly responded “Why? What’s wrong with Team Deadly?” Bray replied softly “Well, now that we know the output of your armor, we arent sure what it will do.
So we need to at least put you in an environment where you can become stronger without worry. As for Team Deadly, after what happened they’re all going on vacation for awhile.
Lyrim nodded, knowing there wasn’t any point in arguing. “What about Lord Thell?” Williams replied as he fixed the reports “He left as soon as Bray explained things to him. Most likely to go back and train. Seemed like he really wanted to get stronger. You must have shown him a good show, hahaha”
The two left, leaving Lyrim to lie down on the bed again and shut his eyes as he tried to feel for the T.Gear inside him “Remnants of a mysterious creature..”
Lyrim had healed quite quickly. Even faster than most T.Gear users would. It surprised the doctors and nurses that had routinely checked up on him, wondering what sort of T.Gear the boy must have to emit such recovery speed. As the issue resolved, Lyrim accompanied Rina towards a less secure section of the underground HQ.
“Lyrim, your new team is a little new as well, but you could say they are all geniuses. They’re a bit older than you, but don’t let that worry you. Compared to Team Deadly, their T.Gears are all Mega Beast rank.
So you should feel a little special“ Rina spoke, as she gave a soft wink before reaching a large metallic door. She raised her hand over a sort of control panel that emitted a faint light before growing dim.
(PR Note: Not sure about the “Compared to Team Deadly” part)
The door opened afterwards and she stepped in. Lyrim followed behind, and was met with curious gazes. In the room were a total of 6 girls and 3 boys, each emitting an aura that made them seem powerful. Lyrim could tell each of these individuals wanted to become stronger.
How could he not when he himself felt that feeling. The room was quite chatty before they entered, but it had gone silent before Rina spoke up “Evening everyone. I’d like to introduce your new team member. This is Lyrim Hytio”
The voice of one of the males spoke out “Oh, isn’t he the so called genius Gintas brother? What’s he doing here?” Lyrim frowned slightly at the mention of his brother’s name, but let Rina speak.
“Well, since deadly is on vacation after their last mission, Lyrim needs a new temporary group until they are back and ready” One female quickly yelled. She seemed pissed off.
“What the hell?!! This little brat is in deadly? What a load of bull. What’s so special about him? He looks, like, his 5 years old” A few other members burst out in laughter. This made Lyrim clench his fists. But he remained calm. After all, they were somewhat right in his appearance.
Rina cleared her throat and grinned “If I were you, I’d try not to annoy Lyrim. He is a valuable member of Lazuras and single handedly dominated Shadow Chasm from what the reports available said”
Stunned expressions appeared on all but one male, who had short, spiky black hair, and a scar on the bridge of his nose, with eagle like eyes. “Reports can be exaggerated… In the end, I’ll be the one to tell his value in my team..”
Lyrim felt he wasn't going to get along easy with all the members, and even more so with this boy, who obviously had to be the leader by the way he spoke. Lyrim smiled. “I’m not looking for trouble, I just want to improve myself and I’ll be gone before you guys know it”
Lyrim clearly didn’t like this groups nasty elitist attitude. Team Deadly was more reasonable, considering they were all experts who knew how to properly value someone.
Rina smiled and patted Lyrim on the back. And leaned down whispering “Lyrim, I haven’t told you, but this is Team Hawk, a rookie team that has shown promise. They’re all friends with each other, and would only be part of a group if they were all together. Which is why there are more than the usual amount of members.”
Lyrim curiously gazed back at them all to see them going back to their chatting, hearing a few talk about him. Some nice, some not so nice. As Rina, left thinking he would get along nice without even staying to introduce him more, Lyrim felt left out and annoyed.
“-Damn her. She put me in a tank of sharks and left-” Lyrim sweated nervously before walking to an empty corner area where there was a table. He sat on the chair near it and quietly waited as he gazed off, trying to put his mind at ease by thinking of a different topic.
But his concentration was ruined by the sound of a voice. He turned to see where it came from, only to find a somewhat athletic looking female with short hair and a tough look. She had a nice chest size, but also gave that tomboyish feeling. She folded her arms, grinning at him.
A few of the other students couldn’t help but give looks of pity towards Lyrim, as one of the guys whispered to a girl “Poor guy..Leona is merciless” The girl beside him gave a quiet giggle as she whispered back “Shh, lets see what happens.”
Leona, seeming to be the athletic tomboy wearing a tanktop and shorts that showed her finely flawless skin as well as her round butt, as if asking for someone to try something so she could beat them up, then spoke “So you’re Lyrim, Lazuras’s new genius. You know, everyone here is considered a genius. I wonder what makes you so special.”
Lyrim gazed up at her, raising a brow. He was clearly not intimidated by her. After being bullied for many years, he had gotten over the feeling of intimidation when he had finally entered that life and death situation on Shadow Chasm, so unless she was trying to kill him, he didn’t really feel like he was afraid, which seemed to make him smile.
Although Leona saw this smile and growled, reaching down, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and raised him up towards her. “-Holy hell...What beast like strength-” Lyrim felt that she was still holding back.
It was as if she were a wild ape. Leona grinned “What the hell are you smiling at..Why don't you show me your T.Gear. In fact, why don't we visit the tremor arena and battle a bit. Maybe that will show you what a true genius is.
Lyrim frowned before smiling again at her “-This ape beast is already starting shit with me. Can’t I get a break from bullying even here..-” A voice called out which seemed to cut Lyrim some slack. “Leona… How many times have I told you fighting between members is prohibited..”
Leona pouted quietly and turned to gaze at the eagle eye boy who seemed to be reading a comic “Kyta, how can you be ok with this!! None of us know him, and we told the higher ups that we won’t accept anyone other than our own friends…”
Kyta smiled, which seemed to be a sort of fake menacing grin. “Relax. I’m the one who agreed to it in the first place” The entire group became loud as some began to argue to Kyta, who frowned as he spoke out.
“Listen guys...We’ve been through school together, our entire lives struggling to show ourselves.. And only now have we made it into Lazuras..Lyrim has been in Team Deadly, meaning whatever is special about him can surely help us advance further. I doubt the report saying he conquered Shadow Chasm is false..”
The team grew quieter, with some looking at Lyrim, sneering quietly. Kyta spoke again “All we need to do is just babysit him and hope we get a promotion to a B ranked team.”
At that moment, a voice echoed from a nearby speaker as it called out “Team Hawk, please prepare to depart to C Ranked planet Giant Plains. All members of Team Hawk are to be present at Field Gate 7 in 5 minutes”
The entire team seemed to jump up quickly, with excitement appearing on their faces as they all left. Leona gazed at Lyrim, growling before sticking her tongue out at him and following her group of friends.
Lyrim looked around before sighing in relief. As he left, and was about to leave the door, a hand was placed on his shoulder.
It was none other than Kyta, who glared at him “You may not know it...But I know you came to Lazuras a few days ago..I also know you’re pretty shit at combat.. I’m not sure what the higher ups are planning, but I won’t let my team be their guinea pigs.
If you endanger my team, I’ll kill you and dispose of you...So be a good boy and don’t interfere in anything we do. You’re only going to be watching how we handle things”
Kyta then walked out in front of Lyrim, leaving Lyrim standing there by himself “-Hmm..-” Lyrim clearly didn’t know how or what to think of the situation. It’s not like he had that combat experience to begin with. He would do as he said, and hope it would be over as quickly as it started.
A few minutes later, all the members of Team Hawk were present and in their T.Gears. They looked like finely made suits of armor that adjusted to suit the shapes of their bodies. Lyrim then activated his own, which seemed to look as ordinary as theirs.
A few eyes locked onto his armor as whispers went out “Hey, I’ve never seen that model before. What is it? While another spoke “Beats me. Doesn’t look like anything special though. Maybe a new Beast monster?”
It was rare to see new low level T.Gears due to Lazuras wanting to get a control of things, as well as not wanting to create ones that may be dangerous even at a Beast level. So they used ones in mass that they knew they could retrieve materials from easily.
Kyta spoke out as he was given a white tablet. “Listen up everyone. Giant Plains is known for its enormous Mega Beast and Beast creatures. We will have to be careful. I don’t want anyone falling behind or getting squashed.“
Sounds of quiet chuckles echoed slowly before Kyta smiled and chuckled at his joke. At that moment, the field portal opened in the same way the Shadow Chasm one had opened. The frame twisting and spinning before emitting light and a sphere of energy, forming in the center.
The entire group then made their way inside after a scout had gone and come back to tell it was safe. As they entered the field portal, two realities began to collide, but caused no disturbance as the second reality became real and the first slowly vanished.
It left only a vast, grassy plains with a faint green sky with silvery clouds. In the distance, in the sky, a soft green sun that emitted heat. Most likely the reason for the planets color.
Other than the sun, this planet had 3 moons. 2 of which were quite large, and the other being significantly smaller. They seemed like nothing special, but Lyrim’s eyes widened as he enjoyed the sensation of experiencing a new sight.
“Incredible... “ He spoke softly, to which Leona glared at him “Pfft, so called Team Deadly member thinks this is a tour to enjoy the sights. Pay attention” Lyrim gazed at her and gave a soft glare, as if wondering what her problem was.
Kyta then called the group to attention, as the two scouts went on ahead to explore and check if things were safe to advance, reporting back every minute. After 10 minutes, Kyta spoke out after talking to a scout next to him.
“Listen up. Lay just found a group of Beast level Tuskaphants with a variant Mega Beast Spineaphant. I’m sure you all know what these guys are capable of, but since we have a new member I’m going to explain again.”
(PR Note: When I right clicked Tuskaphants to see what it was geing to correct to, it said Tuska Pants XD[I don’t know why I find that so funny])
It seems regardless of Kyta wanting Lyrim on the sidelines, he still wanted to be on the safe side. “Tuskaphants have 4 large tusks on there faces, and span 8 meters in height and 6 meters in length. They’re not hard to deal with if you take into account their crappy turning ability.”
A few more laughs before Kyta continued. Lyrim began to think to himself “-These guys must really be close. I guess that must be the reason they were all so negative towards me joining-”
Kyta went on “A Spineaphant is harder to deal with. Its entire body is covered with bone like spines, so it’s going to be a bit more durable. If you get hit, its going to hurt and probably kill for the less durable T.Gears. Be very careful.
But, like the Tuskaphant, this guy has bad turning ability. Even though his charge is quick, if we can get him in terrain that’s better for us we can use Tez and Vez’s Dela Croc T.Gears to pierce through its undersides.
Both Tez and Vez cheered in unison. One was a boy the other a girl, who looked nearly identical. Obviously twins, Lyrim thought curiously. “The rest of you, I want to be careful, and focus on the Tuskaphants.
Their durability is much less, and shouldn’t be a problem if you dodge. After that, you will come assist straight away with the Spineaphant.”
They all nodded and began to move out. A few minutes later they arrived in a somewhat closed off rocky area near a hillside path that seemed to be connected to a small mountain. In the distance, 7 large, red scaled creatures which seemed to be rubbing their tusks against the dirt as well as each other, as if playing.
In the center, was a larger creature, nearly double the size of the others, resting on its knees, which must be quite strong to support that weight. “Damn that’s huge…” Spoke one of the friends to another.
Kyta chuckled quietly “Don’t let its size fool you. As long as you focus on the others, Tez, Vez, and me will handle the big one”
After waiting a bit, Kyta nodded and whispered “3….2….1 go!” Both Tez and Vez rushed towards the herd, which seemed to quickly call to attention. As they both ran quickly, avoiding the large Tuskaphants, they both hit their large armored like claws against the front of the Spineaphant, which seemed to hit back.
The force caused them to blow back as a hard wind blew. The Spineaphant stood up as the twins regained their balance. The Spineaphant emitted a near deafening roar as it began to charge towards the twins, who then ran towards the mountain path.
“Go!” As the Spinephant left, leaving the Tuskaphants there, as if knowing their alpha would take care of the intruders. They were suddenly attacked by a group of others. At that moment, Kyta went off to chase after the Spineaphant to assist the twins, while he left the others to combat the Tuskaphants.
One student, Sean, who wielded a T.Gear made from Grass Rabbit, had powerful leg strength as well as strong kicks. He was most suited to avoid the charges of the Tuskaphants.
As one got near him, he used his legs to kick up the dirt, leaving the Tuskaphant in the dust before he kicked his feet again, plowing his foot into the side of the creature, which shuddered before being pushed back several feet. Its large legs causing the ground to dig up as the force moved it back.
Sean whistled in surprise “Damn these things are tough.“ As he moved his foot away, he noticed a large bulge in the side of where he kicked. It seemed as if he may have broken a rib or two “That’s better..”
Leona, whose T.Gear was made from Earth Cat, was agilely navigating her way through a bunch of her comrades fighting their respective Tuskaphant.
She jumped up towards one of the Tuskaphants, which spun its head in a sort of slashing manner, as if to damage her. But she caught onto its horns and then scratched her hands towards the creatures eyes, causing blood to run and blinding it and making it collapse.
Her fellow students gazed with awe and respect. One female spoke “D..Damn, she got stronger again..” Their joyful expressions soon turned to one of fear as a deafening roar again echoed out.
From the mountain path was the Spineaphant, its undersides bloodied and one of its front horns broken. It gazed at the group and began its immense charge towards a group of 3 T.Gear users.
Leona bit her lips “Shit...Where are the others, Were they defeated…?”
(A.N i wonder if some of you allready hate leona hahaha btw i noticed my use of , without pring has improved a bit *mindblown* my grammar has improved by 1% )
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